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There is a requirement to limit jobs -> False

2.Match the characteristics with DSE ->Dynamic(A), Scalable(B), Fast(c), Stateless(E)

3. Acme services require the ability to plan reactive and PM Jobs-> Cyclic

4. Resource Planner-> All of the above

5. A customer creates a lot of tickets-> activity will not be considered

6. It is possible to assign a specific dataset a specific instance of the DSE application ->True

7. what best describes PSO tier design-> A 5 tier architecture, client-middle-data-scheduling-


8. Activity data options only-> Activity types, SlA types, Appointment templates, slot usage rules

9. general data options only-> Attributes, skills, locations, rules

10. ACME Services are using many servers running PSO in a business critical operation

->upgrade test and verify the upgrade does not cause any issues

-> ensure adequate backups have been taken and verified

->plan the upgrade

11. The use of date_time_fixed will cause all other time constraints to be ignored-> True
12. Related to SLA Templates are true

-> An SLA Template defines a set of SLA Types which are used as a group for a specified type of

->SLA Templates allow combination of SLA's

-> SLA Templates requires integration with ARP

13. Skills can be preassigned to resources but not resource types-> False

14. There are two types of breaks you can define in shift template, they are "explicit" and implicit break

15. General data options only-> Attributes, skills, locations, rules

16.The PSO can be installed on every type of database-> False

17.which application takes care of the information provided to PSO and loads it to the database-
>SIM(Schedule input Manager)

18.when using the DST it uses three segmentation methods: Temporal, Spatial, Constraint based-> It is
possible to manually select which methods can be used

19. All PSO Services must be installed on all servers-> False

20. John is a field engineer and he is travelling for a maintenance job inside a Prison-> Location-add-time

21.why do we use IFS appointment booking-> To avoid overbooking

22. Resource-1 is assigned to Divison A and Resource 2 is assigned to Divison B->

using an out of region multiplier set to 0 (Resource 2)

23. To initialise the scheduler for the first time the attribute input reference.load_type-> True

24. How do HTM travel maintain accuracy------------------------------------------------------>

25. ACME Services has two operations one in the the UK and one in Sweden-> use two datasets

26. When a customer wants the PSO to automatically assign an activity to the resource when the
activitry gets allocated-> Commit Rule

27. Depot activities have the foolowing characteristics->

Depot activities have a base value like an explicit break

Depot activities have a location

Depot activities can have stock with an availability

Depot activities can be allocated in snap time

28. What are the options that PSO provides obtain travels-> Real Time, Straight Line, HTM

29.which of the followeing statements are true->

Depot activities can issue consumable and reusable parts

30. In order to tell the input manager service to sync ARP data with scheduling-> Source Data Element

31. Select the status that will not apply with expected arrival time option

-> Downloaded
32. ACME services inc have a large service operation-> one of the other DSE servers "picks up" the
dataset and continues to process it

33. statements regarding configuration on the administration tab

->In order to configure scheduling workbench you can use Administration tab which includes
Groups, organisations, parameters, permissions

-> you can change any term used in scheduling workbench from
Administration>Organisation>Terminology Lab

34. Tools or euipments can not be used as constraints in PSO-> False

35. Preferred working areas of a resource can be defined by assigning a set of regions to a resource-> set
an i-region multiplier set to 0(Region y)

36. Only one appointment booking approach either non blocking or blocking can be used within the
same schedule-> False

37. if the blocking attribute is not specified on the appointment request which method is used by
default-> blocking

38. Advance Resource Planner- is a componet in PSO. what are the main functions of ARP

->Shift planning and defining commit rules2

->resource planning and data management

-> background shift generation

39. when appointment booking engine returns details about the slots per a given appointment request,
it will contain details about

-> The offer value of each slot

-> The availability of each slot

40. process of chhosing a time slot so that a commitment can be made to a customer to visit within this
period is called-> appointment booking

41. which setting would you use to differentiate between a junior and senior plumber in PSO->

42. how an activity status can be changed automatically-> Activity status can only be changed via the

43. The scheduling database allows us to----------------------------------------------------------------->

44. ACME Inc wants to select hard constraints or their resources, else the activities will not get
allocated-> Morning shift, Electrician skill

