Perceived Effects of Lack of Sleep To The Class Performance of Grade 11 Humanities and Social Science 2

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Dibaraybay, Dinalungan Aurora



Background of the Study

Several research studies suggest that sleep has a profound impact on the brain. Lack of

sleep/Sleep deprivation has dramatic effects on the brain and how well it performs on many day to

day tasks. The average amount of sleep needed for adults is eight hours per night however, the

amount of sleep needed per night is primarily the amount of sleep you need in order to not feel

sleepy during and throughout the day (Thomas, M., et. al, 2000). Negative effects of sleep

deprivation on alertness and cognitive performance suggest decreases in brain activity and function,

primarily in the thalamus; a structure involve in alertness, attention, and higher order cognitive

process (Thomas, M.,,2000).

While the brain has been shown to be very flexible, some effects are still shown with a lack

of sleep. One area of the brain shuts down, while others are over worked to make up for the

deteriorated performance. The part of the brain that is overworked is involved in working memory,

planning, attention and verbal fluency (DeNoon, 2000). Therefore, this part of the brain is highly

affected by the lack of sleep and will be unable to perform as well as someone who has received an

adequate amount of sleep. This lack of sleep leaves as drowsy and unable to concentrate the

following day. It also leads to, as carry out mathematical calculation (“Brain Basics,”2003).

In an article by Paul Tam titled “Sleep deprivation and cognitive function," we learn that

during our waking hours strain is placed on the frontal lobe of the cerebral cortex, or the thinking

part of the brain responsible for speech, temporal memory, and problem-solving thinking. Therefore,

sleep may seem to be beneficial to the frontal cortex and this region will be the region of the brain

Dibaraybay, Dinalungan Aurora

that would be first to weaken during sleep loss (1998). Research has shown that sleep deprived

individuals also have difficulty retrieving the right words to say and delivering them which affects

their communication skills (Tam, 2004).

As we can see the brain is highly affected by the amount of sleep that we receive each

night. Sleep provides the neurons used while we are awake the chance to shut down and repair

themselves (“brain basic,” 2003). These effects observed due to a lack of sleep are all important

skills needed for not only survival, but for the learning process to be successful. In order to get the

most out of the education, it is imperative to have proper functioning of cognitive skills, memory,

attention, concentrate and alertness, to name a few. However, all of these skills are affected by a lack

of sleep. For this reason, it is of great importance for research to be completed on the effects that a

lack of sleep could have on academic performance.

Researchers conducted this because as what they observe, some students experience lack of

sleep in school and it is one of the problem being encountered also by the teacher. The Grade 11

HUMSS in Juan C. Angara Memorial National High School are the chosen respondents of this study

to know the perceptions of every students and for the researcher to be able to give recommendations

or solutions about this kind of problem.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the effects of lack of sleep as perceived by Grade- 11 HUMSS

students of Juan C. Angara Memorial National High School (JCAMNHS), School Year 2022- 2023.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

Dibaraybay, Dinalungan Aurora

1. 1 Age;

1. 2 Sex

2. What are the perceived effects of lack of sleep to the class performance?

Scope and Delimitation of the study

This study focuses on the Lack of Sleep as perceived effect by grade 11 HUMSS Students of

JCAMNHS, School Year 2022-2023. The school is located in Barangay Dibaraybay, Dinalungan


Significance of the study

The result of this study will provide information about Lack of Sleep as perceived by Grade

11 HUMSS students of Juan C. Angara Memorial National Highschool (JCAMNHS), School Year

2022- 2023. It could be useful means to help Students, Parents, and Future Researcher in

understanding about Lack of Sleep as Perceived by Grade 11 HUMSS students of Juan C. Angara

Memorial National Highschool (JCAMNHS).

Students. The results will provide the students with some knowledge about Lack of Sleep. It

will give the students realization about does Lack of Sleep affects in every individual.

Parents. The students can give them knowledge and understanding that they can use to guide

their children and to prevent cases of Lack of Sleep especially when it comes to their children’s


Dibaraybay, Dinalungan Aurora

Future Researcher. The result will provide Future Researchers student’s the data they need

to know and will give them better understanding on how Lack of Sleep can affect us.

Teachers. This study could help the teachers to understand the effects of lack of sleep in the

class performance of their students and may serve as an eye opener on how will they handle them.

School Administrator. This study could help the school to find out what is needed to

improve the school schedule.

Definition of Terms

Class Performance- refers to how students perform in their class.

Lack of Sleep- condition of not having enough sleep.

Adolescent- a young person who is developing into young adult.

Sleep- process where the body takes rest with the eyes closed and a person becomes


Dibaraybay, Dinalungan Aurora


Related Literature/Studies


Lack of sleep is no longer common disorder in this advanced century as it affects most of

adolescence, ranging from 13 years old to 19 years old. It is disorder that disturbs their circadian

rhythms, causes them to have irregular and inadequate hours of sleep, and results of in their failure of

performing physical and mental tasks precisely and accurately. Several factors are perceived to be

correlated with insufficient of sleep in adolescents. Some exemplification encompass addiction of

playing video games and surfing internet, stress from examination, and doing homework.

According to Nasim et al., (2018), “ reported that near one- half of teenagers suffer from

sleep deprivation during weekdays and three- fourths are not feeling fresh in the morning. The

researchers discovered that regular day- time napping observes within the week. The number of

biological, demographic, lifestyle, and environmental factors are notably related to sleep deprivation,

there should be preventive approaches. Delaying the time when school should start in the morning

and sleep hygiene behaviors encourages teenage and public responsiveness of the importance of

sleep and consequences of sleep deprivation.”

According to Okano et al., (2019), “ in teenagers and young adults who stay up late but are

limited by rigid morning schedules, sleep inconsistency tends to be highest. In college, adolescents

who experience more significant sleep variability perform worse.

Dibaraybay, Dinalungan Aurora


Theoretical/Conceptual Framework(For Quantitative Research)

The conceptual framework of the study is based on schematic model. The model shows the

elements needed for the study which is composed of input, process, and output. The input is the

profile of the respondents, and the perceived effect of lack of sleep. The process is the procedure to

be done in gathering and analyzing data where questionnaire is being used to show the result of the


This framework is consideredPROCESS
to be related to each other.
Perceived effect of lack of

sleep to the class

Survey Questionnaire performance among grade

11 students in Juan C.

Angara Memorial

National High School,

School Year 2022-2023.

Dibaraybay, Dinalungan Aurora


1. Profile of the Respondents

1.1 Age Assumption

1.2 Sex The following is the predicted assumption:

1.3 Section 1. The researchers assumed that lack of sleep can result of can’t
cooperate during class discussion.
2. What is the perceived

effect of lack of sleep to the

class performance of grade

11 students HUMSS of Juan

C. Angara Memorial


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