G10-English Exam 2ND Quarter

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Occidental Mindoro

2ND Quarter Examination in English 10

Name: _________________________ Score: _________________
Year/Section: 10-DELPHINIUM Date: _________________

I. Direction: Read each statement carefully and encircle the letter that best suits your answer.
1. Which of the following refers to a systematic investigation and a study of materials and sources to
establish facts and reach new conclusion?
A. assessment B. research C. news D. media
2. What refers to the language used when people are speaking in an informal way such as “wanna” instead
of “want to”?
A. jargon B. slang C. idiom D. colloquial
3. Which art of the research presents the ways of reporting and sharing findings of the study, that also
deals with drawing logical conclusion to give further recommendation?
A. Chapter 2 B. Chapter 3 C. Chapter 4 D. Chapter 5
4. It is a language used with meaning that is different from the basic meaning and expresses an idea in an
interesting way by using language that usually describes something else.
A. jargon B. colloquial C. figures of speech D. slang
5. Arrange the following parts according to proper order.
I. Research Methodology
II. Review of Related Literature
III. Presentation Analysis and Interpretation
IV. Research Problem and its Background
V. Summary Findings, Conclusions and Recommendation
A. IV, II, I, III, V B. V, II, II, III, IV C. II, III, I, IV, V D. IV, V, III, II, I
II.Directions: Read each item below and choose your answer from the word pool. Write your answer on
the space provided before a number.
A. Advocacy B. Campaign C. Argumentative D. Persuasive E. Literal
_______6. It refers to a set of organized activities designed to influence policies and practices to achieve
lasting change
________7. It is an active promotion of a cause or principle, involves actions that lead to a selected goal.
________8. The language that is direct, denotative and gives exact meaning of a word.
________9. A text that aims to present a point of view and seeks to convince a reader.
________10. It is a text that attempts to present and explain the issue or case, gives reasons and supports these

III.Directions: Read each item carefully, choose and write the letter of your answer before a number.
________11. It is a statement that states the position of the writer regarding a topic or issue.
A. opening statement C. examples statistics
B. thesis statement D. background information
________12. It involves the process of establishing a claim and proving it with the use of logical reasoning,
examples, and research.
A. argument B. conclusion C. reason D. evidence
________13. Disproving an opposing argument is also called .
A. Counterclaim B. Refutation C. Conclusion D. Exposition
________14. Which is not true about the concluding paragraph of an argumentative text?
A. It restates the position in other terms.
B. It summarizes the main points in the argument.
C. It reiterates a call to action.
D. It presents a new claim or argument
________15. It refers to a language used by persuaders when they want to convince their audience to believe
that their own opinion is best.
A. Evaluative language B. Conviction C. Figurative language D. Arguments
________16. Which conjunction is not used when introducing an alternative viewpoint?
A. Thus B. Again C. Rather D. In fact
________17. Which conjunction is used when summing up an idea?
A. therefore B. in other words C. rather D. in view of this
________18. Which of the following does not refer to a declarative sentence used in an argumentative text?
A. It is used to raise inquiries. C. It is used to enumerate reasons.
B. It is used to make a claim. D. It is used to present evidences.
________19. Which of the following is an example of a rhetorical question?
A. Why is physical distancing important nowadays?
B. Have you ever considered how many books we’d read if it were not for televisions and internet?
C. What learning modality would you prefer?
D. I online learning as good as face to face learning.
________20. Which of the following is not a reason for using passive voice in a sentence?
A. When the actor or doer of the action is unknown.
B. When the actor or doer of the action is irrelevant or not important.
C. When the person or thing acted on is more important than the doer.
D. When the writer thinks it sounds good to write in passive voice.
IV.Directions: Mark check ( / ) in the box before the number for statements of assertions and ( X ) for
statements of opinion . Do not put anything in the box when the statement is a fact.
21. My teacher managed to calm my angry classmate by letting her speak her side. She really knows
how to control someone’s temper.
22. I do believe that audio-books are worthwhile reading material.
23. I think Mona Lisa in the painting looks sad.
24. South Korean dramas are the most watched during quarantine period.
25. It seems that Fast and Furious movies are interesting to watch.
26. My mother is very hospitable. She always welcomes other people in the house with that smile on her face.
27. She leaves a lot of spaces in filling out forms. This proves that she finds filling in of forms difficult.
28. The government is promoting another way of greeting another person while ensuring health safety
amid the pandemic.
V. Directions: Choose the words that identify the following statements below. Write the letter of your
answer on the space provided before a number.
A. Claims of fact B. Claims of Value C. Claims of Policy D. Claims of Opinions
______29. Teens who engage in unprotected sex will develop STDs, become pregnant, and/or contract AIDS.
______30. Homosexuality is immoral because it violates religious, societal, and biological standards.
______31. Requiring community service in high school will produce more community-aware graduates.
______32. There should be criminal charges brought against people who use social media to bully others.
______33. We should stop spending so much on prisons and start spending more on education
______34. Social distancing is important during the coronavirus pandemic.

