"Video Cell Phones": Seminar Report On

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Seminar Report on


Prepared by


Department of Electronics Engineering Sarvajanik College of Engineering & Technology Dr. R K Desai Marg, Athwa Lines, Surat.

A Seminar Report on

Prepared by : Rosy J. Singh Roll No. Class Year Guided by : 51

: B.E.IV (Electronics Engineering) 8th Semester : 2001-2002 : Ms. Avani Patel

Department of Electronics Engineering. Sarvajanik College of Engineering & Technology Dr R.K. Desai Road, Athwalines, Surat - 395001, India.

Many have contributed to the successful completion of this report. I would like to place on record my grateful thanks to each of them. Ms. Avani Patel, my guide, has helped me immensely throughout the research. She has also helped in reading, modifying and correcting the report. I am also indebted to the staff and members of Electronics department of SCET for their assistance.

Cell phones have been the wave of our future for some time now. More than 100 million cell phones are in use in the World today, and it will rise to more than 200 million by 2003 according to International Data Corp.'s (IDC) most recent estimates. Every year they get better and smaller, but what else can the cellular phone companies do in order to improve or upgrade it? Video cell phones have been introduced to be the next generation (third generation) of cell phone history. Samsung Electronics and Geo Interactive Media Group announced that they have developed the first video cell phone successfully in November of 2000.

The seminar aims to analyze how the video cell phone works, and what are the requirements for example MPEG4, bandwidth, etc. Basically,it deals with the following three requirementsthe wireless network needed,the hardware and finally the video code required. It also studies the first working cellphone produced by Samsung and GEO using the A2 chip.

1.Introduction 2.The evolution of mobile communication 3.3G technology 3G Features 3G Talking Points 3GReady or not? 3GVideo on Mobile Video on mobilesome innovative applications First video cell phone 4. Wireless networks Overview of some wireless systems CDMA,TDMA & GSM Improvements needed for the wireless network CDMA 2000-Delivering on 3G CDMA Deployments CDMA-Migration 5.Hardware A2 ASIC Chip Working of A2 Features of A2 6.Video Code Video code MPEG-4 MPEG Architecture MPEG-2 V/s MPEG-4

01 02 05 07 08 09 10 10 12 13 14 15 15 16 18 20 21 24 25 29 31 32 33


More than a decade ago, Martin Cooper invented a product that has become ubiquitous in modern lifethe CELLPHONE. However, initially it was huge and heavy. The connection and reception of the network was also bad. At that moment, cell phones were not a necessity and they were mostly owned by wealthy people, business people, and important authoritative figures. As time went by, technology improved, and the cell phone began getting smaller, cheaper and better. Nowadays, almost everyone has a cell phone. The functionalities of the cell phones increased also. It not only works as a phone, it has clock, alarm, games, calendar, notes, reminder features, online capabilities etc. This stage of cell phones was the second generation cell phone. Video has emerged as the latest obsession in the high-tech world The third generation cell phone have the video function added to the it. Therefore, people can not only send text messages, they will also be able to send a video message to their friends, families, co-worker, classmate etc. This report briefly describes what the requirements of the video cell phone are. There are three main points that people should be working on for the video cell phone: the wireless network requirement, the hardware needed, and the kind of video code that should be used. It is divided into various chapters starting from the evolution of mobile communication,then covering the various aspects of 3G phones, and finally dealing with the details of the requirements of video cellphones.


The mobile communications industry has evolved in three stages:


Three generations of mobile phones have emerged so far, each successive generation more reliable and flexible than the last:

Analog: You could only easily use analogue cellular to make voice calls, and typically only in any one country.

Digital mobile phone systems added fax, data and messaging capabilities as well as voice telephone service in many countries.

Multimedia services add high speed data transfer to mobile devices, allowing new video, audio and other applications through mobile phones- allowing music and television and the Internet to be accessed through a mobile terminal.

With each new generation of technology, the services which can de deployed on them becomes more and more wide ranging and truly limited only by imagination.

During the first and second generations different regions of the world pursued different mobile phone standards, but are converging to a common standard for mobile multimedia called Third Generation (3G) that is based on CDMA technology. Europe pursued NMT and TACS for analog and GSM for digital, North America pursued AMPS for analog and a mix of TDMA, CDMA and GSM for digital. 3G will bring these incompatible standards together

The International Telecommunications Union(ITU) took the initiative to unify the disparate standards employed by various countries.The initiative was in the form of International Mobile Telecommunications 2000,also called as 3G.

