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Hello today I’m talking about Australia, one of the 56 English
speaking countries.
Australia is localized on Oceania, it has 23,4 million inhabitants.
Its capital city being Sidney and is situated on the southwest
Australia was discovered In1770 for the British Capitan James
Cook. In the beginning it was a penal colony sending to that
region the prisoners, but in 1850 was discovered gold mines, so
many people migrate to there.
One of the of marks of this country are 2 animals, and they are
the kangaroo and the koala. One place to see kangaroos is the
Cape Hillsborough, but if you want to see koalas relax because
you can see them sleeping on the street.

Australia has very landmarks and a big part of them are natural
landmarks such as the great barrier reef and the National Park of
Kakadu. The great barrier reef is situated between the beaches of
north-eastern Australia and Papua Nova-Guiné and there we can
see more than 1 500 species of fish. Kakadu is localized in the
part north of Australia and has 19,804 km².
In Kakadu you can see rock art go to a crock spotting or even
fishing and boating
The Sidney opera house is the most famous landmark in
Australia. It was started on 1959 for Jørn Utzon when he won an
international architecture contest. Per year the Opera house has
8,2 million visitants.
Curiosities- Melbourne was considered the best city in the world
to live for 3 times; In Australia kangaroo can be part of a regular

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