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OT – the backbone of the SmartGrid

Who we are?

„EMEIA OT Advisory Services Center”

The team of OT engineers and architects

EY Advanced Security Office of Universities and Critical The network

Centers (ASC) Technical Technology Infrastructure of trusted
Inspection Institutes Solutions Institute experts
A team of PEN-test and OT A government unit specializing We use a network
equipment certification experts - in the analysis and certification We cooperate with number of The team of experts and developers of experts, specialised
headquaters Houston, USA. of OT equipment academic centrers of MES and OT systems in different areas of OT operations

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What is OT?

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© 2014 Ernst & Young – All rights reserved
What is SmartGrid?

Wikipedia. Devices
A smart grid is a modernized electrical grid that uses
analog or digital information and communication Systems
technology to gather and act on information, such as
information about the behaviors of suppliers and
consumers, in an automated fashion to improve the Communication
efficiency, reliability, economics, and sustainability of
the production and distribution of electricity Integration

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Smart Grid Technology Areas
Is there any OT..???





Smart Meters, Balancing Meters


Integrated monitoring Applications,

Sensors, PLC, Sensors, PLC, IED, Sensors, PLC, IED,
IED Substation Substation & control devices Systems &
Automation Automation
HV line Feeder Processes
protection, PMU’s protection, IEC
, IEC 61850 bus 61850 bus + SECURITY

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The Six Areas of EY „Smart” Value Proposition
What we offer in the OT area 1/3

Area of EY 'Smart' Value Proposition OT related tasks

1. St rat egic direct ion, funding & programme init iat ion
Based on our OT knowledge, we are able t o support t he list ing of st rat egic
1.Set t ing t he Smart met ering / grid st rat egic direct ion direct ions for t he SM and SG, by leading t he OT and OT securit y st rat egic
workshop wit h Cust omer.
2.Engaging senior St akeholders
3.Financing opt ions and model present at ion
4.Est ablishing t he Smart met ering business case
We will describe t he OT business and operat ional processes, as a part of t arget
5.Fut ure st at e envisioning and t arget operat ing Model design
operat ing model.
2. Smart programme cont rol & value management
1.Set t ing up t he programme st ruct ure and PMO
2.Running t he programme management
3.Ensuring independent and robust governance
We will prepare a business case for a given OT t echnology / solut ion – as a part
4.Building t he Economic business case and ret aining cont rol
of a whole.
5.Smart st rat egic decisioning, value engineering and benefit s management
6.Programme qualit y assurance and risk management
3. Smart Solut ion build, pilot ing and mass rollout
1.Early solut ion and t echnology suit abilit y evaluat ion
2.Int egrat ed operat ing model design
3.Holist ic business archit ect ure and solut ion design
4.In field archit ect ure and AMI infrast ruct ure design Our t eam will act as a part of each of t he list ed project s in t he area of OT
5.Independent and vendor agnost ic E2E solut ion archit ect ure monit oring & cont rol devices, applicat ions and syst ems
6.Pilot life cycle support : St rat egy, operat ion, assessment and opt imisat ion
7.Deployment modelling and rollout readiness
8.Deployment operat ions and cont rol

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The Six Areas of EY „Smart” Value Proposition
What we offer in the OT area 2/3

Area of EY 'Smart' Value Proposition OT related tasks

4. Cust omer & beyond t he met er
1.Defining t he cust omer st rat egy We will t ake part in t his sect ion, t o support OT relat ed st rat egy element s
2.Underst anding t he Smart cust omer and necessary t ransformat ion
3.Est ablishing t he cust omer value proposit ion, experience and journey

We will point of Smart Dat a usage opport unit ies, as t he added dat a set used by
t he grid cont rol, predict ion, forecast and balancing syst ems and applicat ions.
4.Underst anding t he Smart dat a opport unit ies and t hreat s
We will prepare and implement t he SM/ SG securit y policy, processes and
applicat ions, t o cover OT dat a and syst ems/ applicat ions.

We will prepare t he archit ect ure and implement t he OT dat a mart , analyt ical
t ools and int egrat e wit h dat a sources and Cust omer Corporat e Dat a Warehouse
5.Smart in advanced analyt ics and report ing
We will prepare t he t he OT dat a t o be a source for number of init iat ives relat ed
t o t he different areas of Cust omer business - i.e. asset maint enence, efficiency
monit oring, OT KPI's visualizat ion
6.Going beyond t he met er
5. Procurement & vendor performance management
1.Definit ion of sourcing and procurement st rat egy
2.Procurement set -up and organisat ion
3.End-t o-end procurement process management
We will use t he „soft ware select ion” met hodology, t o support Cust omer in
collect ing business and t echnology requirement s, prepare t he RFP, evaluat ion
4.Vendor engagement , assessment and select ion
crit eria and will act as t he Cust omers t eam, t o support t he opt imal OT solut ion
5.Performance management and value leakage cont rol

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The Six Areas of EY „Smart” Value Proposition
What we offer in the OT area 3/3

Area of EY 'Smart' Value Proposition OT related tasks

6. Business engagement , readiness and t ransformat ion
1.Early board and senior st akeholder buy-in for Smart
2.Act ive business readiness management
3.Cont inuous engagement and embedding
We will show t he impact of change t he OT solut ion layer on t he Cust omer
organizat ion and t he operat ional model
4.Change impact and readiness assessment
We will assess t he Cust omer readiness for t he Project and t he delivered
solut ion from t he organizat ion and t echnology perspect ive.
We will develop t he OT organizat ion design and operat ing model t oget her wit h
5.Process cent ric organisat ional design and operat ing model alignment
t he Cust omer, based on t he best pract ices.
6.Leadership and cult ural change management
7.Deployment and t ransit ion support
8.Training and cont inuous improvement capabilit y build

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Thank you for your attention!

Mirosław Ryba
Executive Director - EMEIA

Mobile: +48 660 440 049


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