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Name: Ryle Arron Paraiso Sarenas

Criminology 4-1

(20% in the Criminologists Licensure Examination)

 Personal Identification
 Police Photography
 Forensic Ballistics
 Questioned Documents Examination
 Legal Medicine

Directions: Encircle the letter of your best choice. No erasure is allowed.

1. DNA stand for:

a. Deoxy Nucleic Acid c. Dioxy Nuclic Acid
b. Deoxyrebonucleic Acid d. Dioxyrebonucleic Acid

2. AFIS stand for:

a. Automatic Fingerprint Identification System
b. Automated facial Identification System
c. Automatic facial System
d. Automated Fingerprint Identification System
3. A medium that does not allow light to pass through.
a. Transparent c. Translucent
b. Opaque d. Reflected

4. The taking-in of light by the material.

a. Transmission c. Absorption
b. Reflection d. Deflection

5. The type of Radiation with a corresponding wavelength of 10-30 millimicrons:

a. X-ray c. Ultra violet
b. Infa red d. Gamma rays

6. The bending of light:

a. Refraction c. Polarization
b. Reflection d. Diffraction

7. The speed of light from a transparent material:

a. Index of light c. Index of refraction
b. index of aperture d. Index of lens

8. The single wave of light:

a. Cres c. Trough
b. Wavelength d. Lambda

9. The classification of sunlight that provides the highest contrast in a picture:

a. Distinct sun c. Hazy sun
b. Dull sunlight d. Hazy dull sunlight

10. The corresponding wave length of ultra violet radiation:

a. 10-30 mm c. 400-700 mm
b. 30-400 mm d. 700-800 mm

11. A lens with a picture of angle of 45 degrees that correspond to the viewing angle of
the human eye:
a. A normal lens c. Wide angle lens
b. Zoom lens d. Telephoto lens

12. The lens that covers a picture of 60-90 degrees which enables photographing a
which extended scene from a close proximity or within a confined area:
a. Normal lens c. Wide angle lens
b. Zoom lens d. telephoto lens

13. The failure of light rays to focus properly after they pass through a lens or reflect
from a mirror is term as:
a. Parallax c. Blur
b. Aberration d. Vignetting

14. The lens that gathers light and refract the to meet at the certain point:
a. Negative lens c. Concave lens
b. Convex lens d. diverging lens

15. The lens defect where the outer part of a spherical surface have a focal length
different from that the central area:
a. Chromatic c. blur
b. Astigmatism d.. Vignetting
16. This occurs when light falling obliquely on the lens and passing through different
circular zones. Brought to a focus at different distances from the plane film:
a. Astigmatism c. Meniscus
b. Spherical d. coma

17. The crystals suspended in gelatin and coated on a transparent or reflective support:
a. Silver halide
b. Sulfate
c. Barium oxide
d. Sulfur

18. The transparent colored medium employed to regulate either the color or the
intensity of light used to expose the film:
a. Lenscover
b. Filter
c. Lens cap
d. All of the above is made of cellulose or other materials such as paper, plastics or glass, which
supports the emulsion layer and coated with a non curling anti-halation backing:
a. Top coating
b. Film base
c. Emulsion
d. Anti halation backing

20. It is coated between the top and second layer of emulsion colored film to absorb any
penetrating blue light but allowing green and red light to pass through:
a. Green filter
b. Blue filter
c. Yellow filter
d. Red filter

21. The films containing numerous number of large grains of silver halides that usually
develop in groups film that are very sensitive to light:
a. Slow film
b. Medium film
c. Fast film
d. High film

22. The emulsions degree of sensitivity to light; it determines the amount of exposure
required to photograph a subject under given lightning conditions.
a. Film speed
b. Camera speed
c. Lens speed
d. All of the above

23.there are four basic shots in crime scene documentation, which of the following will
show the established location of the crime scene:
a. Orientation
b. Relationship
c. Identification
d. Examination quality

24. In photographing evidence such as footwear impressions and bite marks, to show
details of such evidence it should be photograph in:
a. Direct lightning
b. Front lightning
c. Oblique lightning
d. Back lightning
25. The approximate distance of lightning in photographing impressions is about :
a. 3 feet
b. 4 feet
c. 8 feet
d. 2 feet

26. To represent the normal view of the crime scene. it should be photographed within:
a. 45 degrees
b. 90 degrees
c. Eye level
d. Birds eye level

27. The 1st procedure to be done in photographing evidence with scale:

a. Photograph in overlapping methods
b. Photograph it first without scale
c. Photograph the crime scene in overall view
d. All of the above

28.the moving of items that cause minimal intrusion to the scene like opening closet
doors, cabinets, moving heavy furniture is within what level of search
a. Level I
b. Level II
c. Level III
d. Level IV

29. The act of documenting is the most important and time consuming activity at a
crime scene because:
a. It shows the evidence in the context of the crime scene
b. It allows detectives and crime scene analysts to do a reconstruction of the corpus
c. Helps create and maintain the chain of custody and it may become evidence in
d. All of the above

30. This method is usually used when it is hard to define how the crime was comitted:
a. Centripetal pattern
b. Subjective pattern
c. Centrifugal pattern
d. Spiral pattern

31. Which of the following is an objective of crime scene photography?

a. To produce a pictorial record of everything regarding the crime
b. To help in keeping the police officers memory accurately as possible as where he
finds things
c. To help in securing or obtaining confessions, descriptions and information to the
d. Preservation of evidence in court

32. Which of the following correctly describe the importance of crime scene
a. Photography is necessary in the interrogation of suspects at the time he made a
b. Describe better than words
c. Proves statement
d. Records things you may fail to notice

33. When dimensions are important and to ensure the original size of the image/
evidence, enlargement or reduction maybe done with notations of.
a. Use scale/ruler
b. Apply note taking
c. Make proper sketching
d. All of the above

34. It is an art or science that deals with the study of principles of photography of
photographic of evidence, and it is applicationn to police work is known as:
a. Evidence photography
b. Autoptic evidence
c. Photographic evidence
d. Investigative photography

35. This photograph will show the location of the other doors or room through
committed and what crime was committed:
a. The building
b. The entrance
c. Established shot
d. The hallway

36. The admissibility of photograph that depicts that a crime was actually committed
and what crime was committed:
a. Competent
b. Material
c. Relevant
d. Inclusive

37. The purpose of the pictures is to show the amount and kind of damage the method
of attack is known as:
a. General view
b. Medium rage view
c. Mid range view
d. Close up view
38. Overlapping photographs should be taken of the exterior of the crime scene to:
a. Determine the boundary of the crime scene
b. Show the distances of evidence to the scene
c. Show the locale in relation to the entire neighbor
d. Show the presence of the witness/suspects

39. When photographing interiors of rooms, the investigator should use a normal lens a
compared to a wide angle lens because:
a. The image being photographed will cause distortion
b. The entire area will not be recorded
c. Parallel shot will not show the direction of the perpetrator
d. All of the above

40. In rape investigation, bite marks should be photographed using:

a. direct lightning
b. Front lightning
c. Back lightning
d. Oblique lightning

41. In case of blood spatter the direction lens is:

a. Close the blood to determine the life of blood
b. Parallel to determine the direction of the suspect a
c. Overall to cover the entire size of the blood
d. Vertical to reflect the appearance of the blood

42. The single wave of light

a. Crest
b. Wave length
c. Trough
d. Lambda
43. The photograph that will record the position and details of object:
a. Long view
b. Medium waves
c. General waves
d. Close up viewa

44. It deals with the study of notion of photography, its application to law enforcement
work and the preparation of photographs for court presentation:
a. Photographic evidence
b. Forensic photography
c. Investigative photography
d. evidence photography

45. It is the photographing of object at greater 1:1 ratio up to 9 times magnification .

a. Macro photography
b. Zoom photography
c. Micro photography
d. Ens photography

46.the requirement for crime scene photography that just show its purpose;
photographs must for a set together related to the scene as a whole:
a. Clarity
b. Consistency
c. Acceptability
d. Concise

47. Before proceeding top the main scene of the crime, hallways and other adjacent
rooms must be photographed. This is considered as the:
a. First shot
b. Second shot
c. Third shot
d. Fourth shot

48. The following correctly describes the fifth shot in indoor crime scene photography;
a. Photograph the main door and possible entrance and exit of the perpetrators.
b. The exact place must be photographed
c. Close up shots are applicable to the objects and/or subject attacked
d. To show the extent of damage or injury caused by the suspects

49. The shot normally taken at approximately 5 feet or less from the subjects
a. Mid range view
b. Medium view
c. Close up view
d. Extreme close up shot

50. The general standards used to review the credibility of the photographs are:
a. Accurate representation
b. Ubias
c. Free of distortion
d. All of the above

51. The radiations which cannot detected by the eye as a receptor are called invisible
light or rays region to the left of the visible radiation called.
a. Ultra violet
b. Gamm rays
c. Infra red
d. Xray

52.the measurement of the strength of a light source:

a. Illumination
b. Luminous intensity
c. Light emitted
d. Total emission

53. Which of the following statement is the correct explanation of dispersion?

a. Light that travel from higher density to a lower density change the direction of
b. Light is reflected in more than one direction
c. One important form of transmission is termed refraction
d. The short waves are slowed more that the long waves

54. When light waves strike a series of parallel macroscopics slots, all the light that
passes through vibrates in one direction. This phenomenon is caleed:
a. Interference
b. Radiation
c. Energy
d. Polarization

55.the freehand invitation and is considered as the most skillful class of forgery
a. Simulated or copies forgery
b. Simple forgery
c. Traced forgery
d. Carbon tracing

56. The normal developing time of paper or film:

a. 30-60 minutes
b. 5-10 minutes
c. 20-30 minutes
d. 1-2 minutes
57. The lens with a focal length of less than the diagonal of its negative material:
a. Telephoto lens
b. Normal lens
c. Long lens
d. Wide angle lens

58. The chemical used as an accelerator in a developer solution:

a. Potassium bromide
b. Sodium sulfite
c. sodium carbonate
d. Hydroquinone

59. A part of a camera used in a focusing the light from the subject:
a. View finder
b. Shutter
c. Lens
d. Light tight box

60. A component of ythe polygraph instrument which records the breathing of the
subject :
a. Cardiosphygmograph
b. Pheumograph
c. Galvanograph
d. Kymograph

61. A component of the polygraph instrument which records the blood pressure and the
pulse rate of the subject.
a. Cardiosphygmograph
b. Pheumograph
c. Galvanograph
d. Kymograph
62. In polygraph examination, the term “examination” means detection of:
a. Forgery
b. The mind
c. Emotion
d. Deception

