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The Fastest Solver in the World

What You Need
to Know 1 (713) 871-9341

Mathematical Optimization: What You Need to Know 1
Table of Contents

Introduction....................................................................................................... 1

An Overview of Mathematical Optimization...................................................... 2-3

Mathematical Optimization Applications.......................................................... 4

Air France: Tail Assignment Optimization............................................. 4

National Football League (NFL): Football Season Scheduling.............. 5

Blue Yonder GmbH: Automated Daily Retail Pricing Decisions............. 6

A Brief History of Mathematical Optimization.................................................. 7

Mathematical Optimization Basics................................................................... 8

Data-Driven Analytics Approach............................................................ 9

Business Understanding........................................................................ 9

Data Understanding............................................................................... 9

Data Preparation.................................................................................... 9

Modeling................................................................................................ 9

Evaluation.............................................................................................. 9

Deployment............................................................................................ 9

Mathematical Optimization Models.................................................................. 10

Types of Mathematical Optimization Models........................................ 11

Linear Programming (LP) Models.......................................................... 11

Integer Programming (IP) Models......................................................... 12

Binary Programming (BIP) Models........................................................ 12

Mixed-Integer Programming (MIP) Models........................................... 12

Nonlinear Programming (NLP) Models.................................................. 12

AI Technology.................................................................................................... 13

Mathematical Optimization as an AI Technology.................................. 13-15

Mathematical Optimization and Heuristics........................................... 15-16

Mathematical Optimization and Machine Learning............................... 16-18

Conclusion........................................................................................................ 19

Mathematical Optimization: What You Need to Know

Mathematical Optimization:
What You Need to Know

Introduction Here are a few examples of

companies using MO technologies:
Mathematical optimization (MO) is an
extremely powerful AI technology that The National Football League (NFL)
uses optimization to solve one of the
enables companies to dramatically
most challenging scheduling problems
improve their resource utilization, in existence.
operational efficiency, and overall
profitability. MO technologies such Air France estimates that it is saving
around 1 percent of fuel costs for its
as linear programming (LP) and
entire fleet using optimization.
mixed-integer programming (MIP)
have been applied in a variety of busi- The Federal Communications Comm-
ness areas, empowering companies ission (FCC) used optimization and
across various industries to rapidly operations research to repurpose
wireless spectrum, thereby generating
solve their complex real-world
nearly $20 billion in revenue, with $7.3
problems, make better business billion going to reduce the federal deficit.
decisions that improve operational
efficiency, and achieve significant In this whitepaper, we will provide a general
time and cost savings and revenue overview of MO, share some success stories
growth. According to a recent study of companies that have achieved tremendous
by Forrester, 37% of data science operational and bottom-line benefits using
decision makers at U.S. firms use MO technologies, explain the relationship
between MO and artificial intelligence (AI),
MO frequently in their work today.
and discuss the importance of combining
MO with machine learning (ML).

Mathematical Optimization: What You Need to Know 1

An Overview of
Mathematical Optimization

Overview MO programming models capture the

A large number of organizations potential conflicts between these activities.
have successfully implemented For example:
MO technologies to optimize their The same machine is required to build
operational efficiency and realize both product A and B.
their business objectives while If I send a truck to San Francisco, I can’t
taking into account their unique send it to Dallas.
resource demands, business rules, The maximum capital that can be
and constraints. invested is $500,000.

With MO, organizations can define and In these and other examples, MO factors
embed the key features of their complex, in all the relevant variables, constraints,
real-world problems in MO programming and business objectives, instantly pro-
models. cesses and evaluates an astronomical
number of possible combinations of
MO programming models capture the
these factors (using a math programming
important decisions in business processes.
solver), and then suggests a plan of action
For example, should I:
that optimizes the overall efficiency of a
Use my resources to build product A or B? particular business process.
Send this truck to San Francisco or Dallas? In order to optimize the efficiency of a
Include this stock or a different one in my business process, MO optimally balances
investment portfolio? the trade-offs among numerous (and often
conflicting) business objectives, such as:
MO programming models capture the
Maximizing revenue
resources that are required to execute
these decisions. For example: Minimizing costs

Building this product uses resources Minimizing delays

such as machines and employee time. Maximizing customer satisfaction
Sending a truck consumes time, fuel,
No matter what your business objectives
and manpower.
are or how complex your business pro-
Capital invested in one stock can no cesses or problems are, MO is capable of
longer be invested in another stock. automatically and rapidly generating an
optimal solution – and this output serves
as the input for your business decisions.

