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O-Ring Aortic Banding Versus Traditional Transverse

Aortic Constriction for Modeling Pressure Overload-

Induced Cardiac Hypertrophy
Nesrin Schmiedel1, Anca Remes1, Mohsen Valadan2, Susanne Hille1, Andrea Matzen1, Derk Frank1, Norbert Frey2, Lorenz
Lehmann2, Oliver J. Müller1
1 2
Department of Internal Medicine III, German Centre for Cardiovascular Research, University Hospital Kiel, Partner Site Hamburg/Kiel/Lübeck Internal
Medicine III, German Centre for Cardiovascular Research, University Hospital Heidelberg, Partner Site Heidelberg/Mannheim

Corresponding Authors
Nesrin Schmiedel
Aortic banding in mice is one of the most commonly used experimental models for
Oliver J. Müller
cardiac pressure overload-induced cardiac hypertrophy and the induction of heart
failure. The previously used technique is based on a threaded suture around the aortic
arch tied over a blunted 27 G needle to create stenosis. This method depends on
the surgeon manually tightening the thread and, thus, leads to high variance in the
Schmiedel, N., Remes, A., Valadan, M.,
Hille, S., Matzen, A., Frank, D., Frey, N., diameter size. A newly refined method described by Melleby et al. promises less
Lehmann, L., Müller, O.J. O-Ring
variance and more reproducibility after surgery. The new technique, o-ring- aortic
Aortic Banding Versus Traditional
Transverse Aortic Constriction for banding (ORAB), uses a non-slip rubber ring instead of a suture with a thread, resulting
Modeling Pressure Overload-Induced
in reduced variation in pressure overload and reproducible phenotypes of cardiac
Cardiac Hypertrophy. J. Vis. Exp. (188),
e64455, doi:10.3791/64455 (2022). hypertrophy. During surgery, the o-ring is placed between the brachiocephalic and left
carotid arteries. Successful constriction is confirmed by echocardiography. After 1 day,
Date Published
correct placement of the ring results in an increased flow velocity in the transverse
October 6, 2022
aorta over the o-ring-induced stenosis. After 2 weeks, impaired cardiac function is
proven by decreased ejection fraction and increased wall thickness. Importantly,
besides less variance in the diameter size, ORAB is associated with lower intra-
and post-operative mortality rates compared with transverse aortic constriction (TAC).
URL Thus, ORAB represents a superior method to the commonly used TAC surgery, resulting in more reproducible results and a possible reduction in the number of
animals needed.


While physiological cardiac hypertrophy can be observed cardiac hypertrophy responds to hemodynamic stress
during development, exercise, and pregnancy, pathological conditions like arterial hypertension, valvular heart disease,

Copyright © 2022 JoVE Journal of Visualized Experiments October 2022 • 188 • e64455 • Page 1 of 12
or gene mutations. Initially, the heart undergoes a well as high variation in the extent of stenosis in the surviving
remodeling characterized by increased cardiomyocyte size animals.
and thickening of the ventricular walls to maintain cardiac
Recently, an optimized procedure of aortic banding was
function1 , 2 . On the other hand, pathological cardiac
described by Melleby et al.10 . They presented the ORAB (o-
remodeling is associated with an increased risk for
ring aortic banding) method with less variance in stenosis and
arrhythmia, sudden death, and high mortality. Finally, with
highly reproducible levels of pressure overload by using a
time, it results in ventricular dilation, a strong decrease
non-slip rubber o-ring with a fixed inner diameter of 0.71 mm,
in contractile function, and eventual progression to heart
0.66 mm, and 0.61 mm. In short, the o-ring is cut open, placed
failure (HF), which is associated with high morbidity, mortality,
around the ascending arch, and closed again by threads.
and societal costs3 . Therefore, there is an urgent need to
Other scientists using these o-rings reported less variability in
understand the molecular background in order to develop new
the induced cardiac hypertrophy9 . They also observed intra-
therapeutic strategies4 .
and post-operative mortality, as well as better reproducibility
Aortic banding is a model that mimics pressure overload- and less variance in the induced hypertrophic phenotype9 , 11 .
induced left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy and heart failure The present article describes the procedure of this unique
in mice5 . With this method, it is possible to examine strategy in a step-by-step protocol. The expertise shared in
the pathomechanisms of pressure overload-induced cardiac this report will help other scientists to improve their techniques
remodeling in vivo. The first aortic banding procedure in in this area.
mice was reported by Rockman et al.6 . Pressure overload
To induce cardiac hypertrophy resulting in heart failure after 6
is induced by a thread suture-based ligation around the
weeks, 12-week-old C57BL/6N male mice are recommended
aorta (between the brachiocephalic and left common carotid
for surgery. A comparison 2 weeks after aortic banding
artery). To create a 0.4 mm diameter stenosis, a suture is
between the mouse substrains C57BL/6N and C57BL/6J
placed around a 27 G needle and the aorta. After ligation, the
showed severe cardiac dysfunction and associated increased
needle is removed6 , 7 .
mortality in C57BL/6N mice. Therefore, these are better
Even though the needle diameter is fixed, the tightness of suited for models of heart failure12 . Twelve-week-old male
the thread is highly dependent on the surgeon and, therefore, and female mice have an optimal size for exposure of the
affects the induced phenotype of cardiac hypertrophy. In aorta and placement of the o-ring with special instruments.
addition, in the thread/suture-based method, there is a
variable degree of stenosis diameter after surgery, associated