63. It refers to an emotional response to a specific danger, which appears to go beyond

a persons defensive power.
a. Fear
b. Response
c. Stimuli
d. Reaction

64. The primary purpose of pre test interview in polygraphy:

a. Prepare subject for polygraph test
b. Obtain confession
c. Make the subject calm
d. Explain the polygraph test procedures

65. The deviation from normal tracing of the subject in the relevant question:
a. Positive response
b. Normal response
c. Specific response
d. Reaction

66. The study of the effect of the impact of a projectile on the target:
a. Terminal ballistics
b. Internal ballistics
c. External ballistics
d. Forensic ballistic

67. The pattern or curved path of the bullet in flight:

a. Yaw
b. Velocity
c. Range
d. Trajectory

68. This refers to the deflection of the bullet from its normal path after striking a
resistant surface.
a. Misfire
b. Ricochet
c. Mushroom
d. Key hole shot

69. A type of a primer with two vent or flash holes.

a. Bordan primer
b. Baterry primer
c. Berdan primer
d. Boxer primer

70. The helical grooves cut in the interior surface of the bore.
a. Swaging
b. Rifling
c. Ogive
d. Breaching

71. The measurement of the bore diameter from land to land.

a. Calibre
b. Gauge
c. Mean diameter
d. Rifling

72. The father if ballistics:

a. Hans Gross
b. Albert Osborne
c. Charles Waite
d. Calvin Goddard

73. A document in which some issues have been raised or is under scrutiny:
a. Vold document
b. Illegal document
c. Forged document
d. Questioned document

74. The following are characteristics of forgery except one.

a. Presence of national variation
b. Multiple pen lifts
c. Show bad quality of ink lines
d. Patchwork appearance

75. The standards which are prepared upon the request of the investigator and for the
purpose of comparison with questioned document.
a. Relative standards
b. Collected standard
c. Extended standard
d. Requested standard

76. The stroke which goes back over another stroke.

a. Natural variation
b. Shading
c. Rhythm
d. Retracing

77. The name of a person written by him/her in a document as an indication of

a. Opinion
b. Signature
c. Document
d. Handwriting

78. A kind of document which was executed by a private person without the innervation
of a notary public, or of competent public official, by which some disposition of
agreement is proved:
a. Commercial document
b. Official document
c. Public document
d. Compared document

79. An instrument that can be legally used in comparison with a questioned document
its origin is known an can be proven.
a. Stimulated document
b. Forged document
c. Standard document
d. Compared document

80. The process of making out what is illegible or what has been effaced:
a. Comparison
b. Obliteration
c. Collation
d. Decipherment
81. A document which contains some changes either as an addition or deletion.
a. Inserted document
b. Altered document
c. Disputed document
d. Obliterated document

82. A kind of erasure by using a rubber eraser, sharp knife, razor blade or picking
a. Mechanical erasure
b. Electronic erasure
c. Magnetic erasure
d. Chemical erasure

83. The periodic increase in pressure, characterized by widening of the ink stroke.
a. Shading
b. Pen emphasis
c. Pen lift
d. Pen pressure

84. A kind of document executed by a person in authority and by private parties but
notarized by competent officials:
a. Private document
b. Commercial document
c. Public document
d. Official document

85. The identification of fired bullets, cartridge case or other ammunition components
as having been fired from a specific firearm.
a. Ballistics
b. Firearms identification
c. Forensic science
d. All of the above

86. In addition to comparing ammunition components to fire arm , fire arm examiners
conduct other examination that usually include the following exceot:
a. Testing firearm to determine if they function properly
b. Examine clothing and other items for gun shot residues and/or shot patterns in an
attempt to determine muzzle to garment distance.
c. Examine the gunshot residue to establish the caliber of the fire arm
d. None of the above.

87. The special form if pen lift distinguishable and that its perceptible gap appears in the
a. Base fine
b. Hesitation
c. Hiatus
d. Blunt

88. A subject being fingerprinted must be advised by the operator to :

a. Cooperate
b. Relax
c. Keep still
d. Look at his hand

89. To determine whether a loop in ulnar pr radial it is important that we should know
in what fingerprint came from
a. Finger
b. Person
c. Pattern
d. Hand
90. The thumb mark of the firearm found on a fired bullet:
a. Land mark
b. Helical groove
c. Ruffing mark
d. All of them

91. A recovered evidence bullet should not be marked at the.

a. Ogive
b. Point/tip
c. Bearing surface
d. Shoulder

92. To classify fingerprint deltas are essential. In whorl type finger print patterns exact
determined without these focal points.
a. Core
b. Identification
c. Primary
d. Ridge tracing

93. Philippine currency is printed by means of

a. Stencil
b. Engraving
c. Offset
d. Drawing

94. In photography there are person who lack the ability to differentiate forms , size,
letter , configuration , design and angles because of.
a. Blindness
b. Astigmatism
c. Chromatic aberration
d. Coma

95. The specimen of handwriting secured by uttering the text of a questioned document
or other writing materials to a subject is known as:
a. Dictated standard
b. Specimen hand writing
c. Forced signature
d. None of them

96. These are marks found on a fired bullet due to the jumping of the bullet inside the
gun barrel.
a. Helical grove marks
b. Barrel marks
c. Stripping marks
d. Irregular marks

97. Poisons are more rapidly absorbed when it is.

a. Gaseous
b. Liquid
c. Solid
d. All of the above

98. It denotes knowledge of law in relation to the practice of medicine. It concerns with
the study of the rights, duties and obligations of a medical practitioner with particular
reference to those arising from the doctor-patient relationship.
a. Legal medicine
b. Forensic medicine
c. Medical jurisprudence
d. All of the above
99. Which of the following do not belong to the group of firearms mark?
a. Breech face mark
b. Chamber mark
c. Extractor mark
d. Landmark

100. The characteristics that are determinable even prior to the manufacturer of fire
a. Individual characteristics
b. General marks
c. Class characteristics
d. Striations

101. In fire arms identification, the most positive identification is made by examining or
comparing impression that creates____ on the fired bullet.
a. Striation
b. Riffling mark
c. Individual characteristics
d. None of them

102. In the examination of fired bullets or fired cartridge cases through the use of bullet
comparison microscope the evidence bullets or cartridge cases must be held in what
a. Face to Face position
b. The same direction
c. Juxta position
d. The same time position

103. The third problem encounter by a firearm examiner is:

a. Give a fired cartridge case, to determine the caliber type and make of the firearm
from which it was fired
b. Give a firearm determine whether the firearm is serviceable or not
c. Given two or more bullets to determine whether or not they were fired from the
same firearm.
d. Give a fired bullet and suspected firearm to determine whether or not the fired
bullet was fired from the suspected

104. The greater the number of points of similarities and dissimilarities of two persons
or object compared, the greater is the probability for the conclusion to be correct. This
know as:
a. The Law of Multiplicity of evidence in identification
b. The Law of evidence
c. The Law of Identification
d. The Law of Fingerprint Examination

105. Is the traditional method of detecting gunshot residue.

a. Atomic absorption spectrometry
b. Neutron activation analysis
c. Paraffin test
d. Gunshot residue examination

106. Which of the following is correct statement in ballistics?

a. the study of the motion of projectile
b. The study of the functions of firearm examiner
c. The study of the flight propellant
d. The study of the firing and effects of exit wound

107. It is the termination of life, it is the complete cessation of all the vital functions
without possibility of resuscitation. It is an irreversible loss of the properties of living
a. Death
b. Somatic death
c. Clinical death
d. Molecular death

108. It refers to the study of the interaction of projectile with its target.
a. Terminal ballistics
b. Wound ballistics
c. Internal ballistics
d. Exterior ballistics

109. The deflection of the bullet from its normal path after striking a resistant object is
Callie recoil. This statement is.
a. True
b. False
c. Probably false
d. Undecided

110. The instrument that measure the velocity of bullet.

a. Chronograph
b. Caliper
c. Bullet comparison microscope
d. Helixometer

111. The whole ammunition will pass through the barrel if fired. This statement is.
a. True
b. Totally true
c. Possibly false
d. Possibly true

112. Arvil is the part if the primer located inside the primer cap which the priming
mixture is crushed against the blow of the firing pin spring. The statement is.
a. True
b. Totally false
c. Possibly true
d. Possible false

113. The muscles are relaxed and capable of contracting when stimulated. The pupils
are dilate, the sphincters are relaxed and there is incontinence of urination and
defection. The stage of muscle tissue after death refers to:
a. Stage of primary flaccidity
b. Stage of post-mortem rigidity
c. Stage of secondary flaccidity
d. Cadaveric spasm

114. This is a specialized computer network in the united states it contains digital
images of recovered pieces of ballistics evidence.
a. Drugfire
d. Brass character

115. The use of computers to automate the process of matching a piece of recovered
ballistics evidence which can be either bullets or cartridge or fragments theorem against
data base.
a. A drug fire
d. Automated firearms identification

116. It is the circumferential grooves around the bullet or catridge case which is also
referred to lubrication groove..
a. Furrow
b. Groove
c. Cannelure
d. Neppie

117. It is a device for catching test bullets fired from the suspected gun.
a. Bullet recovery capsule
b. Bullet recovery tank
c. All of the above
d. None of the above

118. The word bullet originated from the French word___

a. Boullete
b. Boullette
c. Boullete
d. Boulete

119. The coverage of the term unlicensed fire arm according to the new law on firearm
in the Philippines includes the ff.
a. Firearms with expired license
b. Unauthorized use of licensed firearm in the commission of the crime
c. A licensed firearm but it was used in the commission of crime
d. All of the above
120. In addition to the comparing of ammunition components to firearm, firearms
examiner conduct examinations that usually include the following except.
a. Identify the person who fired the gun against a particular victim.
b. Examine clothing and other items for gunshot residues and/or shot patterns in an
attempt to determine a muzzle-to-garment distance.
c. determine the caliber an manufacturer of ammunition components
d. Testing the firearms to determine if they fuction properly.
121. In ballistics it is the study of the bahavior of the bullet after it exist the barrel and
before it hits the target.
a. Wound ballistics
b. Internal ballistics
c. Terminal ballstics
d. External ballistics

122. This type of asphyxia death is brought about the failure of circulation the failure is
may be heart failure shock etc.
a. Stagnant anoxic death
b. Histotoxic anoxic death
c. Anemic anoxic death
d. Anoxic death