IMT 2000 provides a framework for worldwide wireless access by linking diverse terrestial and satellite based networks,mobile communication technologies and systems for fixed wireless access.The goal-to fulfil the dream of anywhere ,anytime communication.

Following on the heals of analog and digital technology, the Third Generation will be digital mobile multimedia offering broadband mobile communications with voice, video, graphics, audio and other information. This transition is shown in Table below:

Genera tion 1st 2nd

Type Analog Digital

Time 1980s 1990s

Description Voice centric, multiple standards (NMT, TACS etc.) Voice centric, multiple standards (GSM, CDMA, TDMA) Introduction of new higher speed data services to bridge the gap between the second and Third

Higher 2.5 Rate Data

Late 1990s

Generation, including services such as General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) and Enhanced Data Rates for Global Evolution (EDGE) Voice and data centric, single standard with

Digital 3rd Multime dia 2000s

multiple Modes


3G Features
3G has the following features:

Packet everywhere: With Third Generation (3G), the information is split into separate but related

packets before being transmitted and reassembled at the receiving end. Packet switched data formats are much more common than their circuit switched counterparts. Other examples of packet-based data standards include TCP/IP, X.25, Frame Relay and Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM). As such, whilst packet switching is new to the GSM world, it is well established elsewhere. In the mobile world, CDPD (Cellular Digital Packet Data), PDCP (Personal Digital Cellular Packet), General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) and wireless X.25 technologies have been in operation for several years. X.25 is the international public access packet radio data network standard.

Internet Everywhere The World Wide Web is becoming the primary communications interfacepeople access the Internet for entertainment and information collection There is a trend away from storing information locally in specific software packages on PCs to remotely on the Internet.Hence, web browsing is a very important application for packet data.

High Speed: Speeds of up to 2 Megabits per second (Mbps) are achievable with Third Generation (3G). The data transmission rates will depend upon the environment the call is being made in- it is only indoors and in stationary environments that these types of data rates will be available. For high mobility, data rates of 144 kbps are

expected to be available- this is only about three times the speed of todays fixed telecoms modems. New ApplicationsBetter Applications: Third Generation (3G) facilitates several new applications that have not previously been readily available over mobile networks due to the limitations in data transmission speeds. These applications range from Web Browsing to file transfer to Home Automation- the ability to remotely access and control in-house appliances and machines. Because of the bandwidth increase, these applications will be even more easily available with 3G than they were previously with interim technologies such as GPRS. Service Access: To use Third Generation (3G), users specifically need: A mobile phone or terminal that supports Third Generation (3G) A subscription to a mobile telephone network that supports Third Generation (3G) Use of Third Generation (3G) must be enabled for that user.Automatic access to the 3G may be allowed by some mobile network operators, others will charge a monthly subscription and require a specific opt-in to use the service as they do with other nonvoice mobile services Knowledge of how to send and/ or receive Third Generation (3G) information using their specific model of mobile phone, including software and hardware configuration (this creates a customer service requirement) A destination to send or receive information through Third Generation (3G). From day one, Third Generation (3G) users can access any web page or other Internet applications- providing an immediate critical mass of users. These user requirements are not expected to change much for the meaningful use of 3G.

3G Talking Points
The telecommunications world is changing as the trends of media convergence, industry consolidation, Internet and IP technologies and mobile communications collide into one. Significant change will be bought about by this rapid evolution in technology, with Third Generation mobile Internet technology a radical departure from that that came before in the first and even the second generations of mobile technology. Some of the changes include:

People will look at their mobile phone as much as they hold it to their ear. As such, 3G will be less safe than previous generations- because television and other multimedia services tend to attract attention to themselves- instead of hands-free kits, we will need eyes-free kits!

Data (non-voice) uses of 3G will be as important as and very different from the traditional voice business

Mobile communications will be similar in its capability to fixed communications, such that many people will only have a mobile phone

The mobile phone will be used as an integral part of the majority of peoples lives- it will not be an added accessory but a core part of how they conduct their daily lives. The mobile phone will become akin to a remote control or magic wand that lets people do what they want when they want

3G technologyready or not?
Third-generation wireless technology finally seems to be arriving. South Korea and Japan have it and even in the United States, there are signs of progress. So where, as this rush to robustness picks up steam, is the granddaddy of all high-end mobile applications -- streaming multimedia?

