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Exploration of Medicinal Plants of North District,

Nagayya Shiddamallayya1, Binod Bihari Dora2, Gyati Anku3, Tapashi Borah4, Ashish Kumar Tripathi5, Chinmay Rath6,
Anupam Kumar Mangal7, Narayanam Srikanth8, Kartar Singh Dhiman9

A b s t r ac t​
Aim: To explore and document the prominent medicinal plants of North District of Tripura through Medico Ethno- Botanical survey (MEBS) tours.
Materials and methods: Ethno-medico-botanical survey team collected plant specimens, digitally photographed and enlisted characters, and
allotted a field number for each specimen in the field with global positioning system (GPS) reading. Collected plant specimens were pressed,
processed, poisoned, rearranged, mounted, identified, documented, accessioned, and incorporated in the herbarium and followed by enlisting
of medicinal plants mentioned in Ayurveda.
Result and discussion: A total of 223 plant specimens of 178 genera of 73 families have been collected and digitally photographed from the
forests of North district, Tripura and enlisted 98 medicinal plants mentioned in Ayurveda of listed and presented in the tabular form. The district
populace consists of Tribes and non-tribes and follows traditional practices and traditional medicines prepared from plants available in their
surrounding and from nearby forest.
Summary and conclusion: The thickest and green forest of North district, Tripura is with rich biodiversity of medicinal plants mentioned in
Ayurveda and herbal medicinal plants. As this area is rich in medicinal plants mentioned in Ayurveda can be used for the establishment of
herbal pharmaceutical industry. It may play a very important role in job creation and social upliftment and also in the management of good
health of tribes and non-tribes of Tripura and other states of India.
Keywords: Ayurveda, Medicinal plant, North district, Tribe, Tripura.
Journal of Drug Research in Ayurvedic Sciences (2020): 10.5005/jdras-10059-0101

I n t r o d u c t i o n​ 1–4
Regional Ayurveda Research Institute, Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh,
The state of Tripura is the second smallest state in India with India
a unique diverse culture. North district of Tripura with is a 5–9
Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences, New Delhi, India
combination of tribes and non-tribes and all are living together Corresponding Author: Nagayya Shiddamallayya, Regional Ayurveda
with harmony. The flora and fauna of the district is well protected by Research Institute, Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh, India, Phone: +91
local population and forest department. It is observed that the local 9449644341, e-mail:
forest dwellers are using forest resources sustainably which keeps How to cite this article: Shiddamallayya N, Dora BB, Anku G, et al.
forest to lush green forest. Therefore this area is rightly called green Exploration of Medicinal Plants of North District, Tripura. J Drug Res
gold of Tripura. The research work carried out in this area is mainly Ayurvedic Sci 2020;5(3):150–176.
oriented on diseases treated and medicinal plants used by the Source of support: CCRAS, New Delhi
particular tribal community. A single research was found as listing Conflict of interest: None
of plants used for gastrointestinal disorders and antihemorrhage
by Halam, Tripuri, and Chakma tribes of North district of Tripura1.
Some plants are listed in Tripura for antifertility, pain, fever, etc.2–5
Few researchers listed medicinal plants used by different tribal S t u dy ​ A r e a​
communities, such as Tripuri, Reang, Chakma, Manipuri, and Koloi The North district of Tripura state has a geographical area of
sub-tribe of Tripura.6–11 Medicinal plants used by both tribal and non 1422.19 sq km with geographical location of—24° 19′ North
tribal community of Tripura in ethno traditional way of treatment and Longitude—92° 01′ East. This is a newly created district
by traditional healers and herbal treatment by herbal practitioners functioning since on January 13, 2012 and is topographically hilly
are enlisted.12–17 and shares boundary with Assam 53 km and Mizoram 109 km in
A very limited floristic and medicinal plant survey work has the North East, Unakoti District in the West, international boundary
been reported in the study area even though having a unique with Bangladesh 96 km in North West, and peak at the Southern
floral biodiversity for livelihood. Therefore, seasonal ethno-medico- of the district. “Betling Chip” is the highest point about 939 m is
botanical (EMB) survey tours have been conducted by the team located at Jampui. The temperature during summer varies from
of SMPU, RARI, Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh and worked as per 26°C to 38°C and average rainfall is 222-373 cm. The main rivers
the objectives and guidelines of Intramural Research Project of of this area are Kakari, Deo, Manu, Longai, and Juri. Jampui Hills,
CCRAS, Ministry of AYUSH, GOI enlisted plants used in Ayurvedic Rowa Eco Park, and tea gardens of Dharmanagar are worth visiting.
formulations along with other available medicinal plants from The study is known for Tripuri, Koloi, Halam and Chakma tribes.
Dharamanagar and Kanchanapura subdivision forests of North North district of Tripura is having 02 subdivisions of forest
district of Tripura. viz. Dharamanagar subdivision with 03 forest ranges namely