123. The law codifying the laws on illegal/unlawful possessions, manufacture, dealing in
acquisitions, disposition of firearms, ammunition or explosives or instrument use in
manufacture of firearm , ammunition or explosives, and imposing stiffer penalties for
certain violations thereof and for purpose.
a. Republic act 8294
b. Presidential decree 1866
c. Presidential decree 1688
d. Republic act 9428

124. A firearm designed to be fired from the hand with a revolving cylinder containing
several chambers, what type of firearm according to the internal surface of its barrel.
a. Pistol
b. Revolver
c. Handgun/short arm
d. None
125. The portion of the bullet that recieves the impressions of firearm barrel every after
a. Tip
b. Bearing surface
c. Ogive
d. Base

126. A bullet that contains a mixture of phosphorous or other material that can set fire
by impact.
a. Incendiary
b. Yellow
c. Polarizing
d. Any of them

127. To avoid reflections in photographing vehicle accident in broad daylight. The

photographer must what kind of filter.
a. Red
b. Yellow
c. Polarizing
d. Any of them

128. The part of the cartridge case that obtains impression of the extractor rod of the
a. Cartridge case
b. Bearing surface
c. Extractor mark
d. Extractor groove

129. The section of the pellet where a ballistician or fire arm examiner may locate the
riffling impression for possible identification.
a. Nose of the bullet
b. Bearing bur face
c. Ogive the bullet
d. None of them

130. The 1st produce the practical repeating handgun:

a. John browning
b. Sir Sydney smith
c. Mikael Kalashnikov
d. Samuel Colt

131. These bullet are usually made of a single metal alloy or a layered combination of
various metal materials, layered bullets are called:
a. Hard ball
b. Full metal bullet base
c. Semi jacketed nose
d. Jacketed bullets

132. Usually a jacketed bullet has an opening at the base or the nose but some has no
opening in the jacket material. A jacketed bullet has no opening is called encapsulate
bullet or.
a. Totally metal jacketed bullet
b. Semi jacketed soft point
c. Semi jacketed hollow point
d. All of them are jacketed bullets

133. What is the aspect of bullet that dictates its aerodynamic and impact
a. Pointed nose shape
b. Wad cutter shape nose
c. Boat tailed shape
d. Shape only
134. Tracer bullet is composed of barium nitrate or usually a mixture of magnessium per
chlorate and strontium salts that yeids what color?
a. Maroon
b. Dark red
c. Bright pink
d. Bright red

135. Granules of cannon gun powder is coated in order to prevent static electricity
sparks from causing undesired ignitions. The coating material is.
a. Granite
b. Graphite
c. Coating
d. Powder coat

136. The primer with a single flash hole

a. American
b. Berdan
c. Boxer
d. European'

137. This principle states that there are no two barrels microscopically identical as the
surface of firearms bores; all barrels posses individual and characteristics marking of
their own.
a. Principle of individuality
b. Principle of constancy
c. Principle of permanency
d. Principle of infability

138. The characteristics that are determinable even prior to the manafacture of the
a. Scratches
b. Individual characteristics
c. Class characteristics
d. Striation marks

139. The lands and grooves on a bullet are measured in thousandths of an inch or
millimeter to measure individual riffing impressions it is wise to use an instrument
known as.
a. Caliber & millimeter
b. Heliometer
c. Micrometer
d. Taper gauge

140 these are produced when the cartridge case moves literally against the tool
producing a scrape or striated mark.
a. Scratches or striation marks
b. Breech face marks
c. Riffling marks
d. Chamber marks

141. These are the indentations when the firing pin of a firearm strikes the primer of
center fire cartridge
a. Breech face marks
b. Rim fire cartridges
c. Center fire
d. Firing pin impressions

142. It rests against the head or base pf the cartridges case and holds the cartridges case
in the chamber of the firearm.
a. Extractor rod
b. Primer cap
c. Cartridges base
d. Breech face

143. It decelerates the projectile with a force proportional to the square of the velocity
acting on the side or body of the bullet. This kind of drag is:
a. Drag/air resistance
b. Skin friction
c. Kinetic energy
d. Base drag

144. The bore diameter is determined through the distance from one land to the
opposite groove of the barrel. This statement is.
a. Wholly true
b. Probably false
c. Partially yes
d. False

145. Most positive identifications are made on land impression in which striation mark
could be found and the best mark is usually found pon what part of the lan mark?
a. Ogive
b. Tip
c. Edge
d. Base

146. The factor that determines the width of coverage of a lens and the size of the
a. F/number
b. Focal length
c. Depth field
d. Hyper focal distance
147. The actual curve path of the bullet while in flight.
a. Line of sight
b. Parabola
c. Trajectory
d. Bore center tile

148. Cartridges with a +P designation usually has no external differences from the lower
powered variety of gun powder but it contains different types of gun powder to achieve
higher velocity. Said designation stand for:
a. Memo plus
b. Powder plus
c. Pus power
d. Explosions

149. Every breech face leaves its thumb mark on the base of every fired bullet this
statement is.
a. True
b. False
c. Possibly true
d. Possibly false

150. The following are the class characteristics that a fire arm examiner should establish
in the assessment of suspected fire arm bullet except.
a. Direction twist
b. Caliber of the propellant
c. Width of land
d. Number of land and groove

151. The aberration which exhibits itself as misty haze or a cloudy semicircukar patch of
light which may cover part of or the entire image.
a. Astigmatism
b. Curvature of field
c. Flare
d. Curvilinear distortion

152. The secondary fracture in glass that forms triangular pieces of glass formation
reefers to.
a. Concentric fracture
b. Radial fracture
c. Spiral fracture
d. Bone fracture

153. A recovered cartridges case from the crime scenes could be marked to any of the
following parts except.
a. Near the mouth (inside)
b. Near the mouth (outside)
c. Base of shell
d. None of the above

154. The standard medium for testing bullets performance on tissue.

a. Ballistic gelatin
b. Ballistics tissue
c. Recovery tank
d. Sample bullet

155. This kind of projectile is designed to break apart on impact , causing an effect
similar to that of frangible projectile it is usually constructed like the hollow point
projectile but deeper and target cavities.
a. Frangible bullet
b. Expanding bullet
c. Fragmenting bullet
d. Hollow point bullet photography the recommended safelight for printing is:
a. Green
b. Light blue
c. Red
d. Yellow green

157. What type of question is asked during the test that deals with a known fact which
the subject cannot lie.
a. Knowledge question
b. Control question
c. Irrelevant question
d. Relevant question

158. What is the name of the accessory of the cardiograph module that will be attached
to the subject during the test ?
a. Blood pressure cuff
b. Finger electrodes
c. Velcro pump valve
d. Pneumo rubber tube

159. It’s the alteration of consciousness and concentration in which the subject manifest
a heightened of suggestibility while awareness is maintained.
a. Administration of truth serum
b. Hypnotism
c. Narcoanalysis or narcosynthesis
d. Intoxication with use of alcohol

160. Shotgun is also known as:

a. Defensive gun
b. Fowling piece or scattergun
c. Tactical gun
d. Smoothbore

161. The time that a shutter is opened, allowing light to reach the film is also known as:
a. Parallax
b. Lens speed
c. Diagram speed
d. Shutter speed

162. It is often referred to as stopping power when dealing with human or other living
targets. It Is a sub-field of ballistics that deals with the study of behavior of a projectile
when it hits target.
a. Terminal
b. Ballistics
c. Interior
d. Forensic

163. A firearm that usually designed to be fired from the shoulder which uses the energy
of a fixed shell to fire a number of small spherical pellets called shot or a solid projectile
is known as:
a. Smoothbore slug
b. Shotgun
c. Shot pellet
d. Long arms

164. Which of the following is not belong to the group?

a. Single action
b. Bolt action
c. Pump action
d. Level action
165. The inability of a simple lens to bring the different wave length (color) of light to
the focus on the same plane refers to:
a. Spherical aberration
b. Chromatic aberration
c. Coma
d. Astigmatism

166. The force or motion that arouses an organism or any part to activity.
a. Stimuli
b. Response
c. Reaction
d. Fear

167. The kind of physiological response that cannot be seen and it is measured and
recorded by the polygraph.
a. External
b. outside
c. Internal
d. Facial

168. Who will determine the guilt or innocence of the subject who voluntarily submitted
himself for polygraph test and whose case is pending in court?
a. Police investigator
b. Polygraph examiner
c. Prosecutor
d. Court or trial

169. The kind of lie that is intended to protect or maintain harmony of friendship.
a. Red lie
b. Benign lie
c. Back lie
d. Pathological lie

170. The component of the poilygraph capable of recording the breathing patter:
a. Pneumograph
b. Cardiograph
c. Galvanograph
d. Pathological lie

171. One of these considered the primary purpose of the pre test interview:
a. Determine the fact of the case
b. Determine the guilt or innocence of the subject
c. Seeks confession of the subject
d. Prepare the subject psychologically for the test.

