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Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 15 (1999) 1—21

Cost-effective design for injection molding

Yuh-Min Chen*, Jang-Jong Liu
Institute of Manufacturing Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan 70101, ROC
Received 8 December 1997; received in revised form 23 October 1998; accepted 13 November 1998


It is commonly agreed that a large proportion of the ultimate product cost is determined at product design stage. Therefore, a cost-
effective design cannot be obtained unless all cost issues are resolved at early design stage. Therefore, instead of performing cost
estimation after design, research presented in this paper aims to provide on-line cost evaluation and advisory to help product
designers avoid cost-ineffective design. The objective can be obtained by (1) identifying factors that might affect product cost at each
product design stage, (2) developing a design for cost effectiveness methodology that accommodates the concepts of concurrent
engineering, and (3) developing a computer-based design for cost effectiveness system based on the proposed methodology. In this
research, we focus on injection molding product design due to the advantages of injection molding process, such as high production
rates, excellent quality and accuracy of the parts, and very long mold life. This paper first reviews and characterizes the conventional
molding product development process with an emphasis on the identification of cost factors. Based on the results of process
characterization, a cost model is developed, which depicts the relationships between cost factors and product development activities,
as well as their relationships with product geometry. According to the product life cycle activities and the cost model, a design for cost
effectiveness process is proposed. The process and the cost model are then employed for the development of a computer-based product
design for cost effectiveness as one of the module of an integrated design for injection molding environment.  1999 Elsevier Science
Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Concurrent engineering; Design for cost effectiveness; Computer-aided design (CAD)

1. Introduction measures to prevent manufacturing problems and signifi-

cantly simplify the production process [1—10].
Concurrent engineering has been considered one of the It is commonly agreed that a large proportion of the
key concepts that enable companies to improve product ultimate product cost is determined at the design stage.
competitiveness by incorporating product life cycle Therefore, many research efforts have been conducted on
values into the early stages of design. These values relate developing methodologies and systems for product cost
the entire product life cycle from conceptual design estimation [11—14]. However, most of these efforts con-
through manufacturing to disposal, including product duct cost estimations after the completion of product
functionality, cost, manufacturability, assemblability, design. Major redesigns are often required in order to
serviceability, and even recycleability. meet cost limits and thus extend the design process. It is
However, it is not easy for a designer to identify a de- even impossible to make changes on the original design
sign that is functionally acceptable, producible and cost due to the difficulties in resolving the conflicts between
effective at the design stage because it involves a multi- cost and other design concerns.
tude of design and manufacturing knowledge. One of the Instead of performing the cost estimation after design,
possible resolutions is the employment of design for the design for cost effectiveness research conducted in
manufacturing (DFM) and design for assembly (DFA) the Concurrent Engineering Research Laboratory of
tools that help incorporate into the early product design National Cheng Kung University deals with identifying
factors that might affect product cost at each product
design stage. The focus of this research is two-fold:
(1) development of a design for cost effectiveness meth-
* Corresponding author. Tel.: 886-6-2757575 ext. 63922; Fax: 886- odology that accommodates the concepts of concurrent
6-2085334; E-mail: ymchen@mail.ncku.edu.tw engineering and (2) development of a computer-based

0736-5845/99/$ — see front matter  1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S0736-5845(99)00005-8
2 Y.-M. Chen, J.-J. Liu / Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 15 (1999) 1—21

design for cost effectiveness system based on the pro- 2.1. Molding product design characterization
posed methodology.
Design for cost effectiveness is concerned with the Injection molding product design includes conceptual
factors that affect the cost of a component, such as design, preliminary design, parting lines/planes design,
material cost, tooling cost, manufacturing method, cost and detail design [15]. In conceptual design, a sketch or
of tolerance and surface finishes for the selected manufac- a conceptual model is configured based on the products
turing method. Since most of the factors are related to the functional requirements. Preliminary design deals with
components geometric characteristics, the identification, the construction of the initial product geometry and
definition and representation of product geometric char- specifications of additional performance requirements.
acteristics that are cost sensitive is one of the challenges The preliminary product geometry consists of features
in this research. To characterize the relationship between that meet the products functional requirements and their
product geometry and cost variation is the other. relationships, among other things. After creation of the
Design for cost effectiveness is a highly skill- and initial product geometry, additional performance
experience-intensive activity. It can be seen as a process requirements are specified in the form of geometric
consisting of a series of tasks that transforms a non- constraints and engineering relationships. Detail design
economically producible part geometry into an economi- refines the preliminary product geometry into a shape
cally producible one. To fully analyze and model such that is functionally acceptable and compatible with the
a complex activity, activity or process analysis and injection molding process.
modeling techniques are required. Meanwhile, how to Product design is also affected by the results of other
redesign the conventional product design process to injection mold product and process development activ-
adapt the concepts of design for cost effectiveness is ities. Process design determines molding process
the issue to address after activity analysis and charac- parameters such as clamping force, heating temperature,
terization. compression force and injection speed. The results of
To support design for cost effectiveness, a computer- process design determine manufacturing cycle time and
based system is necessary. How to obtain, represent, and the overall manufacturing maintenance and support
incorporate the knowledge for a cost-sensitivity evalu- costs, which in turn affect the cost of the product. In
ation into the computer-based framework is another addition, material fillability is considered to avoid
issue. molding defects in process design, which affects the
This paper first reviews the conventional molding product quality and depends heavily on the geometric
product development process with an emphasis on the characteristics of the product and the results of mold
identification of cost factors. Based on the results of this design.
process characterization, a cost model is developed, Mold design involves shrinkage design, cavity and
which depicts the relationships between cost factors and core layout, parting line determination, feed system de-
product development activities, as well as their relation- sign, cooling system design, ejector design, and venting
ships with product geometry. design. Material fillability, mold producibility, and mold
According to the product life cycle activities and the fabrication costs are the concerns of mold design. Mold
cost model, a design for cost effectiveness process is cavity layout, feed system design and cooling system
proposed. The process and the cost model are then em- design affect the fillability of molding material which in
ployed for the development of a computer-based product turn influences the moldability and quality of the prod-
design for cost effectiveness module as the sub-system of uct. Besides material fillability, mold manufacturability
an integrated design for an injection molding system. also determines the producibility of the product.
Mold fabrication process planning determines the
detailed methods by which molds can be manufactured.
It therefore affects the mold cost and consequently the
2. Molding product design characterization product cost.
and cost analysis In summary, the concerns of molding product design
include product functionality, producibility, quality, and
This section begins with a characterization of the cost, each of which is related to the results of other
conventional injection molding product design and development activities as shown in Fig. 1.
its relationships with other development activities. The
purpose is to fully understand the characteristics of the 2.2. Molding product cost analysis
injection molding product development process so as to
facilitate molding product cost analysis. Following the Generally speaking, product costs are influenced by
design characterization, a cost analysis is performed with the number of parts being produced, the material being
the outcome of a cost structure consisting of dominant processed, tooling costs, process cycle times, and the
cost elements and their relationships. amount of scrap generated.
Y.-M. Chen, J.-J. Liu / Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 15 (1999) 1—21 3