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org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and non-commercial reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to
the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain
Dedication waiver ( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.
Medicinal Plants of North District Tripura

Damcherra, Panisagar, and Dharamanagar and in Kanchanapura mounted, identified, documented, accessioned and incorporated
subdivision with 03 forest ranges namely Vanghamun, Laxmipur, in internationally recognized herbarium with the acronym of
and Kanchanapura. Every forest range is having 02 forest beats. The ARRI (Ayurveda Regional Research Institute) at SMPU, Regional
road map of visit of forest beats of each range of 02 subdivisions Ayurveda Research Institute, Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh.18–20 Plant
is presented in Figure 1. specimens were identified with the help of digital photography,
enlisted plant characters of the field and by referring floras of Tripura
M at e r ia l s a n d ​ M e t h o d s​ state, and neighboring state and also comparison with accessioned
herbarium sheets available in the well-established herbarium of this
Seasonal EMB survey conducted in the forests of every forest beat,
institute.21–24 Nomenclature of each plant species has been updated
range, and subdivisions of North district Tripura by EMB survey
as per the principles and rules of International Code of Botanical
team of SMPU, RARI, Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh during 2018–2019.
Nomenclature (ICBN) and enlisted.25 Ayurvedic names of collected
The collected plant specimens are digitally photographed. It is
medicinal plants were compared with published classical and other
followed by enlisting of characters, allotment of field book number
literature and enlisted accordingly.26,27
and recording of global positioning system (GPS) location. Collected
plant specimens were pressed, processed, poisoned, rearranged, R e s u lts a n d ​ D i s c u s s i o n​
Medico Ethno Botanical survey team collected a total of 223 plant
specimens of 178 genera of 73 families and digital photographs
from the forests of North district, Tripura. Of the collected plants, 98
are identified as medicinal plants used in Ayurveda with reference
to the classical and other literature. The collected data has been
systematically presented in Table 1 mentioning serial number,
field book number, botanical name, Sanskrit name, family, habit,
accession number, and GPS location. Enlisted identified medicinal
plant specimen’s digital photographs were presented alphabetically
in Figures 2 to 16.
It is worthy to note that the thick and green forest rich in
medicinal plant biodiversity are used sustainably by both tribal
and non tribal traditional practitioners to cure health ailments.
Traditional healers are becoming popular and getting a quite good
income as they have standardized their method of treatment.
Rich heritage of medicinal plants can also be used make herbal
Fig. 1: EMB survey conducted in the Dharamanagar and Kanchanapura pharmaceutical to create job for the localities and medicines at
forest subdivisions of North district, Tripura large.