172. The term for the operating mechanism of a gun.

a. Action
b. Load mechanism
c. Auto loading
d. Single action

173. The shotgun that has a few inches riffling at the end part of its barrel and are
designed to be used a aboted bullet is commonly known as:
a. Riffled shotgun
b. Lombroso
c. Marston
d. Keeler
174. He advised the chart roll paper a better method of questioning and incorporated by
a. Larson
b. Lombroso
c. Masrton
d. Keeler

175. The ability of this kind of test reveal the real person behind the mask which all of us
are said to mask of sanity this was reflected in the old maxim “in vino veritas” which
means “in wine” theres a truth the test refers to:
a. Administration of truth serum
b. Hypnotism
c. Narcoanalysis or narcosynthesis
d. Intoxication with the use of alcohol

176. What component of the polygraph drives the chart paper during the test:
a. Pneumograph
b. Cardiograph
c. Galvanograph
d. kymograph

177. A polygraph component responsible for the measurement of the skin resistence
a. Pneumograph
b. Cardiograph
c. Galvanograph
d. Kymograph

178. He invented the 1st polygraph instrument that simultaneously records the blood
pressure , pulse skin resistance and respiratory reaction of the subject.
a. willim martson
b. Leonarde keeler
c. Angelo mosso
d. John larson

179. This is normally located at the center portion of the chart when properly balanced
it takes the form of slightly wavering line across the middle portion if chart.
a. Galvanograph
b. Cardiospygmograph
c. Pneumograph
d. All of the above

180. The lie which is accompanied by pretension and hypocrisies intriguing to cause
dishonor or dissect one good image
a. White lie
b. Benign lie
c. Black lie
d. Pathological lie

181. The stage in the conduct of the polygraph test which is designed to prepare or
condition the subject to the actual test:
a. Initial interview
b. Pre test interview
c. Instrumentation
d. Post test interview

182. The external covering of the body consisting essentially of the epidermis, dermis
and corium:
a. Heart
b. Muscle
c. Lung
d. Skin
183. This is shotgun whose barrel his been shortened, leaving it more maneuverable,
easier to use at range and more readily concealed. Its is sometimes known as a “lupara”
a. Short smooth core
b. Converted shotgun
c. Sawed-off shotgun
d. Break action shotgun

184. This shotgun consists of two barrels that is an over and under designed with one
shotgun barrel and rifled barrel.
a. Drilling gun
b. Double barreled gun
c. Vierling shotgun
d. Combination gun

185. He determined the respiratory changes were indicated of deception.

a. Berussi
b. Veraguth
c. Burtt
d. Sticker

186. He employed the 1st scientific instrument to detect deception with his instrument
called hydrosphymograph.
a. Cesare Lombroso
b. Angelo Mosso
c. Leonarde Keeler
d. William Martson

187. The shotgun that contains three barrels, usually 2 shotgun barrels of the same
gauge and rifled barrel; the arrangement was a side by side shotgun with the riffled
barrel below and centered.
a. Funting
b. Drilling gun
c. Combination gun
d. Verting

188. The shotgun is commonly known as riot gun. It has a sliding fire arm handle and is
fed on a magazine underneath the barrel which also serves as a guide for the pump. This
type of shotgun according to loading mechanism is known as:
a. Pump action shotgun
b. Slide action type
c. Lever action type firearm
d. Smoothbore firearm

189. What is the physiological reaction of the subject that will be recorded by the
cardiograph channel?
a. Blood pressure
b. Galvanic skin phenomera
c. Respiratory changes
d. Skin resistance

190. It is responsible for the movement of the blood in the veins and the arteries
throughout the body.
a. Circulatory system
b. Central nervous system
c. Excretory system
d. Respiratory system

191. This instrument was designed by captain Clarence D. Lee and known as:
a. Reactograph
b. Darrow photopolygraph
c. Berkeley polygraph
d. Keeler plygraph
192. This test questioned is designed and co9nstructed to the test the direct
involvement of the subject only:
a. Strong relevant
b. Weak relevant
c. Irrelevant
d. Control question

193. “forensic” came from the latin word “forensis” which means:
a. Scientific justice
b. Of or before the forum
c. Justice is served
d. To the court of justice

194. A gun that is loaded through its muzzle is known as muzzle loading firearm while a
gun that is loaded on the breech Is also known as.
a. Magazine firearm
b. Brreech loading firearm
c. M16 rifle
d. None of the above

195. In 1925, he produced the 1st working prototype of his semi-automatic shotgun.
Which had an 8-round magazine located in the stock. This shotgun reloads automatically
after reach shot like a semi-automatic and has a break action to load the first shell.
a. Rodolfo Cosmi
b. Daniel Wesson
c. Henry Derringer
d. Eugen Stoner

196. Is the important of polygraph that hoids the chart paper in place:
a. Pneumograph
b. Galvanograph
c. Cardiograph
d. Kymograph

197.he was a German honk credited with gun powder invention:

a. Berthold Schwartz
b. James Wolfe Ripley
c. Roger Bacon
d. Elisha King root

198. It serves as the activator of the body system.

a. Circulatory system
b. Central nervous system
c. Respiratory system
d. Excretory system

199. What is the component of the polygraph changed with recording the blood
pressure of the subject
a. Galvanograph
b. Cardiograph
c. Pneumigraph
d. Kymograph component

200. The original uses concentrated rice as the article chosen, instead of bread and
a. Ordeal of redwater
b. Rice chewing
c. Ordeal of the rice
d. Ordeal of boiling water
201. Which of the following is not included in the 4 phrases in the conduct of a
polygraph test?
a. Psychological treatment upon the subject or person to be examined
b. Initial interview with the investigator or person requesting examination.
c. Pre test with the person to be examined.
d. Conduct of the instrumental test

202. United states the caliber of shotgun is measured in terms of gauge while in united
kingdom is measured in terms of.
a. Bore
b. Shot
c. Caliber
d. Pellet

203. Upon firing the shotgun and as the shot leaves the barrel, it begins to dispense in
the air. The resulting cloud of pellets is known as.
a. Pellet clouds
b. Shot pattern’
c. Shot ballistic
d. Shot movement

204. This typically consist of a conical section that smoothly tapers from the bore
diameter, followed by a cylindrical section of the choke diameter.
a. Totally choked
b. Centered choke
c. Half choke
d. Choke

205. Which among of the following is the purpose of choking the barrel of a particukar
a. It holds the shot together after leaving the barrel
b. Establishes the desired amount of the shotgun
c. It design to tailor the pattern shots for different purposes
d. A and C only.

206. It is also known as birdshot in the smaller shot sizes; the most commonly used
round, filled with lead or lead substitute pellets.
a. Shot
b. Shotgun
c. Buckshot
d. Pellet guns

207. It is scientific diagnostic instrument used to record physiological changes

a. Polygraphy
b. Polygraph
c. Lie detection
d. Sphygmomanometer

208. One who is capable of being able to detect deception or verify truth of statement
through instrumentation or the use of mechanical device.
a. Polygraph examiner
b. Detective
c. Interrogator
d. Medico legal office
209. This takes from if specific responses indicative of deception such as increase or
decrease of blood pressure, increase or decrease of pulse.
a. Galvanograph
b. Cardiospymograph
c. Pneumograph
d. All of the above.

210. It is an early method of detecting deception which is originated from india:

a. Trial by combat
b. Ordeal of rice chewing
c. Ordeal
d. Red hot iron ordeal

211. He found out that changes in systolic blood pressure were a greater value in
determining deception than changes in respiration.
a. Harold Burtt
b. Veraguth
c. Vittorio Benussi
d. Sticker

212. A shotgun that has a side by side variation or construction of barrel is defined as:
a. Cape guns
b. Side by side shotgun
c. Fowling piece
d. Scatter gun

213. Riffling plays a vital role on the motion og bullet every after firing and some of its
function are as follows except.
a. It imparts a spin to the projectile
b. Kit increase the accuracy of the projectile by eliminating the random drift due to
the magnus effect.
c. It stabilizes the bullet and prevents it from tumbling
d. None of the above

214. It is a broad range of subspecialities which uses techniques adapted from the
natural sciences to obtain criminal or other legal evidence.
a. Science
b. Toxicology
c. Forensic
d. All of the above

215. The valuable instrument is especially designed to permit the firearms examiner to
determine the similarity and dissimilarity between two fired bullets or two fired shells
by simultaneously observing their magnified image in a single microscopic field.
a. Bullet comparison microscope
b. Individual characteristic
c. Class characteristic
d. Striated action mark

216. This method is based on neutron activation and therefore requires a source of
neutrons; a range of different sources can be used. This is used in the detection of gun
powder nitrate
a. Neutron activation analysis
b. Atomic absorption spectrometry
c. Paraffin test
d. Vinegar method

217. It is used in the laboratory for making fired bullets, fired shells and firearms
submitted for examination
a. Pointed marker
b. Pen marker
c. Electric gun marker
d. Metal marker

218. Gunshot residues and gunshot primer residues are explained as tiny particles from
the barrel of a firearm every after firing. Among other materials, gunshot residues
contain heavy metals such as barium lead and.
a. Antimony
b. Residue
c. Nitrate
d. Aluminum

219. According to the new fire arm law in the Philippines. If homicide or murder is
committed with the use of an unlicensed firearm, the use of such unlicensed firearm
shall be considers as an aggravating circumstances. This statement is.
a. Absolutely correct
b. Probably false
c. Probably true
d. Partially true

220. What is the part of the firearm that extract cartridge from the chamber?
a. Breech
b. Firing pin
c. Extractor
d. Ejector

221. The cheque payable to the person specified therein or to any other else who
prevents it to the bank for payment.
a. order check
b. Stale check
c. Bearer check
d. Open check

222. The person or establishment who will receive the money indicated from the
a. Account holder
b. Drawer
c. Payee
d. Drawee
223. The bank or other financial institution where the cheque can be presented for
a. Account holder
b. Drawer
c. Payee
d. Drawee

224. The invisible markings are used to identify permuted tickets and lottery receipts. A
counter field ticket can be detected by mean of its fluorescent qualities through the use
of its instrument.
a. Infra red
b. Ultra violet
c. Filter
d. Photomicrography

225. The category of forgery where the offender imitated the writtings of another
a. Simple forgery
b. Traced forgery
c. Simulated forgery
d. Cut and paste forgery

226. The one usually applied to the partially visible depressions appearing on a sheet of
paper underneath the one which the visible writing appears:
a. Indented writing
b. Arcade writing
c. Angular writing
d. Drawing

227. The writing weakness portrayed by irregular shaky strokes.

a. Tension
b. Writing impulse
c. Poor line quality
d. Terroir

228.the traditional unnecessary strokes to legibility of letter forms or writings but

incorporated in writing decorative or ornamental purpose is called.
a. Speed writing
b. Natural variation
c. Rubic
d. Writing condition

229. The glossy part of the film which is coated with silver compound that is sensitive to
a. The cost of animal gelatin
b. Base
c. Emulsion
d. Grainers

230. Combination of American standard association and douche industry Normen:

a. International sensitized material
b. International sensitize organization
c. International standard organization
d. International sensitometry organization

231. The science mechanics that deals with the motion, behavior and effects of
projectiles especially bullets, gravity bombs, rockets, or the like the science or art of
designing and accelerating projectiles so as to achieve a desired performance.
a. Ballistics
b. Criminalistic
c. Forensic ballistics
d. Firearms examination
232. The study of the interaction of a projectile with its, target whether that be fleshed,
steel or even furnace slag:
a. Terminal ballistics
b. Internal ballistics
c. Ballistics
d. Shot ballistics

233. The deflection of bullet from its normal path after striking a resistant object:
a. Ricochet
b. Recoil
c. Fouling
d. Trajectory

234. The instrument which is designed to measure the velocity of the bullet.
a. Chronograph
b. Caliper
c. Bullet comparison microscope
d. Helixometer

235. The straight distance between the muzzle of the gun and target.
a. Range
b. Angle inclination
c. Line of sight
d. Bullets path