45. duration of the scheduling window is defined------------------------------------------------------------>

46. What is dynamic scheduling-> process of allocating activities to resources and then re-optimising
based on subsequent changes

47. A curve shape value of 1.8 should be used to meet the business requirements of travel optimisation
on activities with long SLA's-> False

48. Appointment booking can be done in which process types

->Appointment, Dynamic, static

49. False about appointment booking in PSO

->3rd party integration solutions(eg FSM or APPS) should implement the services exposed by
ABE, if appointment booking will be used

50. It is not necessary to understand how SLA's are defined-> False]

51. What is/are the information that PSO could capture in terms of travel?

->speed of the vehicle that the resource is travelling on

-> maximum time a resource would travel to a job

->whether resources are GPS tracked or not

-> costs of travel

52. You should have the shotest optimisation Scheduling Window Possible-> True

53. why might a company need to automate scheduling?

->To increase customer satisfaction

-> To meet SLA's avoid penalties and not lose business

-> To reduce cost by reducing travel

54. ACME Services wants to share the work evenly among its engineers. Whatv is the best technique to
acheieve this?

-> use skills to limit what job resources can undertake

55. When you should use an upwards sloping SLA?

-> When the activity should be scheduled as late as possible

56. ACME Services wants to keep its overall stock levels as low as possible. Replenishment parts are
ordered and delivered to thier main warehouse

->Schedule a part pick up activity at the main warehouse as the first activity in the route for
each resource and do not use parts as a constraint(true)

-> create a transfer rule allowing for cheaper transfers which takes longer for parts which are nit
needeed soon(true)

-> schedule a single depot activity representing the main warehouse updating the stock level as
the stock arrives(true)

57. John is a field engineer and he is traveling for a maintenance job inside a Prison. At the location, he
realised that he needs extra time to get through the security before starting the job

-> Location add-time

58. ACME Services undertake PM work with reactive jobs for domestic customers

->3-day optimisation, with 25 day appointment

59. Which PSO Service must be running for you to be able to stop/start and restart applications-> IFS
Scheduling Service Manager

60. If the bar is coloured grey this represents a period of Grey-unavailable to be scheduled during this
period---------(Fill in the blank)


61. We have a dynamic dataset situation with 10 Resources and their complete day filled with allocated
activities of the type repair with applicable three days SLA and points

->Nothing, they stay allocated and the new job is scheduled later

62. Externally violated constraints covers the following conditions:

->Activity fixed or committed to resource without parts Reason ID:590

->->Activity fixed or committed to resource exceeding resources maximum travel. Reason id:600

-. Activity is fixed to a resource who does not have skills or is not in the activity region. Reason

63. The PSO Installer creates the actual databases-> False

64. statements related to SLA Templates are true

-> An SLA Template defines a set of SLA Types which are used as a group for a specified type of

-> SLA Templates allow combination of SLAs

-> SLA Templates requires integration with ARP

65. which application can you restart from the workbench itself when installed and configured according
to guidelines?


67. Why does PSO has multiple services of PSO like the DSE and SIM

-> To cope with scalability and availability

68. If there is a requirement to allocate a group of activities and force one to be done before the other,
what are the constraints that can be used to represent them in PSO?

-> Prerequisite

69. Which control or side panel lets the user know if updates have not been received within an expected
time frame?

-> Schedule Time

70. ACME Services wants to share the work evenly among its engineers

-> Define regions for the resources with hard boundaries so the engineers only do work in their

71. which tab you should click on to check or restart the services?

-> application

72. True regarding how an activity status can be updated automatically?

-> Activity status can only be changed via the interface

74.For which Scheduling Process Type it isnot an issue at all to have a long optimisation

-> static and appointment, reactive

75. Select the extra factors that can change the travel time or should be calculated before we decide the
expected travel time

-> Different speeds of different vehicles

-> Road closures

75. Why is the activity not allocated to the selected resource?(click on the image to open a window
showing the entire image)

-> missing skills

76. How does the downward sloping SLA creates Urgency?

-> early
77. what are the purpose of the schedules side panel?