Mathematical Optimization: What You Need to Know 2

An Overview of
Mathematical Optimization

MO technologies have been utilized by a Compute Server to optimize 500 power-

wide variety of businesses across different generation units and 11,000 miles of
industries. For example: transmission lines with consumer
demand in real time.
Supply chain optimization: The Gurobi
Optimizer was seamlessly integrated Government: The FCC used Gurobi to
into SAP applications – including SAP create the first two-sided spectrum
Integrated Business Planning, SAP auction, generating $20 billion in revenue.
Advanced Planning and Optimization,
and SAP HANA – to help solve complex Some of the most successful companies
optimization problems. in the world use the Gurobi Optimizer to
tackle high-impact and complex business
Electrical power optimization: Managing problems. Such problems include, but
New York’s wholesale electrical are not limited to, resource allocation,
power market ($7.5 billion in annual scheduling optimization, routing, logistics,
transactions), the New York Independent and supply chain issues. Below is a sample
System Operator (NYISO) used Gurobi’s of Gurobi customers by industry:









Mathematical Optimization: What You Need to Know 3

Optimization Applications

Success Stories
In this section, we share three To solve this “Tail Assignment Optimi-
success stories of organizations zation” problem and build the most efficient
utilizing MO to realize significant schedule for its entire fleet, its operations
business benefits. These stories are research department decided to apply MO
in order to save on fuel and operational
based on four case studies, which can costs, while reducing delay propagation.
be found here on the Gurobi website.
To build the most efficient schedule for
the entire fleet, trade-offs among different
criteria and the possible impact need to be
considered. This makes “Tail Assignment
Air France: Optimization” a multi-criteria mixed-integer
Tail Assignment Optimization programming (MIP) problem.

Air France-KLM is one of the world’s The operations research team built a
largest air carriers in terms of revenue and decision support tool, powered by the
passengers transported. The company’s Gurobi Optimizer, that recommends a
operations research department – which solution that internal users can use to fit
strives to optimize all the carrier’s oper- their specific needs. The tool provides an
ations by transforming data into smart optimal solution with respect to the given
decisions – was facing a “Tail Assignment constraints and the criteria, but the user
Optimization” problem, which consists still has the flexibility to make decisions
of assigning flights to aircraft while resp- based on experience, if needed.
ecting operational constraints. This means Solene Richard, Air France-KLM’s Data
building a schedule for each aircraft by Science and Operational Research Team
setting the sequence of flights that an Leader, commented: “With this new decision
individual aircraft will perform. support tool powered by the Gurobi Solver,
we estimate that we are saving around 1
percent of the fuel costs with huge volumes
for the entire fleet. We also estimate that
we save on delay propagation and on
operational costs. Using mathematical
optimization to solve the tail assignment
problem brings large savings on a yearly

Mathematical Optimization: What You Need to Know 4

Optimization Applications

National Football slots that have the largest possible audience.

