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11/29/22, 10:04 PM FRT Lec Final Exam

Which of the following is/are hazard/s of IPPB therapy? 0/1

A. 1 only

B. 2 only

C. 1 and 3 only

D. 2 and 3 only

Correct answer

A. 1 only

When MDI or nebulizer has been unsuccessful in delivering aerosol 1/1





D. PEP… 1/28
11/29/22, 10:04 PM FRT Lec Final Exam

Which of the following outcomes would indicate improvement in a patient 1/1

previously diagnosed with atelectasis who has been receiving IS?I.
Improved PaO2 II. Decreased RR III. Improved
chest x-ray IV. Decreased forced vital capacity (FVC) V.

A. I, II, and III

B. I, III, and IV

C. I, II, III, IV, and V

D. III, IV, and V

56. Cardiopulmonary system compensates for hypoxemia by _________ 0/1

ventilation and _______________ cardiac output.

A. Increasing, decreasing

B. Decreasing, decreasing

C. increasing, increasing

D. decreasing, increasing

Correct answer

C. increasing, increasing… 2/28
11/29/22, 10:04 PM FRT Lec Final Exam

What is a contraindication to IPPB 1/1


A. Complaints of pain

B. Productive cough

C. Untreated pneumothorax

D. Shallow Vt

55. Which of the following is not true about O2 0/1


A. corrects hypoxemia

B. inc. symptoms of chronic hypoxemia

C. decreases cardiopulmonary workload

D. maintains adequate tissue O2

Correct answer

B. inc. symptoms of chronic hypoxemia… 3/28
11/29/22, 10:04 PM FRT Lec Final Exam

Incentive spirometry is ordered for a patient after abdominal surgery. Which 0/1
of the following statements by the respiratory care practitioner would be
most appropriate in the initial explanation of the therapy to the patient?

A. “You may experience pain and light-headedness from this therapy.”

B. “We are trying to improve your inspiratory capacity.”

C. “This therapy will help you take deep breaths and expand your lungs.”

D. “Your doctor has ordered this therapy to prevent atelectasis.”

Correct answer

C. “This therapy will help you take deep breaths and expand your lungs.”

58. Extreme version of V/Q mismatch in which there is no ventilation to 0/1

match perfusion.

A. Silent unit

B. Deadspace

C. Shunt

D. none of these

Correct answer

C. Shunt… 4/28
11/29/22, 10:04 PM FRT Lec Final Exam

While administering an IPPB treatment at 20 cmH2O to a patient with 1/1

pulmonary emphysema, the respiratory therapist notes the patient has
suddenly become very short of breath and cyanotic. The therapist's most
appropriate action would be to

A. suction the patient.

B. discontinue the treatment.

C. decrease the peak pressure to 10 cmH2O.

D. stop the treatment for 10 to 20 minutes.

57. Second lightest gas of all 1/1


A. O2

B. He

C. CO2

D. N2… 5/28
11/29/22, 10:04 PM FRT Lec Final Exam

Used in both secretion clearance and in 0/1






Correct answer


Designed to mimic natural sighing. 1/1




D. PEP… 6/28
11/29/22, 10:04 PM FRT Lec Final Exam

A physician has ordered lung expansion therapy for a patient with 1/1
atelectasis. The patient had a recent right lower lobectomy. Upon
examination, the patient is alert, oriented, and has a nonproductive cough.
Which of the following should the respiratory therapist recommend?



C. incentive spirometry

D. vibratory PEP

The contraindications to PEP therapy may 1/1


A. acute sinusitis

B. atelectasis

C. pneumonia

D. cystic fibrosis.

60. A colorless gas with a slightly sweet odor and taste that is used 1/1
clinically as an anesthetic agent.

A. Nitric Oxide

B. Nitrous Oxide

C. Helium

D. Carbon Dioxide… 7/28
11/29/22, 10:04 PM FRT Lec Final Exam

Which of the following is an absolute contraindication for using IPPB? 1/1

A. Hemodynamic instability

B. Tension pneumothorax

C. Active untreated tuberculosis

D. Recent esophageal surgery

Sustained maximal inspiratory maneuvers performed with an incentive 1/1

spirometer would be MOST effective in the

A. Treatment of pneumonia.

B. Prevention of pneumonia.

C. Treatment of preexisting atelectasis.

D. Prevention of atelectasis.

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11/29/22, 10:04 PM FRT Lec Final Exam

Persistent breathing at small tidal volumes (VTs) can result in which of the 1/1

A. Obstructive atelectasis

B. Passive atelectasis

C. Spontaneous pneumothorax

D. Respiratory alkalosis

He developed a pneumatic theory of respiration in Alexandria, Egypt, in 1/1

which air entered the lungs and was transferred to the heart.