-> saved schedules

-> history schedules

-> import and export

78. what is true about PSO Scheduling DB? (Dont select all options)

-> used for scheduling problem and resultant plans

-> high volume of changes, insert only, no backup

-> not atypical TPC style database

-> dependent on size of scheduling problem(s), typically< 500Mb

79. Appointment templates can be applied to specific day of the week? -> True

80. match the correct statement with the correct resource base data

->1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4, 5.5

81. It is possible to add comments to individual shifts-> True

82. In the appointment booking engine, non blocking requests are designed to handle multiple
appointment requests being made concurrently-> True

85. Under what circumstances would the non blocking appointment approaches be suggested?

-> when multiple appointment requests..........

86. Historical travel data can be usefulfor the PSO travel calculations and a number of useful statistics
are recorded on the fact tables related to travel. Which one is not recorded?
-> Break Time


-> Deterministic

88. why might a company need to automate scheduling?

-> To increase customer satisfaction

-> To meet SLA's, avoid penalties and not lose business

-> To reduce cost by reducing travel

91. Cyclic scheduling is a good choice for planning jobs where all the call center needs to agree the time
of the visit with the customer-> False

92. A customer creates a lot of tickets and some of those are in the past or far in the

94. A curve shape value of 1.8 should be used to meet the business requirement of travel optimisation
on activities with long SLA's -> False

95. When should you use an upwards sloping SLA?

-> When the activity should be scheduled as late as possible

96. What does the red vertical line displayed in resource view represent?

-> Current time

97. It is possible for a customer to create their own expectations-> True

98. It is not necessary to understand how SLA's are defined-> False

99. In PSO resources can travel on their own time before the start of the shift

-> True

100. Which release type requires the databases to be recreated? -> Full

101. John is a field engineer and he is travelling for a maintenance job inside a prison. At the location he
realised that he needs extra time to get through the security before starting the job. What is the
scheduling constraint that can be used to represent this information in PSO?

-> Location add time

102. There are two(2) types of breaks you can define in shift template they are -> explicit and implicit

103. Adding part and activity group constraints increases the complexity of the scheduling Problem
considerably-> True

Resource gives an optimal schedule-> False

104. Why does the PSO has multiple services of PSO like DSE and SIM?

-> To cope of scalability and availability

105. What best describes the PSO Tier design?

-> A 5 tier architecture, client-middle-data-scheduling-optimization

107. Select the true statement regarding the configurations on the administration tab(select all that

-> In order to configure scheduling workbench you can use Administration tab, which includes
Groups, organisztions, parameters, permissions

-> You can change any term used in scheduling workbench from
Administration>Organisation>Terminology Tab

-> A travel time profileallows you to adjust the expected journey times used by the HTM

108. which application can you re-start from the workbench when installed and configured according to
the guidelines?


109. which application takes care of the information provided to PSO and loads it to the database?->
SIM(Schedule Input Manager)

110. Steps used to export all current system settings before upgrading the database and to import
previously exported settings within workbench

-> Step-1 Administration

-> Step-2 Organisation

-> Step-3 Users, groups, list

-> Step-4 Administration

-> Step-5 button in top right-> click import export

111. when using the DST it uses three segmentation methods: Temporal, Spatial and Constraint based

-> It is possible to manually select which methods can be used

112. Appointment Templatescan be applied to specific day of the week-> True

113. Skills can be pre-assigned to resources, but not resource types-> False

114. There are two(2) types of breaks you can define in shift template they are -> Explicit and implicit

115. In the appointment booking Engine non blocking requests are designed to handle multiple
appointment requests being made concurrently-> True

118. What ststements below are false about appointment booking(ABE) in PSO?

-> It is always guuaranteed that appointment booking enginewould respond with available slots
for any given appointment request(True)

-> 3rd party integration solutions(eg FSM or APPS) should implement the services exposed by
ABE, if appointment booking will be used

119. iF the blocking attribute is not specified on the appointment request which method is used by


126. Breaks are not considered by the commit rules of PSO-> False

127. When a customer wants the PSO to automatically assign an activity to the resource when the
activity gets allocated, but onlin time window of 2(two) days and if there are not more than 3 jobs
committed already to that resource?

