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ne wintiivesn ing 1 & |When one ver follows another te second ver is always either an-ing form or an infinitive, with or without fo. “The form ofthe second verb depends on the firs verb. Allthe verbs inthis unit marked *can also normally be followed by that clause withthe sare mearing (e087, EIB Verb + to infinitive Ifyou decide to add nuts: hope to se you later [Notice how the negative i formed: Ifyou decide not to ice it ‘The following verbs +t infinitive always have an object before the to infinitive: Her father taught her to play tennis. The teacher reminded the children to bring their swimming things. The schoo allows students to wear jeans ‘Adie allow, encourage forbid ae permit can abso be followed by ing when theres no object: ‘advise you to add nits or {advise adding rus “The folowing verbs +1 infinitive sometimes have an object: We expected tobe late. or We expected Tom tobe late. We wanted to stay longer or We wanted them to stay longer. ‘A Would like, would ov, would prefer, etc. are als followed bythe to infinitive (>see BA), Verb + infinitive without to ‘Modal verbs (can, could, may, might, must need, shal should wil, would), hod better and would rather are followed by the infinitive without to (> seealso Units 1,13 and 14): You should ad the egg lowly You needn't include ruts. Help can be folowed bythe infinitive with or without to: We helped them (to) start thei car ‘Make and et (always wth an object) ae followed by the infinicve without to: tet the coke coo! for half on hour ‘made my sister help withthe cooking (= forced or obliged her to help) fi 129 | enjoy making it ‘Avoid adding the eggs all at the same time Keep beating the ees. suggest adding oli leon juice Notice how the negative is formed ‘fyou don't eave immediatly, you risk not catching your pane Can you imagine not having a car nowadays? ‘Verb + to infinitive or -ing (with no difference in meaning) Continue adding the flour. oF Continue to add ne fou | prefer using apricots. oF I prefer to use pnts. ove making cokes. oF (love to make cokes Two sing forms do no usually follow each ether: | starting to make acake when the phone rang (not as sorting making) {Ake prefer hate and ove canbe followed by thet infniive ong but woud ike, would pee, would hate and woul love are aiayslloned by the toinfinve: ‘She ould ike to go ou but we would prefer to stayin ‘A.Ute +t infinitive has sigh different meaning fem hie + ing {ke catch te early bus on Monday (= Usa good thing to door’ a abit but no necesaly something enjoy) ke swimming (=eroy) ‘Verb + to infinitive or -ing (with a difference in meaning) ‘The following verbs have two diferent meanings dependingon the verb frm hat follows: Remember to check whether the cake is ready. | | remember checking that hod my keys when | (remember an action youneed todo) | left the house (= have a memory ofa past acton) Dont forget to add he baling powder "Hi never forget going to chool on my own for the (= falco remember something you need ro | fst me (= lose the memory of something ou ao) id) ‘regret to inform you thet your application | We regret sending our daughter to that school. was unsuccessjul (= Yam sorrytotell you...) | (= we wish wehadnt) She stopped to havea et Stop beating wetness ond ay (inorder to have set) nish doma it) 130 The toinfi They dont mean to upset you Ufyou goby ain, that means taking a tox othe (they dont intend co) Ha wonton tll shew to moka a dif | They wont on eying ul thy reached the frm ine cid was toll us.) | (= they continued) Try tee cake uit. (= apt dot | Ty adding uso wil prove the flavour | ately ifyoucan) (do tas an experiment) El Verb + -ing or infinitive without to (with a difference in meaning) The following verbs connected with the senses may be followed by an object and either-ng or the infitive without to: [Notice che difference in meaning berween ver + ng and ve + infinitive without te: | watched the boys playing fotbal (= an activity continuing over a period of time) | watched the boy kick the ootbilinto the roo (= ashore completed ation) She heard her mather singing os she came downsoirs (=a continuing action) She heard the corbel ring (=a short completed action) Verb + that clause [All che verbs marked *in this unit can also be followed by that cause with the same meaning She admitted taking the money. = She admitted (that) she had taken the money Imagine sting on o tropical beach wth a ool drink = Imagine (that) you'r sitting on @ topical beach suggest adding some lemon juice. =| suggest (that) you add some lemon juice, recommend using sultans and apricots. = recommend (that) you ute sultanas and apricots. They agreed to leave cary. = They agreed (that) they would leave ear [ED Adjective + to infinitive _Many adjectives can be followed by the to infinie. These are some common ones: [im surprised to see you hee The book was hard to understand and at times | found it almost impossible to rea. ‘The adjectives marked * can sometimes lio be followed by Jing with the same meaning: its nice meeting friend afterschool. OF Its nice to meet friends afterschool, See also Unit 21,81 for adjectives followed by a preposition + ing or a noun 13t wera ng 18 18 srcrointrisve nt in Genes ED complete this conversation using the verbs in brackets. ‘Andy, Ivedecided (1) to leave _ (leave) my job next month, Sally: But thought you enjoyed (2) _ (work) nan architect office, ‘Andy: Oh. do. But feel ike (3) _(do) something diferen fora whi. Sally: Didrt you promise (4) _(stay) there atleast ewo years? ‘Andy; Yes, dd but just ant stand (5) (work) with those people. One of them refuses o— (stop aking while she works, another one keeps (7) (sing) Ce himselt And then theresarman who: (et awl jokes al the time, hich he always gets wrong. t detest (9) (work) with all hat noise around me, Sally: Iesounds quice a cheerful place to me. Cant you manage (10)__(ignor) chem and igeton wth your work? ‘Andy: No,Lcantt.