Fig. 1. Classification of product design concerns.

In this paper, we focus on the variations in product Trimming and machining are typical post-processes con-
cost through the process of product design. Therefore, siderations in molding. The trimming process requires an
instead of considering all related cost factors, we empha- additional trimming press if manual trimming is not
size those factors which directly affect the cost of indi- used. The machining operations in molding are used to
vidual products. Basically, the key components of the achieve specific features such as undercuts, or side holds.
cost of a product are material cost, processing cost, and The processing cycle time usually consists of solidifi-
tooling cost [15—17]. Material cost can be computed cation time, the machine opening and closing time, and
using the weight of the part multiplied by the cost of the manual motion time. They are available in the ma-
a unit weight of material including an allowance for chine database. However, the cycle time is controlled to
material waste. The cost of allowance for material waste a lesser extent by factors such as geometry and type of
in molding typically include tare costs, scrap costs, and material. For example, the time required for a material to
in-plant processing costs. The ‘‘tare’’ material must be solidify usually depends on the most massive feature of
remelted before it can be reused for other mold products. the part. The press opening and closing events also re-
The tare costs are associated with spures, biscuits, run- quire additional time when more complex moving mem-
ners and overflows because they are non sellable. Scrap bers, such as core slides and staged core retractors, are
includes warm-up shots, in-plant rejects, and returned employed. The processing cost per part can be obtained
parts. Handling, fuel, equipment utilization, flux, laborat- using the machine rate and cycle time for processing the
ory overhead, and volumetric loss costs are incurred as part. The machine rate is determined by the cost of the
a result of the recycling process. The in-plant processing machine and the method of machine amortization. The
costs should reflect the furnace charge and energy costs. cost of the injection molding machine can be identified
The processing cost per molding is obtained from from the equipment data base. The labor rate is largely
adding the primary processing cost, the post-processing influenced by the degree of the machine automation and
costs, and the plant overhead costs. The major dominant labor required. It is usually possible to have one operator
cost items for the primary processing costs are machine tend more than one machine. There may also be situ-
rate per unit time and direct labor rate per unit time. The ations where two operators are assigned to one machine.
machine rate is usually dependent on the machine capa- The tooling cost includes mold cost and auxiliary
city. For labor rate, a typical number of operators per tooling cost. The initial price of a mold is obtained from
machine and a wage rate can be applied. Cycle time and adding the cost of the mold base, the mold manufactur-
production yield rate are important cost parameters. The ing costs, mold construction costs. These costs are asso-
actual production yield is the percentage of salable mold- ciated with many cost factors. For example, the cost of
ings which is the total product minus moldings that will mold manufacturing and construction are strongly
eventually be scrapped divided by the total number. coupled with the number of cavities, part size, and
4 Y.-M. Chen, J.-J. Liu / Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 15 (1999) 1—21

tolerances. The cost of the mold base depends on factors 2.3. Multi-level cost evaluation model
such as molding material, part size, and the number of
cavities. Among these factors, a major cost factor for To support cost-effective design servel, levels of cost
a mold is its size. A larger mold needs more material, information which evolve with the design process are
more machining operations on its external surface and required. Instead of producing accurate cost estimation,
holes. The ejector plate and pins are also larger and the proposed cost evaluation model aims to support cost
heavier. Another predominant factor on the cost of evaluation during design by providing rough cost estima-
molds is part shape attributes such as features and shape tion and cost sensitivity.
complexity. Auxiliary tooling includes tooling for trim- The multilevel cost evaluation model was developed
ming, core handling, and fixturing. by combining the cost structure and the molding product
The cost structure of moldings is illustrated in Fig. 2. design process. In this model, levels of cost components
The relationships between the cost components can be are selectively used at various design stages according
represented in a mathematical format. The following to the available product information. The model, as
shows part of the relationships: illustrated in Fig. 3, is a two-dimensional hierarchical

Product cost (Pc)"material cost (Cm)#tooling cost (Ct)#processing cost (Cp),

Material cost (Cm)"net material cost (Cnm)#loss and handling cost (Clh),
Net material cost (Cnm)"(volume/part) * (lb/volume) * ($/lb)"($/part),
Loss and handling cost (Clh)"tare cost (Ctar)#scrap cost (Cscr)#in-plant processing cost (Cinp),
Tare cost (Ctar)"tare rate (Rtar) * part weight (PW) * recycling cost (Crcy)"% * (lb/part) * ($/lb)"($/part),
Scrap cost (Cscr)"(1#tare rate (Rtar)) * scrape rate (Rscr) * part weight (PW) * recycling cost (Crcy)
"(1#%) * (lb/part) * ($/lb)"($/part),
In-plant processing cost (Cinp)"(furnace hourly rate (Rfur)#energy cost per unit time, (Cene))
* in-plant processing time (Tinp)"($/sec#$/sec) * (sec/part)"($/part),

Tooling cost (Ct)"mold cost (Cmc)#auxiliary tooling cost (Cau)