VI. Directions: Arrange the letters in the puzzle below in order to reveal the words that are defined in the
given statements.

35. A process that suggests stating what the writer

thinks or feels about the issue.
36. A piece of text that presents one side of the issue is
37. This is where the writer states the topic that is addressed in
the text. It is important because this is where the writer
establishes the point of view of the exposition.
38. It states the writer's point of view about the topic to be
39. is a statement or set of statements that you use in order to
try to convince people that your opinion about something is
40.  It  is also an act or object that expresses an idea or
41. something offered to be thought about or accepted :
proposal. a business or suggestions.

Directions: Read each item below, choose and encircle the letter that best suits your answer.
42. Which best describes extemporaneous public speaking?
A. speaking to an unknown audience C. speaking with less than an hour to prepare
B. speaking with less than 10 minutes to prepare D. speaking to a group with more than 15 individuals
43. Which of the following scenarios would be considered an extemporaneous talk?
A. You are asked to speak at an event at the end of the month for a charity.
B. You are asked to be the keynote speaker at the event next week.
C. You are a replacement for a speaker and given 20 minutes to prepare.
D. You are speaking at a local art fest in a few days, but no specific topic given.
44. How should you outline extemporaneous speeches?
A. preview, introduction, connection, body, review, conclusion
B. introduction, preview, connection, body, review, conclusion
C. introduction, connection, preview, body, conclusion, review
D. introduction, connection, preview, body, review conclusion
45. What makes extemporaneous speech different to manuscript or memorized speeches in terms of delivery?
A. delivered with scripts C. delivered with clear outline and scripts
B. delivered with outline D. delivered with organized short notes
46. What type of material is used when you include both brief and extended examples, statistics, and both
expert and peer testimonies?
A. primary materials C. supporting materials
B. relevant materials D. informative resources
47. What is the major characteristic of an impromptu speech?
A. it is not planned C. it requires a lot of research
B. it takes many hours to write D. it is rehearsed over several days
48. Which of the following is the common advantage of impromptu speech?
A. Unplanned C. Lacks connection with the audience
B. More focused and brief D. Nerve-cracking for inexperienced speakers
49. How will you effectively begin your impromptu speech delivery?
A. Observe appropriate and effective nonverbal cues.
B. Start outlining in your head. Focus on what to say first.
C. Shake hands with the one who introduced you, if necessary.
D. Establish eye contact; begin with your opening statements and greetings
50. How long do you get to prepare for an impromptu speech?
A. 60 seconds B.1-hour C. 90 seconds D. 2 minutes
51. How long do you deliver an impromptu talk?
A. 5 minutes B. 10 minutes C. less than 5 minutes D. 8 minutes
52. Which multimodal text brings the ancient tradition of oral storytelling and new technologies together?
A. Film B. E-poster C. Video trailer D. Digital storytelling
53. Which is NOT an example of complex multimodal texts?
A. Web pages B. Book trailers C. Music videos D. Brochures
54. In creating your own multimodal text, which element would you consider first?
A. Message B. Audience C. Genre D . Medium
55. Which step are you going to do in dealing with the type of medium in your multimodal text?
A. Planning as to where the material is to be distributed
B. Identifying the specific conventions to be used
C. Recognizing the familiarity of the audience
D. Considering the beliefs and values of the target audience
56. Why is it important to learn how to create multimodal texts?
A. It encourages students to understand the ways media shapes their world
B. It allows learners to experience learning in a variety of ways
C. It improves learners' attention span
D. All of these
For numbers 57-60

A. Spatial B. Gestural C. Linguistics D. Audio/Aural

_______57. Which of the given options includes the vocabulary, structure, grammar or oral language.
_______58. The mode that refers to color, vectors and viewpoint in stable and moving images. This is common in shot
framing, subject distance and angle, camera movement and subject movement such as a video films, film promotions,
cartoons, advertisements and etc.
_______59. When a mode of communication uses the music and sound effects such as the volume, pitch and rhythm.
_______60. It refers to the non-verbal expressions such as movement, facial expression and body language.

“You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.”
-Zig Ziglar

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