League (NFL): Football Achieving this is an immense challenge for
Season Scheduling the NFL’s planners because it requires a
subjective evaluation of the match-up while
The NFL – one of the major sports leagues also ensuring the resulting schedule doesn’t
in the U.S. – uses MO to tackle its highly violate any constraint, such as the maximum
complicated scheduling challenges. At number of away games in a row for a given
first glance, the NFL’s scheduling problem team. With MO, the NFL’s planners can now
seems simple: four people have 10 weeks evaluate any given schedule, identify what
to schedule 256 games over the course of they want to change, conduct scenario
a 17-week season. That might seem like analysis to determine the potential impact
plenty of planning time for seemingly few of these changes on the overall schedule,
decisions, but – when you actually work it and decide if they want to implement the
out – the number of possible schedules is changes.
well into the trillions. Making the problem
particularly hard is the necessary inclusion The complexity of the NFL’s scheduling
of numerous additional constraints, including problem has increased exponentially over
not scheduling teams from shared markets the past few years, necessitating a shift
– such as the New York Jets and New York from a linear approach to a parallel approach
Giants – to play on the same day and time, to optimization. The NFL initially started
and increasing the importance of late-season with a single 24-core box, but a few years
games by scheduling as many divisional ago moved to utilizing a roomful of 16-core
match-ups as possible in the final weeks. servers. A key advantage of the parallelization
approach is that a single problem is broken
Until the last decade, a wooden 6-foot-square down into a finite number of smaller sub-
board was used to map out who would play problems, which are deployed to a pool of
whom, when, and where. The original goal solving resources that share information
was simply to find a feasible schedule, and – thus creating a much more coordinated
accomplishing that often consumed up to 90 search effort. In 2017, the NFL scheduling
percent of the available planning time, with problem was solved across a network of
the remainder spent tweaking that feasible more than 960 cores. Additionally, the NFL
schedule to try to improve it. With the switch has moved to a cloud environment, which
to computers and the increasing power of MO provides a tremendous amount of com-
technologies, the focus turned from schedule puting power while minimizing the need
creation toward schedule analysis. for capital investment.
This shift is important, since building a great Since adopting Gurobi in 2013, NFL planners
schedule can be as much art as science. For are able to generate and compare more than
example, one goal of the scheduling process 10,000 feasible schedules despite adding
is to get the best match-ups in the TV time more constraints to the process every year.

Mathematical Optimization: What You Need to Know 5

Optimization Applications

With Blue Yonder Price Optimization, retailers

can calculate new sales forecasts and generate
up-to-date price strategies every night using the
Blue Yonder GmbH: Automated most recent data so that they have the results
Daily Retail Pricing Decisions ready by the next morning.
To create the optimization models, product
Blue Yonder – a leading provider of cloud-based
quantities must be divided into suitable clusters.
AI solutions for the retail industry – specializes
About 50,000 variables are generated for each
in using ML algorithms to facilitate decisions
cluster for the pricing decisions and numerous
that increase sales, reduce write-off rates,
business rules are converted into approximately
and boost profits. Blue Yonder helps retail
1 million constraints. For specific optimization
companies automate pricing decisions that are
processes over the product’s entire life cycle,
influenced by historical data and other critical
MIP models with more than 1.2 million variables
factors, such as weather, public holidays, and
are created. Depending on the uncertainties in
competitor information.
the input data, the termination criteria of the
Determining these dynamic price adjustments, optimization also change. A trade-off between
however, is a complicated endeavor – requiring available time and the desired solution quality is
the efficient interplay of algorithmically thus defined for each customer.
demanding disciplines. Another challenge is
With Gurobi, a stable solution time and quality
automatically generating reliable sales forecasts
can be achieved consistently even when
in an ever-changing market environment, which
changing the input data. Usability was also a
requires the deployment of powerful ML models.
point in favor of the Gurobi Optimizer during
Furthermore, when automating these pricing
the solver selection process. Using the Gurobi
decisions, various considerations – such as
Python API, a prototype was developed in a
the price trend in a product’s life cycle, price
very short time. In addition, by using Gurobi
developments in the competitive environment,
Compute Server, the optimization functionality
as well as local factors such as time period
could be seamlessly integrated into Blue
and cost of price changes – must be taken into
Yonder’s service infrastructure.
With the use of Gurobi and Blue Yonder
Blue Yonder Price Optimization is a state-of-
Price Optimization, Blue Yonder’s customers
the-art automated pricing decision solution
have been able to increase product sales
that optimizes prices for every channel and
by 5 percent and boost overall profitability.
every product according to consumer demand,
These companies’ price adjustments – which
brand loyalty, and competitive advantage. The
are based on the most current data, and
solution “learns” the relationship between price
consider company objectives and the cost of
changes and demand while incorporating the
changing prices – now take place in real time.
retailer’s business strategy. Blue Yonder Price
Additionally, price reduction optimization has
Optimization rapidly senses vital demand signals
enabled these companies to decrease their
from changing market conditions and data such
inventories by 20 percent.
as sales, promotions, weather, and other events.
It serves the retailer’s pricing strategy along the
product’s life cycle and measurably impacts
revenues and return on investment.

