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Economy of Belize

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Economy of Belize

Belize City

Currency Belize dollar (BZD, BZ$)

Fiscal year 1 April – 31 March

Trade organisations CARICOM, WTO

Country group Developing/Emerging[1]

Lower-middle income economy[2]


GDP  $1.925 billion (nominal, 2018)[3]

 $3.367 billion (PPP, 2018)[3]

GDP rank 165th (nominal, 2019)

167th (PPP, 2019)

GDP growth 2.1% (2018) 0.3% (2019e)

−13.5% (2020f) 6.7% (2021f)[4]
GDP per capita  $4,862 (nominal, 2018 est.)[3]

 $8,504 (PPP, 2018)[3]

GDP per capita rank 99th (nominal, 2018)

115th (PPP, 2018)

GDP by sector agriculture: 13%

industry: 23%
services: 64%

(2012 est.)
Inflation (CPI) 0.294% (2018)[3]
Population 41.3% (2009)[5]
below poverty line
53% on less than $5.50/day (1999)[6]
Human Development  0.683 medium (2021)[7] (123rd)
 0.535 low IHDI (2021)[8]
Labour force  184,610 (2019)[9]

 59.8% employment rate (2017)[10]

note: shortage of skilled labor and all types of technical

Labour force by Agriculture: 10.2%
industry: 18.1%

services: 71.7%

(2007 est.)

Unemployment 11.1% (2016)[5]

Main industries Garment production, food processing, tourism, construction,

Ease-of-doing-business  135th (medium, 2020)[11]


Exports $633 million (2013 est.)

Export goods Sugar, bananas, citrus, clothing, fish products, molasses,

wood, crude oil

Main export partners  United Kingdom 30.8%

 United States 18.7%

 Nigeria 6.7%

 Trinidad and Tobago 4.8%

 Jamaica 4.2%

 Bahamas 4.2%

Import goods Machinery and transport equipment, manufactured goods,

fuels, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, food, beverages, tobacco

Main import partners  United States 26.6%

 Mexico 11.7%

 Cuba 10.2%
 Guatemala 9%

 China 7.5%

 Trinidad and Tobago 5.6%

 Indonesia 4.9%

Gross external debt $1.048 billion (December 2013 est.)

Public finances
Public debt $1.229 billion (2013 est.)

Revenues 410.1 million (2013 est.)

Expenses 352.4 million (2013 est.)

Credit rating Standard & Poor's:[14]

CC (Domestic)

CC (Foreign)

CC (T&C Assessment)
Main data source: CIA World Fact Book
All values, unless otherwise stated, are in US dollars.

The economy of Belize is a small, essentially private enterprise economy that is based

primarily on agriculture, tourism, and services. The cultivation of newly discovered oil in
the town of Spanish Lookout has presented new prospects and problems for this
developing nation.[15] Belize's primary exports are citrus, sugar, and bananas.
Belize's trade deficit has been growing, mostly as a result of low export prices for sugar
and bananas.[citation needed]
The new government faces important challenges to economic stability. Rapid action to
improve tax collection has been promised, but a lack of progress in reining in spending
could bring the exchange rate under pressure. The Belize Dollar is fixed to the U.S.
dollar at a rate of 2:1.[16]
Domestic industry is limited, constrained by relatively high-cost labour and energy and a
small domestic market. Tourism attracts the most foreign direct investment although
significant foreign investment is also found in the energy, telecommunications, and
agricultural sectors.
Belize is considered a tax haven.[17]


 1History
 2Economic sectors
o 2.1Agriculture
o 2.2Energy
o 2.3Transport
o 2.4Tourism
 3Trade
 4Belize International Business Companies
 5Data
 6See also
 7References
 8External links

