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Sixteen Week Plan

Department of Computer Science

Faculty of Computing & Information Technology
Hafiz Hayat Campus, University of Gujrat

Title Discrete Structures

Code CS-261
Credit hours 3.0
Prerequisite None
Category Computing Core Course
Course Description --
Introduces the foundations of discrete mathematics as they apply to Computer Science, focusing on providing a solid
theoretical foundation for further work. Further, this course aims to develop understanding and appreciation of the finite
nature inherent in most Computer Science problems and structures through study of combinatorial reasoning, abstract
Aims & Objectives
algebra, iterative procedures, predicate calculus, tree and graph structures. In this course more emphasis shall be given
to statistical and probabilistic formulation with respect to computing aspects
Learning Outcomes One can apply the rules of Discrete Mathematics to Computer Science.
Text Book Kenneth H, Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications, 7TH edition.
1. Richard Johnson Baugh, Discrete Mathematics, 7TH edition, 2008, Prentice Hall Publishers.
Reference Books
2. Kolman, Busby & Ross, Discrete Mathematical Structures, 4th edition, 2000, Prentice-Hall Publishers.
Ralph P. Grimaldi, Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics: An Applied Introduction, Addison-Wesley
Pub. Co., 1985.
Assignment & Presentation (s): 10%
Quizzes: 5%
Grading Breakup and Policy
Project: 10%
Midterm Examination: 25%
Final Examination: 50%

Week Lecture Source for Learning
# (Book, Chapter No) Activities
(Mention Assignments,
Test, Case Study,
Projects, Lab Work or
Reading Assignments)

Sets, Methods to represent them. Kenneth H, Discrete

Mathematics and Its
1 Applications, 7TH
edition, Chapter # 02,
1 Sec 2.1, Exercise 2.1
Set Operations Chapter # 02, Sec 2.2, Assignment will
2 Exercise 2.2 be given to
Functions, Domain and Range, One to One, Onto and Bijective Functions Chapter # 02, Sec 2.3,
Exercise 2.3
Relations, Inverse and Composition of functions. Some important Functions, Quiz Chapter # 02, Sec 2.3, Quiz
Exercise 2.3
Sequences Chapter # 02, Sec 2.5,
Exercise 2.5
3 Summations Chapter # 02, Sec 2.5, Assignment will
6 Exercise 2.5 be given to
Introduction to Logics. Chapter # 01, Sec 1.1,
4 Exercise 1.1
8 Quiz Quiz
Propositions and Predicates, Logical Operators Chapter # 01, Sec 1.1,
Exercise 1.1
Propositional Equivalences, Predicates and Quantifiers Chapter # 01, Sec 1.2,
Exercise 1.2
Rules of Inference, Methods of proofs Chapter # 01, Sec 1.3, Assignment will
Exercise 1.3 be given
12 Direct Proofs, proofs by contradiction Chapter # 01, Sec 1.3,
Exercise 1.3
13 Quiz Quiz
14 Algorithms, Searching Algorithms and Sorting Algorithms Chapter # 03
15 Number Theory and Cryptography Chapter # 03
8 Objective and
16 Mid Term Exam
17 Mathematical Induction and recursion Chapter #04
9 The Basics of Counting: The Pigeonhole Principle Chapter # 06] Assignment will
18 be given to
Permutations and Combinations, Binomial Coefficients, Generalized Permutations and Chapter # 06
10 Combinations
20 Generating Permutations and Combinations Chapter # 06
Advanced Counting Techniques: Recurrence Relations, Solving Recurrence Relations, Divide- Chapter # 08 Quiz
21 and-Conquer Algorithms and Recurrence Relations, Generating Functions, Inclusion-Exclusion
11 & its Application. [TB: Ch. 8]
Relations and Their Properties, n-ary Relations and Their Applications, Representing Relations, Chapter # 09
Closures of Relations, Equivalence Relations, Partial Orderings.
Graphs, Graph Terminologies and some special types of graphs Chapter # 10 Assignment will
23 be given to
12 students
24 Representing Graphs, Quiz Chapter # 10 Quiz
25 Connectivity of Graphs Chapter # 10
26 Euler and Hamilton Paths, Shortest-Path Problems Chapter # 10
27 Planar Graphs, Graph Coloring Chapter # 10
28 Introduction to Trees Chapter # 11
Tree Traversal Chapter # 11 Assignment will
29 be given to
15 students
30 Spanning Trees, Minimum Spanning Trees. Chapter # 11

16 Problems
32 Revision of Course
Final Exam

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