Table 1: List of medicinal plants of Dharamanagar and Kanchanapura sub division forests of North District, Tripura
S. no. F. B. number Botanical name Sanskrit name Family Habit Accession no. GPS location
1 9115 Thunbergia laevis Wall. ex - Acanthaceae Climber 3749 24°15′05″N
Nees var. vestica (Nees) 92°15′28″E
2 9116 Mimosa pudica Linn. Lajallu Mimosaceae Herb 3750 24°15′05″N
3 9117 Cuphea cathagenensis - Lythraceae Herb 3751 24°15′05″N
(Jacq.) J.F.Macbr. 92°15′28″E
4 9118 Acmella paniculata (Wall. - Asteraceae Herb 3752 24°15′05″N
ex DC.) R.K.Jansen 92°15′28″E
5 9119 Ipomoea quamoclit L. - Convolculaceae Climber 3753 24°15′05″N
6 9120 Scoparia dulcis L. - Scrophulari- Herb 3754 24°15′05″N
aceae 92°15′28″E
7 9121 Spermacoce hispida Madanaghanti Rubiaceae Herb 3755 24°15′05″N
Govaerts. 92°15′28″E
8 9122 Urena lobata L. - Malvaceae Herb 3756 24°15′05″N
9 9123 Senna tora (L.) Roxb. Cakramarda Caesalpiniaceae Herb 3757 24°15′05″N
10 9124 Melastoma malbathricum Thinisah Melastomata- Shrub 3758 24°15′05″N
L. ceae 92°15′28″E

Journal of Drug Research in Ayurvedic Sciences, Volume 5 Issue 3 (July–September 2020) 151
Medicinal Plants of North District Tripura

S. no. F. B. number Botanical name Sanskrit name Family Habit Accession no. GPS location
11 9125 Macaranga peltata (Roxb.) Padmaparni Euphorbiaceae Tree 3759 24°15′05″N
Mull.Arg 92°15′28″E
12 9126 Cheilocostus speciosus Kanda Costaceae Herb 3760 24°15′05″N
(J.Koenig) C.D.Specht 92°15′28″E
13 9127 Viscum monoicum Roxb. Kutukavalli Santalaceae Climber 3761 24°15′05″N
ex DC. 92°15′28″E
14 9129 Smilax purhampuy Ruiz - Smilacaceae Climber 3763 24°15′05″N
15 9130 Dioscorea bulbifera L. Var. Varahi kand Dioscoreaceae Climber 3764 24°15′05″N
sativa (Hook.f.) Prain 92°15′28″E
16 9131 Antidesma bunius (L.) - Euphorbiaceae Small tree 4344 24°15′05″N
Spreng. 92°15′28″E
17 9132 Passiflora foetida L. Mupparisavalli Passifloraceae Cllimber 3765 24°15′05″N
18 9133 Leucus aspera Spreng. Drona pushpi Lamiaceae Herb 3766 24°15′05″N
19 9134 Microcos paniculata L. - Malvaceae Shrub 3767 24°15′05″N
20 9135 Grewia serrulata Dc. - Malvaceae Shrub 3768 24°15′05″N
21 9136 Cryptolepis sinensis (Lour.) - Apocynaceae Climber 3769 24°20′54″N
Merr. 92°14′21″E
22 9137 Tamarindus indica L. Aamlika Ceasalpiniaceae Tree 3770 24°20′54″N
23 9138 Stephania glandulifera - Menisper- Climber 3771 24°20′54″N
Miers. maceae 92°14′21″E
24 9139 Alagium chinense (Lour.) - Cornaceae Tree 3772 24°20′54″N
Harms 92°14′21″E
25 9140 Solanum torvum Sw. Brihati bhed Solanaceae Herb 3773 24°20′54″N
26 9142 Elephantopus scaber L. Gojivha Asteraceae Herb 3775 24°20′54″N
27 9143 Litchi chinensis Sonn. - Sapindaceae Tree 3776 24°20′54″N
28 9144 Euphorbia hirta L. Dugdhika Euphorbiaceae Herb 3777 24°20′54″N
29 9145 Luffa acutangula (L.) Roxb. Rajakoshataki Cucurbitaceae Climber 3778 24°20′54″N
30 9146 Ficus squamosa Roxb. - Moraceae Tree 3779 24°20′54″N
31 9147 Phyllanthus amarus Schu- Bhumyamalaki Euphorbiaceae Herb 3780 24°20′54″N
mach Thonn. 92°14′21″E
32 9148 Sarcochlamys pulcherima - Urticaceae Shrub 3781 24°20′54″N
(Roxb.)Gaudich. 92°14′21″E
33 9149 Amaranthus gracilis Desf. Tanduliya Amaranthaceae Herb 3782 24°20′54″N
34 9150 Solena amplexicaulis Sukakand Cucurbitaceae Climber 3783 24°20′54″N
(Lam.) Gandhi 92°14′21″E
35 9153 Cayratia japonica (Thunb.) - Vitaceae Climber 3786 24°20′54″N
Gagnep. 92°14′21″E
36 9154 Maesa ramentaceae - Primulaceae Tree 3787 24°20′54″N
(Roxb.) A.Dc. 92°14′21″E
37 9155 Litsea monopetala (Roxb.) - Lauraceae Tree 3788 24°20′54″N
Pers. 92°14′21″E

