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Trường THPT Đoàn Thị Điểm Năm Học: 2020-2021
----o0o---- Thời gian làm bài: 90 phút

Học sinh làm bài vào đề thi này

Exercise 1: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others. (05
1. A. technical B. change C. much D. exchange
2. A. weapon B. increase C. threat D. spread
3. A. requirements B. subject C. secondary D. levels
4. A. prohibit B. exhibit C. habit D. hunting
5. A. elephants B. decades C. poachers D. actions

Exercise 2: Choose the word whose main stress pattern is not the same as that of the others. . (05 points)

6. A. continent B. however C. elephant D. tropical

7. A. represent B. intensive C. domestic D. employment
8. A. social B. proportion C. industry D. easily
9. A. habitat B. century C. difficult D. prohibit
10.A. generally B. secondary C. education D. specialize


Exercise 1: Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. (15 points)
11. He's really shy _______ girl.
A. by B. at C. for D. with
12. The teacher _______ her to improve her drawing.
A. insisted B. encouraged C. made D. persisted
13. I couldn't quite ______ what they were doing because they were so far away.
A. bear out B. make out C. think out D. try out
14. The meal Mary cooked tastes_______.
A. well B. nice C. good D. worse
15. ______ at the party, we saw Ruth standing alone.
A. Arriving B. We arrived C. Arrived D. We were arriving
116. The people who______ the survey said that they had examined over 1,000 accidents.
A. gave B. proceed C. set D. conducted
7. The judge found him ______ of stealing and sent him to prison.
A. evil B. innocent C. guilty D. wicked
18. The house we have rented is______. So we will have to buy some beds, chairs, tables, etc.
A. unrestored B. unrepaired C. unfurnished D. undecorated
19. He was turned down for the job because he is ________.
A. qualified B. qualifying C. unqualified D. qualification
20. The trouble started only______ the other man came into the room.
A. when B. until C. and then D. too soon
21. _______, the disaster would not have happened.
A. Had you have obeyed the orders B. You had obeyed the orders
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C. You obeyed the orders D. Had you obeyed the orders
22. _______ had booked in advance were allowed in.
A. Only who B. Only those who
C. Only who were those D. Only were those who
23. Traveling alone to a jungle is adventurous, ________.
A. if not impossible B. if it not impossible
C. when not impossible D. when it not impossible
24. I ______ the hot weather in the south.
A. use to B. used to C. am use to D. am used to
25. The meat looked very _______ to the dog.
A. invited B. invite C. inviting D. invitingly
Exercise 2: Read the text and use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits
in the space in the same line. (10 points)
Margaret started English Literature this term, and I’m afraid that her (26) INTRODUCE ……………
to the subject has not bee entirely (27) SUCCESS …………….. She has not show much enthusiasm and does
not always pay (28) ATTEND ……......… in class. Her assignments are often (29) READ…......… , because
she is so untidy, and because of her (30) FAIL.....… to check her work thoroughly. She failed to do any (31)
REVISE ...…...… before the end of term test, and had poor results. She seems to have the (32) MISTAKE
……....… idea that she can succeed without studying. She has also had many (33) ABSENT..…......… and has
frequently arrived late for class. This has resulted in several (34) PUNISH…...... . Although Margaret is a (35)
GIFT ...…..… student in some respects, she has not had a satisfactory term.
Execise 3: Give the correct forms of the verbs. (5 points)
36. If he had drunk too much last night, he ____ (not - be) tired now.
37. I’m sure he must ____ (be) at home last night because the door was open when I came.
38. It’s raining. I would rather you ____ (close) the window.
39. I don’t know what the matter with him is. He ____ (act) funny since you were away.
40. He suggested that a final decision ____ (11. make).