236. The study of the process of accelerating the projectile which includes the passage
of a bullet through the barrel.
a. Internal ballistics
b. Terminal ballistics
c. Transitional ballistics
d. External ballistics

237. The intermediate ballistics which focused on the studdy of the projectiles behavior
when it leaves the barrel and pressure behind the projectile.
a. Internal ballistics
b. Terminal ballistics
c. Transitional ballistics
d. External ballistics

238. What is the basic component of photography?

a. Subject
b. Film
c. Camera
d. Light

239. The positive result of photography.

a. Picture
b. Photograph
c. Positive
d. Negative

240. As much as possible the photographs to be presented in court must be black and
white so that it will not be an inflammatory evidence. The statement is:
a. True
b. False
c. Partly true
d. Partly false

241. Flash bulb and electronic flash are two example of light of short duration. Which
among of these is common at present.
a. Flash bulb
b. Electronic bulb
c. Lamp
d. Flash light

242. What country is the first use of photograph of crime scene in court presentation.
a. Germany
b. Us
c. Philippines
d. France

243. In photography probe, when murder occurred showing disarray of cabinets,

photography is essential to show defense.
a. Suspect
b. Witness
c. Victim
d. Kibitizers

244. A layer that is orthochromatic.

a. Green filter
b. Blue filter
c. Yellow filter
d. Red filter

245.. Tripod has how many feet.

a. It depends
b. Two
c. Three
d. Four
246. In robbery case involving force upon things, which should be closely photograph
a. Weapon used
b. Victim wounds
c. Entrance and exit
d. Things stolen

247. The photography under taken at the crime scene which will be used for court
presentation is called?
a. Crime scene photography
b. Forensic photography
c. Crime photography
d. Police photography

248. What is the chemical and mechanical product of photography.

a. All of these
b. Picture
c. Portrait
d. Photograph

249. The type of forgery where the perpetrator assumes as false name and makes a
rapid stoke disturbing his usual writing by adopting a camouflage.
a. Free hand forgery
b. Stimulated with the model before the forger
c. Traced forgery
d. Simple forgery

250. The signature that the courts accept as evidence and it cannot be contradicted by
the owner for the initially acknowledged the same:
a. Questioned signature
b. Standard
c. Signature
d. Writings

251. The documents whose authenticity is being challenged:

a. Signature
b. Writing
c. Standard document
d. Questioned document

252. No two genuine signatures of any length are exact replicas of each other. The
statement is:
a. True
b. False
c. Yes
d. No

253. Which of the following does not refer to the light gathering power of lens.
a. Relative aperture
b. Chromatic aberration
c. Diaphragm opening
d. F- numbers

254. The holding back of some light to specific area to make it lighter in density.
a. Cropping
b. Dodging
c. Burning-in
d. Printing

255. The adding of exposure time on a specific area to bring out details.
a. Cropping
b. Dodging
c. Burning-in
d. Printing

256. In the examination of fibers, hairs, bullet or shell there is a need to use a
microscope. This is a process taking pictures through the microscope.
a. Photomicrography
b. Photomicrography
c. microphotography
d. Macro photography

257. The ridge count of the first loop in a set of fingerprints beginning with right thumb
except the little fingers.
a. Final classifications
b. Major classifications
c. Key classifications
d. Primary classifications

258. If the ridge counts of the first loop in a set of fingerprints beginning with right
thumb except the little fingers:
a. S/L
b. M/L
c. L/L
d. L/M

259. The impressions made by chance and is visible without prior application of
chemical treatment.
a. Latent prints
b. Chance impressions
c. Plastic impressions
d. Visible impressions
260. The principle of finger print which states that the configuration and details of
individual ridges remain constant and unchanging.
a. Principle individuality
b. Principle of inability
c. Principle of permanency
d. Dogmatic principle of fingerprint

261. The fingerprint pattern consisting of two separate loop information with two
separate and distinct set of shoulders with two deltas.
a. Radial loop
b. Accidental whorl
c. Tented arch
d. Double loop whorl

262. The period when the fingerprint of a person will be developed.

a. Three months after high
b. Three months before birth
c. Three months on the womb
d. Six month on the womb

263. the science that provides a distinct service in the administration of justice and
many other areas where positive identification is of paramount considerations.
a. Finger printing
b. Dactyloscopy
c. Fingerprint
d. Poroscopy

264. On the fingerprint card position for the left hand loops flowing towards the radius
bone impressions is classified as:
a. Ulnar loop
b. Twin loop
c. Lateral loop
d. Radial loop

265. The following are the term that used for ridge characteristics except.
a. Points identity
b. Minutiue
c. Individual ridge
d. Galtons detail

266. The prominent criminal who tried to erase the finger print with acid:
a. Robert James Pitts
b. Dr. Edward Locard
c. John Dillenger
d. Dr. Edward Henry

267. Which principle states that the fingerprint can never be forged.
a. Individuality
b. Constancy
c. Ineffability
d. Permanency

268. The tiny elevation structures found at the epidermis layer of the skin.
a. Startum conmeum
b. Stratum mucosum
c. Ridges
d. Furrows

270. The small opening found anywhere across the ridge surface but usually found near
the center.
a. Furrows
b. Core
c. Sweat pores
d. Rod

271. The inner layer of the skin containing blood vessels various glands and nerves.
a. Epidermis
b. Dermal pappilae
c. Dermis
d. Hypodermis

272. The distinctive ridge outline which appears on the bulb of the fingers.
a. Friction skin
b. Ridges
c. Finger print
d. Flexure line

273. All of the following are thee essential elements of photography except.
a. Light
b. Camera
c. Lens
d. Chemical process
274. The early type of camera what was used by renaissance artist as an aid to drawing
a. Camera obscura
b. Principle camera
c. Lens camera
d. 4 x 5 camera

275. White light signifies:

a. Absence of all colors
b. Presence of all colors
c. Presence of primary colors
d. Presence of secondary colors

276. Black light signifies:

a. Absence of all colors
b. Presence of all colors
c. Presence of primary colors
d. Presence of secondary colors

277. The following are the primary colors except.

a. Red
b. Blue
c. Yellow
d. Green

278. All the natural sources of light except.

a. Stars
b. Moon
c. Street light
d. Sunlight

279. Sunlight is classified according to its intensity. Which among the following is the
brightest of all.
a. Hazy sun
b. Cloudy
c. distinct sun
d. Overcast

280. what is the suggested aperture opening when the sun is very bright and the
camera is loaded with ISO 100 film?
a. 1/16
b. 1/11
c. 1/8
d. 1/5.6

281. What is the suggested aperture opening when photographing a crime scene during
overcast sky and the camera is loaded with ISO 100 film?
a. ¼
b. 1/5.6
c. 1/8
d. 1/11

282. Which among the following light angles will produce a silhouette of your subject?
a. Side lightning
b. Front lightning
c. Back lightning
d. Overhead lightning

283. Light may also be classified based on its qualities, the following are hard light
a. Direct sunlight
b. Direct flash
c. Spotlight
d. None of the above

284. Parallax is the principal problem of this type of camera.

a. Pinhole camera
b. Camera obscura
c. Twin lens camera
d. SLR camera
285. Based on the camera format SLR camera is classified as.
a. Small format
b. Large format
c. Medium format
d. None of the above

286. This is a device that controls the quality of light that passes through the l;ens.
a. Shutter
b. Aperture
c. Aperture ring
d. Aperture light

287. Aperture controls the depth of field DOF of photograph.

a. Smaller aperture opening produces shallow
b. Bigger aperture opening produces a deep
c. Smaller aperture opening proddues deep
d. A and B only

288. Focal length controls DOF of a photograph in this regard which among the
following statement is true?
a. Smaller aperture opening produces shallow
b. Bigger aperture opening produces a deep
c. Smaller aperture opening proddues deep
d. A and B only

289. Shooting distance affect the DOF of a photograph in this regard which among of the
following is correct?
a. Smaller aperture opening produces shallow
b. Bigger aperture opening produces a deep
c. Smaller aperture opening proddues deep
d. A and B only
290. Shutter spped is the time for which the shutter is held open during the tasking of a
photograph to allow light to reach the film in this regard which among the following is
a. Slow shutter speed allows less light to reach the film
b. Fast shutter speed allows more light to reach the film
c. Fast shutter speed allows less light to reach the film
d. A and B only

291. Lens is considered as the:

a. Eye of the camera
b. Heart of the camera
c. Head of the camera
d. A and B only

292. Convex lens is thicker at the middle than at the ridge. It gathers light rays and
refracts them to meet in a obtain point it is also known as:
a. Converging lens
b. Positive lens
c. Diverging lens
d. A and B only

293. The first leading juddicial decision in the philippine jurisprudence of the science of
a. Balingawa vs Almador
b. People of the Philippines vs Jennings
c. People of the Philippine vs medina
d. People of the Philippine vs Coral

294. In polygraph test after the subject affirms that he involved In a crime subject of the
a. Victim
b. Investigator
c. Object relative
d. Prosecutor

295. In narcotics death investigator what iss the term called for the blush discoloration
of the face of finger nails due to insufficient,
a. Patechial hemorrage
b. Hematoma
c. Scar
d. Cyanosis

296. What technique is being used by the forger when he works first with pencil and
a. Fraudulent with ink
b. French signature
c. Model hand signature
d. Guided signature

297. When light falls to any material the light either

a. Reflected
b. transmitted
c. Absorbed
d. Any of them

298. These bullets when fired emit bright red flame from their base thereby, showing
the gunner.
a. Jacketed bullet
b. Armor piercing
c. Semi wad culter bullet
d. Tracer bullet..
299. This is the layer of the films that protects the emulsion
a. Anti halation backing
b. Emulsion
c. Silver haide crystal
d. Supercoat

300. The distance measured from the nearest to the farthest object in apparent sharp
a. Focusing
b. Depth field
c. Focal length
d. Hyper focal distance

301. This is the stage of film development that involves converting.

a. Development
b. Stop bath
c. Fixation
d. Hyper focal distnce

302. The 1st person being sent by the national bureau of investigation to train at the
a. Mr. Romeo Tanglao
b. Mr. Agustin Patricio
c. Mr. Ricardo De Vera
d. Mr. Ferdinand Llavore

303. The branch of forensic science that deals with the application of questioned.
a. Forensic questioned document examination
b. Questioned document examination
c. Questioned document
d. Document