Asia and Europe remain ahead in wireless adoption across the board, and the slickest new services will be old hat in Tokyo by the time American consumers get a hold of them. In Korea, there is tremendous experimentation with all types of multimedia. Japan has seen a huge hit with messaging of still images and video is right around the corner. Japanese service provider J-Phone unveiled a service earlier this year that allows digital images, taken with digital cameras or cameras built into some models of phone, to be shared among friends. Streaming media is supposed to be the killer application for 3G.The deployments of CDMA2000 1X by Sprint, Verizon and Canada's Bell Mobility can start to do the trick. It has an advertised data rate of up to 144 kbps,More likely that rate will actually be 40 to 60 kbps, and video is clearly viable in those ranges.

3G--Video on mobile-Who wants it?

Who's going to want to watch video on a mobile device? it prompted a survey of streaming video advocates and observers. Is video on mobile more likely to capture the hearts of suited executives -ever alert for the next new thing -- or the imaginations of the unwashed masses who just want to have fun. The answers are different depending on which quadrant of the globe you're standing on, of course. Mobile video is already off and running in Japan, with NTT DoCoMo's announcing a new platform that provides "one-to-many" live video distribution to 3G (third generation) handsets. It delivers streaming media using MPEG-4 technology -- is the first of its kind. It was developed with U.S.-based PacketVideo.

It is not expected that people will watch 10 or 15 or a half hour of a television program on their mobile device, because you can get that on television and it's not really that interesting [on a mobile], but what is expected is to break out the 15- and 20-second jokes, the pratfalls or the explosions, and put them in an environment where people can send them to friends. There are certain sports where audio just won't deliver the full experience. Also, music video has substantial value to consumers -- there are business models where people will pay for videos. News is another really good example. A video capable cell phone would allow users to see Internet free stock tickers, sports scores and eventually each other though two-way video conferencing--- no typing, logging in or passwords required. These are just a few of the uses that a video cellphone can be put to.

Video on mobileInnovative Applications

The text-messaging craze has swept Europe and Asia.Handset makers and carriers are beginning to talk about MMS, the multimedia messaging service that is the natural outgrowth from text-only SMS, or short message service. Popular early applications are more likely to be users' own creations. when people are walking around town, they can subscribe to certain topics,So when you're walking around New York, videos associated with the exact area where you happen to be standing or walking at the time will pop up. For instance, you're doing a tour of Washington, D.C., and you go by the Reflecting Pond, and up comes the Martin Luther King ['I have a dream'] speech, which you can see right where you are. Sort of like a video time capsule.

Specific lifestyle applications: Some unusual examples-

Imagine putting the yoga teacher in your pocket, putting the professional chef -- you know, 'How do I make this meal?' -- Well, a housewife doesn't have a computer in her kitchen, but if she has her cell phone, being able to see 10 step-by-step 15-second [segments] of how to cook a gourmet meal -- that's something she can use and will use.

The First Video Cellphone

StarTrek style science fiction is to become a mainstream reality for the many millions of people who are leading increasingly cellular-centric professional and personal lives, with the introduction of world's first ever MPEG4 streaming video cell-phone based on GEO's EmblazeTM A2 video ASIC chip by Samsung Korea. The phone represents a breakthrough in cellular technology enabling the playback of streaming video content over GSM and CDMA based IS-95B and IS-95C networks.

The new phone allows users to view rich media content directly on their mobile phones by simply pressing the video function key and browsing through the list of available content, in a similar fashion to TV channels

The phone enables varying viewing experiences (video size, speed and image quality) according to the bandwidth provided by the network over 2G, 2.5G and 3G technologies. As bandwidth increases, the user can enjoy larger video size with a smoother image and better image quality. The phone is currently compatible with existing CDMA systems at speeds of 9.6kbps (IS-95A), 64kbps (IS-95B) and CDMA2000 1X that is capable of reaching a data transfer rate of up to 144Kbps.

The EmblazeTM A2 video ASIC chip has created a revolution by enabling video playback over standard devices using standard battery technology, memory and processors what was formally deemed as impossible by world engineers. The device will allow people to receive and play video from the Internet and from email.

