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Hobby-- Painting/Drawing/Sketching


1. What is the difference between the three art forms? What are the
salient elements of each?
2. What kind of painting/sketching
nting/sketching is done by you ?
3. Oil colors,
s, water colors , pastels , landscapes , human portraits,
Canvas, Spray etc ?
4. Have a basic understanding of the techniques of the art form your
are proficient in along with knowledge of various terminologies,
material used .
5. What is wet in wet technique (water colors)?
6. Whatat was impressionistic school of art? Have a brief idea i about
various prominent
inent painters – Monet, Picasso , Jamini Roy ,
Abanindranath Tagore etc.
7. Name 5 Famous Indian Painters with their style of art.
8. What has contributed to sudden resurgence in the demand and
price of Indiana art?
rt? Is there a sudden change in Indian art or is it
merely a perceptional shift?
9. Do you agree with the concept of artistic freedom of expression?
Should there be any censorship? Where should the line be drawn?
10.Have paintings/drawings as an art form developed into an
alternative vocation in India ? Or, is it limited largely as a hobby
hobb ?
What measures should be taken to promote it as a vocation?
11.What are the different art movements? ((Impressionism
Impressionism, fauvism,
cubism, realism, romanticism, etc.)
12.What measures can be taken to promote art in India?
13. What was your last piece of creation?
14.Do you create something of your own or merely copy a piece?
15.What are your views on mixed media?

Call on 809422566 for more information

Address: Opp. Fortu
Fortune Furniture, Gurjar ki Thadi, Gopalpura
opalpura bypass road.
16. Name different Painting styles of Rajasthan.
17.Famous Painters from Rajasthan ?
18.Any Painter who won a National award or recognition.
19.List various styles of painting popular in Rajasthan, their mode
(colour) characteristics etc.
20.How often do you paint?
21. Do you believe modern equipments of painting has made things
easier for you?
22. What are the different varieties of brush used in painting? Their
specific purposes.
23. What are your thoughts on using natural colours as paint?
24. How is Drawing /Painting being promoted at school level? Is it

Call on 809422566 for more information

Address: Opp. Fortune Furniture, Gurjar ki Thadi, Gopalpura bypass road.

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