Mathematical Optimization: What You Need to Know 6

A Brief History of
Mathematical Optimization

History “An optimization business

MO technologies – whose origins problem that can be solved
stretch back to 1947 with the today in one second would
invention of linear programming have taken 55 years in 1991.”
by George Dantzig – have evolved
tremendously over the years.
On a fundamental level, MO is
a methodology that consists
of three steps: For example, an optimization business
problem that can be solved today in one
The formulation of a real problem second would have taken 55 years in
as a mathematical model 1991, marking an overall improvement in
The development of algorithms to performance speed of computers and
solve these mathematical models mathematical programming algorithms
of 1.75 billion times.
The use of software and hardware to
run these algorithms and to develop Beyond speed, MO technologies have also
mathematical programming applications improved in their ability to handle business
problems of increasing scale, complexity,
Although this essential paradigm has and diversity. The use of MO started in the
never changed, we have seen tremendous 1960s when oil companies implemented LP
development and improvements in terms and MIP approaches (and saved millions
of the speed, flexibility, and power of MO of dollars). It spread in the 1970s with the
technologies in the past few decades. availability of commercial codes running
on mainframe computers and became
widely adopted in the 1990s by companies
in a wide range of industries including
manufacturing, electrical power, and supply
chain software. Today, MO has become
an essential technology for companies
around the world and across industries for
a variety of use cases such as operational
applications, business processes, logistics,
pricing, and planning – and its popularity
(as well as its speed and power) will
undoubtedly continue to increase in the
years to come.

Mathematical Optimization: What You Need to Know 7

Optimization Basics

DDA Approach The DDA approach – which aims to

MO technologies utilize the data-driven achieve these objectives – involves
analytics (DDA) problem-solving the following steps:
approach. So, before examining the 1. Business understanding
details of MO technologies, we will 2. Data understanding
describe the DDA approach and 3. Data preparation
position MO within that context. 4. Modeling
When attacking a business problem, we 5. Evaluation
must have a deep understanding of the 6. Deployment
problem’s root causes, be able to clearly
define the problem being addressed, be The DDA approach is illustrated
able to describe why solving this problem in the diagram below.
is important, and be able to deploy a tool
that can both be used by the company and
deliver business value.





Figure 1: Data-driven
analytics (DDA) approach

Mathematical Optimization: What You Need to Know 8

Optimization Basics

Data-Driven Analytics Approach to optimize the trade-offs among various

business objectives. For each model
In the following sections, we take a closer
considered, we describe the underlying
look at each step of the DDA approach. assumptions, input parameters, output
variables, model configuration parameters,
Business Understanding and model characteristics, including con-
straints and objective functions in the
In order to understand the root causes of case of an MO model. We also describe
the problem under consideration, we need data preprocessing steps to create input
to define: data for the model and model output
The business processes around postprocessing steps to prepare data
the problem for reports and visualization.

Business objectives and associated key

performance indicator (KPI) metrics Evaluation
The decision makers During this step, the models’ output reports
are evaluated by the decision makers and
business analysts who will use the tool.
Data Understanding Based on their feedback, the previous steps
Next, we must be able to describe the may be revised to better satisfy business
sources of data in detail and determine the needs and expectations.
quality of the available data in terms of:
Availability Deployment
Accuracy After the decision makers and business
Completeness analysts have evaluated the tool and
determined that it satisfies all their busi-
Timeliness ness needs and expectations, a support
and maintenance plan is created and the
Data Preparation tool is moved to production.