A. Erasistratus

B. Magnus

C. Galen

D. Vesalius

PEP and Vibratory PEP therapy are:                            I. performed during 1/1
inspiration II. performed during exhalation        III. hyperinflation
techniques IV. intended to help mobilize secretions

A. I

B. I, II, and III

C. I and II

D. II, III, and IV… 9/28
11/29/22, 10:04 PM FRT Lec Final Exam

Conditions that can affect airway patency and cause abnormal clearance of 1/1
secretions include which of the following? I. inflammation II. foreign
bodies III. Bronchospasm IV. tumors

A. I, II and III only

B. II, III and IV only

C. II and IV only

D. I, II, III and IV

An alert and cooperative 28-year-old woman with no prior history of lung 0/1
disease underwent cesarean section 16 hours ago. Her x-ray currently is
clear. Which of the following approaches to preventing atelectasis would
you recommend for this patient?


B. PEP therapy



Correct answer

C. DBE… 10/28
11/29/22, 10:04 PM FRT Lec Final Exam

Which of the following increases the delivered VT to a patient taking an 0/1

IPPB treatment with the Bird Mark 7 IPPB machine?1. Increasing flow rate
2. Increasing inspiratory pressure 3. Decreasing sensitivity
4. Decreasing flow rate

A. 1 and 2 only

B. 1 and 3 only

C. 2 and 4 only

D. 1, 2, and 3 only

Correct answer

C. 2 and 4 only

Which of the following clinical signs indicate that a patient is having a 0/1
problem with retained secretions? I. development of a fever II.
increased inspiratory and expiratory crackles III. labored breathing
IV. lack of sputum production

A. II and III only

B. II, III and IV only

C. I and IV only

D. I, II, III and IV

Correct answer

D. I, II, III and IV… 11/28
11/29/22, 10:04 PM FRT Lec Final Exam

During an IPPB treatment, the patient suddenly complains of chest pain 1/1
and becomes short of breath. On assessing the patient, you auscultate the
chest and hear decreased breath sounds on the left. These findings are
consistent with which of the following?

A. Atelectasis

B. pneumothorax

C. Pulmonary embolism

D. Pleural effusion

The respiratory therapist is administering IPPB, and the patient complains 0/1
of feeling light-headed and dizzy. What should the therapist do to correct

A. Instruct the patient to pause longer between breaths. pt is hypervenilating and

reducing blood flow to the head

B. Instruct the patient to take deeper breaths.

C. Increase the inspiratory pressure.

D. Decrease the inspiratory flow.

Correct answer

A. Instruct the patient to pause longer between breaths. pt is hypervenilating and reducing blood
flow to the head… 12/28
11/29/22, 10:04 PM FRT Lec Final Exam

Air is a naturally occurring gas mixture that consists of 20.95%______, 1/1

78.1 %______ and approximately 1% “trace” gases mainly_______.

A. Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide, Argon

B. Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide, Nitrogen

C. Oxygen, Nitrogen, Argon

D. Oxygen, Nitrogen, Carbon Dioxide

A patient is receiving chest percussion, lung expansion therapy, and 1/1

directed cough to treat obstructive atelectasis. Which of the following
diagnostic procedures should be recommended to evaluate the patient's
response to respiratory care?