-> Commit rule

128. Which steps are required to validate that an installation is successful?

-> Smoke Test, Events Log

129. ACME Services require very high availability. They have an on-premise deployment. What
techniques would you use in support of this?

-> Redundancy/ Resailence

130. ACME Services engineers sometimes require an electrical testing tool. There is a manual process to
determine this and a logistics process to determine this and a logistics process to send the tool to the
engineers who will receive the tool in a few days

-> reusable part with available time

131. Match the following:

Availability- time constraint

' Skill- Resource Constraint

Prefernece- activity constraint

132. Does an on location incentive increase the value of the activity over time?-> No

133. ACME Services plans a mix of work. They have: reactive jobs that are "healthy and safety"
critical(type HS) PM Jobs with SLA's that last three weeks-(type PM) normal jobs that are reactive with
SLA's are-

-> 1.HS, 2.N, 3.PM, 4.B

134. During a normal working day, resource calls in sick late morning after he complete the job. He has
not accepted a new job yet-> Private Appointment

135. ACME Services needs to schedule 30000 activities with no change of status, giving resources a full
day work and infrequently adding new activities to schedule-> static

136. When a resource has the out of region multiplier set to a value of 0.1 what is the effect of this?

-> Some % age of area

137. SLA Adherence and minimized travel are key business goals in scheduling. What statement below is
true about acheiing these goals through PSO?

-> only one will be achieved once

138. If an activity needs to be carried out by a specific engineer and only by him what are the constraints
that can be used to force this scenario in PSO?

-> fixed resource, resource preference set to 1

139. The PSO odes not allow direct database updates, every data update has to go through the Input
Manager Service(SIM) or via the workbench(PSW)-> True

140. Which application should not be located on the same server?

->Web Service, IFSSQM and IFSSIM installed on the same server

141. What is thye number of activities a single DSE can manage in general?


142. where would you click with the left mouse button to generate shifts for the region name "Division

-> rota>division:uk

143. with appointment booking, you can tell the engine to block requets which means the offers
returned by the engine will be reserved. When will the engine release these offers?

-> offer expired, offer accepted, offer declined

144. Match the correct business rules: Place the mouse pointer on top of the options to see the entire
text !!

->activity types, base value activities, shift time, activity duration….

activity duration-It takes 40 minutes

shift time- Resource fixed to shift activity

Base value- Gas leak

145.Offers returned by the engine will be reserved. When will the engine will release these offers

->-> offer expired, offer accepted, offer declined

146.Determine if the following statements is True or False . When the DSE is scheduling several datasets
that may contain the same sources but doing different types of activity in each dataset it has a special
mechanism to blend the allocation across the dataset like it does when counting how many resources
are being scheduled” ?

-> False

146.What types of items should be used as a skill in PSO

->Activity Duration- It takes 40 minutes

shift time- Resource fixed to shift activity

Base value- Gas leak

147.What types of items should be used as a skill in PSo?

->Required skills, Certified, Electrician Skills

148. Determine if the following statements is True or False.”IFS recommeneds a separate database
instance for ARP, in a typical PSO installation on SQL server”?

-> True

149.Commit rules can be specific for which entities?

-> Activity Status

150.The exception externally violated constraints reports where a constraint has been broken which
may be due to___________intervention?

->Activity status

151.Auto scalling of PSO is only possible when using Microsoft Azure”

152. Determine if the following statements is True or False. “ If you are having two people travelling
together in the same van, for a specific time period, you donot have to set them up as a crew member,
you can set up as “Travel with option so it can be less costly for a two resource activity”?

-> True

153. Determine if the following statements is True or False.”If divisions are not defined at all in ARP,

Everything is considered as part of a global ROTA”


154. Determine if the following statements is True or False. “During The normal week Resource A usually
goes home one(1) hour early on Wednesday and starts one(1) hour earlier on Friday although his shift is
not adjusted to this.?


155.Determine if the following statements is true or false. “Every server where a PSW is running needs a
SQM application”


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