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Societatis Meteorologicae Theodoro-Palatinae.

Santarem, formerly included in the province of Estremadura;

Thus, the linnet and partridge have failed to establish

utterances ascribed, with some degree of certainty, to

power of combining directly with acids to form salts; thus with

into the gulf of Bothnia. Pop. (1810) 10,224; (1870) 19,617;

The secularization of life in New England, which went on

at the southern end of the rue d'Isly near the site of the

and manufacturers of food materials, of the officers under

be borne in mind with the view of avoiding any cause likely

gazelles of many varieties and in great numbers are met

with the inquisitor, Nicholas Savin. The consequence of

Winchester. Early was defeated, but not routed (September

vigour, and in the fifteen years that remained of the

that science had succeeded to superstition as the source of

town from its hilly position is irregularly built, but many

Italy with a large army, besieged Desiderius in his capital of

the branch BCD occurs at a percentage exactly corresponding

Physical Features.--The character of the Algerian coast

(14) Towards the close of the 15th century the Portuguese

necessary or, at any rate, highly advisable. And this happy

over, or continued: that is, the bulls, who have bought

A. Section through region of atrio-coelomic canal s, v.

New types of grenades filled with high explosives detonated by

little earlier than the Moabite stone, in all probability

AElfwine, the brother of Ecgfrith, was slain on this occasion,

conviction for certain crimes; (3) persons branded by the

borrowing an alphabet which was uniformly written from left

of the upper Nile valley. There was, therefore, danger

large and small affluents. Although the inclination of its bed

its main characteristics, viz. (a) letters made as upright

the vestment has been adjusted, forms a sort of stiff collar

negli antichi tempi (1884); while W. A. B. Coolidge's

Proudhon was the first to use, in 1840 (Qu'est-ce que

Neva. The scholars are admitted at the age of six, and

74 ft. by 24, on which there is a hollow, resembling the form

trough. The eastern depression, known as the East African

they are universally brought by a public officer at public

having been common among the Greeks of the Alexandrine

classics. The detection of the base metal by Archimedes in

high chamberlain of Scotland in 1382, and gained military

kinds of ale, called common and spiced ales, the relative

London on the 4th of May 1838. On leaving school he entered

Apart from this small block of Spanish territory south of

joined by the remaining Democrats, formed the party known as

sense of ``right of use and abuse''; in property-rights, on the

set sail at once with his Myrmidones in fifty ships.

load as concentrated at one or more points. Smaller factors

Ormuz in 1515. The island yielded to him without resistance,

3 One of the most daring deeds of exoloration ever known in

both were visible manifestations of the primeval principle

the Spaniards and assured success to the Turks. The Spanish

the crown:---``Be it enacted by the King's most excellent

fertilization) processes, fresh-water or salt-water amoebae

unfitness. In most cases 45 grains per day could be taken

where he graduated as a nobleman in 1804. Before this time,

steam-power, horse-power and hand-power were the subjects of

avail. That there are drugs which are sufficiently slowly

isopropyl alcohol is the simplest member of this class.

considerable manufactures, chiefly of cotton and linen. The

success by his son Rafael (d. 1890), and his grandson Mariano.

so ignites a length of slow-burning composition which is

devices for capture, in lances, barbed spears, harpoons and

in the horses of the district, and granite is worked in the

the public have found out that the surgeon, being an honest

``Since you desire to know everything, I have written this

(vol. i., 1884); also Morse Stephens' Life of Albuquerque;

September 1897), Louis Lepine (September 1897 to August

performed a pilgrimage on foot from Agra in accordance

Madrid, Marshal Prim, chief promoter of his candidature, was

grain, however, a smaller loss was often incurred than in

ADAM, SIR FREDERICK (1781--1853), British general, was the

represented by somewhat arbitrary symbols. The commonest

intestines, was interfering with respiration and circulation.

elongated, relatively narrow pyloric portion. The latter

was in effect asked to assist in administering a fraud;

are currently proposed. The accountant-general's department

often included by geographers in the Appalachian system,

the decomposition of an oxide by means of carbon at the

From Casa Grande, in Chihuahua, to Quemada, in Zacatecas, Carl

Keimung und Haarinsertion von Batrachospermum,'' Bot.

the ``product'') after the factom; division, by placing the

KEBIR, in Port. ALCACER QUBIR), a town of Morocco, on the

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