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Goal: To be the no.

1 Department for Applied Psychology in India by 2027

Class Class
Driving Forces Group 1 Group 2 Rating Restraining Forces Group 1 Group 2 Rating
Open space to organize various events within the
department. 3.5 4.67 4.09 Washrooms are not well maintained. 4.571 4 4.29
A large terrace from where you can see the
entire university. 3.375 4 3.69 Many rooms have insufficient ventilation. 4 4.22 4.11

A separate room for women to rest. 3.875 3.11 3.49 Most of the rooms do not have curtains. 4.375 3.67 4.02
A psychology lab within the department for Aspects such as the walls, rooms and fans of the
testing and conducting experiments. 4.125 4.78 4.45 classrooms are not maintained. 4.5 4.78 4.64
case students need to speak with them
individually. 4.125 4.22 4.17 There is a lack of cleanliness in the department.
4.125 4.56 4.34
The department is centrally located in the The chairs in the classrooms are not in the best
university and has a good landscape. 4.25 4.56 4.41 condition. 4.5 4.33 4.42
The roads within the university are wide and
in good condition. 4 4.89 4.45 There are open wires in a few of the rooms.
3.75 3.78 3.77
The department has a separate building of its There aren't proper indicators or maps around the
own. 4.125 3.89 4.01 university and in the department.
4.25 3.78 4.02
There are provisions for ACs in most of the There aren't adequate number of classrooms given the
rooms. 3.625 4 3.81 strength of students.
3.75 4.22 3.99
The department is accessible via various The department lacks the infrastructure to be disabled
modes of transport. 3.875 4.22 4.05 friendly.
4.625 4.44 4.53
There is no parking around the department.
3.625 3.56 3.59
All the classes do not have dustbins.
There is no stationary available when required such as 4.375 3.11 3.74
markers, etc.
The washroom does not have a sanitary napkin vending 3.5 3.67 3.59
4.71 5 4.86
There isn't a room designated as a waiting room.
4.37 3.89 4.13
There aren't any ATMs inside the university.
4.24 3.56 3.90
The department does not have its own mailbox.
3.75 1 2.38


All the classrooms have projectors. 3 3.11 3.06 The department does not have a proper sound system. 4.75 4.78 4.77
The department has a practicals lab with good
equipment. 3.5 3.78 3.64 All the laptops in the department are outdated. 4.75 4.56 4.66
The modes used for the submission of assignments can
The department owns mics. 2.75 3.11 2.93 be improved. 3.625 2.67 3.15
The department does not own proper cables for
There is wifi connectivity across the campus. 3.875 3.89 3.88 connecting equipments. 4.375 3.78 4.08
The department had the facilities to conduct
classes via hybrid mode. 3.75 3.78 3.77

Digital records of the books in the central Students are not provided university email ids to access
library are available. 3.375 3.56 3.47 journals and other resources. 4.125 4.67 4.40
The department values and encourages
research. 3.75 5 4.38 Students aren't made aware about counsellors available. 4.75 4.33 4.54
The university library has a wide variety of
books. 4.25 3.56 3.91 Latest editions of books are unavailable . 4.375 3.22 3.80
Various reading materials are provided by the There is no information provided regarding available
faculty. 3.75 4.22 3.99 resources. 4.375 4.33 4.35

There is no provision for student magazines.

4.125 2.78 3.45

The department library is not very resourceful.

4.625 3.67 4.15
The university website has not been updated since a
long time.
4.5 3.89 4.20

There is an administration office within the Administration is not up to date with university
department. 3.75 3 3.38 procedures and guidelines. 4.5 4 4.25
The administration office have no set timings or
The admission process is easy. 4.25 3.67 3.96 sometimes aren't punctual. 4.875 4.67 4.77
Office still requires hard copies despite having the
amenities to switch to digital records. 4.875 4.89 4.88

Students' results are delayed each semester. 4.875 5 4.94

No rigid means of identification are provided to the
students. 4 3.89 3.95

There isn't a specific help desk students can approach.

4 3.44 3.72
There is a lack of clear communication from the
administrative staff to the students. 4.5 4.78 4.64
There isn't a framework in place to address students'
grievances. 4.375 4.78 4.58

Faculty makes use of innovative ways while There are distributed channels of communication from
teaching. 4.125 4.56 4.34 different faculty members leading to confusion. 3.625 4 3.81
Most of the faculty members are Students do not receive feedback regarding their
approachable and eager to help. 4.375 4.11 4.24 performance. 4.25 4.67 4.46
Students are encouraged to engage in There is a lack of communication between faculty of
extracurricular activities. 3.625 4.11 3.87 different specializations. 4.375 4.56 4.47
experiential learning and are research Some faculty members are inexperienced to teach
oriented. 4.25 4.11 4.18 technical softwares. 3.625 4.33 3.98
Faculty help students to prepare for There is no provision for the students to provide
interviews. 4 3.67 3.84 feedback regarding the professors. 3.75 4.89 4.32

The professors are well experienced. 4.625 4.56 4.59


There is no rigid dress code. 4.75 4.33 4.54 There are limited seats available in the hostel. 4.5 4.11 4.31

There are multiple canteens on campus. 3.625 3.33 3.48 No facilities for a cycling track inside the university. 3.75 2.33 3.04

Lack of a proper alumni network.

4.375 3.78 4.08
There are no specific departmental clubs or committees
for the students. 4.375 4.56 4.47
Students have a choice between 4 The first year of masters has very basic or unrelated
specializations. 4.375 5 4.69 papers. 3.875 2.89 3.38
The curriculum has multiple application based There is no common or proper break allotted in the
subjects that help cultivate various skills. 4.5 4.78 4.64 timetable. 4.75 4.11 4.43
The students have the opportunity to get Community or gender studies are not a part of the
placements. 4 4.11 4.06 curriculum. 3.5 3.22 3.36
Multiple field visits are arranged for the
students to gain practical exposure. 4.5 4.33 4.42 Placements and brochure are only for one specialisation. 4.5 3.56 4.03
Various opportunities for research are
provided. 4.125 4.11 4.12 Internships are not provided to all specialisations. 4.875 4.78 4.83
The department conducts numerous
workshops and guest lectures. 4.5 5 4.75 No job placements specific to specializations. 4.875 4.56 4.72
Students have the opportunity to pursue a
PhD. 4.125 5 4.56
The curriculum offers different inter-
disciplinary electives. 4.625 4.38 4.50

Students can teach later as TAs. 4.5 4 4.25

Presence of a biometric system at the
entrance of the department. 4.375 1.56 2.97 Anyone can access the department. 4 2.78 3.39
There is police stationed at all the gates of the There is no security guard present at the department's
university. 3.875 2.33 3.10 entrance. 4.375 3.11 3.74

There is no assigned emergency exit. 4.125 3.67 3.90

There is no CCTV surveillance inside the department. 4.75 4.11 4.43

There are no funds assigned for the cleanliness of the
Concessions for railways are provided. 4.25 2.67 3.46 department. 4.375 4.56 4.47
Various scholarships are in place for students
belonging to different categories. 4.125 3.22 3.67 Departmental funds aren't well allocated. 4.5 5 4.75
The fee structure for the course is
economical. 4.375 4.33 4.35 There are no funds available for organizing activities. 5 4.89 4.95

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