304. What is the best test In determining the presence of bloodd.

a. Benzadine
b. Marquis
c. Takayam
d. Techman

305. All bullets manufactured are slightly larger than the bore diameter.
a. True
b. False
c. Yes
d. No

306. Which of the following is true with regards to the relationship of depth.
a. The larger the aperture the deeper the depth of field
b. The larger the aperture opening the shallower the depth of field
c. The slower the aperture opening the shallower the depth of field
d. The larger the aperture opening the depth of field just the same show the details of footwear impressions and bite mark it should be.
a. Direct lightning
b. Front lightning
c. Oblique lightning
d. Back lightning

308. What are the 2 types of firearms according to the construction of the interior of the
a. Short and long barrel firearms
b. Small arms and artilleries
c. Lands and grooves
d. Smoothbore and riffled and riffled bore

309. The unaccustomed and laborious form of writing and it will be difficult to
remember how each letter has been modified after it has been taken from review.
a. Simulated
b. Disguise
c. Traced
d. Imitation

310. The simplest an most common method or procedure being utillized in developing
of latent prints:
a. Dusting method
b. Paster lifting method
c. Lodine furning method
d. Spray method

311. The moving of items that may cause minimal instrusion to the scene like opening
closet doors, cabinets moving heavy furniture is within the level of what search?
a. Level I
b. Level II
c. Level III
d. Level IV

312. The injury characterized by removal of the specific epthhellial layer of the skin
brought about fiction
a. Hematona
b. Lacerated wound
c. Stab wound
d. Abrasion
313. What is gustatory sensation?
a. Smell
b. Taste
c. Skin
d. Hearing

314. The cylinder passage of a barrel through which the bullet travels?
a. Slide
b. Frame
c. Bore
d. Breechblock

315. Mr A punched Mr b so the latter suffered from black eye, medically speaking where
is the injury located?
a. Contre coup
b. Coup contre coup
c. Coup injury
d. Contre coup contre

316. What are those grace line superfluous strokes and were are useful for only for
ornamentation and are not essential to the legibility of the signatures and usually occurs
among writers who attempt to express some phrase of their personalities.
a. Diacritical marks
b. Idiosyncrasies
c. Embellishment
d. Flourishing strokes

317. How soon after drowning does the dead biddy float?
a. Within24 hours
b. After 36 hours
c. After 48 hours
d. After 72 hours

318 the asphyxia by smothering with application of the materials usually handkerchiefs
or other cloth material to prevent air to have access to the mouth or nostrills.
a. Gagging
b. Burking
c. Garroting
d. Mugging

319. When the weapon is being tightly grasped by the han of the dead victim in a
shooting incident
a. Rigor mrtis
b. Cadaveric spasm
c. Death stiffening
d. Cadaveric rigidity

320. The deliberate acceleration of death of a person suffering from a incurable

a. Musketry
b. Judicial health
c. Euthanasipa
d. Inanition

321. In major classification the right thumb is the numerator whike the left is the
a. True
b. False
c. Yes
d. No
322. What country is currently the leader in forensic phychophysiiology it is using the
computer polygraph system?
a. Japan
b. China
c. Russia
d. United states of arabs

323. In document examination what is ancient document?

a. Document which is more than 5 years before and after
b. Document which are not more than 5 years before and after
c. Document which are more than 5 years
d. Document which are not more than 20 years.

324. When a document is ancient its due execution and authenticity need not to be
proved . The statement is.
a. True
b. False
c. Partly true
d. Partly false

325. There are two types of bullet wounds. The entrance and exit wounds the following
are the factors that affect the entrance wound except one:
a. The temperature of the environment
b. Distance of the discharge of the firearm
c. The nature of the types of the firearm
d. The affected part of the body

326. What is the kind of metal used to make an armor piercing bullet?
a. Tungsten
b. Lead
c. Phosphorus
d. Barlum nitrate

327. He is an American electrical engineer who invented the digital camera.

a. Edwin H. Land
b. Steven Sasson
c. Odelbercht
d. Victor Baltazard

328. The type of light sensitized material that produces a positive result or negative
results of photographs after development;
a. Filter
b. Photographic paper
c. Negative image
d. Film

329. In tocxicology the two snake venum is neurotoxin and

a. Hemotoxic
b. Viral
c. Surgical
d. Urotoxic

330. When was polygraph 1st introduced to the Philippines by the crime laboratory?
a. 1936
b. 1945
c. 1958
d. 1961
331. Camera 1 was set to shutter speed of 1/30 camera 2 was set with 1/15 camera 3
was set with 1/250 and camera 4 was set with 1/25.
a. Camera 1
b. Camera 2
c. Camera 3
d. Camera 4

332. The fingerprint ridge free from any obstruction.

a. acceleration of the projectile in flight
b. Average speed of the bullet in fired’
c. Rate of expansion of the grooves in the muzzle
d. Speed at which bullets leaves the barrel

333. What is the most accurate definition for the term muzzle velocity?
a. acceleration of the projectile in flight
b. Average speed of the bullet in fired’
c. Rate of expansion of the grooves in the muzzle
d. Speed at which bullets leaves the barrel

334. What is the most effective method in determination of sex an individual?

a. Social test
b. Genial test
c. Gondal test
d. Chromosomal test

335. In the history of questioned document examination who was the British examiner
of questioned document?
a. Alphonse Bertillion
b. Dr.. Wilson Harison
c. Detective Allan Perkinson
d. Richard Henry
336. The proces of takin photographs of the suspects in full length half body right and
left side and two quarter views.
a. Mug shot photography
b. Aerial photography
c. Underwater photography
d. Crime scene photography

337. Which among the following is not a verbal system of deception?

a. Gaze aversion
b. Vague response
c. Assertiveness
d. Speed of speech

338. The lens has a longer focal length and provides a close up image of a distant
a. Micro leris
b. Telephoto lens
c. SLR camera lens
d. Digital camera lens

339.the imitation of the legal genuine coin where it may contain more silver than the
ordinary coin.
a. Falsification
b. Counterfeiting
c. Forgery
d. Plagarism

340. Jhong and vhong are having a drinking spree that resulted to an argument on who
among them is a better dancer, during the argument vhong suffocated jhong applying
compressive force around the Latters neck using bare hand. Jhong died as a result of
suffocation what method of asphyxiation was made by vhong to kill jhong?
a. Asphyxiation by strangulation
b. Asphyxia by drowning
c. Asphyxia by throating
d. Asphyxia by hanging

341. The branch of dactyloscopy which deals with the study of the palms of the hand.
a. Poloscopy
b. Poroscopy
c. Chiloscopy
d. Edgeoscopy

342. The aperture control is generally represented by number known as stops. What is
the principle behind the f/stop number and aperture.
a. The higher the f-stop that is set, the faster the shutter speed
b. The lower the f-stop that is set, the opening of the lens will be just the same.
c. The lower the f-stop that is set the bigger the opening of the lens
d. The higher the f-stop that is set, the opening of the lens will be just the same.

343. The equal and opposite reaction of the gun against the forward movement of the
bullet during the explosions.
a. Explosive action
b. Recoil
c. Chamber pressure
d. Hand movement

344. The created at the muzzle point of the gun due to the sudden escape of the
expanding gas coming in contact with the air in the surrounding atmosphere at the
muzzle point.
a. Muzzle blast
b. Bang effect
c. Fire power
d. Atmospheric pressure

345. The actual curved path of the bullet during its flight from the gun muzzle to the
a. Straight horizontal line
b. Vertical drop
c. Parabola like flight
d. Trajectory

346. The straight distance between the muzzle point of the target.
a. Velocity
b. Range
c. Accuracy
d. Bore size

347. Our eyes are sensitive to light which give us information about the shapes, colors
and movements of object
a. Diffraction
b. Ultraviolet
c. Detraction
d. Reflection

348. The light is not within the gravitational field so it travels in a straight line but it may
bend as it strikes object.
a. a Diffraction
b. Ultraviolet
c. Detraction
d. Reflection
349. What part of the camera changes the size of the aperture of the lens and valuable
in regulating the amount of light reaching the film
a. Diaphragm
b. Lens
c. Shutter
d. Film

350. The lens aperture not only controls the amount of light entering the camera
a. Focus
b. Depth
c. Image size
d. Film type

351. Concave lens spread the light depends on the amount of curved on the faces of the
a. Focal length
b. Depth of field
c. Image size
d. Film type

352. This normally would require credentials in forensic odontology and other
pathologist skills, such as silva extraction it requires blue lightning technique and
interpretation methods which one of this following?
a. Tooth extraction
b. Dental clinic
c. Dentistry
d. Bite mark analysis

353. Competent analysis can testify admit results of field tests on blood Sampies
especially when it comes to determining.
a. blood group testing
b. Serologist
c. Hemoglobinist
d. Leukocytes

354. Its generally cosidered most reliable personal identification but challenges continue
to occur at the laboratory protocol level and the extent interpretation.
a. Graphology
b. Forensic accounting
c. Forgery case analysis
d. Questioned document examination

355. This kind of examination ascertains the authentically or source og=f handwriting or
type writings
a. Graphology
b. Forensic accounting
c. Forgery case analysis
d. Questioned document examination

356. Usually a social pathologist that augments or impeaches the witness cognitive or
perceptual abilities at up show up line up or recollection.
a. Portrait part
b. Police line up
c. Interrogations
d. Eye witness identification

357. This can refer to the work of a crime lab unit or a freelance gun expert who is
capable of examining cartridges cases, shell and ammunition of all types.
a. External ballistics
b. Internal ballistics
c. Firearms examination
d. Terminal ballistics
358. An are that involved in things as time of death, age , race and sex of victim and
reconstruction of facial appearance from skeletal remains.
a. Anthropology
b. Exhumation
c. Somatotyping
d. Dental analysis

359. This commonly describes biologist and serologist who work in crime lab who
identify and type dried bloodstains other body fluids and DNA.
a. Botany
b. Forensic biology
c. Plant remains analysis
d. Fossils analysis

360. Which of the following is broad field most often involving the studdy of accidents
scene structural failure analysis
a. Industrial security management’
b. Risk analysis
c. Forensic engineering
d. Security hazard

361. The study of insect and there relation to our criminal investigation such as the
analysis of larvae and maggots, but also sometimes involving a particular knowledge of
insects and there habitats life cycles and habits which one of the following?
a. Insecticide
b. Insectimology
c. Forensic entomology
d. Microscopy
362. The study of the the hardest substance in human body, teeth enamel, with the use
of dental records x- rays, casts, or even comparisons,
a. Forensic odontology
b. insectomology
c. Forensic entomology
d. Micrscopy