What has been holding back other companies from creating similar products is the fact that "third generation," or 3G, networks are still years away. With its much higher bandwidth, 3G systems are expected to enable many new wireless applications, including full-motion video. But Samsung and Geo assert that current wireless networks can support their video phone.

Among the three requirements, it is widely believed that the technology of wireless network has to improve first. This is because people believe that video cell phones are not possible in the second generation network. Second generation network, 2G, basically includes Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA), Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA), and Global System for Mobile communication (GSM). Overview of some wireless systems:

1981:NMT-450 1986:NMT-900 1983:AMPS 1991:D-AMPS


1992:CSM 1993:PDC 1994:DCS 1800

2005? UMTS/IMT-2000

NMT: Nordic Mobile Communication Developed by Denmark,Norway,Finland & Sweden.Uses 450 & 900 Mhz carrier. AMTS: Advanced Mobile Phone System It is an anlog system.Works at 800 Mhz. PDC: Personal Digital Cellular Used mainly in Japan. UMTS: Uniform Mobile Telecommunications system Is the European proposal for IMT-2000 prepared by ETSI.It represents an evolution from 2nd generation GSM system to the 3rd generation system.


TDMA: is a method of utilizing radio spectrum. It provides each user access to the entire frequency channel for a brief period, during which the user transmits data. The users' frequency channel is shared with other users who have time slots allocated at different times.

GSM :is an international, non-proprietary system that is constantly evolving. GSM uses digital technology and TDMA methods to transmit the data. Voice is digitally encoded via a unique encoder, which emulates the characteristics of human speech.

CDMA: is a "spread spectrum" technology, which means that it spreads the information contained in a particular signal of interest over a much greater bandwidth than the original signal. Spread spectrum involves spreading the bandwidth needed to transmit the

data,which causes an increase in resistance to narrowband interferance.All narrowband signals are spread into broadband using same frequency range.all senders use the same frequency band. To separate different channels,CDM is used.The spredaing is achieved by using a special code.The techniques used areDirect Sequence Signal Spreading(DSSS) and Frequency Hopping Spectrum Spreading.Each channel is allocated a code which the receiver has to apply to recover the code.Without knowing the code, the signal cannot be recovered and behaves as background noise.

Frequency are scarce resource around the world.Spread spectrum allows an overlay of new techniques at exactly same frequency at which the current narrowband signals operate.This is done for the US Mobile phones systems.While the frequency around 850 Mhz is already in use for TDM & FDM(AMPS & IS54),the CDM(IS-95) is still possible. Improvements Needed For The Wireless Network In the second generation network, the transmit rate is slow. In 1993, the first standard CDMA IS95-A had been completed. Six years later, in July of 1999, CDMA2000 had been standardized. A few months later, the speed of CDMA had been increase to 64 kilobits per second (kbps). And by April of 2000, CDMA2000 1X had been introduced. The speed of CDMA had been increased to 144kbps. However, in November of 2000, the wireless networks could only support 10 to 20 kbps, but streaming video would require much higher bandwidth than this. Therefore, if one wanted to transfer a video data, the speed of the network would not be enough.

In 2001, one could say that the network was between the 2G and 3G network. The 3G network is a broadband, packet-based transmission of text, digitized voice, and video. It is also a multimedia at data rates up to and possibly higher than 2 megabits per second (Mbps). This offers a consistent set of services to mobile computer and phone users no matter where they are located in the world. Why does the network speed need to improve in order to have a video cell phone? As discussed before, streaming video needs higher bandwidth to transfer the video data. If the network is not improved, the wireless network cannot provide quality videos or images even if a video cell phone exists in the current network status. As a result, 3G network is being developed now. CDMA2000: Delivering on 3G

CDMA2000 is an ITU-approved, IMT-2000 (3G) standard. IMT,previously called Future Land Mobile Telecommunication system) that allows for terminal and user mobility supporting the idea of universal personal telecommunication(UPT).

CDMA2000--Deployments The first 3G networks to be commercially deployed were launched in Korea in October 2000 using CDMA2000 technology.