A. chest X-ray

B. CT Scan

C. PEF measurement

D. body plethysmography… 13/28
11/29/22, 10:04 PM FRT Lec Final Exam

Which of the following patient categories are at high risk for developing 0/1
atelectasis?     I. Those who are heavily sedated     II. Those with
abdominal or thoracic pain     III. Those with neuromuscular disorders

A. I and II

B. II and III

C. I and III

D. I, II, and III

Correct answer

D. I, II, and III

How do all modes of lung expansion therapy aid lung 0/1


A. Increasing the transpulmonary pressure gradient

B. Decreasing the transthoracic pressure gradient

C.Increasing the pressure in the pleural space

D.Decreasing the pressure in the alveoli

Correct answer

A. Increasing the transpulmonary pressure gradient… 14/28
11/29/22, 10:04 PM FRT Lec Final Exam

While the respiratory therapist is administering IPPB, the patient begins 0/1
coughing up large amounts of blood. The therapist should

A. Continue the treatment and notify the physician that a chest radiograph is

B. Decrease the inspiratory pressure.

C. Stop the treatment briefly and resume it when the patient is feeling better.

D. Stop the treatment and notify the physician.

Correct answer

D. Stop the treatment and notify the physician.

Ideally, when should high-risk surgical patients be oriented to 1/1


A. Postoperatively, after full recovery from the anesthesia

B. Preoperatively, before undergoing the surgical procedure

C.Postoperatively, while they are still in the recovery room

D.Postoperatively, but no sooner than 24 hours after surgery… 15/28
11/29/22, 10:04 PM FRT Lec Final Exam

He studied the works of Aristotle and made many observations related to 0/1
astronomy, botany, chemistry, zoology, and physiology.

A. Erasistratus

B. Magnus

C. Galen

D. Vesalius

Correct answer

B. Magnus

Inhaled _______ improves blood flow to ventilated alveoli, reduces 1/1

intrapulmonary shunting and improves arterial oxygenation.

A. O2


C. He/O2

D. CO2… 16/28
11/29/22, 10:04 PM FRT Lec Final Exam

Which of the following are potential desirable outcomes of IPPB therapy?   0/1
I. Improved oxygenation II. Increased cough and secretion
clearance   III. Improved breath sounds IV. Reduced dyspnea

A. II and IV

B. I, II, and III

C. III and IV

D. I, II, III, and IV

Correct answer

D. I, II, III, and IV

Contraindication to IPPB 1/1


A. untreated pneumothorax.

B. pneumonia.

C. atelectasis.

D. cystic fibrosis.… 17/28
11/29/22, 10:04 PM FRT Lec Final Exam

He believed that inspired air contained a vital substance that somehow 1/1
charged the blood through the heart.

A. Erasistratus

B. Magnus

C. Galen

D. Vesalius

PEP and Vibratory PEP therapy are:                            I. performed during 1/1
inspiration II. performed during exhalation        III. hyperinflation
techniques IV. intended to help mobilize secretions

A. I

B. I, II, and III

C. I and II

D. II, III, and IV… 18/28
11/29/22, 10:04 PM FRT Lec Final Exam

The respiratory therapist has received an order to deliver IPPB to a patient 1/1
with head trauma. What modifications in therapy may benefit this patient?
1. Use a higher flow rate. 2. Use lower peak pressures. 3. Set the
sensitivity to −5 cm H2O.

A. 1 only

B. 2 only

C. 1 and 2 only

D. 2 and 3 only

59. It is used to manage severe cases of airway 1/1


A. Heliox

B. N2O

C. NO2

D. O2… 19/28
11/29/22, 10:04 PM FRT Lec Final Exam

A postop patient using IS complains of dizziness and numbness around 0/1

the mouth after therapy sessions. What is the most likely cause of these

A. Gastric insufflation

B. Pulmonary barotrauma

C. Hyperventilation

D. Respiratory acidosis

Correct answer

C. Hyperventilation

Which of the following is not true about hypoxemia? 0/1

A. Hypoxemia may develop when the inspired O2 is less than body requirements.

B. Hypoxemia is defined as a condition where arterial oxygen is below normal.

C. Hypoxemia is a deficiency in the amount of oxygen reaching the tissues.

D. When there is diffusion impairment, hypoxemia occurs.

Correct answer

C. Hypoxemia is a deficiency in the amount of oxygen reaching the tissues.… 20/28
11/29/22, 10:04 PM FRT Lec Final Exam

A goal of incentive spirometry is to: 1/1

A. reduce the practitioner’s workload.

B. provide means of using a patient’s muscles to hyperinflate the lungs.

C. inflict pain and suffering.

D. place the patient on a fixed schedule of therapy convenient for the practitioner

Which of the following is a hazard associated with incentive spirometry? 0/1

A. Oxygen toxicity

B. Hypercapnia

C. Hypoxemia

D. Hypocapnia

Correct answer

C. Hypoxemia… 21/28
11/29/22, 10:04 PM FRT Lec Final Exam

The initial inspiratory goal for a patient receiving incentive spirometry 0/1
should be

