Important Questions-D2 POL HIST

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Important questions-D2-Political History

1. Mention the literary sources of Early medieval India.

2. Why royal grants/ copper plates are important sources for reconstruction
of early medieval history of India.
3. Mention the changes came after the death of King Harshavardhana in
north India.
4. Achievements of Lalitaditya and Didda.
5. Mention the theories regarding the origin of Rajputs.
6. Achievements of Amoghvarsha, Mihirbhoja.
7. How Gurjara-Pratiharas influenced the tripartite struggle? Brief about
their roles.
8. Tripartite Struggle.
9. Solanki and Parmar Dynasty Art and Architecture.
10.Political relation between the Rajput clans.
11.Role of Palas in Tripartite struggle.
12.Literary sources of Palas.
13.Kaibarya rebellion.
14.How later Palas regained the power in Bengal.
15.Causes behind decline of Palas.
16.Society and religion during Palas.
17.Architecture of Pala dynasty.
18.Significance of Hindu Shahi Dynasty as the last indigenous dynasty of
north western provinces of Indian subcontinent.
19.How Hindu Shahi dynasty fought against the Arabs. Downfall of Hindu
Shahi Dyansty.
20.Conflict between Chandela and other neighboring dynasties.
21.Architecture of Chandela Dynasty.

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