The CDMA2000 evolution path is flexible and future-proof... CDMA IS95-A CDMA IS95-B CDMA2000 1X CDMA2000IXEV 2x increases in voice capacity Up 307 kbps* packet Voice Data up to 14.4 Kbps Voice Data up to Kbps 115 data on a single (1.25 MHz) carrier First 3G system for gy worldwi de any technolo to Optomiz ed, very highspeed data (Phase 1) Up to 2.4Mbps * packet data on a single (1.25 MHz) carrier. Integrate d voice and data (Phase 2); up to 4.8 Mbps

CDMA2000 is a family of technologies allowing seamless evolution from CDMA2000 1X through CDMA2000 1xEV-DO (Evolution - Data Only, offering data speeds of up to 2.4 Mbps on a separate 1.25 MHz carrier) and CDMA2000

1xEV-DV (Evolution Data/Voice, which integrates voice and data on the same 1.25 MHz carrier and offers data speeds of up to 4.8 Mbps).

A2 ASIC Chip The SPH-X2000 cell phone(BY SAMSUNG & GEO) uses the GEO Emblaze A2 video ASIC chip to deliver video over the wireless system. The A2 ASIC chip is integrated into the cell phones to allow it to play multimedia (Figure ). The A2 ASIC chip is based on the ARM platform as a high-performance, fully programmable core processor, and includes on-chip memory. The interfaces also include the LCD controller, Voice codec, Audio DAC and flash memory. This chip can deliver and receive the MPEG4 video code over the second generation network, which are the CDMA, the TDMA and the GSM. The SPH-X2000 cell phone is an amazing product because many people think that video cell phones cannot function with the second generation network. Fortunately, it is compatible with the existing CDMA systems at a speed of 9.6 kbps, 64 kbps and CDMA2000 1X. The A2 video ASIC chip can deliver 15 frames per second with the second generation network. The cell phone is also able to deliver 30 frames per second depending on the speed of the network. In other words, the phone enables different viewing features. Some examples are through video size, speed and image quality according to the different bandwidths provided by different networks. These bandwidths vary between 2G, 2.5G and 3G. The phone can deliver and receive larger video sizes; when the bandwidth of the network is increased, there will be smoother images and better image quality.

Wireless Multimedia Terminal Based on A2

The A2 ASIC chip--Working:

The A2 ASIC chip works like this: it receives a compressed video and audio from a baseband chip, and then decodes the video and audio. After, the baseband chip sends the decoded video and audio to the LCD controller, it is then sent to the voice codec / audio DAC. The external Flash memory is used for storing the A2 ASIC software. Other than that, the A2 ASIC includes all the memory it needs for processing and depicting data. This eliminates the need for an external memory and saves both power and space that are crucial in mobile applications.

The A2 ASIC chip is usually controlled by a baseband chip, which is the host. A generic host bus and a programmable host protocol enable the A2 ASIC chip to be used as a multi media co-processor for a wide variety of baseband devices. Both the baseband chip and the A2 ASIC chip drive the voice codec. In order to save external glue, the multiplex between these two is implemented in the A2 ASIC chip. Thus, the A2 ASIC chip gets the voice output from the baseband and passes it to the voice codec.

An on-chip power management unit generates internal frequencies out from an external 27.00 MHz clock. There is a specific application running on the power management unit which can be controlled by the host and programmable. When running at full performance, 100 MHz, the A2 ASIC chip consumes ~700 mW. A shutdown pin puts the A2 ASIC chip into a shut down mode which consumes less than 1 mA. In the shut down mode, the only thing that is active is the passing through of the voice data.

The heart of the device is the ARM920 , an industry standard RISC. All the media and network protocols are implemented by software to insure maximize flexibility. We can see in figure 2 that a 160 KB SRAM is used to store all the data that is needed for the video, audio and system protocols. The A2 ASIC chip includes ARM system peripherals such as interrupt control unit (ICU), two timers, real time clock (RTC) and a general purpose IO (GPIO). The glueless interface to the LCD controller, Voice codec, flash memory and host completes the device.

