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Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of data

This chapter presents the statistical data relative to the problems as earlier posted.

Corresponding analysis and interpretation regarding these data were also presented.

Table 1 presents the demographic profile of the respondents as to their age, gender, status,

educational attainment, years in the service and length of stay.

1.Socio-Demographicile of the Respondents

To understand the knowledge and competency of the respondents in this study, profiles were

presented below.

The following table presented the distribution and percentage of the respondents in terms of

Table 1.1

Distribution of the Respondents in terms of Age

Age BJMP f % Ran PDL f % Rank

Personnel k

21-25 years old 1 5% 5 20 20% 3

26-30 years old 4 20% 3 40 40% 1

31-35 years old 8 40% 1 25 25% 2

2 10% 4 10 10% 4
36-40 years old

5 25% 2 5 5% 5
41 and above

TOTAL 20 100% 100 100%

Table 1.2 presented the distribution and percentage of the respondents in terms of


Table 1.2

Distribution of the Respondents in terms of Gender

Gender BJMP f % Rank PDL f % Rank


Male 12 60% 1 70 70% 1

Female 8 40% 2 30 30% 2

Total 20 100% 100 100%

Table 1.3 presented the distribution and percentage of the respondents in terms of civil


Table 1.3

Distribution of the Respondents in terms of Civil Status

Civil BJMP f % Rank PDL f % Rank

Status Personnel

Single 5 25% 2 10 10% 3

Married 15 75% 1 65 65% 1

Separated - - - 20 20% 2

Widow/er - - - 5 5% 4

Total 20 100% 100 100%

Table 1.4 presented the distribution and percentage of the respondents in terms of Highest

Educational Attainment.

Table 1.4

Distribution of the Respondents in terms of Highest Educational Attainment

Highest BJMP f % Rank Highest PDL f % Rank

Educational Personnel Educational

Attainment Attainment

College 5 25% 2 College 10 10% 3


Masteral 15 75% 1 High School 65 65% 1


Doctorate - - - Elementary 20 20% 2


Total 20 100% 100 100%

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