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Electritis and the war of light.


Our heroes plunged down the black hole that would lead them to the unknown.
And little did they know that this adventure would be like super smash bros. Adventure
“Oof.” Said infernotris for he had landed on a hard floor.
“Everyone ok?” Said damien
“Yeah.” Everyone said except infernotris who was frowning.
“Yeah ignore that i landed face first on the floor.”
“But where is the floor?” Said justin
Everyone looked down that the floor was invisible and then they looked around.
If they weren’t here for a war they would love to explore the place they were in the
middle of a jungle but when they looked up they would see that the sky was crimson dark
and then they noticed that the sky had miniature islands that once in a while there would
some kind of bright light
would appear and then disappear.
“This is…” said aquatis.
“Cool?” Said damien.
“Unnatural.” Said aquatis “I mean aren’t we supposed to be in a war zone?”
They looked uneasily at each other. They were supposed to be in a war against light and
dark before the fabric of reality is destroyed by both light and dark.
“Yeah okay but where are the troops?” Said Justin “ I mean you’re supposed to have an
army in a war.”
Then the grass around them shook all of them stood up
Then the grass revealed little creatures that look like a balloon
“Hi!” Said one of the creatures.
“Hello.” Said justin “Can you tell us where we are?”
“You are in the hyperspace”. Said one of the creatures “and we are the puffkins.”
“Are you in the war too?” Said infernotris.
“If you are talking about this war, yes.” Said one of the puffkins
“But how come there are only 64 of you.” Said aquatis “I mean aren't there supposedly
more than at least 300 or more people in a war.”
“Don’t worry we ar-.” One of puffkins voice was drowned by a monster like shriek

What they saw was soooooooooo hideous that damien winced at the features the monster
had a skeletal staff in it’s hands and the look was like it was just skin and bones the
monster was was wearing some sort of bat crown.
“Demon!” Said the puffkins. The puffkins brought out their knives and charged at the

Chapter 2

The meeting of clans

The battle was a ferocious fight the puffkins slashed their knives at the demon but it just
dodged the attack then 3 puffkins tried to jab their weapons at the back of the demon
but it just countered it without trying to.
“We got to help them.” Said justin. He redeadied his sword and struck at the demon.
The demon just evaporated
“Wow.” Said the puffkins “You make it look easy.”
“You know” said one of the puffkins “these people must be really experienced.”
“We are.” Said our heroes.
“But it looks like the demon essence has alerted other demons.” Said one puffkin “cause
they are here!” Everyone looked up and saw five demons descending.

Joe mama

All of them ran for their lives as the demons were closing in.
“Quick we have to get over there” said one of the puffkins. He pointed at an nearby castle
“Well that might be trusting.” Said electritis
“No don’t shoot! Don’t shoot!” Said justin.
He saw that the cannon was moving and then aimed at the demons and then fired
The explosion was a… well actually there was no explosion. the demon vaporized by the
touch of the cannon. ”they’re still coming!” Said justin. “Just keep running!” Said a puffkin
“we’re nearly there.” And then they made it. “Whew.” Said Damien “What a run.”
Then five warriors appeared. One had a huge sword at his back. Another one one had a
cannon for an arm and another had a gauntlet made out of gold and the last one nearly
looked like a demon of destruction. Then the warrior looked up at the walls that looked like
the great wall of china. “Man the station, my people, don’t let your guard down.”
Then he turned to our heroes. “I’m guessing these are the people that micro was talking
“You mean the talking microphone that called us?”

Chapter 2 ½

Hello, i am currently interrupting this document cuz i want to tell you something important.
Many studies have shown that reading to your dogs is a great way to improve your skills up
to 30%! It’s also the same for cats so start reading to your cats and dogs and you’ll be
Thank you :]

Chapter 2 ¾
The group was escorted inside the base.
It was a comfy-looking place. It had an armory,cafeteria,living room, with 50 inch tv.
3 puffkins were playing an rpg and the main hero was a puffkin.
“Ok first.” Said the warrior “i’m CJ”
“Im-“ said electritis
“No need for introduction” said CJ “i know who you are. Micro told me all about you.”
Then micro appeared out of nowhere “whoa!” Said infernotris
“Wait a minute.” Said justin “you look familiar”
“Probably because you saved his kind from extinction” said CJ “remember?”
Electritis remembered the ferocious battle that he and his friends fought in the noisy
invasion that had giant amp tanks
“How did you-“ said electritis
“There is nothing i know about your adventures” said CJ
“Okay enough talk we need them to fight now!” Said Micro
“Patience micro, they don’t know how this war started and it is crucial piece of info.” Said

Chapter 3
The story of the beginning
“Long ago, there was balance in the hyperspace light and darkness was in peace then
something happened that made the demons go wild and attacked the hyperspace. Light
being our guardian defended the place but it was corrupted. Everyone is scared but i was
tired of being scared so i made an alliance with everyone who lives here we fought demons
and corrupted masters.
But we are still weak and that’s when i heard about your tales.” Said CJ “if we unite maybe
we have a chance to stop this war.” Electritis thought about it and without a doubt he said
“let’s do this.”

Chapter 4
The battle for the castle of bravery

Suddenly alarms blared everywhere “The alarms are off!” Said CJ

He suited up in armor “You should armor up too”

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