Features of the A2 Chip

ASIC Characteristics Package: 144 FlexBGA 0.25 CMOS 2.5 volts core 3 volts I/O Active power: 700 mW Shutdown mode current - less than 1 mA Video Decoding MPEG-4 Simple profile Level 1 Bit rate: Up to 144 kbps Image size: Up to QCIF (176x144 pixels) Frame rate: Up to 30 frames/second Voice Decoding G.723.1 File Format & Transport Protocol MPEG-4

ESF (Emblaze streaming format)

LCD Controller Port YUV 4:2:2 color space QCIF resolution Voice Codec Interface PCM style. Configurable Host Inteface 8 bits generic (Intel style) bus




Consumer Electronics has always been driven by various standards.These standards have driven the changes that have occurred in the product ranges in the audio-visual format.MPEG is a data compression technology that reduces the size of the original information many times before encoding it. MPEG has been international standards since 1993.Because movies contain both images and sound, MPEG can compress both audio and video. But video takes more bandwidth and also contains more redundancy than audio.

Video Code: The last concern of developing a video cell phone is the video code. The video cell phone needs a high compression with a low bitrate code. Fortunately, this is already available to use. The Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG) is a working group of ISO/IEC. They are in charge of the development of international standards for compression, decompression, processing, and coded representation of moving pictures, audio and their combination. MPEG-4 Systems is a subgroup under MPEG. The MPEG-4 group develops the tools to support the coded representation of the combination of streamed elementary audiovisual information. The information has many different forms: natural or synthetic, audio or visual, 2D and 3D objects within the context of content-based access for digital storage media, digital audiovisual communication and other applications. .


This is the next generation MPEG code. It goes beyond compression methods. Instead of treating data as continuous streams,MPEG-4 actually deals with audio-video objects(AVO) that are manipulated and encoded independently, allowing for increased interaction with the code data and improved flexibility in editing. It supports the entire gamut of audio-video modes and their respective transmission speeds. MPEG 4 has been specifically designed to deal with high compression ratios for distribution of video and audio without too much loss of quality over low bandwidth networks. It offers a wide range of bit rates.It provides the fastest encoding with the highest video quality. MPEG-4 Systems Version 1 contains several different sets of tools to reconstruct a synchronous interactive and streamed audiovisual scene. There are five tools: 1. 2. Systems Decoder Model (SDM), Identification and association of scenes and streams (Object and

Elementary Streams Descriptors), 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Scene description (Binary Format for Scenes), Synchronization of streams (Sync. Layer), Efficient multiplexing of streams (FlexMux), Object Content Information (OCI) and, Syntactic Description Language.

Systems Decoder Model (SDM)

The systems decoder model includes two models: the timing model and the buffer model. The model observes the behavior of an MPEG-4 terminal. When reconstructing the audiovisual information that comprises the session, the SDM will also allow a sender to predict how the receiver will behave in terms of buffer management and synchronization.

Identification and Association of Scene and Streams (Object Descriptor)

The intention of the object descriptor framework is to recognize, illustrate and combine elementary streams with the various components of an audiovisual scene. An object descriptor is a collection of one or more elementary stream descriptors. These descriptors provide configuration and other information for the streams that relate to a single object (media object or scene description). Elementary stream descriptors include information about the source of the stream data. The information comes in the form of a unique numeric identifier (the Elementary Stream ID) or a URL pointing to a remote source for the stream.

Object Descriptors group several elementary streams into objects, and describe their properties, such as encoding formats, configuration information for the decoder, quality of service requirements, content information (author, title, rating, etc.) and intellectual property identification. It can also describe dependencies between streams for scalability, alternative representations, etc.

Scene Description (Binary Format for Scenes)

The scene description addresses the organization of audiovisual objects in a scene. It is done through the spatial and temporal positioning terms. This information allows the composition and rendering of individual audiovisual objects. This specification, however, does not mandate particular composition, rendering algorithms or architectures since they are implementation-dependent.

Synchronization of Streams (Sync. Layer)

The elementary streams are the basic concept for any data source. Elementary streams are conveyed as SL-packetized (Sync Layer-packetized) streams at the stream multiplex interface. Furthermore, this packet representation provides timing and synchronization information, and also, fragmentation and random access information. The SL extracts this timing information to enable synchronized decoding and, afterward, composition of the Elementary Stream data. It adds a header to each access unit of an elementary stream, which includes time stamps, reference to a clock elementary stream, and identification of key frames (RandomAccessPoint). This is similar to the task of RTP in IP networks. However, SL does not contain a payload type (like RTP), and does not contain the Elementary Stream ID (ES_ID). In addition, an SL packet does not contain an indication of its length, so it must be framed by a lower-level protocol such as FlexMux or RTP.