In this step, available data is cleaned and, if MO technologies utilize this DDA problem-
the quality is low, new sources of data are solving methodology. To successfully
identified in an effort to improve quality. deploy an MO tool, it is imperative to
follow all the steps in the DDA approach
highlighted above.
Modeling By adhering to this DDA approach,
During modeling – the most critical step in companies can capture all the key features
the DDA approach (which will be discussed of a complex real-world business problem
in detail in the next section) – we identify as an MO model and build decision support
the modeling techniques that will enable us tools that enable them to optimize their
operational efficiency.

Mathematical Optimization: What You Need to Know 9

Optimization Models

MO Models
In this section, we describe the overall structure of an MO
model in detail. The following figure illustrates this structure.
Allocation &
Satisfy Demand Scheduling

Resources Capacity Optimal

Costs and Revenues Values
Business Rules MODEL

Business Objectives
INPUTS Metrics

Figure 2: Overall structure of an MO model

An MO model has a set of deterministic

input parameters that describe an instance adhere to. For example, certain products
of the problem we want to solve. For are complementary, so they need to be built
example, a manufacturing company has together.
estimated the demand curve (quantity,
The decision variables that define the
price) of each product that a retail company
possible courses of action are another
can advertise and sell. Total revenue can
component of an MO model. In our
be calculated from the expected quantity
example, the decision variables are the
to be sold and associated unit price. In
number of finished products to build, the
addition, consider that there is a budget to
number of raw materials to buy, and the
buy the raw materials required to build the
price at which a certain quantity of
finished products and that there is a buying
finished products must be sold.
cost of each raw material. Also, consider
that the ability to build and sell a final In addition, the MO model has constraints
product is limited by available labor hours that establish relationships between the
and machine capacity. In a manufacturing decision variables and input parameters. In
setting, a company typically has initial our example, there are constraints that limit
inventories of raw materials and finished the production of finished products based
goods. One objective the company may on the availability of labor and machines
have is to maximize profits. Lastly, there as well as constraints that enforce the
are business rules that the company must complementary rule of finished goods.

Mathematical Optimization: What You Need to Know 10

Optimization Models

There are also balance equations that Types of Mathematical

relate initial inventories of raw materials Optimization Models
and finished goods with their associated
ending inventories. There are various types of MO models,
each of which can be defined based on
Finally, the MO model has an objective the different characteristics of its decision
function (defined in terms of decision variables, constraints, and objective function.
variables and input parameters) that
needs to be maximized or minimized. In
our example, the objective function is to Linear Programming (LP) Models
maximize total profits generated from For LP models, we have continuous
selling finished products. This total profit non-negative decision variables, linear
is the difference between total revenues constraints, and a linear objective function.
from selling finished products and total
An example of non-negative continuous
costs from buying raw materials.
decision variables are gallons of gasoline
The MO model generates a production plan produced at a refinery.
that shows how much of each finished The objective function can be maximized
product to build, a sales plan that sets
or minimized. For example, the model can
out how much of each finished good is
maximize total revenue or minimize total
expected to be sold at which price, and a
procurement plan that establishes how
much raw material must be obtained to There are several types of linear constraints:
support the production plan.
Less-than-or-equal constraints
By combining input parameters with are typically considered for capacity
decision variables, we can determine constraints where we don’t want to
demand fulfillment metrics such as the exceed available capacity.
percentage of forecasted demand satisfied
by the sales plan. Also, we can determine Greater-than-or-equal constraints are
resource utilization metrics, such as what used to model demand requirements
percentage of available resources (labor where we want to ensure that at least
and machines) must be allocated to the a certain level of demand is satisfied.
sales plan.
Equality constraints are used when we
Financial reports can be created that define want to match certain activities exactly
the costs associated with the procurement with a given requirement. For example,
plan as well as the ending inventory hold- a job position can be filled with only one
ing costs of raw materials and finished resource and you have a set of possible
products. Also, reports can be created that qualified resources to assign to the job.
define ROI, profits, and revenues associated
with the sales plan.