152 Journal of Drug Research in Ayurvedic Sciences, Volume 5 Issue 3 (July–September 2020)
Medicinal Plants of North District Tripura

S. no. F. B. number Botanical name Sanskrit name Family Habit Accession no. GPS location
38 9156 Tabernaemontana divari- Tagar Apocynaceae Herb 3789 24°20′54″N
cata (L.) R.Br ex Roem. and 92°14′21″E
39 9157 Grewia polygama Roxb. - Malvaceae Herb 3790 24°20′54″N
40 9158 Iris domestica (L.) Goldb- - Iridaceae Herb 3791 24°20′54″N
latt and Mabb. 92°14′21″E
41 9159 Eryngium foetidum L. - Apiaceae Herb 3792 24°20′54″N
42 9160 Leea indica (Burm.f ) Merr. Chhatri, Vitaceae Shrub 3793 24°20′54″N
Kurkurajihva 92°14′21″E
43 9161 Curculigo orchioides Talmuli, Musali Amaryllidaceae Herb 3794 24°20′54″N
Gaertn. 92°14′21″E
44 9162 Abroma augusta (L.) L.f. Pishachakar- Malvaceae Shrub 3795 24°20′54″N
pasa 92°14′21″E
45 9163 Amaranthus spinosus L. Tanduliya Amaranthaceae Herb 3796 24°20′54″N
46 9165 Cascabela thevetia (L.) Karavirah Apocynaceae Tree 3797 24°20′54″N
Lippold 92°14′21″E
47 9166 Homalomena aromatica - Araceae Herb 3798 24°26′28″N
(Spreng. ) Schott 92°15′12″E
48 9167 Piper nigrum L. Maricha Piperaceae Climber 3799 24°26′28″N
49 9168 Ixora coccinea L. Rukmini Rubiaceae Shrub 3800 24°26′28″N
50 9169 Caesalpinia pulcherrima Krushnachuda Caesalpiniaceae Shrub 3801 24°26′28″N
(L.) Sw. 92°15′12″E
51 9170 Santalum album L. Chandana Santalaceae Tree 3802 24°26′28″N
52 9171 Pollia subumbellata - Commelinaceae Herb 3803 24°26′28″N
C.B.Clarke 92°15′12″E
53 9172 Pavetta indica L. Paphana Rubiaceae Shrub 3804 24°26′28″N
54 9173 Globba sessiliflora Sims. - Zinziberaceae Herb 3805 24°26′28″N
55 9174 Tragia involucrata L. Vruschikali Euphorbiaceae Climber 3806 24°26′28″N
56 9175 Mecardonia dianthera - Plantaginaceae Herb 3807 24°26′28″N
(Sw.) Pennell 92°15′12″E
57 9176 Cleome rutidosperma DC. - Capparaceae Herb 3808 24°26′28″N
58 9177 Solanum viarum Dunal. - Solanaceae Herb 3809 24°26′28″N
59 9178 Eclipta prostata (L.) L. Bhringraj Asteraceae Herb 3810 24°26′28″N
60 9179 Persicaria maculosa Gray - Polygonaceae Herb 3811 24°26′28″N
61 9180 Physalis minima L. Tankari Malvaceae Herb 3812 24°26′28″N
62 9181 Croton bonplandianus Bail. - Euphorbiaceae Herb 3813 24°26′28″N
63 9182 Crotolaria pallida Aiton - Fabaceae Herb 3814 24°26′28″N
64 9184 Acacia longifolia (An- - Mimosaceae Tree 3816 24°26′28″N
drews) Willd. 92°15′12″E
65 9185 Elaeocarpus floribundus - Elaeocarpaceae Tree 3817 24°26′28″N
Blume 92°15′12″E