Mold cost (Cmc)"Nmold * ((mold base cost (Cmbc)#mold machining cost (Cmmc)
#mold construction cost (Cmcc))/total production quantity (TPQ)
#mold setup cost (Cmsc)/lot size (Lsiz)
"(mold) * ($/mold#$/mold# $/mold) * (1/part)#($/setup) * (setup/part)"($/part),
Auxiliary tooling cost (Cau)"trimming cost (Ctri)#subsidiary tooling cost (Csub),
Trimming cost (Ctri)"Nmold * ((mold base trimming cost (Cmbtc)#mold trimming machining cost (Cmtc)
#mold trimming construction cost (Ctcc))/total production quantity (TPQ)
#mold trimming setup cost (Ctsc)/lot size (Lsiz),
Subsidiary tooling cost (Csub)"cost of cores (Ccor)#cost of fixture (Cfix),

Processing cost (Cp)"primary processing cost (Cpp)#trimming process cost (Ctr)

#secondary processing cost (Cse)#plant setup cost (Cst),
Primary processing cost (Cpp)"number of cavities (Ncav) * (directly labor hourly rate (Cdil)
#machine hourly rate (Rmac)#utility cost (Cutl))
* cycle time (Tcyc)/yield rate per machine (Ryie)
#machine setup cost (Cmse)/lot size (Lsiz)
"($/sec#$/sec#$/sec) * (sec/part)#($/setup) * (setup/part)"($/part),
Secondary processing cost (Cse)"cost of machining (Cmc)#cost of impregnation (Cic)
#cost of surface treatment (Cstc).
Y.-M. Chen, J.-J. Liu / Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 15 (1999) 1—21 5

Fig. 2. The cost structure of molding products.

structure with levels of design tasks and levels of domi- 3. Analysis of shape characteristics and product cost
nant cost factors for each design task. Each task owns
operation characters that consist of one or several shape This section analyzes the relationships between shape
characteristics which correspond to a cost component. geometric characteristics and product cost based on the
For example, the task of feature design creates part cost model developed in the previous section. Since fea-
features that own the characteristics of size, tolerances tures are the key elements of a product, the features are
and shape complexities, which influence the part size, seen as cost units and used as the center for shape
mold cavity feature tolerances, and mold cavity feature characteristics analysis. The results of shape character-
complexities, respectively. They in turn drive the material istic analysis is then used for analyzing the relationships
cost, auxiliary tooling cost and mold cost. The cost between shape characteristics and product cost.
components are broken down into detailed levels of
dominant subcomponents as illustrated in Fig. 3. At the 3.1. Features as the cost units
higher levels, general cost components such as material
cost, processing cost, and tooling cost are involved, and Part size and part shape complexity are the main
at the lower levels more detailed cost items such as tool factors affecting material cost and tooling cost which in
maintenance cost, machine setup cost, and machine cycle turn dominate the product cost. Shape complexity is
time are included. directly related to equipment operating cost. For in-
It is important to know that the information available stance, for moldings of modest size and complexity, mold
for the cost evaluation is different from design stage to impressions for edging, blocking, as well as finishing are
design stage according to the availability of product commonly included in a single mold set. However, for
geometry information. In other words, the cost items larger moldings and moldings of intricate design, two or
which can be estimated from the available data depend more sets of molds may be required to perform the
upon the design status. Therefore, this cost model aims necessary operations on available equipment. Manufac-
to reflect the relationships between the levels of geo- turing costs are also significantly dependent on the geo-
metric characteristics of levels of decision makings of metrical features of the product. For instance, designs
design process and different levels of available cost in- with relatively thin walls or small radii usually lead to
formation. additional mold costs in the injection molding process.
6 Y.-M. Chen, J.-J. Liu / Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 15 (1999) 1—21

Fig. 3. Cost evaluation model.

Additional tooling time is almost always necessary and, ‘‘cost units’’ and view the cost of a product as the ag-
in extreme cases, extra steps in the manufacturing process gregation of the ‘‘cost units’’ of its forming features and
must be contemplated. their interactions. Hence, there is a need to analyze and
According to the concept of feature-based design, model how feature shape characteristics affect product
a part is constructed, edited, and manipulated in terms of cost. To facilitate this analysis, three tasks are performed:
features with certain spatial and functional relationships. feature classification, feature structure analysis, and fea-
Therefore, the size and the shape complexity of a part is ture interaction analysis.
largely dependent on the size and shape complexities of (1) Feature classification: To facilitate shape charac-
features in the part and their spatial relationships. In teristic analysis, features are classified into pre-defined
other words, the size and complexity of a part varies with features and user-defined features. Each of the classes
the adding, placement and editing of features along the includes primary features and secondary features. The
design process. In order to evaluate the variations in former are used to form the major shape of a part and
product cost over design process, we define features as the latter are shapes attached to or subtracted from the
Y.-M. Chen, J.-J. Liu / Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 15 (1999) 1—21 7

major shape of the part. The secondary features include feature relationships. Each feature relationship is
positive features and negative features. If feature A is associated with two features. A feature relationship can
obtained by subtracting primitive A from primitive be ‘‘Is—In’’, ‘‘Is—On’’, or ‘‘Adjacent—To’’ according
B which forms feature B, feature A is a negative feature to the spatial or functional relationships between the
and feature B is a positive feature, else both feature A and features.
feature B are positive features. Placing a positive feature The Is—In relationship indicates a spatial relationship
will add material to a part, while placing a negative in which a negative feature is inside a positive feature.
feature will remove material from a part and thus form Functionally, the existence of the negative feature is de-
a cavity in a part. pendent upon that of the positive feature. And, very
(2) Feature structure: A feature is composed of one or often, some of the geometric parameters of the negative
more primitives which can be positive or negative. feature are dependent upon those of the positive feature.
A primitive is created by extruding, blending, revolving The Is—On relationship defines two adjacent positive or
or sweeping a profile along a trajectory. A positive primi- negative features with certain functional or geometrical
tive is created with a ‘‘protrusion’’ function, while a nega- dependencies. In contrast to the Is—On relationship, the
tive primitive is created by a ‘‘cut’’ or ‘‘shell’’ functions. Adjecent—To relationship defines two adjacent positive
Each of the protrusion and cut functions includes op- or negative features without any functional or geometri-
erations such as extrusion, revolution, sweeping, cal dependencies.
and blending. The structure of features contains levels (4) Feature mapping: The purpose of feature mapping
of feature information, including the feature itself, is to convert a part feature into a mold cavity feature to
forming primitives, the profile, trajectory and operation support mold-related cost evaluations. Figure 4 illus-
of each primitive, and the geometric dimensions of the trates the mapping between part features and mold cavity
primitives. features. A protrusion feature becomes two depression
(3) Feature interactions: In feature-based design, features in the main cavity, if it is split by parting surfaces;
a product is the aggregation of a set of features and otherwise, it maps into a depression feature. A depression

Fig. 4. Feature mapping.