Exercise 4: Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to
be correct. Circle your answers. (5 points)
41. They didn’t seem to take any notice of that the teacher said.
(A) (B) (C) (D)
42. Penny took three exams and managed to succeed them all.
(A) (B) (C) (D)
43. Items of luggage whose weight exceed 50 kilograms will not be allowed on the ferry.
(A) (B) (C) (D)
44. Never before have so many people in the United States interested in soccer.
(A) (B) (C) (D)
45. The President often contradicts himself. He often says something which doesn’t agree with what he says
(A) (B) (C) (D)
Exercise 1: Read the passage and choose the correct answer for the following questions: (5 points)
All at once Hazel was coming in through the French windows, pulling off gardening gloves, and Bill was
entering through the door, both at once. So I only had time to take one quick look at her before I turned to face
him. All very confusing. What that first glimpse showed me was that time had thickened her figure but didn’t
seem to have made much difference to her face. It still had good skin and youthful outlines. She was holding a
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bunch of roses – must have been cutting them in the garden while waiting for me. The gardening gloves lent a
delightfully informal touch. It was quite an entrance, though Bill spoilt it a bit by making his at the same time.
Bill seemed longer and thinner. His tightly massed hair had a tinge of grey. Apart from that, twenty years
had done nothing to him, except deepen the lines of thoughtfulness that had already, when I knew him, begun
to spread across his face. Or was that all? I looked at him again, more carefully, as he looked away from me at
Hazel. Weren’t his eyes different somehow? More inward looking than ever? Gazing in not merely at his
thoughts, but at something else, something he was keeping hidden or perhaps protecting.
Then we were chattering and taking glasses in our hands, and I came back to earth. For the first ten minutes
we were all so defensive, so carefully probing, that nobody learnt anything. Bill had forgotten me altogether,
that much was clear. He was engaged in getting to know me from scratch, very cautiously so as not to hit a
wrong note, with the object of getting me to contribute a big subscription to his African project. I kept trying to
absorb details about Hazel, but Bill was talking earnestly about African education, and the strain of appearing
to concentrate while actually thinking about his wife proved so great that I decided it would be easier just to
concentrate. So I did. I let him hammer away for about ten more minutes, and then the daughter, who seemed
to be acting as parlourmaid, showed in another visitor. Evidently we were to be four at lunch.
46. What effect had time had on Hazel and Bill?
A. They had both lost weight. B. They were more withdrawn.
C. They hadn’t changed at all. D. They had changed in subtle ways.
47. When they all started talking, the writer
A. relaxed at last. B. stopped dreaming.
C. spoke most to Hazel. D. began to remember things.
48. The writer found the first part of their conversation
A. sentimental. B. irritating. C. uninformative. D. trivial.
49. Why did Bill speak seriously?
A. He wanted some money from the writer. B. He did not remember the writer.
C. His wife was present. D. He was talking about the past.
50. In the end the writer found Bill’s conversation
A. monotonous B. convincing C. thought-provoking D. instructive
Exercise 2: Read the following passage and choose the most suitable word for each space. (10 points)

It is now extremely popular to take a gap year between school and university or university and work and
to spend it traveling. There are plenty of reasons to recommend it - travel broadens the mind, you’re (51) ___
young once, life isn’t a rehearsal and so on. And if you don’t do it, you may always regret that you didn’t take
the (52) ___. In the end, there’s only one response: well, why not?

The idea may have its roots in the 18th century Grand tour once (3) ___ by the young, rich and noble,
but it is the middle classes who have turned it (54) ___ something that 200,000 British youngsters do every
year. (55) ___ has never been so easy and cheap, with more places open to tourists than ever. Also, the gap year
is now (56) ___ by many employers and universities.

The States, the Far East and Australia were among the original (57) ___ and although these remain in
the top five, young explorers are now going even further. The most far-flung corners of the world are (58) ___
in popularity year by year. About $700 will buy a student ticket (59) ___ for six months that will take you from
London to Calcutta, Singapore, Bangkok, Perth, Sydney, Auckland, Fiji, Tahiti, Los Angeles and (60) ___

51. A. merely B. only C. slightly D. simply

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52. A. occasion B. moment C. chance D. luck
53. A. undertaken B. gone C. done D. given
54. A. up B. out C. over D. into
55. A. Voyage B. Travel C. Excursion D. Tour
56. A. received B. stood C. accepted D. admitted
57. A. destinations B. endings C. landings D. terminals
58. A. spreading B. expanding C. enlarging D. growing
59. A. genuine B. valid C. effective D. legal
60. A. now B. here C. back D. then
Exercise 3: Read the text and fill in each blank with ONE suitable word. (10 points)
Our classes take place for three hours every morning from Monday to Friday. The maximum class size
is twelve (61) .................... the average is ten. We use modern methods of (62) .................... and learning, and
the school has a language laboratory, a video camera and recorders. You will only be successful in improving
(63) .................... English, however, if you work hard and (64) .................. speaking English as much as you
can. You will take a short (65) ................... in English as soon as you arrive. In this way, we can put you in a
(66) .................... at the most suitable level.
There are two classes at the Elementary level; one is for complete (67) ..................... and the other is
for students who know only a little English, in both classes you will practise simple conversations. In the class
(68) ..................... the intermediate level you will have a lot of practice in communication in real-life situation
because we help you to use the English you have previously (69) ................... in your own country, You will
also have the chance to improve your (70) ................... of English grammar and to build up your vocabulary.

Exercise 1: Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in
meaning to the sentence printed before it. (5 points)
71. It's a long time since we spoke to your sister.
→ We ............................................................................................................................. .
72. "Why don't you leave now. That's what I'd do."
→ If ............................................................................................................................... .
73. Jill was the only person who came late.
→ Everyone ................................................................................................................... .
74. This matter is so complicated that we don't know how to deal with it.
→ So ............................................................................................................................... .
75. It's a pity you didn't ask us to spend the time with you.
→ If only .......................................................................................................................... .

Exercise 2: For each of the sentences below, write a new sentence as similar as possible in meaning to the
original sentence, but using the word given. This word must not be altered in any way. (5 points)
76. I'm afraid that we haven't got any eggs left. (run)
→ ...................................................................................................................................... .
77. Let me tell you what I think you should do. (advice)
→ .................................................................................................................................... .
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78. The numbers of cars on the roads must be reduced. (down)
→ ...................................................................................................................................... .
79. Come on Thursday or Friday. It' s all the same to me. (difference)
→ ..................................................................................................................................... .
80. Amanda has improved a lot this term. (progress)
→ ...................................................................................................................................... .


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