with a high variance in mortality8 , 9 . Moreover, training this The animal experiments were carried out under the principles
method is challenging, especially regarding finding the right of the regional committee (Ministerium für Energiewende,
level and consistency in tightening the thread. Finally, at the Landwirtschaft, Umwelt, Natur und Digitalisierung des Landes
beginning of training, high intra- and post-operative mortality Schleswig-Holstein, permission number: V242-21249/2020
due to disruption of the aorta or other tissue injury occurs, as [38-4/20]). The mice used for the present study were obtained

Copyright © 2022 JoVE Journal of Visualized Experiments October 2022 • 188 • e64455 • Page 2 of 12
from a commercial source (see Table of Materials). The 1. First, perform one cut of the o-ring (see Table of
animals were kept under standard conditions with a 12 h light, Materials) under the microscope using scissors or a
12 h night cycle; water and food were offered ad libitum. scalpel to enable the placement around the aorta (Figure
1A, B).
1. Animal care
2. Pierce each ring side close to the cut with a needle

1. House the mice in specialized cages with bedding, connected with an 8-0 non-absorbable suture and pull

nesting material, a hiding place, and proper access to the thread. Cut and leave 2-3 cm on one side and 2 cm

drinking water and food. on the other side to fasten the o-ring around the aorta in
the final step (Figure 1C, D).
2. Keep the animals under continuous specialized
veterinary control and treatment. 3. Before surgery, take the ligation aid (species instrument,

NOTE: For mice ordered by external suppliers, please see Table of Materials) and pull the end of the thread

assure 7 days of acclimation before starting the (which is kept longer) of one ring side through the hole of

procedure. the constriction (Figure 1E, F). Put the ligation aid with
the attached o-ring aside for placement in the following
2. Preparation of the o-ring step (step 6).

NOTE: An o-ring with a fixed diameter of 0.4 mm is 4. For the disinfection of the ring with the threads, place the
recommended to induce cardiac hypertrophy after 2 weeks. ring in an alcohol solution for half an hour. Afterward, lay
The extent and severity of the cardiac phenotype induced it on cellulose to dry. Keep the dried ring in a closed tub or
depend on the size of the o-ring diameter. case until use. During the surgery, after pulling the thread
through the ligation aid, place the ring on a clean surface
until use.

Copyright © 2022 JoVE Journal of Visualized Experiments October 2022 • 188 • e64455 • Page 3 of 12
Figure 1: Performing the o-ring preparation for ligation. (A) An o-ring with a fixed diameter is cut with scissors or a
scalpel on one side. (B) Image of an o-ring. (C) Each o-ring side is pierced with an 8-0 prolene thread. (D) O-ring pierced
with two threads. (E) The threads of one ring side of the o-ring are pulled through the hole of the ligation aid. (F) Final
position before placement: the threads of one side are placed through the hole of the ligation aid, while the threads of the
other side are kept loose. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.