8 Y.-M. Chen, J.-J. Liu / Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 15 (1999) 1—21

feature maps into one protrusion feature and two mold cavity features are formed from the shapes of corre-
depression features if it is not split by parting surfaces. sponding part features, the shape characteristics of mold
On the other hand, the mapping results depend upon the cavity features can be defined and classified as in the part
location of the parting surface, if it is split by parting features. Also as shown in Fig. 5, the shape complexities
surfaces. Since a parting surface perpendicular to the of a mold cavity feature can be obtained from its corre-
section plane of the feature will cause an undercut, an sponding part feature using feature mapping and can be
insert may be required. The mapping result in this case is also classified into classes of extruding straight lines,
two depression features and an insert. On the contrary, revolving arcs, sweeping curves, parallel blending
the mapping result will be two depression features if the straight lines, rotational blending arcs, and general
parting surface is parallel to the section plane of the blending curves. In this example, milling and EDM are
feature. A secondary feature maps into one or two com- considered for mold cavity feature fabrication. The
plementary secondary feature(s) depending on whether it manufacturing time and manufacturing cost are propor-
is split by the parting surface or not. tionally increased as feature trajectory complexity in-
3.2. Shape characteristics and product cost relationship
analysis 3.2.2. Feature placement
The product cost varies after each placement of fea-
As mentioned before, instead of estimating the entire tures because the product shape characteristics are
product cost, we focus on the variations in cost in- changed due to feature interactions. Similar to feature
fluenced by the changes in the product geometry, which design, the cost influenced by feature placement includes
are made by the design tasks. This section hence aims to injection molding processing cost and tooling cost. Pro-
analyze the relationships between product cost and part cessing cost includes labor cost and machine cost. The
shape characteristics formed at each design stage. Ac- machine cost can be reduced by reducing machine cycle
cording to the proposed design framework, the part time and using suitable machines. The machine cycle
shape characteristics may be formed by (1) the shape time itself can be reduced by proper mold design. For
characteristics of forming features at feature design, example, heavy mass areas will take a longer time for
(2) the interactions of the forming features after feature cooling, hence cooling time can be reduced by eliminat-
placement, and (3) the splitting of features at parting line ing massive features mold set-up time and opening/clos-
design. ing time can be reduced by avoiding the use of slides and
stage core retractions, and reducing moving members.
3.2.1. Feature design Tooling cost is determined by mold fabrication cost,
According to the analysis of the feature structure in the mold maintenance cost and mold life. Some of the prin-
previous section, a part feature is defined in terms of its ciples which reduce tooling costs are reducing the num-
form profile and trajectory. The complexity of a feature is ber of mold components, avoiding sharp corners, adding
therefore directly affected by its profile and trajectory, proper drafting, simplifying parting lines, avoiding
which in turn influence the processing time and cost. The narrow/long/deep protrusions or depression features,
number of profile types is innumerable; while the trajec- and avoiding complicated surfaces.
tories can be limited to classes of straight lines, arcs, and Due to shape complexity, to assess whether a feature
curves based on the feature creation operations. There- placement is cost effective is much more difficult than to
fore, the relative processing time and relative process cost identify if there is any area that will potentially increase
can be identified for various types of profiles. the product costs after feature placement. Therefore, at
As shown in Fig. 5, the part feature shape character- this stage, instead of characterizing the relationships be-
istics are classified into extruding straight lines revolving tween shape characteristics and relative cost, we focus on
arcs, sweeping curves, parallel blending straight line, the identification of shape characteristics that may cause
rotational blending arcs, and general blending curves. cost ineffectiveness.
The material fillability of a feature created by extruding The shape characteristics that might cause cost ineffec-
a profile along a straight line is better than a feature tiveness include massive feature intersections (Fig. 6a),
created by revolving the profile along an arc, which is in thin walls (Fig. 6b), rapid global wall thickness changes
turn better than a feature created by rotational blending (Fig. 6c), heavy mass areas (Fig. 6d), and the significant
along an arc, and so on. Similarly, the relative processing dimensions of individual features (Fig. 6e). Most of these
costs for the classes of features can be obtained as shown shape characteristics can be identified by significant
in Fig. 5. items, such as ‘‘thickness’’, ‘‘depth’’, or ‘‘distance’’ formed
The fabrication costs of mold cavity features are deter- by feature interactions. The thickness can be a stack up
mined by the manufacturing methods selected and the thickness (type I thickness), a thickness created by
manufacturing time, which are both influenced by the placing a negative feature in a positive feature (type II
shape complexities of the mold cavity features. Since feature), or a thickness between two coplanar negative
Y.-M. Chen, J.-J. Liu / Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 15 (1999) 1—21 9

Fig. 5. Feature characteristics and product cost.

features (type III thickness) (see Fig. 7). The typical of the interaction, which can be derived from the com-
‘‘depth’’ found in feature interactions is the stack up position of the shapes of its component features.
depth in between two adjacent negative features. Most of
the ‘‘distances’’ exist in between two coplanar positive 3.2.3. Surface finish and tolerance specification
features. However, the thickness in between two coplanar Precision tolerances drive the need for expensive capi-
negative features can be also seen as the ‘‘distance’’ be- tal equipment, tooling, training, maintenance and may
tween these two features. require costly inspection systems. There is a simple rule
As shown in Fig. 8, the shape characteristics discussed for cost evaluation at this stage. That is precision toleran-
above can be classified into the groups of Is—In, Adjac- ces are more costly than tolerances requiring a lesser
ent—To, and Intersect based on the types of feature inter- degree of precision.
actions. These part feature interactions will map to the
interactions of mold cavity features also as illustrated in 3.2.4. Parting line specification
Fig. 8. Similar to the relative manufacturing cost of a part
feature, the relative fabrication cost of a mold cavity There are three cases that may cause cost changes after
feature interaction is dependent on the shape complexity parting line specification. One involves a parting line that
10 Y.-M. Chen, J.-J. Liu / Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 15 (1999) 1—21

