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Beautiful Berlin

A Short Story
by Anonymous
Fairydust Ferguson had always loved beautiful Berlin with its new, narrow nooks. It
was a place where she felt stable.

She was a generous, thoughtless, wine drinker with scrawny eyebrows and greasy
fingernails. Her friends saw her as a mangled, mashed monster. Once, she had even
jumped into a river and saved a brawny owl. That's the sort of woman he was.

Fairydust walked over to the window and reflected on her magical surroundings. The
snow flurried like loving mice.

Then she saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the figure of
Steven Cockle. Steven was a hungry knight with solid eyebrows and hairy

Fairydust gulped. She was not prepared for Steven.

As Fairydust stepped outside and Steven came closer, she could see the dangerous
glint in his eye.

"Look Fairydust," growled Steven, with a generous glare that reminded Fairydust of
hungry cats. "It's not that I don't love you, but I want affection. You owe me 6534

Fairydust looked back, even more happy and still fingering the minuscule torch.
"Steven, let's get married," she replied.

They looked at each other with sneezy feelings, like two purple, poised puppies
hopping at a very brave Valentine's meal, which had orchestral music playing in the
background and two controlling uncles sitting to the beat.

Fairydust regarded Steven's solid eyebrows and hairy fingernails. "I don't have the
funds ..." she lied.

Steven glared. "Do you want me to shove that minuscule torch where the sun don't

Fairydust promptly remembered her generous and thoughtless values. "Actually, I do

have the funds," she admitted. She reached into her pockets. "Here's what I owe

Steven looked sleepy, his wallet blushing like a big, brave banana.

Then Steven came inside for a nice glass of wine.


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