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Homework 1

Practice 1:
1: Does he work for the BBC?
2: No, he doesn’t work for them anymore. He works for CNN.
3: Where do you work?
4: I work for a design company in Frankfurt.
5: At our firm, we don’t work on Friday afternoons.
6: On Mondays our CEO usually flies to Oslo.

Practice 2:
A: Scuza-ma, lucrezi aici?
B: Nu, nu lucrez.
A: Nu lucrezi aici?
B: Nu, dar ea lucreaza.

Practice 3:
a – 2,6
b – 3,8
c – 5,7
d – 1,4
Practice 4:
1: Are you making any progress?
2: Not much.
3: They’re dropping the product.
4: They can’t do that!
5: He’s a total genius!
6: Who are you referring to?
7: Are you forgetting we have a meeting at 10?
8: No, I’m just coming.
9: He says we’re getting a pay increase.
10: He’s lying

Practice 5:
a- 1, 5
b- 4
c- 2, 3

Practice 6:
A- What do you do?
B- I’m an electrical engineer for Siemens.
A- Really? Here in Munich?
B- That’s right. Do you know Munich?
A- Oh, yes, great city. So, how are you enjoying the conference so far?
B- Well, it’s all right, I guess. Are you giving a talk?
A- No, no. I only come to these things to get out of the office for a few days.
Where are you staying, by the way?
B- At the Avalon. I usually stay at the Bauer Hotel in Münchenerstrasse but it
was full.
A- Well, if you aren’t doing anything later, do you want to go for something to

MAKE/ESTABLISH – usefull contacts
GO TO/GIVE – a talk
EXCHANGE/GIVE OUT – business cards
SIT ON/ELECT – a committee
NETWORK WITH/ FLIRT WITH – other delegates

Talking shop:
1-A. I hear GEC are setting out a new product in Warsaw.
B. Warsaw? I throught it was Prague.
2-A. I understand you’re in talks with a local distributor in Naples.
B. Yeah, that’s right. In fact, we’re already reached an agreement.
3-A. They say GM are laying off 5,000 workers in the UK.
B. Is that right? Well, I knew they were downsizing.
4-A. Someone told me Sony are bringing with a new supplier in December.
B. Yes, I heard that too. Some kind of multi-media entertainment system.
5-A. I hear you’re thinking of leaving your job at Hewlett-Packard.
B. Well, yes. Just between us, I’m moving to Cisco Systems.
6-A. I understand you’re being transferred to head office in Stockholm.
B. Well, it’s not official yet, but yes. I’m going just after Christmas.
7-A. They say they’re under threat from a hostile takeover bid.
B. Really? It’s the first I’ve heard of it.
8-A. Someone told me they’re doing a deal for a contract in Tel Aviv.
B. Well, that makes sense. They do most of their business there.
9-A. I hear you’re bidding up a new plant in Singapore.
B. Yeah, we are. The negotiations are going quite well, in fact.
10-A. Someone told me they’re closing down the Liverpool factory.
B. It doesn’t surprise me. From what I heard, they’re trying to centralise

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