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Silliman University Elementary School

Silliman University
Building Competence, Character & Faith

March 28, 2022

Dumaguete City

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Warm greetings from SUES!

SUES is pleased to inform you that our Virtual Graduation Ceremony for SY 2021-22 will be premiered on May 30,
2022 at 3:00 p.m. via Silliman University Facebook page and YouTube channel. As the program will be pre-recorded,
we need you to provide us with the following:

1. A half-body portrait picture of the pupil, taken against a white wall or beige background;


For Boys: pastel - colored, short or long-sleeves formal polo

For Girls: Sunday dress (no spaghetti straps or tube dresses)

2. Duly accomplished consent for social media release of video with child’s complete name and picture
(please refer to the attached form below).

Signing the social media release consent form will indicate that you are giving SUES permission to have your child’s
name, honors (if any), and photos shown on the pre-recorded virtual graduation video.

Kindly email the picture in .jpeg or .png format and the consent in .pdf form, to on or before
April 8, 2022. Moreover, please input the following on the E-mail subject bar: pupil’s section + complete name, e.g.,
HABAKKUK Juan B. dela Cruz.

Thank you for having been our partner in your child’s education even amid this pandemic. Thank you very much and

Best regards,

Myla June T. Patron



Please fill in the blanks with the required information.

I/We, ______________________________________ and _______________________________________

(name of parent) (name of parent)
parents of __________________________________________, consent to the posting/uploading of my/our
child’s name and picture to social media for the SUES Virtual Graduation.

I/We, ______________________________________ and _______________________________________

(name of parent) (name of parent)
parents of __________________________________________, consent to the posting/uploading of my/our
child’s name,but NOT his/her picture to social media for the SUES Virtual Graduation. (Those who will check this box
need not send a copy of their child’s photo)

____________________________________ ____________________________________
Parent’s signature over printed name Parent’s signature over printed name

Date signed: ___________________

Note: In the event that only one parent is able to sign this consent form, the school will take the signature that appears in
this document as representative of the consent given by both parents.

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