363. This requires eductaion and experience with agricultural science, geology andd/or
chemistry techniques such as the density
a. Hydraulics
b. Meteorology
c. Soil sample analysis
d. Geography

364. This is the detective craft involving casting impressions and lifting imprints.
a. Impression analysis
b. Item matching
c. Tooi marks analysis
d. Micro etching

365. This involves test for poisons, narcotics,, blood or other body liquids often this units
also has responsibility for drug and alcohol.
a. Poisonology
b. Toxicology
c. Substance abuse
d. Tobacology

366. The side by side comparison of two objects to determine their similarities or
a. Close examination
b. Specimen comparison
c. Juxtaposition
d. Side by side comparison

367. Spectrographic voice analysis has not gained the degree of general acceptance to
make it admissible in most courts mostly due to limited number of experts.
a. Voice print analysis
b. Breathe analyzer
c. Phone call analysis
d. Voice scan

368. Who invented the polarizing light microscope in 1828?

a. Stanley Grapes
b. William Nichol
c. Samuel Reynolds
d. Antoin Levine

369. Who was the 1st to discovered human blood groups and was awarded the nobel
prize for its 1930.
a. Edmond Lopez
b. Orlando Wilson
c. Dr. E Sckulmeister
d. Karl Landsteiner

370. Which among the following will develop a microscopic crystal test for hemoglobin
using hemochromegenn crystals?
a. Andrew Masso
b. Masaeo Takayama
c. Yanamoto Zenigata
d. Elizabeth Clement
371. The following wound are produced by sharp instrument except
a. Lacerated wound
b. Stab wound
c. Inciused wound
d. Hacked wound

372. The duration of death can be determined by the following except..

a. Presence of rigor mortis
b. Orset of decomoposition
c. Presence of postmen lividity
d. Stage of digestion of food in the stomach

373. Which of the following statements are not corre3ct?

a. A woman may have an enraptured hymen and yet may no longer be a virgin
b. A woman may have a lacerated hymen and yet be a virgin
c. A woman is still a virgin as long as she has not given birth
d. There are no conclusive medical findings to show that woman is physically virgin

374. The meaning of the maxim “ in vino veritas “

a. In wine there is the truth
b. Narco-analysis
c. Truth may be determined thru hypnotism
d. Adminitration of truth serum

375. The detection and identification of poisons.

a. Bacteriology
b. Toxicology
c. Posology
d. Chemistry
376.the specimen that is preferably used in determination of abused drugs in the body
a. Blood
b. Body fluid
c. Saliva
d. Urine

377. A forensic chemist is tasked to examine the chemical nature and compositions of
the following except.
a. Fingerprint’
b. Blood
c. Explosives
d. Body fluid

378. Who qualifies a forensic chemistry as expert?

a. Defense ,lawyer
b. Prosecutor
c. Judge
d. The chemist himself/herself

379.. The process of proving the expertise of a person in a court.

a. Court process
b. Qualification process
c. Either a or b
d. Neither a or b

380. Methamphetamine hydrochloride is commonly known as.

a. Coke
b. Heroin
c. LSD
d. Shabu
381. The area surrounding the place where the crime was committed
a. Crime scene
b. Area of operation
c. Police line
d. Area of responsibility

382. The body of the crime.

a. Evidence
b. Criminology
c. Body of the victim
d. Corpus deliciti

383. The deravative of the opium poppy..

a. Demerol
b. Morphine
c. Caffeine
d. Nicotine

384. Number restoration is necessary in determining whether there is tampering of

serial number is.
a. Typewriter
b. Prisoners
c. Firearm
d. Bank notes

385. In forensic examination usually a tip of the hair is examined.

a. Bend
b. Stretched
c. Folded
d. Cut

386. All of the following are accurate test for the presence of alcohol in the body except.
a. saliva test
b. Fecal test
c. Hanger breathe test
d. Blood test

387. The application of chemical principles and processes in the examination of

a. Forensic medicine
b. Criminalistics
c. Forensic evidence
d. Forensic chemistry

388. Volatile poisons may be isolated by means of this process

a. Dialysis
b. Moulage
c. Cementing
d. Sticking’

389. The process in reproducing physical evidence by plaster moguls

a. Casting
b. Moulage
c. Cementing
d. Sticking

390. The test used to determined the presence of semen particularly in stained clothing
a. Florence test
b. Microscopic test
c. Bareberios test
d. Ultra violet test

391. The test used to determine the presence of blood in stained material.
a. Florence test
b. Takayam test
c. Barberios test
d. Phenolphtaiein test

392. The major component of glass

a. Line
b. Silica
c. Soda
d. Gel

393. Alcohol is considered as

a. Narcotics
b. Depressants
c. Infants
d. Stimulants

394. A super coated liquid which posses high viscosity and rigidity
a. Dry ice
b. Gel
c. Cartridges case
d. Glass

395. The study and identification of body fluids.

a. Pharmacology
b. Poscology
c. Serology
d. Immunology

396. The test to dete3rmibne whether the blood is of human origin or not..
a. Blood typing
b. Confirmatory test
c. Precipitin test
d. Preminary test

397. The circulating tissue of body

a. Blood
b. Muscles
c. Cells
d. Liver

398. The complete continuous persistent cessation of respiration circulation and almost
all brain of function of an organism.
a. Apparent death
b. Cellular death
c. Molecular death
d. Somatic death

399. The cause of death of a person who immediately died because of lack of oxygen
a. Stroke
b. Stupor
c. Asphyxia
d. Exhaustion

400. The most serious bum involving skin, nerves, muscles and bones.
a. Livor mortis
b. Maceration
c. Primary flacidity
d. Rigor mortis

401. The discoloration of the body after death when the blood tends to the pool in the
blood vessels of the most depends portion of the body and starts 20 to 30 mns.
a. Livor mortis
b. Maceration
c. Primary flacidity
d. Rigor mortis

402. The wound which if inflicted in the body will endanger ones life.
a. Mortal wound
b. Coup injury
c. Trauma
d. Supertificial wound

403. A wound produced by a blunt instrument such as a club of stone

a. Incised wound
b. Hack wound
c. Lacerated wound
d. Punctured wound

404. A displacement of the articular surface of the bone without external wounds
a. Hematoma
b. Sprain
c. Fracture
d. Dislocation
405. The fixed discoloration of the blood clothed in the Commision of a crime or objects
left in a crime scene which are the subjects of criminalistics.
a. Hypostatic lividity
b. Hyper lividity
c. Diffusion lividity’
d. Rigor mortis

406. The things used by a person in the commission of a crime or objkect left in crime
a. Testimonial evidence
b. Hearsay evidence
c. Circumstantial evidence
d. Physical evidence

407. The science dealing with the motion of a projectile and the conditions governing
that motion.
a. Ballistics
b. Terminal ballistics
c. Forensic ballistics
d. External ballistics

408. The application of medical knowledge in the solution of crimes:

a. Forensic science
b. Forensic chemistry
c. Forensic ballistics
d. Forensic medicine

409. The science or art of obtaining images using scientific materials by the action of
electromagnetic radiation rays
a. Polygraphy
b. Photography
c. Dactyloscopy
d. Chemistry

410. The test conducted to determine the presence of gunpowder residue in the hands
of a suspects.
a. Diphenylamine test
b. Paraffin test
c. Ultra violet test
d. Simons test

412. Who is studying the lightnings?

a. Fulminogist
b. Premologist
c. Sociologust
d. Criminologist

413. The visible effect of body movement which is an almost unconsious expressions of
fixed muscular muscles.
a. Speed of writing
b. Handwriting
c. Natural writing
d. Writing hands

414. Any typewriting which is placed on the paper by action of the typefaces striking
through carbon paper is classed as:
a. Character
b. Carbon impressions
c. Clogged typerface
d. Defects
415. The handwriting standard written by an individual upon the request for the
purpose of comparison with another handwriting
a. Collected
b. Procured
c. Requested
d. Post linen motan

416. In type writing identifications it refers to letter, symbols numerals or point

a. Character
b. Carbon impressions
c. Clogged typerface
d. Defects

417. It is mostly employed in vertical writing and mainly in the formation

a. Whole firearm movement
b. Forearm movement
c. Hand movement
d. Finger movement

418. The term described as the typerfaces become filled with tint, dirt and ink
particularly in eclosed letter such as the o, p , g and others.
a. Clogged typerfaces
b. Defects
c. Horizontal mal alignment
d. Mal alignment

419. The series of line or curves within a single letter

a. Pen pressure
b. Pen writing
c. Pren lifting
d. Strokes

420. Forged signature made by free hand movement and constant practiced is called.
a. Traced forgery
b. Simulated forgery
c. Simple forgery
d. Spurious signature

421. The abnormality or mal adjustment in type writer which is reflected on its works
a. Horizontal mal alignment
b. Off is feet
c. Mal alignment
d. Defects

422. When one retouches or goes back over a defective portion of a writing strok
a. Retracing
b. patching
c. Pressuring
d. Shading

423. The corrections characterized by rounded sto=roke shape liked an arch

a. Angular
b. Arcade
c. Gariand
d. Threadlike
424. The appearance of rising stroke
a. Hesitation
b. Line quality
c. Stroke
d. Terrior

425. The written statement by which a right is established or an obligation extingused it

is a deed.
a. Document
b. Tablet
c. Rubic
d. Contact

426. The slope of the writing in relation to the base line

a. Spacing
b. Slant
c. Skills
d. Strokes

427. Types of connections characterized by links downward strokes to the upstrokes.

a. Angular
b. Arcade
c. Garland
d. Threadlike

428. The kind of writing characterized byconnection styles

a. Cursive
b. Block
c. Script
d. Capitalized
429. What is that interruption in a stroke caused by sudden removal of the writing
instrument from the paper.
a. Tremor
b. Retouching
c. Pen lifting
d. Hiatus

430. A kind of document which is executed by a private person without the innervation
of a notary public or competent public official by which some disposition or agreement
is proved.
a. Private document
b. Public document
c. Official documents
d. Commercial document

431. A modern pen nibb which contains a reservoir of link in a specially designed back or
a. Ball point pen
b. Fountain pen
c. Pencil
d. Fiber pen

432. The failure complete the junction between two letters without lifting the pen.
a. Spur
b. Hiatus
c. Humps
d. Loops

433. The irregularity in strokes characterized by shaky or wavering stroke which is

perfectly apparent even without magnification
a. Genuine terroir
b. Terroir of literacy
c. Terroir
d. Terroir of frauds