Mathematical Optimization: What You Need to Know 11

Optimization Models

Integer Programming (IP) Models a variable linear cost of production and a

onetime cost of setting up the production
IP models are like LP models except that
process. The amount to be produced is a
the decision variables take integer values
non-negative continuous decision variable,
only. For example, in the automotive
and the cost of the production process
industry, the production of cars requires
setup is a binary decision variable.
decision variables to be non-negative
integer numbers.
Nonlinear Programming (NLP) Models
Binary Programming (BIP) Models In nonlinear programming models, some of
the constraints or the objective function (or
BIP models are a particular case of IP both) are nonlinear functions. For example,
models that require that the decision let’s consider a set of stocks. Each stock
variables take binary values only – that is, has a price and a return on investment.
0 or 1. BIP models are used to formulate In addition, there is a forecast of the
combinatorial optimization problems. Let’s stocks’ covariance matrix reflecting the
look at a classic combinatorial optimization risk associated with investment in this set
problem called the Traveling Salesman of stocks. The decision variables are the
Problem (TSP). For this problem, consider amount of each stock to buy; the objective
a salesman who needs to visit n cities. This function is to minimize the investment risk
person wants to visit all the cities only once while satisfying a minimum overall return
and wants to minimize the total distance of on investment. The objective function is a
going from one city to another. The decision quadratic function defined by the stocks’
variable xi,j is equal to 1 if city j is visited covariance matrix with a linear constraint
immediately after visiting city i and it is 0 reflecting the minimum overall return on
otherwise, so the TSP’s decision variables investment.
are binary.

Mixed-Integer Programming
(MIP) Models
MIP models are a combination of IP/BIP
and LP models, where the set of decision
variables can be divided into two subsets:
one subset of decision variables that are
continuous and non-negative, another
subset of decision variables that are non-
negative integers or binary. For example,
let’s consider a production process that has

Mathematical Optimization: What You Need to Know 12

AI Technology

AI Technology
In many of the world’s leading companies, of society and revolutionize the way
AI is perceived as a force of good. AI has businesses operate.
the potential to make the world safer, Forrester reports that as of 2019, more
healthcare more accessible, education more than 50% of global enterprises have already
personal, and manufacturing more efficient. implemented AI technologies and that
In the coming years, AI technologies are around 80% of global enterprises will be
expected to have a profound (and primarily using AI in five years.
positive) impact on virtually every aspect

2016 2017 2018 53%

Yes to AI 51%

No to AI

19% 20% 20%

7% 8%

Don’t know Not interested / no Planning to implement Implementing,

immediate plans within the next 12 months implemented or expanding

Source: Forrester

Figure 3: What are your firm’s plans to use artificial intelligence?

Mathematical Optimization
as an AI Technology
The business world has been transformed Techniques such as analytics, ML, and
over the past 50 years by the introduction MO, which make it possible to extract
of computers and information technologies significant value from data
and continues to change due to: Computing resources that can handle
The continued growth in available real-word business problems of any size
data containing a wealth of valuable or complexity