Fig. 7. Types of thickness.

are required to improve part ejectability after the deter-

mination of parting lines and mold opening direction.
A draft is a slight angle placed on surfaces to allow the
surface to move away from the mold cavity wall without
sticking to the mold as it opens. Drafts facilitates molding
opening and thus reduce processing time. However,
drafts may slightly increase mold manufacturing diffi-
culty and consequently increase mold fabrication costs.
A round is required for a convex edge while a fillet is
required for a concave edge. The radius for the corner or
fillet is based on the material used, the geometry of the
edge and the length of the edge. Basically, fillets and
rounds are used to smoothen the material flow and to
some extent facilitate mold opening. Adding fillets and
rounds will thus reduce processing time and cost. How-
ever, since the shapes of fillets and rounds are more
complicated than planner faces, the mold fabrication cost
may be slightly increased.

4. Computer-aided design for cost effectiveness

This section presents a proposed procedure for com-

puter-aided design for cost effectiveness as shown in
Fig. 6(a). An example of feature intersection. (b) Examples of local wall Fig. 9. It includes the steps of feature design, preliminary
thickness. (c) Examples of global wall thickness change. (d) Examples
of global wall thickness change. (e) Examples of significant items. design, parting line design, detail design and the related
evaluations at each design step.
Besides feature-based design methodology, the prin-
ciples behind the proposed procedure include: concur-
splits negative cavity features and increases feature shape rent design, interactive design evaluation, and iterative
complexity and consequently increases mold fabrication redesign. The basic idea of concurrent design is that
costs. The second involves the need for using a core or product life cycle issues are considered and reviewed at
insert to avoid undercuts. The fabrication cost of a core the early design stages. The concept of concurrent engin-
or insert depends on the shape complexity, which can be eering is implemented by evaluating molding product
derived using the same method used in feature shape design against product life cycle concerns at each design
characteristics analysis. Drafting, filleting and rounding stage.
Y.-M. Chen, J.-J. Liu / Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 15 (1999) 1—21 11

Fig. 8. Part shape characteristics formed by feature placement.

Design for injection molding can be seen as a The iteration continues until no further conflict or the
constraint satisfaction problem, which involves the con- designer accepts the result.
tinuous evolution of the product model through the
recognition, formulation and satisfaction of constraints 4.1. Feature design
that represent the conflicting requirements of perfor-
mance, reliability, quality, durability, producibility, and The objective of feature design is to design a feature
cost effectiveness. One of the approaches of this proced- that is functionally acceptable, as well as producible and
ure is to provide a design advisory during the design to cost effective. This begins with the selection of a feature
ensure that all product life cycle concerns are satisfied. from a feature library and followed by a series of evalu-
Instead of fully automating the design and redesign, an ations for producibility, cost effectiveness, and mold fea-
interactive design evaluation and iterative redesign ap- ture manufacturability. Feature design includes the tasks
proach is employed. That is, the product design is per- of feature creation, feature selection, and feature evalu-
formed as an iterative ‘‘design, design evaluation, and ation. Both feature creation and feature selection are
redesign’’ process. The product designer is responsible for conducted by the designer, while feature evaluation is
the initial design decision making and the design advis- performed by the computer-based system automatically.
ory system is interactively evaluating the decision for (1) Feature creation: Features in the feature library
concern satisfaction. If any conflicts occur, a redesign is include pre-defined features and user-defined features.
suggested and the designer is responsible for the redesign. Most of the pre-defined features are common injection
12 Y.-M. Chen, J.-J. Liu / Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 15 (1999) 1—21

Fig. 9. The proposed procedure for injection molding product design for cost effectiveness.

molding features, such as bosses, ribs, holes, webs, sion type specification, (4) origin, orientation and axis
cored-holes, drafts, rounds, fillets and grooves. To facilit- specification, and feature definition [18].
ate product geometry creation, some commonly used (2) Feature selection: Feature selection is conducted by
primitives such as plates, discs, blocks, cones, cylinders, performing the following steps: (i) Specify instance data
slots and cutouts are also pre-defined in the feature — the designer is first requested to enter the instance data
library. However, to support wider applications, de- for the variable dimensions. This will generate the orig-
signers are allowed to create user-defined features inal shape of the feature on the screen. (ii) Define the
through the following steps: (1) parametric original shape relationships among dimensions — the relationships
creation, (2) variable dimension specification, (3) dimen- among dimensions in the feature can be constrained in
Y.-M. Chen, J.-J. Liu / Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 15 (1999) 1—21 13

