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Name: António Simiao Balate Gomes

Number: 87 415 9816 Rua de Campolide

Address: Manhiça - Maragra Telf: 210000000
Discipline: PMELI E-mail:

Dear Mr: _____________________

I finished my degree in Communication Sciences last April. My objective is to develop

skills and apply the knowledge acquired in a company operating at a multinational level.
I have to say that your company is starting to create a Department of Communication
and Image, foreseeing the Recruitment of knowledge by a recent graduate in the area of
I am delighted to be part of a prestigious and leading company in this field of activity.
As you can see from the C.V. that, possibly, experience in Design and Image Treatment,
areas that I deepened and developed during the realization and attachment of a
professional internship at the company, Lda.
I inform you of my full availability and interest in furthering the reasons for this
In the certainty that this letter will deserve your best attention, I send my best regards.

(António Simiao Balate)

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