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Nama : Putri elmania

Npm : 2006030016

4.2.2 Observation Data

At the id cycle I meeting, Pre Test 1 was held. Sus & Panin made individual observations during the pre-
test process. In the observation process, Puneb and the pre-test process took place, students were
confused in answering questions that were blessed. In general, students only listened to what was
heard. , after a discourse is heard they answer the questions given without paying attention to the
picture that is attached

At the meeting, the researcher as an emplacementator explained about the integrative melaskan
method, the steps for applying this method in the learning process along with the use of audiovisual
media. In general, students felt interested and enthusiastic to try to apply it to the given exercise. Then
the penet divided them into 5 (five) study groups. and explain the marriage maten that will be practiced
at the meeting which will be practiced at the meeting

In this meeting, the researcher applied the integrative method with audiovisual media. Students were
trained in groups. In general, students became more active and interested in learning. The Sultanate was
found in the vocabulary of special fields, almost all of the students had difficulty understanding the
meaning of the vocabulary used. At the end of the meeting, a pre-test was carried out individually
Individuals, to re-measure the extent of the progress they have made in learning outcomes. However,
the improvement is significant and unsatisfactory. This is proven by the results of student tests which
show that their Post Test scores have not met the KKM (Incomplete).

b. Cycle

At the IV meeting of Cycle II, Penel observed a more dramatic change after the students saw the results
of the Post-Test in Cycle I. The meeting that had completed the KKM had a positive impact on the
reaction of the students who had not completed the pods of the IV and V meetings. the value of student
learning outcomes The results are really encouraging based on the seriousness of student learning, the
results of the post-test students complete the KKM reach 80% with a final score of 81.25 learning
achievement and an average of 76.36


important to conclude that the integration using d

fashion application
audiovisual can improve the students' ability to remember which is visible and increase and increase the
level of high memory ability from 22.5% moderate ability and 775% low in the last cycle of me 75% very
good ability and 35%

good, 37.5% enough and 1016 less 2 improve student learning outcomes where students get better
mastery in 2 (two) cycles 42.0% in shus 1 and 25% in ku with a learning mastery rate of 22.50% at the
beginning of the first cycle, 65% at the sildus and 80% at the end so that the completeness of learning in
k has been determined, namely 60% siwe shoots belear with KKM 270

5.2. Suggestion

Based on the results of this study, it is suggested that the following t are:

1 application of the integrated method using audiovisual media can be applied in courses y Because this
method can help students to be able to master and connect irtor and inter-field m

The knowledge of the material provided should be made as clear and attractive as possible and adapted
to technological and scientific developments involving students and

its manufacture.

3 if the research on IT' dinosaurs, it is better if the learning design in ob developed lags the time
available learning facilities and things that support learning


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Djiwandono, Soenardi. 2008. Jakarta Language Test: PT. Index

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Yayuk Hayulina Manurung

Ayoo University of incom North Sumatra

This research is about the effect of speed reading techniques on the reading skills of students in the
English Department, Muhammadiyah University of North Sumatra. The purpose of this study was to
determine its effect on students' reading skills. The research subjects were first year students. The
method used in this study was a quasi-experimental study with a protest posttest control group design.
This study took a sample of 40 students as a sample. For the experimental group, 23 students who were
taught by speed reading technique and the rest for the control group who were taught by conventional
technique of collecting data, the reading test was conducted in terms of finding the main sentence. The
mean value of the pretest in the experimental group was 53.3260 and in the control group was 41.8304.
The average posttest score in the experimental class was 68 1,521, while in the control group it was
60,5217. After testing the hypothesis using the Paired Sample T-Test technique, the data for od 1 was
0.004 at a significance level of <0.05. These results show very significant results. Thus, 1 H1 was
accepted and HO was rejected because 0.004 < 0.05, so it was concluded that there was an effect of
applying speed reading techniques on students' reading skills.