Belize's economy depended on forestry until well into the 20th century. Logwood, used
to make dye, was Belize's initial main export. However, the supply outstripped the
demand, especially as Europeans developed man-made dyes which were less
expensive. Loggers turned to mahogany, which grew in abundance in the country's
forests. The wood was prized for use in cabinets, ships, and railroad carriers.
While many merchants and traders became wealthy from the mahogany industry, ups
and downs in the market had a large impact on the economy. In addition, new
mahogany trees weren't being planted, because mahogany trees grow slowly; the rate
of natural regrowth necessitated a large, long-term investment in tree farming, which
was not made. As the 19th century progressed, loggers were forced to go deeper into
the forests to find the trees, increasing labour costs.
Variations of mahogany exports over long periods of time were linked to the accessible
supply of the resource. Thus, improvements in hauling methods helped the cutters
satisfy increasing demands for mahogany by enabling them to extract timber from areas
in the interior that had been previously inaccessible to them. Immediately after the
introduction of cattle in the early 19th century, tractors in the 1920s, and lorries in the
1940s, production levels rose dramatically.
When the supply of accessible timber dwindled and logging became too unprofitable in
the 20th century, the country's economy shifted to new sectors. Cane sugar became the
principal export and recently has been augmented by expanded production
of citrus, bananas, seafood, and apparel. The country has about 8,090 km² of arable
land, only a small fraction of which is under cultivation. To curb land speculation, the
government enacted legislation in 1973 that requires non-Belizeans to complete a
development plan on land they purchase before obtaining title to plots of more than 10
acres (40,000 m²) of rural land or more than one-half acre (2,000 m²) of urban land.

Economic sectors[edit]
Further information: Banana production in Belize
Banana production accounted for 16 percent of total Belizean exports in 1999.[18]
Citrus fruits are Belize's second most important agricultural crop. [18]
In 2018, Belize produced 1.7 million tons of sugarcane, being heavily dependent on this
product. In addition to sugarcane, the country produced 100 thousand tons of orange,
80 thousand tons of banana, 77 thousand tons of maize, in addition to smaller
productions of other agricultural products such as papaya, rice and soy.[19]
Further information: Energy in Belize

Agriculture is a key part of the economy

A major constraint on a functioning market economy in Belize continues to be the

scarcity of infrastructure investments. Although electricity, telephone, and water utilities
are all relatively good, Belize has the most expensive electricity in the region. Several
capital projects are currently underway. The largest of these is a $15 million rural
electrification program to be jointly implemented by the government and Belize
Electricity Limited (BEL).
Further information: Transport in Belize
Ports in Belize City, Dangriga, and Big Creek handle regularly scheduled shipping from
the U.S. and the United Kingdom although draft is limited to a maximum of 10 feet in
Belize City and 15 feet in southern ports. International air service is provided
by Westjet, American Airlines, Delta Air Lines, Continental Airlines, Southwest
Airlines, U.S. Airways, and TACA to/from gateways in Toronto, Dallas, Texas, Houston,
Texas, Charlotte, North Carolina, Miami, Florida, and San Salvador.
Further information: Tourism in Belize
A combination of factors—climate, the Belize Barrier Reef (longest in the Western
Hemisphere), 127 offshore Cayes (islands), excellent fishing, safe waters for
boating, scuba diving, and snorkeling, abundant jungle flora and fauna, and
numerous Mayan ruins—support the thriving tourism and ecotourism industry.
Development costs are high, but the Government of Belize has designated tourism as
its second development priority after agriculture.
In 2011, tourist arrivals totaled 888,191 (mostly from the U.S.) and tourist receipts
amounted to $260 million.[20] The travel and tourism industry in 2011 directly contributed
350.6 million BZD (176 million USD) to Belize's GDP (12.0% of GDP). This primarily
reflects the economic activity directly generated by industries supported by tourists,
such as hotels, restaurants, leisure industries, travel agents, airlines and other
transportation services. The total contribution to GDP in 2011 (including wider effects
from investment, the supply chain, and induced income impacts) was 971.9 million BZD
(486 million USD) (33.2% of GDP). Travel and tourism directly generated 14,500 jobs in
2011 (10.9% of total employment) and, including indirect and induced effects, supported
40,000 jobs (30.1% of total employment).[21]


A proportional representation of Belizean exports in 2015

Belize's economic performance is highly susceptible to external market changes.