terms of equations. (iii) Specify feature size tolerance stack-up height, minimum distance, and maximum dis-
— the size tolerance of each dimension in the feature can tance, which are formed due to feature interactions and
be defined by giving its plus and minus deviations. Right will potentially cause defects are identified by geometric
after feature selection, a model of the selected feature is reasoning according to type of interaction discussed in
created to support producibility evaluation, cost effec- Section 3.
tiveness evaluation, and mold producibility evaluation. (2) Cost effectiveness evaluation. Instead of estimating
(3) Feature evaluation: Evaluations on features the cost precisely, the cost effectiveness evaluation at this
include: producibility evaluation, cost effectiveness evalu- stage intents to provide a rough product cost and the rate
ation, and mold feature manufacturability evaluation. of cost change per placement to help designers avoid high
The cost effectiveness evaluation at this stage is conduc- cost designs and maintain cost effectiveness. Therefore,
ted only on material costs and tooling costs because it is the identification of product geometry characteristics and
not easy to estimate the processing cost on a single part mold geometry characteristics that may cause a change
feature. In the material cost evaluation, the cost to in- in net material cost, and mold feature fabrication and
crease or reduce by adding the feature is estimated and mold maintenance costs is performed based on the types
recorded in the feature model. The value will be retrieved of interactions discussed in Section 3.
and compared with a new value if any redesign on the (3) Mold manufacturability evaluation. The mold
feature occurs. Basically, adding negative features will manufacturability evaluation aims to check if there is any
reduce material costs; on the contrary, adding positive mold manufacturing difficulty caused by the placement
features will increase material costs. Mold costs, at this of a part feature. The evaluation concentrates on the
stage, are mainly the cost for fabricating the mold cavity interactions of mold cavity features, which can be identi-
features mapped from part features. fied from the part feature interactions as discussed in
Section 3.
4.3. Preliminary design
4.3.3. Overall shape evaluation
In the preliminary design, the feature placement is first
conducted by the user, which is followed by evaluations
An overall shape evaluation is performed on the entire
on the interactions between the placed feature and other
product shape after preliminary design. It involves deter-
existing features. The evaluation focuses on the impact
mining the compatibility of the material with the process,
caused by the interactions on product producibility, cost
checking part size, weight and dimensions to prevent
effectiveness, and mold manufacturability.
conflict with alloy limitation, checking global significant
items such as global wall thickness, global depths, and
4.3.1. Feature placement
global distance, to provide smooth material flow to avoid
The feature placement starts with the placement of
excess voids or porosity.
a base feature. The base feature is placed in a world
coordinate system which is formed by three datum planes
perpendicular to each other. The other features can then 4.4. Finish and tolerance specification
be placed relative to the base feature or other existing
features. Two approaches are employed for feature place- Tolerances and functional attributes such as material,
ment [18]. In the first approach, the designer is required surface finish can be specified after preliminary design.
to specify a placement face, reference edges, faces, or Tolerances include geometric tolerances, size tolerances,
datum planes, location parameters as well as a placement location tolerances, and form tolerance, each of which
orientation. In the second approach, an axis or a coordi- can be specified in various ways as discussed in [18];
nate system is associated with each feature for feature functional attributes are mainly specified on the bound-
placement. The placement is defined in terms of a trans- ary faces of features or the part.
formation between the axis of the child feature and that Since the precision and tolerance of molding products
of its parent feature. are produced by molds, a producibility and cost effec-
tiveness evaluation are performed on the mold surface
4.3.2. Feature interaction evaluation finishes and tolerances propagated from those specified
in the part. A part surface finish or tolerance is achievable
The feature interaction evaluation includes a produci- if there exists mold fabrication machines, operations and
bility evaluation, cost effectiveness evaluation and mold tools with capability of the specified precision level.
manufacturability evaluation as discussed below. Hence, producibility evaluation at this stage is conducted
(1) Producibility evaluation. Feature interactions occur as machine selection, operation selection and tool selec-
between the newly placed feature and all other existing tion. It is a general principle that high precision surfaces
features. The significant items such as stack-up depth, and unnecessary tight tolerances should be avoided to
maximum wall thickness, minimum wall thickness, ensure producibility and cost effectiveness.
14 Y.-M. Chen, J.-J. Liu / Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 15 (1999) 1—21

4.5. Parting line design (2) Fillet and round design. The steps of fillet and
round design include corner identification, fillet or
Parting line design includes the steps of parting line round addition, fillet or round radius evaluation, dimen-
specification, undercut detection, mold cavity manufac- sion modification, and cost evaluation. Corner identi-
turability, and cost effectiveness evaluations. fication is to determine where a fillet or round is required
(1) Parting line specification: Parting lines or planes and what is the proper amount of radius. Similar to that
can be specified in two ways. The first is to draw parting in draft design, fillets and rounds are used to smoothen
lines onto the faces of the part and to split the faces along the material flow and to some extent facilitate mold
the parting lines. After splitting, the faces will be grouped opening, adding fillets and rounds will reduce process-
into two groups for later manipulation. In this case, the ing time and cost. Therefore, cost evaluation in fillet
user is required to define the mold opening direction on and round design focuses on the increment al mold
the basis of any of the faces. The other is to add a tag to fabrication costs by checking the increment al shape
any plane picked as part of the parting planes. The complexity.
designer is also required to define the mold opening
direction. This is done by attaching a tag onto the plane
picked from the parting planes as the index for mold
5. System development
opening direction. The mold opening direction is defined
as the opposite direction of the normal vector of the
This section presents the development of the com-
plane of the plane picked. The opposite direction is
puter-aided injection molding product design for cost
necessary because the mold usually opens away from the
effectiveness system. The focus of this section is two-fold:
parting plane.
(1) representation of parts and mold cavities for evalu-
(2) Ejectability evaluation: The ejectability evaluation
ation, and (2) the representation of the knowledge for
involves checking if any face may cause an undercut
cost effectiveness evaluation.
according to the parting lines specified in the previous
step. Once an undercut is detected, the designer may add
features, such as cores or slides to remove the undercuts, 5.1. System framework
delete the feature that contains the faces forming an
undercut, or re-specify the parting planes. There are three environments in the system frame-
(3) Mold cavity manufacturability evaluation: The work, i.e. design environment, geometric reasoning and
evaluation is performed on the mold cavity features that model construction environment, and knowledge-based
are split by the parting lines to ensure their manufactura- environment (see Fig. 10).
bility. Models of the split mold cavity features are ob- The design environment provides functions for feature
tained by mapping the split part features. design, preliminary design, parting line design, and detail
(4) Cost effectiveness evaluation: The cost effectiveness design. The geometric reasoning and model construction
evaluation at this stage rates the changes in mold fabrica- environment includes a significant item extraction
tion and processing costs per parting line specification. module, a part model construction module and a feature-
Cost comparisons are made in between ‘‘before’’ and based model refinement module. The part model con-
‘‘after’’ parting line specifications’’ as well as in between struction module constructs product model by extracting
‘‘before’’ and ‘‘after’’ parting line modifications. geometric data and related attributes from CAD
database. The significant item extraction module identifi-
4.6. Detail design es feature and part shape characteristics and extract
significant items of these shape characteristics by per-
Once the parting line and mold opening direction have forming geometric reasoning on the part model and data
been determined, the draft design and round and fillet extraction form CAD database. The results of significant
design are performed to improve part ejectability. item extraction are provided for further product model
(1) Draft design. The draft design consists of several construction. The feature-based model refinement
steps supported by a draft design evaluation function and module constructs a feature-based mold model by map-
cost evaluation. They are draft face detection, draft addi- ping part features into mold features and deriving
tion, draft amount evaluation, and dimension modifica- mold feature relationships based on part feature relation-
tion. Face requiring drafts are identified and the amount ships.
of draft is determined based on the material used and the The knowledge based environment contains know-
wall depth of the face requiring draft. Since drafts facilit- ledge bases to support the evaluations as discussed in the
ates molding opening and thus reduce processing time, previous section. The knowledge bases themselves are
cost evaluation on draft design focuses on the increment supported by an object-oriented part model and an ob-
of mold fabrication cost by checking if there is any ject-oriented mold model, which are constructed by an
additional operation is required for producing the draft. object-oriented model construction module.
Y.-M. Chen, J.-J. Liu / Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 15 (1999) 1—21 15

