Aesthetic Theory: Essential

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Essential Texts


Edited with commentary by Mark Foster Gage

W. W. Norton S Company
New York • London

Preface 7

Acknowledgments 13

Introduction 15

1. Plato 29

From Symposium 30

From Phaedo 33

From Timaeus 42

2. Aristotle 45

From Metaphysics 47

From Poetics 51

From Politics 53
From Eudemian Ethics 59

From Nicomachean Ethics 62

3. Marcus Vitruvius Pollio 65

From Ten Books on Architecture 67

4. Leon Battista Alberti 73

From De Re Aedificatoria 74

5. Immanuel Kant 81

From The Critique ofJudgment 82

6. Edmund Burke 93

From A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of our Ideas

of the Sublime and Beautiful 94

7. Conrad Fiedler ns

From On Judging Works of Visual Art 117

8. Friedrich Nietzsche 137

From The Birth of Tragedy 138

From Human, All Too Human 144

9. Oscar Wilde m

From The Picture of Dorian Gray 150

10. Henri Bergson 153

From Creative Evolution 154

From Introduction to Metaphysics 156

11. CliveBell iei

From Art 162

12. Geoffrey Scott 179

From The Architecture of Humanism: A Study in the

History of Taste 180

13. Walter Benjamin 197

From The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical

Reproduction 198

14. Georges Bataille 211

From "The Language of Flowers" 212

From Erotism 218

15. Susan Sontag 225

"On Style" 226

16. Frederic Jameson 249

"Cognitive Mapping" 250

17. Elaine Scarry 265

From On Beauty and Being Just 266

18. Alexander Nehamas 279

From Only a Promise of Happiness: The Place of Beauty

in a Word of Art 280

19. NickZangwill 291

From Beauty 292

20. David Freedberg and Vittorio Gallese 309

From Motion, Emotion and Empathy in Esthetic

Experience 310

Index 325

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