2. After premedication, anesthetize the mouse in an

3. Premedication of the mice and preparation of
the operating field induction chamber with 2%-4% isoflurane mixed with
0.5-1.0 L/min of 100% O2.
1. To receive sufficient analgesia during the surgery, inject
3. Shave the fur on the left thorax side of the sedated
the analgesic buprenorphine (0.1 mg/kg, see Table of
mouse. After shaving, put the mouse back into the
Materials) intraperitoneally 20 min before proceeding to
isoflurane-filled chamber and wait for sufficient sedation
the surgery.
before intubating the animal.
NOTE: For the present study, the pain medication was
NOTE: The right time point of the sedation shows slow
used following the recommendations of the Gesellschaft
breathing but avoids snap breathing. Depending on the
für Versuchstierkunde/Society of Laboratory Animal
isoflurane gas setting, it takes 2-3 min to achieve the right
Science (GV-SOLAS).
level of sedation.

Copyright © 2022 JoVE Journal of Visualized Experiments October 2022 • 188 • e64455 • Page 4 of 12
4. Turn the heating pad on before the surgery to maintain 7. Use this hand also to introduce the endotracheal tube into
the animal's body temperature (37 °C). Connect the the trachea. On the other hand, still hold the intubation
heating pad to a rectal probe (see Table of Materials) to aid. For intubation, use a 22 G cannula (see Table of
maintain the mouse's body temperature automatically. Materials) (Figure 2A[1]).

8. Connect the endotracheal tube position via a three-way

4. Intubation of the mice
stopcock to a ventilator (see Table of Materials) for
1. Prepare the required instruments (Figure 2A). mice to confirm the correct endotracheal tube position
Disinfect the laryngoscope before the surgery by placing (endotracheal).
it in alcohol for about 1-3 minutes and then keeping it for
9. Monitor the right ventilation according to the
drying overnight.
manufacturer's instructions (tidal volume of 200 µL and
2. Stretch a rubber band around the heating pad to fix the respiration rate between 100-150 breaths/min) (Figure
mouse with the front teeth on the plate. Place the sedated 2C).
mouse on the heating pad in a supine position.
10. Confirm sufficient anesthetic depth by a toe pinch reflex
3. Place the rubber band over the animal's front teeth to check (no reflex response).
extend the neck on the plate.
11. Turn the anesthesia setting to 2% isoflurane mixed with
4. Focus a light source on the throat for good visibility of 0.5-1.0 L/min 100% O2.
the opening of the trachea for the endotracheal intubation
12. Apply ophthalmic ointment on the eyes to avoid dryness
(Figure 2B).
during the surgery.
5. Open the mouth gently with one hand positioning an
13. Using a cotton swab, disinfect the surgery area 3 times
intubation aid (handmade laryngoscope, see Table of
with a commercially available disinfectant solution (see
Materials) (Figure 2A[3]).
Table of Materials).
6. With the other hand and small forceps, gently move the
tongue to clear the opening of the trachea.

Copyright © 2022 JoVE Journal of Visualized Experiments October 2022 • 188 • e64455 • Page 5 of 12
Figure 2: Intubation of the mouse. (A) Intubation instruments: (1) A 22 G i.v. cannula is used as an endotracheal tube
(without mandarin); (2) Forceps; (3) Handmade laryngoscope (deformed/flattened cannula glued with wooden sticks and
tape). (B) Performing intubation on the positioned heating pad. (C) Intubated mouse connected to a ventilator. Please click
here to view a larger version of this figure.

