LE Science 5 MELC 9

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1 PIVOT 4A Lesson Exemplar

Learning Area Science

Learning Delivery Modality Online Synchronous
School DepEd Imus City Grade Level Grade 5
LESSON Teacher Grace D. Villamor Learning Area Science
Teaching Date February 10, 2021 Quarter Second
Teaching Time 9:00-9:45 & 10:05-10:50 No. of Days 5 days

I. OBJECTIVES After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. Identify the abiotic and biotic factors in an intertidal zone and estuary
2. Describe the feeding relationships in an intertidal zone and estuary
3. Discuss the protection and conservation of intertidal zones and estuaries

A. Content Standards
The learners demonstrate understanding of the interactions for survival among
living and non-living things that take place in estuaries and intertidal zones
B. Performance Standards The learners should be able to create a hypothetical community to show how
organisms interact and reproduce to survive
C. Most Essential Learning Discuss the interactions among living things and non-living things in estuaries and
Competencies (MELC) intertidal zone.MELC #9
(if available write the indicated MELC)
E. Enabling Competencies
(if available write the attached enabling competencies)

II. CONTENT 2 Ecosystem 2.1 Interaction among living things 2.1.1 Estuaries 2.1.2 Intertidal


A. References
a. Teacher’s Guide Pages
b. Learner’s Material Pages
c. Textbook Pages Science Beyond Borders pages 84-105

d. Additional Materials from

Learning Resources
B. List of Learning Resources for
Development and
Engagement Activities
A. Introduction What I need to know?

This module was designed and written to help you understand about some
Interactions among Living and Nonliving Things in an Intertidal Zone and Estuarine
Ecosystem. In this lesson you will also understand the importance of abiotic and
biotic factors in an ecosystem and value, the conservation and protection for the
next generation before it is too late.
What is new?

1. Have you been in beach swimming with your friends and family?
2. Do you stay there from morning till afternoon?
3. Have you notice that the water changes, it rises fall?
4. What can you see when there is a low tide in the beach or in the seashores?
5. When do you have fun in swimming high tide or low tide?

B. Development What I Know?

Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of

1. The high tide zone is made up of mostly?

a. Land b. water c. moisture d. rocks
2. It is the area in the foreshore and seabed that is exposed to the air at low tide and
submerged at high tide?
a. Estuary b. biotic ecosystem c. abiotic d. intertidal zone
3. Which organisms are commonly found in the intertidal zone?
a. Seagull, albatrosses, pelicans c. Starfish, crabs, shells
b. Lions, foxes, cows d. bees, butterflies, bugs
4. The intertidal zone is the host to a big variety of different organisms. This leads
the intertidal zone to be considered ?
a. Biodiverse b. biological c. biology d. bioorganisms
5. What ecosystem is shown in the picture below?

a. Forest b. estuary c. coral reefs d. intertidal zone

6.Which statement best describes the intertidal zone?
a. A place found at the middle of the ocean where marine animals live
b. A place in which most mammals and other wild animals stay and reproduce.
c. A place where fresh water in the river meets with the salt water in the sea.
d. A place that appears during low tide and submerge during high tide.
7. What time that organism exposed to the air in an intertidal zone?
a. During high tide c. during neap tide
b. During low tide` d. during mid-tide
8. How can you protect our beaches and intertidal zone from solid waste pollution?
a. I will live in a high place of the mountain
b. I will not go swimming in the sea to keep it clean
c. I will always applied the 3’Rs and dispose trashes in the proper place.
d. The sea is big it is okay to throw trashes there, anyway nobody notices it.
9. All are natural resources we can obtain from the intertidal zone, except?
a. Shell collecting c. Harvesting seaweed
b. Sugarcane harvesting d. salt
10. The biggest threats to the intertidal zone?
a. Coastal development c. pollution
b. People d. disaster

What is in?

Ecosystem is defined as any community of living and non-living things that work
together. Ecosystems do not have clear boundaries, and it may be difficult to see
where one ecosystem ends and another begins. In order to understand what makes
each ecosystem unique, we need to look at the biotic and abiotic factors within
them. Biotic factors are all the living organisms in an ecosystem. These may be
plants, animals, fungi, and any other living things; Abiotic factors are all of the non-
living things in an ecosystem. Example: water, air, soil and temperature

What is estuary?

Estuary is a body of water in which the freshwater from rivers and streams
flows into the ocean and mix with the sea water. Estuaries come in all shape and
sizes, and can be called as bays, lagoons, harbors, inlets but its defining feature is the
mixture of fresh water and salt water.