Speed reading technique keywords, reading


This study aims to apply the Speed Reading technique to sentence discovery
the first semester of English FKIP students at the Muhammadiyah University of North Sumatra and to
find out whether there is an effect of applying the technique on students' reading skills. The method
used in this study is a quasi-experimental research design with a control group pretest posttest design.
This study took a sample of 23 experimental class students and 23 control class students. This research
instrument is in the form of a non-objective test (description) which consists of 10 questions with a
rating scale using a score range of 0-4. Tos validity is calculated by construct validity. To measure
construct validity, you can use opinions and experts (Judgement Expert). Hypothesis testing using the
Paired Sample T-Test technique obtained tcount of 0.004 at a significance level of <0.05. Thus, H1 is
accepted and Ho is rejected because 0.004 <0.05, so it can be concluded that there is an effect of the
application of the Speed Reading Technique on the discovery of the main sentence in English students of
FKIP Muhammadiyah University of North Sumatra.


Speed Reading, Reading Skills

In the current era of globalization. The community is encouraged to compete to master science and
technology to the fullest and maximally. One way to meet these demands is reading Reading is one of
the positions of language skills and a very important role in the context of human life. People who. likes
to read gain new knowledge and insights to further improve intelligence so that they are able to answer
the challenges of life in the future

Learning to read is a means to

development of other language skills. The learning objectives can be achieved if

mastery of reading skills continues to be

trained and improved. However, in general

people don't realize mistakes when

reading Most people are satisfied with the state of reading ability, both in speed and in the level of
comprehension. Actually theoretically reading speed and comprehension can be increased two or three
times the original speed and comprehension.

In reading, students still have to read with their fingers so that no words are missed and then do it with
the help of their fingers or a ballpoint pen that shows word for word. Because this method is practiced
constantly and no one gives further instructions that actually does not need to be done someone who
can read, eventually becomes a habit and carried over into adulthood. How to read by finger painting or
other ways that really hinder reading because hand movements are slower than eye movements
Reading is hampered because the eyes move
water and easier to do than moving their head A very common phenomenon is that students learn to
read, but they can never read quickly with a technique. The teacher still applies the conventional
beaming process which focuses more on the acquisition of material, while the students are nothing
more than isteners. Conventional learning methods are faculty-oriented methods. One-way
communication is carried out, where almost all learning activities are carried out by teachers such as
giving explanations or oral lectures, while students only listen and take notes).

Reading is a thought process to acquire knowledge through the interpretation of written symbols. It
involves learning to understand and use language, especially written forms of language. Speaking is
often a natural learning process while reading requires a certain amount of effort and learning. That's
because written language generates passwords, which involves systematic learning of how to decipher
language sounds into representation of written symbols. The main goal when learning how to decode a
written language. is understanding and using basic relationships: between each letter and the
representative sound of language Students are smart in words to learn to understand and use, language,
especially spoken and written language (May Lwin, Adam Khoo, Kenneth Lyen, Caroline Sim 2005), p.
125 ) Effective speed reading is a combination of eye speed (visual ability) with understanding speed
(cognitive ability) in responding to a reading (EkoPrasetyo, 2012.p. 13) Effective speed reading is needed
in field practice Therefore students must be able to absorb the contents of a reading quickly and
effectively. This speed must be trained from an early age so that students are not accustomed to
misreading behavior For example reading with mouth mumbling movements, reading buzzing sounds
like a duck or hissing like a snake, reading with the help of hands, a ruler or other writing utensils and as
his own.

The seeds of reading and comprehension are not two separate elements in the reading process ww Both
are one unit Reading speed refers to the speed of reading comprehension. Comprehension not only of
the whole reading process but on the quality of reading comprehension Low speed reading does not
necessarily result in better comprehension, whereas high speed reading does not automatically lead to
poorer comprehension Reading comprehension is a complex process that involves the successful and
unsuccessful use of various abilities ( Gordon Wainwright.

2007 p 57) After reading, students should be able to remember the information in the text. There is one
way that students can use
to utilize the two pieces of information about reading speed and comprehension obtained at the end of
each exercise, which are used to calculate the third element it may be useful for students. Speed reading
is not effective when students are reading effectively, but speed when students are reading effectively:
note the difference. The calculations are as follows: (Gordon Wainwright. 2007, p. 34)

Reading is always related to sentences because it is known that there are various terms that have the
same meaning with the main sentence. to the main sentence. The main sentence is the sentence that
contains the main idea of the paragraph. The main sentence is also often referred to as the topic
sentence. The main sentence is explained by another sentence in the paragraph, which refers to the
explanatory sentence

This study applies speed reading techniques in teaching reading and determines its effect on the reading
ability of students in the English Department, University of Muhammadiyah North Sumatra.