4. To expose the aortic arch, try to lift up and gently

5. Surgery and preparation for ring positioning
separate the thymus and fat tissue from the arch with fine
NOTE: Use sterile materials and instruments to avoid
tip 45° angled forceps.
6. Ligation of the transverse aorta with the o-ring
1. Use scissors to make a 0.5-1 cm long skin incision in
1. Expose the aortic arch with 45° angled forceps in one
the middle of a line between the xyphoid process and left
hand. Position, with the other hand, the o-ring connected
axilla. Use forceps to separate the muscle layer from the
with the ligation aid via the threads of one side (step 2).
underlying ribs and place two retractors (5 mm length,
see Table of Materials) into the incision to expose the 2. Pass the threads using the ligation aid under the aortic
rib cage. arch from the caudal side to the cranial side of the
transverse aorta between the brachiocephalic and left
2. To start the left thoracotomy, perform a small incision
common carotid arteries (Figure 3A).
(~1-2 mm) in the intercostal muscles between the second
and third rib using micro spring scissors. Open the 3. Take both threads between the ligation aid and the aortic
thoracic cavity and spread the incision with 45° angled arch with the forceps carefully. Retract and remove the
forceps. ligation aid and gently position the o-ring around the arch
by pulling the threads on each side (Figure 3B).
3. Place three chest retractors (1.0-2.5 mm length) into
the incision for opening the thoracic cavity to improve 4. After successful positioning, fix the o-ring with the threads
visualization. and a surgical knot. Make an additional one to avoid
opening the knot on each side (Figure 3C).

Copyright © 2022 JoVE Journal of Visualized Experiments October 2022 • 188 • e64455 • Page 6 of 12
Figure 3: Performing the o-ring implantation. (A) The aortic arch is exposed by three retractors of 1.0-2.5 mm. Both long
threads of one ring side are passed under the aorta. (B) The o-ring will be placed by gently pushing the ring and pulling the
threads. (C) The is o-ring is in the right position, and one cranial thread is knotted with caudal thread on each side. Please
click here to view a larger version of this figure.

Lay the mouse on the left side under the heat lamp in its
7. Suture and post-operative recovery
care unit and observe it until it is completely awake.

1. Remove the three chest retractors (2.5 mm length) from 7. Do not leave an animal unattended until it has regained
the incision. sufficient consciousness.

2. If needed, eliminate the residual air from the thorax by NOTE: An animal that has undergone surgery should get

filling it with a warm 0.9% isotonic salt solution. its own care unit (cage) for better recovery.

3. To expose the thorax incision for suture, take two 8. Perform pain management with tramadol (1 mg/mL) in

retractors (5 mm length) again to hold the skin on the drinking water for 7 days and buprenorphine (0.1 mg/

side. kg, 3x daily) by intraperitoneal injection for 3 days after

surgery if needed.
4. Close the thorax with two or three 6-0 non-absorbable
NOTE: Follow local animal ethics committee
sutures (see Table of Materials) and pinch off the
recommendations for postoperative analgesia.
outflow of the ventilator for 2 s to reinflate the lungs.
9. Check medication by weighing the water bottles daily and
5. Remove the two retractors and close the skin with three
watch the animal's behavior.
to five 4-0- absorbable sutures.

6. Turn off the isoflurane and monitor. When the animal

starts self-breathing, the whiskers are moving, and the
toe pinch reflexes can be triggered, extubate the mouse.

Copyright © 2022 JoVE Journal of Visualized Experiments October 2022 • 188 • e64455 • Page 7 of 12
this measurement, position the transducer head
8. Confirmation of successful constriction and
parasternally on the right thorax side to localize the aortic
right position of the ring
arch by two-dimensional (2D) imaging ("B-mode").
1. One day after surgery, verify the stenosis using
1. Use the color Doppler to visualize the blood flow in
ultrasound by measuring the maximal flow velocity over
the aorta and measure with the pulsed wave Doppler
the stenosis.
blood flow velocity over the stenosis.
2. For measurements, use echocardiography with an NOTE: Sham-operated mice (control surgery
ultrasound system and a transducer probe with a without a constriction) show a blood flow velocity of
frequency of 30 MHz (see Table of Materials). ~600-900 mm/s. In addition, a successful ORAB also

3. As described above, maintain anesthesia using a mask results in an increased velocity flow ratio between

at 1.5%-2% isoflurane with 0.5-1.0 L/min of 100% O2. the right carotid (~150 mm/s) (RC, Figure 4A) and
the left carotid (~300 mm/s) LC, Figure 4B) in the
4. Place the anesthetized animal on the heating pad in a
supine position. Connect the heating pad with a rectal
7. Visualize the right and left arteria carotis interna by
probe to maintain the body temperature at 37 °C ± 1 °C,
two-dimensional (2D) imaging (B-mode). Position the
and monitor the heart rate with an ECG using four mouse
transducer head horizontal on the left and right sides of
paw sensors (see Table of Materials).
the neck at a 45° angle and use the pulsed wave Doppler
5. For better visualization, use depilation creme.
to determine the blood flow velocity.
6. A successfully performed ORAB results in an NOTE: In sham-operated mice, the velocity flow in both
increased flow velocity over the stenosis as measured arteries is similar.
by ultrasound (~2,400 mm/s) (Figure 4C). For