Although moderate growth has been achieved in recent years, the achievements are
vulnerable to world commodity price fluctuations and continuation of preferential trading
agreements, especially with the U.S. (cane sugar) and UK (bananas).
Belize continues to rely heavily on foreign trade with the United States as its number
one trading partner. Total imports in 2000 totaled $446 million while total exports were
only $349.9 million. In 2000, the U.S. accounted for 48.5% of Belize's total exports and
provided 49.7% of all Belizean imports. Other major trading partners include
the European Union, Canada, Mexico, and Caribbean Community (CARICOM) member
states. Belize established a preferential trade agreement with Guatemala in 2010.
Belize aims to stimulate the growth of commercial agriculture through CARICOM.
Belizean trade with the rest of the Caribbean is small compared to that with the United
States and Europe. Belize is a beneficiary of the Caribbean Basin Initiative (CBI), a U.S.
Government program to stimulate investment in Caribbean nations by providing duty-
free access to the U.S. market for most Caribbean products.
Significant U.S. private investments in citrus and shrimp farms have been made in
Belize under CBI. U.S. trade preferences allowing for duty-free re-import of finished
apparel cut from U.S. textiles have significantly expanded the apparel industry. EU and
UK preferences also have been vital for the expansion and prosperity of the sugar and
banana industries.

Belize International Business Companies[edit]

In 1990, Belize enacted the International Business Companies Act based on the British
Virgin Islands model. In ten years, Belize has registered more than 15,000 IBCs. A
Belizean IBC is a corporate vehicle for international financial transactions and allows the
investor to engage in activities including asset protection, operating bank accounts,
brokerage accounts, ship ownership, and commission arrangements.
The IBC legislation was supplemented in 1992 with the enactment of a Trusts Act which
provides for both onshore and offshore trusts. [22]
Belize IBCs have the following features.
Progressive legislation

 The IBC Act was introduced in 1990 to implement competitive offshore legislation for
Belize IBCs which was subsequently amended to reflect the changes required to
provide efficient Belize offshore services.
Efficient incorporation/registration

 Belize incorporation is very efficient under normal circumstances, a Belize IBC can
be incorporated in a couple of working days.
Flexibility in company structure

 There is no requirement for a secretary, resident or otherwise

 Only one director or shareholder required for the company formation
 Shareholder(s) and director(s) may be the same person
 The shareholder(s) and director(s) can be a natural person or a corporate body
 There is no requirement for appointing local shareholder(s) and director(s)
Privacy of identity of principals

 The documents for Belize offshore Incorporation do not carry the name or identity of
any shareholder or director. The names or identities of these persons do not appear
in any public record.
Taxation in Belize

 According to the IBC Act of 1990, offshore companies are exempted from all taxes. [23]

Belize electricity supply by source

The following table shows the main economic indicators in 1980–2017. [24]

19 19 199 199 200 200 20 20 20 200 201 201 201 201 201 201 20 20
80 85 0 5 0 5 06 07 08 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 16 17

0. 0.2 0.6 0.9 1.3 1.9 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.7 2.8 2.9 3.1 3.1 3.2
GDP 20 9 2 4 6 8 4 2 4 7 8 9 3 0 6 1 3 1
in $ Bl Bl Bln Bln Bln Bln Bl Bl Bl Bln Bln Bln Bln Bln Bln Bln Bl Bl
n. n. . . . . n. n. n. . . . . . . . n. n.

per 1,
1,7 3,2 4,3 5,4 6,7 7,0 7,1 7,2 7,3 7,6 7,7 8,0 7,9 8,2 8,4 8,3 8,3
capita 36
17 81 24 56 99 98 26 54 50 68 85 17 94 95 80 29 24
in $ 7

GDP 5. −1 11. 13. −0

growt 0.7  2.6  4.6  1.1  3.2  0.8  3.3  2.1  3.7  0.7  4.0  3.8  0.8 
0  .4  2  0  .5 
h % % % % % % % % % % % % %
% % % % %

on 7. −1. −0.
4.1  2.0  2.9  0.6  3.7  4.2  2.3  6.4  0.9  1.7  1.2  0.5  1.2  0.7  1.1 
(in 0  1  9 
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
Percent % % %

Unem ... ... 15. 12. 11. 11. 9.4 8.5 8.2 13. 13. 13. 14. 11. 11. 10. 7.9 8.9
ploym 00  50  40  00  0  0  0  05  50  95  40  70  06  11  7  9 
ent % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %

See also[edit]
 Belize dollar
 Central Bank of Belize
 Ministry of Finance (Belize)
 Telecommunications in Belize
 List of Commonwealth of Nations countries by GDP
 List of Latin American and Caribbean countries by GDP growth
 List of Latin American and Caribbean countries by GDP (nominal)
 List of Latin American and Caribbean countries by GDP (PPP)

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