Fig. 10. System framework.

5.2. Object-oriented part and mold models ping, features are also defined in terms of their construc-
tion elements such as sections and trajectories.
In this research, object-oriented modeling techniques One of the characteristics of the product model is that
are employed to model the product and the mold. One of it contains not only topological and geometrical details
the purposes of using object-oriented technique is to take but also technical information such as functional require-
advantage of its characteristics of data abstraction, ments and specifications of a product, and related evalu-
modularity and inheritance. The other is that the seman- ation knowledge. The related evaluation knowledge is
tic meaning of data can be enhanced, and most of all to defined as methods and embedded in the corresponding
provide a compatibility with knowledge models and data product entity objects. This will facilitate the integration
models developed in this system and thus facilitate com- of product geometry and design and manufacturing
munication among the models. knowledge.

5.2.1. Object-oriented part model 5.2.2. Object-oriented mold cavity model

Using the concept of object-oriented modeling, a prod- A mold set consists of a mold base and a mold model.
uct and its elements are represented in terms of objects. The mold base containing mold fixtures such as clamping
A product is the aggregation of features and feature plates, support plates, and ejectors is used to hold the
relationships. Each feature relationship is associated with mold model. Most of current CAD systems provide
two features. A feature itself is the aggregation of its a mold base library, which contains parts and assemblies
bounding faces and face adjacencies. Each face adjacency of standard mold bases. The mold model is an assembly
is associated with its two corresponding joined faces. consisting of a mold workpiece, a molding, and a cooling
Similarly, a face is the aggregation of its bounding edges system. The mold work piece can have standard overall
and edge connectivities. For the purpose of feature map- dimensions to fit in the standard mold base, or it can be
16 Y.-M. Chen, J.-J. Liu / Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 15 (1999) 1—21

custom-made to accommodate the geometry of the The knowledge objects in the lower level of the know-
product model. A mold work piece is split into separate ledge object hierarchy are used for real assessment or
mold components by parting surfaces after extracting evaluation by running relevant production rules, while
the molding and cooling system from the work piece. the knowledge objects in the higher levels are mostly for
The mold which is located inside the mold workpiece planning, monitoring, and controlling its lower level
is an assembly consisting of mold cavities, a feed system knowledge units via methods or planning rules.
and a venting system. The cavities are formed by
extracting the shapes of the design product from the 5.4. Implementation
mold work piece. Therefore, the product model can be
seen as the reference model of the cavities and the fea- The computer-aided integrated design for injection
tures in a cavity corresponding to features in the refer- molding system was implemented using Visual C##
ence part. language in a Windows-NT2+ environment, on an Acer
Similar to the part feature model, a mold cavity feature ALTOS 90002+ PC server networked with six PC clients,
model is also defined as an object consisting of an object located in the Computer-Aided Concurrent Engineering
name, attributes, and methods. The attributes are the Research Lab at National Cheng Kung University,
properties of the features, while the methods define the Taiwan, ROC. A commercial CAD system (Pro/ENGIN-
behavior of the feature. A mold cavity is the aggregation EER2+ from Parametric Corporation), a commercial ex-
of mold cavity features and their relationships as dis- pert system shell (Nexpert/Object2+ from Neuron Data
cussed in the part model. Corporation) and a commercial database system (Ac-
cess2+ from Micro Soft Corporation) were selected as
5.3. Object-oriented knowledge model software components for the system’s development.
There are four environments in the system: a design
(1) Knowledge representation and classification: Most environment, a knowledge based environment, a database
of the knowledge involved in cost evaluation can be environment, and a C# # environment. The design envi-
represented in terms of production rules. According to ronment, consists of a feature design module, a prelimi-
the design for cost effectiveness framework, cost evalu- nary design module, a parting line/surface design module
ation knowledge can be classified into a knowledge hier- and a detail design module, which are supported by the
archy with knowledge units corresponding to the tasks knowledge based environment, a geometric reasoner and
and activities of the process model or the functional the database environment. This system is fully integrated
blocks of the functional diagram. One of the objectives of with a mold design system, a mold manufacturing pro-
knowledge classification is to facilitate the management cess planning system and an injection molding process
of knowledge and provide basic construct for knowledge design system, which form an environment for concur-
abstraction. rent molding product and process development [19]. The
(2) Knowledge abstraction: Each of the knowledge knowledge-based environment contains a product design
units in the knowledge hierarchy is represented in knowledge base, a mold design knowledge base and
the form of a knowledge object as the abstraction of the a process planning knowledge base. Besides supporting
production rules behind the knowledge unit. Therefore, product design, the mold design and process planning
the knowledge hierarchy can also be seen as knowledge knowledge bases also support a mold design environ-
object hierarchy. The hierarchical relationships between ment and a computer-aided mold manufacturing process
levels of knowledge objects are defined as methods in planning environment, respectively [20, 21].
upper-level objects. the lower-level objects are instanced
through activating corresponding methods in the upper- 5.5. Example
level objects.
The purpose of knowledge abstraction is to facilitate In this section, an example is given to illustrate part of
the management of a massive number of production the functions of the computer-aided design for cost effec-
development rules and to assist the integration of know- tiveness. Figure 11 shows part of the menu of the system.
ledge with data and geometry. The basic idea is to group (1) Feature selection: For selecting a feature. the user
the related rules and minimize the details of these rules by is required to choose on-line evaluation or off-line evalu-
representing them in terms of a concept. The concept can ation. The evaluations will be automatically performed if
be defined as an object consisting of an object name, on-line evaluation is selected, otherwise, the user may
attributes, and operations. The object name is the name activate the evaluation functional module whenever he or
of the concept, the attributes are the properties of she thinks an evaluation is necessary. Right after the user
the concept, and the operations define the behavior of the selects a feature and specifies dimension values, the fea-
concepts. Objects that are working toward a common ture is displayed on the screen and a feature object is
goal can be further defined in terms of a higher level created for evaluation. The feature evaluation knowledge
concept. base is activated for feature evaluation by activating the
Y.-M. Chen, J.-J. Liu / Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 15 (1999) 1—21 17