Copyright © 2022 JoVE Journal of Visualized Experiments October 2022 • 188 • e64455 • Page 8 of 12
Figure 4: Confirmation of transverse aorta ligation using pulse wave Doppler velocity measurement in the carotid
arteries. (A) Representative pulsed wave Doppler velocity signals of the right carotid artery. (B) The stenosis results in a
higher flow velocity in the right carotid artery than in the left. (C) The stenosis induced by constriction results in a flow velocity
in the descending aorta of more than 2,400 mm/s. Sham mice show a flow velocity of 600-900 mm/s. Please click here to
view a larger version of this figure.

vivo by echocardiography13 . Successful induction of aortic

Representative Results stenosis is shown by increased blood flow velocity over the

Generally, aortic banding mimics human aortic stenosis and stenosis in the aorta measured by pulsed wave Doppler

induces cardiac hypertrophy in mice. A successful procedure ultrasound (Figure 4C). Additionally, as described above, we

is characterized by heart tissue remodeling reflected by determine the blood flow velocity ratio between the right and

cardiac hypertrophy and reduced heart function5 , 6 . left internal carotid arteries as a functional marker of ORAB
(Figure 4A,B).
Directly 1 day after the operation, the effect of o-ring
constriction of the transverse aorta can be determined in

Copyright © 2022 JoVE Journal of Visualized Experiments October 2022 • 188 • e64455 • Page 9 of 12
Two weeks after placing the 0.4 mm o-ring, the successful surgery, increased left ventricular (LV) posterior wall (LVPW)
induction of cardiac hypertrophy can be determined by and interventricular septum (IVS) diameters in diastole can be
echocardiography. The two-dimensional (2D) time-motion observed (Figure 5B). Additionally, a progressive worsening
mode (M-mode) displays the visualized cardiac structures of cardiac function can be documented by measuring
as they change over the cardiac cycle. Two weeks post decreased left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF).

Figure 5: Confirmation of induced cardiac hypertrophy after 2 weeks post surgery by echocardiography. (A)
Representative M-mode image of a sham-operated mouse 2 weeks post surgery. (B) M-mode imaging of an ORAB-
operated mouse 2 weeks post surgery with increased left ventricular posterior wall (LVPW) and interventricular septum (IVS)
diameters in diastole. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.

Discussion surgery. Another advantage is the faster learning and easier

placement in this method. With the thread/suture-based
Thread/suture-based aortic banding has been used for
process, finding the right degree of ligation around the aorta
many years to induce pressure-overload cardiac hypertrophy
usually takes time and experience. In contrast, this is not
in mice. It is an established method to investigate
necessary to the same extent with the o-ring approach
the pathomechanisms of cardiac remodeling and disease
because of the fixed diameter or the o-ring.
progression in vivo. The limitations are the relatively high
variance in the degree of stenosis and, consequently, the Open chest surgery is a critical point in the ORAB technique,
remodeling. The recently introduced ORAB technique first which is painful for the animal but necessary for o-ring ligation.
described by Melleby et al.10 optimizes the conventional In order to achieve better recovery and avoid the occurrence
method by using a rubber o-ring. of atelectasis, it is important to prevent lung injury and to
monitor ventilation through the ventilator. For the thread/
The most valuable benefit of this technique is the fixed
suture-based method, there is the opportunity for a minimally
diameter of the o-ring, which leads to less variability
invasive technique. In this procedure, the tissue is spread
in the degree of the stenosis and, consequently, to
with one pair of forceps only for putting the thread around the
more reproducible phenotypes of cardiac hypertrophy post

Copyright © 2022 JoVE Journal of Visualized Experiments October 2022 • 188 • e64455 • Page 10 of 12
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