Mathematical Optimization: What You Need to Know 13

AI Technology

When considering mathematical The types of decisions handled by ML are

optimization within the context of narrow in scope – yes/no, on/off types
AI technologies, the key question is: of decisions. ML is particularly good at
applying similarity scores to measure how
Is mathematical optimization AI?
similar two entities are. Facial recognition
is a great example of a technology where
To answer this question, we must explore ML can be applied.
the following questions: However, one big issue in the future of
How do you extract value from data? decision technology is the combinatorial
– By drawing conclusions. explosion in possible courses of action
that can be taken – and MO (as a powerful
How do you draw conclusions? deductive AI technology) excels in handling
– With inductive reasoning, deductive problems of immense complexity and size.
reasoning, or both. For example, if you consider the previously
mentioned Traveling Salesman Problem
Inductive reasoning means deriving general for 48 U.S. cities, there are 1061 solutions.
principles from specific observations That’s actually larger than the number of
and deductive reasoning means deriving atoms on earth (1050 ). MO technology finds
conclusions from a set of factual premises. a provable global optimal solution in a
We may say that AI is a technology that fraction of a second.
attempts to replace human decision-making.
Like ML, inductive AI derives conclusions
and makes recommendations based on
patterns discovered in the data. Like MO,
deductive AI derives conclusions and
makes recommendations based on known
relationships (mathematical models) and
the available data.
Summarized simplistically, ML is an
inductive approach that considers very
large data sets and attempts to discover
patterns that provide insights on the
data. One critical characteristic of the ML
approach is that data and algorithms are
seen as a single entity where special effort
is made to keep the data accurate, current,
and complete. For this purpose, the data
scientist identifies many sources of data.

Mathematical Optimization: What You Need to Know 14

AI Technology

MO is a declarative approach where the “With MO, changes in business

modeler formulates a mathematical model conditions are easily reflected
that captures the key features of a complex by new decision variables
decision problem. The MO model formulation
and constraints without the
is then solved with MO algorithms, such as
need to change the underlying
LP and MIP algorithms. The Gurobi Optimizer
mathematical programming
utilizes state-of-the-art algorithms to tackle
MO models, while a decision support
system can be built based on the MO model
formulation and the Gurobi Optimizer.

Figure 4: The global optimal solution to the Traveling Salesman Problem

Mathematical Optimization
and Heuristics
In problem solving, a heuristic technique In AI, a metaheuristic is a higher-level
is any approach that employs a practical procedure designed to find, generate, or
method not guaranteed to produce a global select a partial search algorithm that may
optimal solution. The idea of heuristic provide a sufficiently good solution to
methods in AI is based on cognitive an optimization problem. Metaheuristics
science, the study of how humans think. sample a set of solutions too large to
Indeed, humans use heuristics all the time be completely sampled. Metaheuristics
to make decisions and solve problems. may make a few assumptions about the
Likewise, heuristic algorithms are often optimization problem being solved and
used in AI to get a computer to find an different metaheuristics are inspired
approximate solution instead of an exact by phenomena occurring in nature.

Mathematical Optimization: What You Need to Know 15

AI Technology

For example, a genetic algorithm is a “The next generation of AI

metaheuristic based on natural selection, applications to solve high-
the process that drives biological evolution. impact and high-value business
Simulated annealing is a metaheuristic problems will combine ML and
inspired by a thermodynamics process of MO techniques.”
heating and then slowly cooling metals.
Compared to optimization algorithms,
metaheuristics are fast but do not
guarantee a global optimal solution.
Heuristics can be used to find feasible
As noted, the MO approach only requires solutions to determine bounds and
a modeler to formulate a mathematical enhance the pruning of the solution
model that captures the key features of a search tree of an MIP approach.
complex decision problem. The modeler
does not need to worry about how to Mathematical Optimization
solve the optimization problem at hand, and Machine Learning
as this is done automatically, behind the
scenes. The modeler only needs to have an Machine Learning algorithms have been
efficient MO model that captures the main very successful at making predictions.
characteristics of the optimization problem For example, ML can:
and the required data for the model. MO is
easier to maintain for business applications Predict supply chain issues while
there is still time to remediate
– as business conditions change frequently.
These changes are difficult to incorporate Predict who will launch a cyberattack
with heuristics, whereas with MO these before it happens
changes are easily reflected by new decision Avoid wasting time by predicting
variables and constraints without the need experiments that are more likely
to change the underlying mathematical to prove the hypothesis
programming algorithms.
Predict imminent machine failure
Other benefits of using a mathematical
Predict benefits eligibility fraud
programming solver with respect to ad-hoc
heuristics or metaheuristics include the Predict future infrastructure
following: maintenance needs

An MO solver provides a systematic Predict price movements to find

solution with bounds on how close investment opportunities before
that solution comes to the optimal one the market does

An MO solver can be used heuristically Predict customer propensity to

to find a provable good solution in a buy more with targeted offers
reasonable time

Mathematical Optimization: What You Need to Know 16

AI Technology

Understand that ML is not without ML models are based on correlation and

challenges. For example, ML models require possibility, but they are not causative.
a powerful infrastructure, and even though In addition, ML models must learn from
they can be formidable and very profitable, experience and their performance can
these models are about probabilities, not decay over time, so they must be retrained
absolutes. Consequently, accurate models on newer data to stay fresh.
may not exist for every question.