Journal of Drug Research in Ayurvedic Sciences, Volume 5 Issue 3 (July–September 2020) 153
Medicinal Plants of North District Tripura

S. no. F. B. number Botanical name Sanskrit name Family Habit Accession no. GPS location
66 9186 Mallotus roxburghianus - Euphorbiaceae Shrub 3818 24°26′28″N
Muell.-Arg. 92°15′12″E
67 9187 Cleome viscosa L. Tilaparni Capparaceae Herb 3819 24°26′28″N
68 9188 Melia azedarach L. Maha nimb Meliaceae Tree 3820 24°26′28″N
69 9189 Ludwigia octovalvis (Jacq.) Bhoolavanga Onagraceae Herb 3821 24°26′28″N
P.H.Raven 92°15′12″E
70 9190 Oldenlandia corymbosa L. Parpata Rubiaceae Herb 3822 24°15′13″N
71 9191 Ficus semicordata Buch.- - Moraceae Tree 4339 24°15′13″N
Ham. ex J. E.Sm. 92°08′59″E
72 9192 Allophylus cobbe (L.) Triputah Sapindaceae Tree 3823 24°15′13″N
Raeusch. 92°08′59″E
73 9193 Centella asiatica (L.) Urban Madukaparni Apiaceae Herb 3824 24°15′13″N
74 9194 Mimosa invisa C. Martius - Fabaceae Herb 3825 24°15′13″N
ex Colla. 92°08′59″E
75 9195 Maesa montana A.DC. - Primulaceae Tree 3826 24°15′13″N
76 9196 Phyllanthus urinaria L. Bhumyaamalaki Phyllanthaceae Herb 4342 24°15′13″N
77 9197 Ampelocissus barbarata - Vitaceae Woody climber 3827 24°15′13″N
(Wallich) Planchon . Dc. 92°08′59″E
78 9198 Euodia lunu ankeda - Rutaceae Small tree 3828 24°15′13″N
(Gaertn.) Merr. 92°08′59″E
79 9200 Peperomia pellucida Kunth - Piperaceae Herb 3829 24°15′13″N
80 9201 Murdannia japonica - Commelinaceae Herb 3830 24°15′13″N
(Thunb.) Faden. 92°08′59″E
81 9202 Sterculia hamiltonii - Malvaceae Shrub 3831 24°15′13″N
(Kuntze) Adelb. 92°08′59″E
82 9203 Mycetia longifolia (Wall.) - Rubiaceae Herb 4354 24°15′13″N
Kuntze 92°08′59″E
83 9204 Schefflera racemosa - Araliaceae Tree 4345 24°15′13″N
(Wight) Hams. 92°08′59″E
84 9205 Munronia pinnata (Wall.) - Meliaceae Shrub 4337 24°15′13″N
W. Theob 92°08′59″E
85 9206 Chassalia curviflora (Wall.) - Rubiaceae Shrub 3832 24°15′13″N
Thw. Var. ophioxyloides 92°08′59″E
(Wall) Deb et Krishna
comb. and stat. nov.
86 9207 Hyptis capitata Jacq. - Lamiaceae Herb 3833 24°15′13″N
87 9208 Calotropis gigantea (L.) Arka Apocynaceae Herb 3834 24°05′32″N
Dryand. 24°19′24″E
88 9210 Stachytarpheta jamaicen- - Verbenaceae Herb 3836 24°05′32″N
sis (L.) Vahl 24°19′24″E
89 9212 Oreocnide integrifolia - urticaceae Tree 3838 24°05′32″N
(Gaud.)Miq. 24°19′24″E
90 9213 Hevea brasiliensis Muell. - Euphorbiaceae Tree 3839 24°05′32″N
Arg 24°19′24″E
91 9214 Argyreia argentea (Roxb.) - Convolvulaceae Climber 4341 24°05′32″N
Sweet 24°19′24″E
92 9215 Momordica dioica Roxb. Vanya Karkotaki Cucurbitaceae Climber 3840 24°05′32″N
ex Willd. 24°19′24″E