A. Twice the patient’s measured tidal volume.

B. Equal to the patient’s measured tidal volume.

C. At least 1500 mL.

D. 5 mL/kg of body weight.

Correct answer

A. Twice the patient’s measured tidal volume.

A sign that your patient may be hyperventilating during incentive 0/1

spirometry is:

A. a complaint of feeling light-headed.

B. a complaint of feeling dizzy.

C. a tingling sensation.

D. All of the above

Correct answer

D. All of the above… 22/28
11/29/22, 10:04 PM FRT Lec Final Exam

The respiratory therapist is administering an IPPB treatment by mask to a 0/1

patient who is unconscious. The machine cycles to expiration before the
patient receives an adequate volume. Which of the following adjustments
should the respiratory therapist make?

A. Increase the cycling pressure.

B. Decrease the sensitivity.

C. Increase the flow.

D. Decrease expiratory time.

Correct answer

A. Increase the cycling pressure.

The position that facilitates the greatest chest expansion is: 0/1

A. dangling

B. prone

C. Fowler’s

D. supine

Correct answer

A. dangling… 23/28
11/29/22, 10:04 PM FRT Lec Final Exam

During IPPB therapy, a patient complains of dizziness and tingling 1/1

sensations in her fingers. Which of the following should the respiratory
therapist record in the patient's chart?   I. medication administered during
the treatment II. the patient's vital signs before and after the treatment III.
the patient's symptoms IV. the family's reaction to the patient's complaint

A. I, II, and III only

B. I, II, and IV only

C. I, III, and IV only

D. II, III, and IV only

It is the most common cause of hypoxemia. 0/1

A. Decrease PiO2

B. V/Q Mismatch

C. Shunt

D. Diffusion Impairment

Correct answer

B. V/Q Mismatch… 24/28
11/29/22, 10:04 PM FRT Lec Final Exam

Which of the following patient groups should be considered for lung 0/1
expansion therapy using IPPB?              I. Patients with clinically
diagnosed atelectasis who are not responsive to other therapies                
               II. Patients at high risk for atelectasis who cannot cooperate
with other methods                                                    III. All obese patients
who have undergone abdominal surgery

A. I and II

B. II and III

C. I and III

D. I, II, and III

Correct answer

D. I, II, and III

 Importance is placed on patient performing the correct maneuver. 0/1





Correct answer

A. IS… 25/28
11/29/22, 10:04 PM FRT Lec Final Exam

He observed that the Earth orbited the 1/1


A. Galilei

B. Copernicus

C. Bacon

D. Pascal

He performed human dissections and experimented with resuscitation. 1/1

A. Erasistratus

B. Magnus

C. Galen

D. Vesalius

Of the following, which is the most important aspect of incentive 0/1


A. Duration of therapy

B. Thorough patient instruction

C. Frequency of therapy

D. RT’s knowledge of the patient’s Dx

Correct answer

B. Thorough patient instruction… 26/28
11/29/22, 10:04 PM FRT Lec Final Exam

Which of the following should be included in a complete physician’s order 1/1

for IPPB?

A. Medication and dilution

B. Duration of tx

C. Frequency

D. All of these

Father of modern 1/1


A. Galilei

B. Copernicus

C. Bacon

D. Pascal

Which of the following is/are (an) indication(s) for Flutter valve therapy? 0/1

A. Retained secretions

B. Routine therapy for cystic fibrosis

C. Atelectasis

D. All of the above

Correct answer

D. All of the above… 27/28
11/29/22, 10:04 PM FRT Lec Final Exam

 Which of the following is not a potential hazard or complication of IS? 0/1

A. Pulmonary barotrauma

B. Decreased cardiac output

C. Respiratory alkalosis

D. Fatigue

Correct answer

B. Decreased cardiac output

He developed the scientific method 1/1

A. Galilei

B. Copernicus

C. Bacon

D. Pascal

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