‘‘feature evaluation’’ method in the feature evaluation (2) Preliminary design evaluations and redesign: Im-
object. In this example, a shell is selected as the base mediately after the placement of the boss on the inside
feature and a boss is selected as a secondary feature and of the shell, the feature interaction evaluation is per-
placed ‘‘on’’ the base feature (see Fig. 12). Feature evalu- formed. One producibility error occurs. The part is too
ation is performed on each of the features right after it is heavy. One way of reducing the weight is to place a cored
selected from the feature library. No producibility error is hole in the boss. The evaluation is performed again on
issued for both selections in this example. the wall thickness of the cored hole boss. The wall thick-
ness of the cored hole boss is too thin at this time.
A modification is performed to place four ribs to
strengthen the wall thickness of the cored hole boss. The
cost effectiveness evaluation is performed after rib selec-
tion and placement. Fig. 13 shows the result of the
feature cost evaluation on the ‘‘ribs’’ and Fig. 14 shows
the result of cost effectiveness evaluation on feature
(3) Parting line specification: The parting line speci-
fication starts with the product designer checking out the
preliminary product model from the team library. The
product designer may specify the parting lines or surfaces
on the part and conduct design evaluations as discussed
before. However, as the locations of the parting lines will
affect the product detail design and mold cavity layout, it
is more reasonable for the product designer and mold
designer to perform the parting line or surface specifica-
tion collaboratively. Once the parting lines are initially
specified, the user is required to define the mold opening
direction, followed by undercut detection. A parting line
re-specification is necessary if any undercut problem oc-
curs. Using the part model with parting lines, the mold
designer may perform preliminary molding layout based
on the parting lines. In this example, the parting lines are
specified along the edges of the bottom face of the shell,
and the mold opening directions are both perpendicular
Fig. 11. Part of the system menu. to the bottom face.

Fig. 12. The example part.

18 Y.-M. Chen, J.-J. Liu / Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 15 (1999) 1—21

Fig. 13. Results of cost evaluation on ‘‘Ribs’’.

Fig. 14. Cost effectiveness evaluation on feature placement.

(4) Detail design and redesign: Once the parting lines 8. Conclusion
have been determined, the detection of draft faces and
round edges are performed. Faces that are parallel to the This paper addresses (1) development of a design for
mold opening direction are considered to be drafted. The cost effectiveness methodology that accommodates the
user can add drafts onto these faces one by one based on concepts of concurrent engineering, (2) an approach to
the draft angles suggested by the system, or let the system dealing with cost effectiveness together with other prod-
add drafts automatically. A round is required for a con- uct development concerns under an integrated design
vex edge, while a fillet is required for a concave edge. framework, and (3) development of a computer-based
A proper radius for the corner or fillet is suggested by the design for cost effectiveness module based on the pro-
system based on the material used, the geometry of the posed methodology as an integral part of a computer-
edge and length of the edge. The edge type and length are aided integrated design for injection molding system.
derived and computed from the product model. Sim- Tasks in this research included characterization of
ilarly, the rounding and filleting operations can be per- molding product design, development of a methodology
formed manually or automatically. Figure 15 shows the and procedure of product design for cost effectiveness,
example part before redesign and Fig. 16 shows the result development of a cost model to support design for cost
after redesign; Figs. 17 and 18 are the cost evaluation effectiveness, analysis of the relationships between geo-
results before and after redesign. metric characteristics and product cost, modeling of part
Y.-M. Chen, J.-J. Liu / Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 15 (1999) 1—21 19

Fig. 15. The example part before redesign.

Fig. 16. The example part after redesign.

geometry, as well as the formalization of evaluation facilitate the development of other computer-based
knowledge. tools or systems.
The major practical results of this work include: (3) A computer-based design for cost effectiveness system
that provides a consistent and systematic method for
(1) A framework and methodology for design for cost analyzing and designing the shape of molding com-
effectiveness, that accommodates the concepts of con- ponents.
current engineering. This provides a better method
for designing a product that fulfills the requirements The results of this research will facilitate the rational-
of cost effectiveness, functionality, and manufactur- ization and automation of molding product design and
ability. thus improve the efficiency, quality and reduce the costs
(2) A systematic approach for the development of a com- of product development.
puter-aided integrated design for cost effectiveness. In this proposed approach, functional requirement
This approach and methodology can be employed to analysis and system design are based purely on the
20 Y.-M. Chen, J.-J. Liu / Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 15 (1999) 1—21

Fig. 17. The evaluation result of the example part before redesign.

Fig. 18. The evaluation result of the example part after redesign.

understanding of product and process development pro- Acknowledgements

cesses. The quality of the results are highly dependent
upon the experience and knowledge concerning current This research is funded by National Science Council,
related technologies. How this can be performed in a sys- Taiwan, ROC under Grant No. NSC-87-2212-E-006-
tematic way and what methodologies can be devised or 002.
applied at these stages are still open questions which
require further investigation. References
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