|just cant cary on (11) (go) there every day. hoping (12) _ (go) abroad fora bt. Sally: Well goodluck TE choose the correct form ofthe verb. | noticed the man drop / dropping /to drop histicket so picked i up for him, The tour guide advised the tourists no ake / taking to take too much money ou ofthe hotel with them Ueard the horses come / coming /to come down the lane so waited fr them co pass before driving on. ‘The old man sad he would love have / having / to have the chance to flyin an aeroplane again. 1 2 3 ‘ 5 Don't make the children come / coming /to come with uso the shops if they dont want ro, 6 I saw the boy jump / jumping / to jump inco the lake before anyone could stop him, 7. recommend phone / phoning /to phone te restaurant before you set of '8 We were so pleased hear / hearing to hear that Josh can come to the wedding afterall. 8 Theschool only allows students et / eating / eat inthe dining room. 10 Itwas my drama teacher who encouraged me become / becoming | to become an actor nal ae EE Hittin che gaps with the correct form of the verbs in the box. 1 fi go omy friends wedding will mean _buuing_ anew dress. 2 Please try tothe airport in good time - ibe nervous if dan see you when I come ino the arrivals all, 3. Willyou stop ______ that noise? 'm erying___ this book before go to bed. 4 forgot a table at the restaurant and ic was full when we got there, 50 we had to wait forages. 5 The children went on thei ball agains the wall although they had been rold several timesto stop. 6 Weregret____ you tha the course you applied fr now ull. 7 Tornmy says he doesnt know where my jackets, but clearly remember —_ictohim. |& When you go out of the hotel, remember____ the room key with reception because ewe only got one between us. 9 Why dont you ry___ sunglasses? Then you might not get so many headaches. 10 [saw Pili when Iwas in the parkso stopped _—___ to him. 12 Imeane___youa text when got ro the hota bu did have cme. 12 bregrer not — to Egypt with my ster because she says it was realy great wip. 13 After getting 3 degree in biology, my son went on__ a book about monkeys 14 MMhneverforget____ the sun come up over the mouncains when | was inthe Himalayas. © some of tes sentences by Cambridge Fist candidate have misaes Wasentence correct markt witha ck(/) Hiisincorrece markie witha ross (1 and core 1 Nal oe studs can ford ong abn onthe ip tee Ihope to vl the museum he nex ie ist you. Z He pretended knowing nothing about it, but knew he di Te ad efsed sell me al price keto the journey | dire we bt managed geting dow Famous people deserve to havea private life without journalists following them everywhere He wrte the letter because he wanted to avoid tobe found cut 8 don't know why the teachers delayed to tll us the results 9 don’ fe! ike going camping because lke holidays where | can relax 10 think chat lor of women disike going shopping. {11 Fveput off writing you this etter for months, but finally here its 12 They suggested to take the trp to Willamstown on the fist day. 133 | Exam practice Reading and Use of English Part 1 For questions 1-8, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, Co D) bes fs each gap, ‘There is an example a the begining © Balloon adventure Brian Jones and Bertrand Piccard wore the fst taam to go (9) A __ the word in balloon, Nobody (1) them to finish thelr astorishing 19-day expedition, especialy as they had to (2) ___with poisonous fures and temperatures of -50°C. Brian had run a business, but he got ted oft and (8) ‘to buy a balloon. Before long he was one ofthe country’s (4). baloon instructors and plots. Wry di he risk everthing for ‘one tip? He says he was nota very consent child: "When I was seven a tend (6) me go down a wate sie with him. stil (6) being absolutly terified. ve never learnt to swim property’ He thinks everyone should face their greatest (7) _ and tha sone reason why he "went up inthe balloon. Six ofthe 19 days were spent over the Pacific Ocean. Brien says he won't @ {odo it again because there are so many other things he wants todo. ©) round B through © across D above 1A expected B hoped © intondo D admitted 2 A doaway B get along © keep up D putup 3A thought B consiered © afordod D decided 4 unique B preferable © leading D suitable 5A demanded = made © encouraged «persuaded 6A forget B remind remember D regret 7 A tears B suspicions © disturbances frights BA Golay imagine © attempt D suggest Grammar focus task ‘These are some verbs from the exam task. Without locking back, put them into the table below. “Three ofthe verbs can go in two columns. Verb + abject +t infinitive | Verb + toinfinitive afford Verb + ing 134

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