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Devil is Detail
Devil is in the details !! But sometimes details kills us.

How much depth, do we need to go depends on need of the problem and not on availability of

Sometime back when I was developing certain KPIs for a client, the team was obsessed with
taking the variable completely correct.

Like, denominator can't include these categories, denominator shld be after this formula which
by itself can be called a KPI.

While I appreciated the enthusiasm of being correct, I felt i was getting drawn down to last
penny and missing the bigger picture.

In this case complex formula or the catorgies of items to be included or excluded was not
affecting how did the department run, nor we would conclude a non performing chap a
performing individual.

When I started consulting I was carried away by the fallacy of knowing the detials to last penny
and but getting lost in main picture. I realise the biggest skill is to pick which detail to look out,
dwell only to it, and not lost in sea of data.

Devil is in the detials, but devil might eat us out so pick an appropriate devil. #data
#customerinsight #dataanalytics

2. Why too much is too little value

Why too much is really of too little utility?

When we sit for discussion with clients to formulate MIS reports, KPI(s) or automate reports,
clients tend tk ask for ask more.
People tend to believe more means merrier, and ask for more than what is needed.

Essentially, if we look at why MIS reports fails? Some of these statements run for pages and
pages. This is difficult to comprehend and point of focus is lost in translation.

Easy way to understand for any statement lies in its minimalist approach and design.

Let us say, if a decision maker reviews 5 -10 reports and looks at exception and red flags say 10
points in a fortnight or month. It would be ideal to strategize or re strategize and specifically act
upon it.

Similarly, assume he looks at 20+ reports and 50+ points regularly, he or she would be clouded
and it becomes overwhelming to act or react to the situation.

it is also important to ensure, a minimalist Design doesn't leave key & critical pointers.

The best working decision support systems have only essential cues which are analyzed
consistently and these cues are also reviewed periodically to ensure they are relevant to
changing business environment.
While there is no one fit solution, anytime more is not merrier especially in DSS. #data #dss

3. Why too good is too bad

Why too good is too bad..

My rat pickings from experts and seniors is to look for too good offers and reject it.

In a recent consulting engagement, we were asked to evaluate an offer, on the outlook it was
good for the company. It appeared too good an offer without much to be given by my client but
on deep dive, contrary was visible.

When we reviewed the contracts and applied possible numbers and predictions to it, we
understood there is very negligible chance, my client makes money.
Flip sides, started to show up, data helped us to prove what other party talks is true only in

There are no one sided contracts, certainly not favoring us. If something sounds too lucrative,
then it is to be avoided.
So, anything is too good is just too bad. #data #Consulting #customerinsight

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