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Answer Scheme STPM 2017 P3

1. (a) user requirement

Methods Explaination
Questionaire/Survey A large group of people is given a list of
questions in a paper to obtain useful
quantitative as well as some qualitative
data about the problems of existing tasks
or the current system.
Analysing documents and Able to discover more detail about the
procedure current system and the organisation
these system support by analysing
documents and procedure of the
Observation Unbiased. Able to see current system
users how they operates and interact in
an existing system.
Interview Face to face questioning and answering
between two people, able to get specific
answer based on specific question.

(b) Context Diagram. [4]

student’s application 0 students’s application info

offer/reject letter Application offer/reject detail


Mark Scheme:
Source/entity-1( ½ mark each)
Data flow-2 ( ½ mark each)

2. (a) state three guidelines to produce a good user interface. [3]

-consistent interface
-easy to use interface
-minimise input error
-familiar term

(b) Three deliverables in the design phase [6]

 Form: A window or screen that contains numerous fields , or spaces to
enter data. Each field holds a field label so that any user who views the
form get the idea of its contents.
 User Interface is the view of a database interface that is seen by the
user. User interfaces are often graphical or at least partly graphical
constructed and offer tools which make the interaction with the
database easier.

 Structure Chart is a chart which shows the breakdown of a system to

its lowest manageable levels. They are used in structured programming
to arrange program modules into a tree.

 Report is the formatted result of database queries and contains useful

data for decision-making and analysis. This simply a front-end
interface that calls or runs back-end database queries that are formatted
for easy application usage.

3. File-based approach
(a) Data duplication [2]
Data duplication in file-based approach is actually redundant/same data but
store in a different system file that are located and used in different places
in an organisation.

(b) Two implication of data duplication [4]

 To update a specific data/record, the same data must be updated in

all files, otherwise different file may have different information about
a specific item. A valuable storage space is wasted.
 Data inconsistency mean that different files may contain different
format of data of a particular object or person. The redundancy with
different format of data leads to inconsistency. When the same data
but different format is stored in multiple locations, the
inconsistency may occur.

4. SQL statements [6]

CREATE TABLE BOOK( (½ marks each)
BookCode Varchar(7) NOT NULL,
BookTitle Varchar(30),
Author Varchar(20),
Publisher Varchar(15),
Year Date,
Status Varchar(15),
Shelf Varchar(15),
Category Varchar(15),
CREATE TABLE BOOK( (½ marks each)
BookCode Varchar(7) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
BookTitle Varchar(30),
Author Varchar(20),
Publisher Varchar(15),
Year Date,
Status Varchar(15),
Shelf Varchar(15),
Category Varchar(15));

***PRIMARY KEY -1 mark

***NOT NULL- ½ mark

5. Patient record card

(a) Data redundancy [3]
-Data redundancy is when duplication of the same data in two different files in the
same organisation. Example: Name, IC No.
(b) Data inconsistency [3]
-Data inconsistency is when a data is written in different kind of format will causes
data inconsistency will cause confusion to people that will be using the
information. Example : Date, address.

6. (a) Types of functional dependencies[6]

 Full functional dependencies[1]

StudID→StudName, Class[1]

 Partial functional dependencies[1]

StudID, TeacherID, AppDate, Apptime→Room[2]

(b) Normalise the relation into third normal form(3NF)


APPOINTMENT(StudID, StudName, Class, ApptDate, ApptTime, TeacherID, TeacherName, Room)


1st Normal Form [2]

STUDENT(StudID, StudName, Class)
APPOINTMENT(ApptDate, ApptTime, TeacherID, TeacherName, Room)

2nd Normal Form [3]

STUDENT(StudID, StudName, Class)
TEACHER(TeacherID, TeacherName)
APPOINTMENT(ApptDate, ApptTime, Room)

3rd Normal Form [3]

STUDENT(StudID, StudName, Class)
TEACHER(TeacherID, TeacherName)
APPOINTMENT( ApptDate, ApptTime, Room, StudID, TeacherID)
7. (a) ERD

NoIC StartDate
LoanNo LoanEntitlement

1 m
m 1

Amount EndDate


(b) Relational database schema

CLIENT(ClientID, ClientName, TelNo, Address)[1]
LOAN(LoanNo, LoanType, LoanEntitlment)[1]
TAKEN(ClientLoanNo,StartDate, EndDate, Amount,ClientID, LoanNo)[2]

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