Past Contiuous

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(tc Grammars fi ing the Past Conti Tense To form the verb in the Post, Continuous Tense you need ‘the correct form of ‘Yo bet (was_or were) and the ina ‘(Gerund) form of the verb. Sl Se bl T Tage He took She | “** | watching TV. i ving tothe vou one wel a, SR vente They rai, 3 sett nie 1) Mostly the verb gets an-ing bi sy ete wipe as” ime ae coe seater So ieee, et ent = money Ses ra bt ee a «men erence iia wot = po ena nen i tna po cena BS )There reverb ending with Ike eT the Gerand eset cnyes ry Tag lin» ing 8)Other verbs: die, outlie, tie, S&S wr oe eS There re sone verbs thet we dot we tthe pat coming swe. Geonse they ert ction verbs.) 3) eg. like, love, See ten, batee, WB mle rele, eb, from wer need cepend ‘suppose xe Past Continuous Tense x We affirmative sentence We Task 1 - Form the Gerund form of the following verbs. 1) get > 6)lie> 2) open > Teun 3) teke > 8) make > A aranl=s eur > 5) do 10) eat + We We He He He He ee He Task 2 - Fill in the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the Past Continuous Tense. 1) They in the lake yesterday afternoon. (swim) 2) He on the coach. (sleep) 31 a book. (read) 4) We breakfast at 7 am yesterday. (have) 5) Sarah the fence. (paint) 6) The kids the picture. (colour) 7) You ___ about the accident. (talk) 8) The dog all last night. (bark) 9) We to the radio yesterday morning, (listen) 10) Pete his car last weekend. Se te te tek tk tte ted Task 3 - Write the correct forms (Past Continuous) of the verbs fon the lings from this list + tocook + tosing * todrink + towash * tohide + towatch * toplant + towater + toplay + towrite 1) When T saw him he ‘some milk. 2) You football when you broke your leg 3) Steve TV when the lights went out. 4) We when the quests arrived 5) Mum up when someone knocked at the door. 6) Nelly songs at the concert. 7) John and Jim when they were playing hide-and-seek behind a tree I the flowers when you came in 9) You ___.« test at 10 am yesterday. 10) They some seedlings the| 2" and use the given phrases. gi: The boys re fighting in the schoolyard. (at 3 pm yesterday) » The boys were fighting in the schoolyard at 3 pm yesterday. 1) They climbed the mountain. (when he fell off) 2) My dad's waiting for me. (at 4 pm yesterday) )3) You have a shower every day. (when the telephone rang) Task 5 - Write sentences using the given words and the verbs in Past Continuous. eg.:I* write * aletter* while * you* read » was writing a letter while you were reading, 1) Mum * vacuum-clean * while * dad * wash * the: car, 2) The kids * draw * pictures* while * the parents * do * the gardening. 3) Eve and Dora * skip * the rope * while * the others * play * hide-and-seek 4) Marge * lie * in the sun* while * Dave * swim * in| the sea. 4) Tl go home. (when T had a puncture) 5) The kids played in the sands. (yesterday) 6) You've put on some warm clothes. (when I came in) 7) Tom rides a bike on Mondays. (when I saw him) 8) Theyre cleaning the windows now. (when it started to rain) 5) John * build * a sandcastle * while * his mum * solve * crossword puzzles. 6) Sally * colour * some pictures * while * her sister + paint * a tree. 7) 1 * eat * some biscuits * while * I * wait * for you. 8) The dog * sleep * under the bed * whi bake * a cake. le * Sue* '9) He will take notes. (from 2 to 4 yesterday) 10) Mum's afternoon) ironed the laundry. (yesterday) 9) It * get * dark * while * * talk* on the phone. 10) Tim * play * the piano * while * his parents * listen * to it. 1) The students studied Maths two days ago. (yesterday) 11) Mandy * tidy * the room * while * mum * wash * the clothes. 12) I am staying with my friend this week. (last week) 12) We * do * the homework * while * dad* watch * a football match.

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