Estuary is the habitat of different organisms like sore birds, fishes, crabs,
lobster, marine mammals, clams and other shellfish, marine worms , sea birds and
reptiles these are just some of the animals in the estuary ecosystem that is why is
important that we human should protect it because it is also our source of food and

What is an intertidal zone?

Intertidal zone, also known as the littoral zone in marine aquatic

environment is the area in the foreshore and seabed that is exposed to the air at low
tide and submerged at high tide.

What is it?

The earth is a huge ecosystem m that consist of living (biotic) and nonliving (abiotic)
Factors. Of all the nonliving factors, the most important is the light from the sun.
The light from the sun is the source of energy for the whole ecosystem. The energy
is passed from one organism to another.

The living things in any ecosystem consist of the producer, consumers and
decomposers. Energy and nutrients are transferred from one producers to
decomposers through their feeding relationships.
Producers are green plants, a algae, or microorganisms that are capable of
making their own food. They make their own food by converting the energy from
the sun into chemical energy.
Consumers get energy by feeding on plants and other organisms.
All animals are consumer and they are:
Herbivores – organism that eats only plants
Omnivores- organisms that eat both plants and animals.
Carnivore- organisms that eat other animals.
Decomposer gets energy by breaking down dead organisms and their waste.
Example of decomposer are fungi and bacteria

C. Engagement
What is more?

In the intertidal zone ecosystem, the sun is important in order to have a good
temperature and plants grow well, If the seaweeds is eaten by a shrimp which is
omnivore and the shrimp is being eaten by the crabs which is known as carnivores
this process is called a food chain this is the feeding relationship among organism. In
this process the energy is being pass from one organism to another. That is why,
animals will also need to reproduce for other animals and to balance the intertidal
zone and estuarine ecosystem.
What I can do?
Look outside your house and draw any living organism (biotic) you can see outside
such as flower, trees or vegetables or different animals like butterfly, birds or dog.
Do it in a short bond paper you can draw many as you can.

 What are the living organisms need to survive, and what

 are the examples of abiotic factors?

What else I can do?

Draw your own estuaries the following must present in your drawing like: mangrove
forest, mud flats, sand, , sea grasses, crabs, shore birds, fishes and clams or anything
animals found in the estuaries. ( you can use colors to make it more beautiful , use a
long bond paper, pencil, and ruler.(

Below your drawing give at least five (5) on how we are going to protect the
D. Assimilation What I have learned?

1. Ecosystem is a place where living and nonliving things interact with one another

2. Estuaries is a place where fresh water from rivers mix with the sea water.

3. Intertidal zone is a place that is exposed during low tide and submerged during
high tide.

4. Estuaries and intertidal zone are important to the nation’s economy as well as to
other living things.

5. Biotic factors or components are the living organism in an ecosystem.

6.Coral reefs are the areas of estuaries which part of the subtidal zone where
biodiversity is rich.

7. Abiotic factors, also called abiotic components are non-living factors that impact
an ecosystem

8.The living organisms in any ecosystem consist of producers, consumers, and


9. Producers or autotrophs are mainly green plants, algae, or microorganisms that

undergo photosynthesis and can make their own food.

10.Decomposers get energy by breaking down dead organism.

11. Estuaries and intertidal zone are converted into building and malls, these aare
meant to be protected by us human beings.

12. Intertidal and estuaries are homes to different kinds of living things. These make
hem a vital place of the earth. These places are meant to be protected by us human
beings and conserve our environment now before it is too late.

What I can achieve?

Matching Type: Match column A to Column B. write your answer in a separate

sheets of paper.


1. Estuaries A. the movement of the surface of the water

2. Abiotic B. organism of the same kind live together

3. Intertidal zone C. a population interact with other population

4. Waves D. rocks, sand, pebble or clay

5. Temperature E. it is where the fresh water and salt water


6. Population F. the relationship between biotic and abiotic in


certain place.

7.Community G. the non-living component in an ecosystem

8. Ecosystem H. the hotness and coldness of water

9. Sunlight I. it is constantly exposed to the changing tides

10. Types of soil J. it needs by plants for photosynthesis.

K. the living components of an ecosystem

I understand that ____________
I realize that _________________

as per RM No. 296, s.2020, page 8 format B

(Learning Delivery Modality: Online Distance Learning or Modular Distance Learning)
You may delete or insert columns.

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