The method used in this research is the experimental method. There are two classes involved in this
research. The first group is the experimental class and the second is the special control class. Special
treatment and certain methods related to speed reading techniques were given to the experimental
class, while conventional and natural methods were given to the control class. It was natural because
the control class was not given a speed reading technique. This technique was used to obtain the ratio
of students' reading comprehension at the end of the study. In addition, both classes are well designed
so that experimental research can be seen clearly by attaching the research design table below.

Research design E-X01 C-->02


Experiment Class E

C: Control Class 01 Experiment Class Achievement 02 Control Class Achievement

X Care of speed reading technique Researchers basically distinguish the order of techniques of the two
research classes. All of these methods were carried out to obtain and determine the effect of reading
speed on students' reading comprehension at the end of the study. In this study, two classes of first
semester students of the English Department of Muhammadiyah University of North Sumatra were
sampled. There are 23 students in class A and 23 students in class B, so the total is 46 students

The ratio between the results of the experimental class and the control class is used to process other
formulations to prove how far the speed reading technique and its working principle affect students'
reading comprehension at the end of the study. Because the ratio of the results of the two classes
involved is the hope of this study. Based on the differences, this research is more appropriate to
compare specifically whether certain methods, especially speed reading techniques including the
working principles used in the research, are effective or not.


The result of this research is that the results of the pretest and posttest of the experimental group
increased after being treated through a quick reading technique to find the main sentence. The lowest
score at the pretest was 40, the average score was 67.5, and the highest score was 70. After the
students were given treatment (posttest), the lowest score was 57.5, the average score was 75 and the
highest one was 82.5. In this experimental group, they were treated using speed reading techniques, the
students' reading speed was obtained by students who had a speed of 90-110 wpm (slow) there were 5
students, students who had a speed of 120 to 140 wpm (medium) were 12 people. There are 5 students
who get a speed of 150-160 wpm (fast) and students

Experimental Group Posttest Score

No Nama siswa

1. FAR. 70

2. SM. 50

3. SR. 52,5

4. WAH. 60

5. YR. 62

6. EA. 50

7. SY. 67,5

8. UY. 70

9. SS. 50

10. DM. 58
11. IA. 50

12. CN. 46

13. WT. 40

14. KNS. 53

15. ZP. 50

16. SAH. 57,5

17. NZ . 55

18. FS. 52,5

19. PH. 50

20. OMP. 47,5

21. FLG 40

22. MR. 45

23. RN. 50

No Student Name Posstes Reading Speed

1 FAR 80 170 wpm

2 SM 70 150 wpm
3 SR 72.5 150 wpm

U WAH 75 140 wpm

5 YR 82.5 160 wpm

6 EA 62.5 130 wpm

7 SY 70 140 wpm

8 UY 75 150 wpm

9 SS 57.5 110 wpm

10 DM 62.5 1110 wpm

11 IA 75 140 wpm

12 CN 62 140 wpm

13 WT 60 130 wpm

14 KNS 70 150 wpm

15 ZP 67.5 130 wpm

16 SAH 66 149 wpm

17 NZ 62.5 135 wpm

18 FS 75 130 wpm

19 TH 62.5 120 wpm

20 OMP 65 110 wpm

21 FLG 60 110 wpm

22 MR 70 120 wpm

23 RN 65 100 wpm

Total 1567.50 3070 wpm

Average 68.1521 133.4782 wpm

While in control group the result shows that the results of pretest and posttest of control group
increased after being treated through conventional learning. The lowest score during the pretest was 30,
the medium score obtained by the students was 50, thenthehighest onewas 52.5. After the students
were given treatment (posttest), the lowest score was 50, the medium one was at 70, then highest
onewas 72.5 as it was shown below.

No Student Name Protes

1 FAR 70

2 SM 50

3 SR 52.5

4 WAH 60

5 YR 62

6 EA 50

7 SY 67.5

8 UY 70

9 SS 60

10 DM 58

11 IA 50

12 CN 48

13 WT 40

14 KNS 53

15 JP 50

16 SAH 57.5

17 NZ 55

18 FS 52.5

19 TH 50

20 OMP 47.5

21 FLG 40
22 FL 45

23 RN 50

Total 1226.50

Average 53.3260

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