434. A type of forgery which involves fraudulent signature executed by actually

following the outline
a. Carbon outline process
b. Indention process
c. Lasered
d. Traced

435. A type of conventional typewriter In which the characters are normally spaced 12
in one horizontal inch
a. Pica
b. Elite
c. Proportional spacing machine
d. Computer

436. The father of questionede document.

a. Albert S Osborn
b. John Agustus
c. Hans Gross
d. Orway Hilton

437. The fact spearing there in are not true and are considered ither in whole or In a
a. Questioned document
b. Notarial will
c. Holographic writings
d. Documents

438. Any document notarized by a notary public or competent official with solemnities
required by law.
a. Public
b. Official
c. Private
d. Commercial

439. The document completely written dated and sign by handwriting of a person.
a. Disputed
b. Official
c. Private
d. None of the above

440. The product of human mind trough the hand; it is form of handwriting
a. Natural writing
b. Signature
c. Speed of writing
d. Writing habits

441. Which of the following does not belong to the group?

a. Deletion through erasures
b. Substitution
c. Superimposition
d. Mechanical

442. This may be committed in two ways by giving to a treasury or bank notes or any
instrument payable..
a. Falsification of document
b. Questioned document examination
c. Forgery
d. Estafa

443. The condition of coin if it si metal whether of interior or superior intrinsic value to
that or the genuine coin.
a. Mutilated coin
b. Priceless coin
c. Counterfeit coin
d. Any of the above

444. The act of diminishing by ingenious means the metal in the coin to take advantage
if the metal abstracted.
a. Mutilating
b. Pricing
c. Counterfeiting
d. None of the above

445. In order to sustain a charger for an offense under article 168 of the revised penal
code the possessive of the false treasury and bank notes must be coupled with.
a. He intention to keep it at home
b. The intention to use it
c. Intent to surrender it to the authorities
d. All of the above

446. The fraudent tampering with a document often involves two kind of erasure
a. Mechanical and chemical
b. Electronic and mechanical
c. Electronic and chemical
d. All of the above
447. A kind of erasures made by using am link indicator or bleaching agent.
a. Chemical erasures
b. Mechanical erasures
c. Electronic erasures
d. All of the above

448. A kind of erasures made through the use of rubber eraser, sharp knife , razor blade
or picking instrument.
a. Chemical erasures
b. Mechanical erasures
c. Electronic erasures
d. All of the above

449. If document intended to be part of the public record is falsified prior thereto the
act committed is.
a. Falsification of public document
b. No crime committed
c. Falsification of private document
d. Either A or B

450. The rounded outside of the top the curve or stroke in the small letter “n” and “m “
is called.
a. Pen pressure
b. Pen lifting
c. Pen emphasis
d. Pen stop

451. The act of intermittently forcing the pen against the paper surface.
a. Pen pressure
b. Pen lift
c. Pen emphasis
d. Pen stop

452. Which of the following refer to the irregular thickening of ink which is found when
writing slows down or stops while the writer take s stock of the position
a. Shading
b. Pressure
c. Knob
d. Hesitation

453. The study of handwriting based on the two fundamental strokes. The curve and the
straight strokes.
a. Graphometry
b. Graphology
c. Bibliotics
d. Graphoanalysis

454. The backbone or main stroke of the letter

a. Slant
b. Staff
c. Dlaciritics
d. Foot

455. The process of making out what is eligible or what has been effaced.
a. Decipherment
b. Obliteration
c. Collation
d. Comparison
456. The examination of documents wherein it is viewed using light behind it letting the
light pass through the paper.
a. Transmitted light examination
b. Oblique light examination
c. Infrared light examination
d. Ultraviolet examination

457. The proportion of strokes to each other in width as affected by shading:

a. Pen pressure
b. Pen lift
c. Pen emphasis
d. Pen alignment

458. The delicate way in which various muscles used in writing work together to
produce written forms.
a. Movement
b. Hand writing
c. Motor coordination
d. Movement impulse

459. It refers to the added element used to complete obtain letters and can either be a
crossbars of a lot
a. Ligature
b. Blunt
c. Diacritic
d. Completion

460. This provides a 3 dimensional enlargement which is important when searching for
identifying handwriting characteristics
a. Stereoscopic microscope
b. Comparison microscope
c. Infrared microscope
d. Compound microscope

461. The art beautiful handwriting.

a. Calligraphy
b. Stylish writing
c. Cacography
d. Artistic writing

462. The group of muscles that push the pen up to form the upward strokes.
a. Extensors
b. Flexor
c. In tensors
d. Reflectors

463. The act of removing certain parts to change the meaning of the document
a. Intercalation
b. Obliteration
c. Erasure
d. Substitution

464. The harmonious recurrence of stroke or impulse and is quality of movement that
produces a natural result
a. Alignment
b. Shading
c. Quality
d. Rhytm

465. The cursory signature for routine document and personal correspondence.
a. Formal
b. Informal
c. Careless
d. Complete

466. In this category of forgery the forger simply writes the name of the perwson whose
signature was forged without intention of disturbing his usual wrting process.
a. Simple forgery
b. Traced forgery
c. Simulated forgery
d. Cut and paste forgery

467. The red blue security fibers scattered at random on both surface of a money bill
and can be picked off by pointed instrument.
a. Security thread
b. Security fiber
c. Watermark
d. Seal

468. The sharp details of the outline of the light and shadow effect and discernible when
viewed with the aid of a transmitted light.
a. Portrait
b. Vignette
c. Watermark
d. Lateral spacing

469. The security feature which can be only found in the new ddesigm series 1000 peso
a. Security thread
b. Fluorescent printing
c. Optically variable ink
d. Indecent band

470. The horizontals spacing between strokes.

a. Alignment
b. Hiatus
c. Baseline
d. Lateral spacing

471. The photography used in questioned documents examination

a. Ultra violet photography
b. Photo macrography
c. Photomicrography
d. Infra red photography

472. The person who by reason of his technical skill or experience is permitted to give or
express his opinion regarding an issues or a certain aspects of the tissue that is involved
in a case.
a. Document examiner
b. Forensic scientists
c. Expert witness
d. Handwriting identification writer

473. The main purpose of photographing a questioned document.

a. Enlargement
b. Record
c. Reproduction
d. Deciphement
474. He quoted that writing is an acquired skill and clearly one that is complex
perceptual motor task sometimes referred to as the neuro muscular task that our hand
contains 27 bones controlled by more.
a. Forensic ballistics
b. Fingerprint
c. Dactyloscopy
d. Photography

475. The illness wherein a person is unable to write clearly

a. Agraphia
b. Aphasia
c. Dyslexia
d. Paragraphia

476. The reproduction on some smooth surface of the design or p[attern formed by the
ridges on the inside of the end of the joint thumb or finger.
a. Forensic ballistics
b. Fingerprint
c. Dactyloscopy
d. Photography

477. The fingerprint identification methodology that uses digital imaging technology to
obtain store and analyze fingerprint data.
a. Biometrics
b. Anthropology
c. Automated fingerprint identification
d. Fingerprinting

478. The fingerprint identification methodology that uses digital imaging technology to
obtain store and analyze fingerprint data.
a. Biometrics
b. Anthropology
c. Automated fingerprint identification
d. Fingerprinting

479. This is fingerprint where the ridges turn form one side to the other of the pattern.
a. Core
b. Delta
c. Ridge
d. Arches

480. The fingerprint pattern where some of the ridges make a turn through at least one
a. Arch
b. Whoris
c. Twirl
d. Loop

481. The heart of the innermost center of a pattern.\

a. Island
b. Core
c. Center
d. Delta

482. The point of the first ridge formation at exactly in front of the divergence of the
types of line.
a. Ridge
b. Delta
c. Core
d. Divergence
483. The fingerprint pattern where one or more of the ridges start at the one side
a. Arch
b. Whorl
c. Loop
d. Ulnar

484. The canals depressions between the ridges whgich may be compared with the low
area in a tire thread.
a. Canary
b. Ridge
c. Prints
d. Furrows

485. The science of identification through friction ridge characteristic existing on sole of
the human foot.
a. Podoscopy
b. Edgeoscopy
c. Poroscopy
d. Photoscopy

486. The process of taking fingerprints of a dead person for identification purposes.
a. Autopsy]
b. Cadaver printing
c. Latent printing
d. Post mortem fingerprinting

487. This is derived through the use of numbers assigned to a certain type of finger
a. Biometrics
b. Anthropology
c. Automated fingerprint identification
d. Fingerprinting

488. The ridges count of the loop on the right little finger
a. Biometrics
b. Anthropology
c. Automated fingerprint identification
d. Fingerprinting

489. The area that is situated at the bases of the index, middle, ring and little fingers.
a. Bootom
b. Index
c. Palmar zone
d. Ulnar zone

490. The ridges of the fingers, palns and soles of feet.

a. Foot print’
b. Furrows
c. Identifying print
d. Papillary or friction ridges

491. This is the ridge count on the 1st loop in a set of points.
a. Ulnar loop
b. Radial loop
c. Key
d. Ridge counting

492. The fingerprint that are hidden or concealed and usually being found at the crime
a. Evidence
b. Hidden prints
c. Latent print
d. Crime print evidence

493. The science identification using the pores.

a. Podoscopy
b. Prosputi
c. Porotism
d. Porioscopy

494. The study of the morphological characteristics' of a friction ridge..

a. Edgeoscopy
b. Poroscopy
c. Podoscopy
d. Morphology

495. In examination stimulus and non stimulus words are fread to the subject who in
turn is instructed to answer quickly as possible.
a. Word association test
b. Phycological stress evaluator
c. Truth serum
d. Water therapy

496. This component drives the chart paper under the recording pen siultaneously at
the rate of 6-12inches per minute.
a. Cardiosphygmograph
b. Keymograph
c. Galvanograph
d. Pneumograph
497. The part of Galvano graph that is attached to the left finger of the subject.
a. a. finger electrode plate
b. Diacritic notch
c. Rudder convulated tube
d. Keymograph

498. The test undertaken when the subject is not aware of details.
a. Guilt complex
b. Silent answer’
c. Peak of tension
d. Narrative

499. When a deceased buried is raised or disinterred from the grave this is known as
a. Burial
b. Exhumation
c. Inhumation
d. Cremation

500. In case of blood spatter, the direction of the lens is.

a. close to the blood to determine the life of blood
b. Parallel determine to the direction of the suspects
c. Overall to cover the entire size of the blood
d. Vertical to reflect the appearance of the blood.

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