Figure 5: ML models over time

Mathematical Optimization: What You Need to Know 17

AI Technology

In a business environment, being able to ML can predict benefits eligibility fraud.

make predictions is clearly not enough. – MO can decide how to assign case
Business executives need to have the workers to maximize recovery.
capability to use these predictions to help
ML can predict future infrastructure
them decide on the best course of action. maintenance needs.
As we have seen, MO determines the best
– MO can decide how to assign
possible decisions based on real-world
maintenance teams based on cost
constraints. and skill.
To illustrate, let’s describe the types of ML can predict price movements to find
decisions that can be made based on the investment opportunities before the
predictions from the ML success stories market does.
highlighted above: – MO can decide how to allocate
cash across all investment
ML can predict supply chain issues while vehicles.
there is still time to remediate.
– MO can decide the least costly way ML can predict customer propensity to
to reroute shipments. buy more with targeted offers.
– MO can decide how many discount
ML can predict who will launch a coupons to offer for maximizing
cyberattack before it happens. revenue or profit.
– MO can decide which investigators
to assign to potential cyber threats Yet MO, too, has its challenges. For
based on investigator skill and instance, business problems must
potential damage.
be translated into decision variables,
ML can avoid wasting time by predicting mathematically expressed constraints,
experiments that are more likely to prove and an objective function – and not every
the hypothesis. organization possesses the technical
– MO can decide what experiments expertise to do this. MO can also be slow
to pursue based on talent, cost, without performant solver software.
and time.
In summary, we believe that the next
ML can predict imminent machine generation of AI applications to solve high-
impact and high-value business problems
– MO can decide when to shut will combine ML and MO techniques. ML
the production line down to
predictions can determine the need to
perform maintenance so as to
minimize cost and maximize make MO decisions and can be used as MO
customer satisfaction. decision constraints. MO decisions can be
used as ML model training features and as
ML model scoring and inferencing inputs.

Mathematical Optimization: What You Need to Know 18


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In this document, we established help you get the performance you need.
that MO is a mature problem-
solving technology that is capable
of maximizing an organization’s 1 (713) 871-9341
operational efficiency while
satisfying resource constraints
and business rules. MO allows
companies to capture the key
features of a complex real-world
After that, we examined the various steps
business problem as an optimi- in the DDA approach, which is used when
zation model and enables them to devising MO models and deploying MO
build decision support tools that solutions.
drive greater efficiency, revenue
We presented the key components of MO
growth, and cost reductions. (data, decision variables, constraints, and
objective functions) and discussed the
We examined the tremendous impact associated output reports to help decision
that operations research and MO have makers choose the best course of action.
on society. For example, the cumulative In addition, based on the characteristics
benefits from the projects of Franz Edelman of the decision variables, constraints, and
competition finalists have topped the $292 objective function, we defined types of MO
billion mark. Leading global companies models.
are using the Gurobi Optimizer to tackle
Finally, we discussed AI technology’s
complex problems such as resource
relationship with MO. We looked at two AI
allocation and scheduling, routing, logistics,
technologies, metaheuristics and ML. Most
and supply chain management.
important, we discussed how ML and MO
Next, we presented three case studies that can be combined to tackle complex and
illustrate how various companies have used critically important business challenges.
the Gurobi Solver to achieve significant
business benefits.

Mathematical Optimization: What You Need to Know 19 1 (713) 871-9341
Mathematical Optimization: What You Need to Know 20

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