Multiplexing of Elementary Streams (FlexMux)

The TransMux layer is a generic abstraction of the transport protocol stacks of existing delivery layers. These stacks may be used to transmit and store content complying with the MPEG-4 Standard. The functionality of FlexMux is where

the desired data transport protocol stacks (TransMux Layer)transport facility does not fully address, a simple multiplexing tool (FlexMux) is defined that provides low delay and low overhead. This groups elementary streams according to common attributes, such as QOS requirements. This is a very simple multiplexing protocol, but also very low overhead.

OCI Data Stream

An object content information (OCI) stream carries descriptive information about audiovisual objects. The stream is prearranged in a sequence of small, synchronized entities called, events, which contain information descriptors. The main content descriptors are: content classification descriptors, keyword descriptors, rating descriptors, language descriptors, textual descriptors, and descriptors about the creation of the content. These streams can be linked to other media objects with the mechanisms provided by the object descriptor.

Syntactic Description Language

A syntactic description language is used to define the syntax of the various bitstream components identified by the normative parts of the MPEG-4 Standard. This language allows the specification of the mapping of the various parameters in a binary format. It also shows how the binary format should be placed in a serialized bitstream.

MPEG Architecture

Compression Layer: Includes elementary (raw) media streams (audio, video etc.).

Transmux Layer: This is the actual transport protocol, such as RTP/UDP, MPEG-2, etc. MPEG-4 does not define its own transport protocol, but assumes the application relies on an existing transport protocol.

The FlexMux Layer is optional, but the Synchronization Layer is always present.

BIFS - The Binary Interchange Format for Scenes (BIFS) describes how MPEG-4 Objects are placed in "Scenes". This part of MPEG-4 Systems is obviously not required for small-screen, single-media-object applications.

The AVO data are basically conveyed in one or more elementary streams.These streams contain elements such as maximum bit rate,bit error rate ,quality as well as other parameters,includeing stream type information to determinr the required decoder sources and the precision for encoding timing information.The total data encoded in each of these streams finally makes up the entire scene. Depending on the nature of the scene,the details in each frame of the scene alter to an extent. But as the particular object moves through its surrounding, many times the background and environment reamin same .Sometimes the angle might change ,but this is not noticeable as the scene changes too fast for the eye to catch it.

MPEG 2 v/s MPEG 4

It is seen that the total bandwidth required by MPEG-2 at an average is a massive 6500Kbits/sec at a resolution of 720*576 whereas at the same resolution MPEG-4 uses only 880 Kbits/sec.This goes out to show that MPEG-4 provides relatively high quality audio-video data transmission over various broadcast mediums. MPEG 4 definitely offers better compression algorithms tha MPEG 1 and MPEG 2, but all this comes with a huge performance demand as encoding of an MPEG 4 sequence requires some pretty high-end computing power.


The telecommunications world is changing as the trends of media convergence, industry consolidation, Internet and IP technologies and mobile communications collide into one. Significant change will be bought about by this rapid evolution in technology. People will look at their mobile phone as much as they hold it to their ear. The mobile phone will be used as an integral part of the majority of peoples lives- it will not be an added accessory but a core part of how they conduct their daily lives. The mobile phone will become akin to a remote control or magic wand that lets people do what they want and when they want so much so that from saying You have got mail ,we might actually say You have got Video!. The existing phone allows users to view rich media content directly on their mobile phones by simply pressing the video function key and browsing through the list of available content, in a similar fashion to TV channels. However, it's pretty unlikely in the next couple years that people will watch full-length movies or even music videos as the cost to end-users is prohibitive.A video cellphone handset costs anywhere between $600 to $700.But , as bandwidth increases, the user can enjoy larger video size with a smoother image and better image quality.


www.mobilevideoworld.com www.wired.com

www.newscientist.com www.cnet.com www.wirelessnewsfactor.com www.3g.co.uk www.infoworld.com www.samsung.com www.wireless.iop.org www.zapex.co.il www.telecomitalialab.com www.eetimes.com www.nttdocomo.com www.emblaze.com www.cdg.org

http://woody.imag.fr/MPEG4 www.efunda.com


Tanenbaum,Andrew S.,Computer Networks,Prentice-Hall India. Digit Magazine

Schiller ,Jochen H. ,Mobile Communications,Pearson Education Limited,India.

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