154 Journal of Drug Research in Ayurvedic Sciences, Volume 5 Issue 3 (July–September 2020)
Medicinal Plants of North District Tripura

S. no. F. B. number Botanical name Sanskrit name Family Habit Accession no. GPS location
93 9216 Terminalia arjuna (Roxb.) Arjuna Combretaceae Tree 3841 24°05′32″N
Wight and Arn. 24°19′24″E
94 9218 Premna latifolia Roxb. var. Agnimantha Verbenaceae Tree 4348 24°05′32″N
mucronata (Roxb.) C. B. 24°19′24″E
95 9219 Hedychium coccineum - Zinziberaceae Herb 3843 24°05′32″N
Buch.-Ham ex Sm. 24°19′24″E
96 9220 Cissus repens Lam. Amlavetasah Vitaceae Climber 3844 24°05′32″N
97 9221 Thunbergia grandiflora - Acanthaceae Climber 3845 24°05′32″N
(Roxb.ex Rott.) Roxb. 24°19′24″E
98 9223 Lagerstroemia speciosa Jarula Lythraceae Tree 3847 24°22′42″N
(L.) Pers. 92°13′51″E
99 9224 Lycopodiella cernua ( L.) - Lycopodiaceae Fern 4353 24°22′42″N
Pic. Serm. 92°13′51″E
100 9226 Jatropha curcas L. Dravanthi Euphorbiaceae Tree 3849 24°22′42″N
101 9227 Lantana camara L. Chaturangi Lamiaceae Herb 3850 24°22′42″N
102 9228 Cuscuta reflexa Roxb. Amaravela Cuscutaceae Climber 3851 24°22′42″N
103 9229 Coix lacryma- jobi L. Gavedhuka Poaceae Herb 3852 24°22′42″N
104 9230 Syzygium cumini (L.) Jambu Myrtaceae Tree 3853 24°22′42″N
Skeels. 92°13′51″E
105 9231 Sesamum indicum L. Til Tiliaceae Herb 3854 24°22′42″N
106 9232 Indigofera atropurpuria - Fabaceae Small tree 3855 24°22′42″N
Buch. –Ham. ex Hornem. 92°13′51″E
107 9233 Magnolia champaca (L.) - Magnoliaceae Tree 3856 24°22′42″N
Baill. ex Pierre 92°13′51″E
108 9234 Solanum sisymbriifolia - Solanaceae Herb 3857 24°22′42″N
Lam. 92°13′51″E
109 9235 Senna occidentalis (L.) Link Kaasamarda Fabaceae Herb 3859 24°22′42″N
110 9236 Capsicum annuum L. Katuvira Solanaceae Herb 3860 24°22′42″N
111 9237 Trichosanthes wallichiana - Cucurbitaceae Climber 3861 24°22′42″N
(Ser.) Wight 92°13′51″E
112 9238 Pothos scandens L. - Araceae Climber 3862 24°22′42″N
113 9239 Ipomoea cairica Sweet - Convolvulaceae Climber 3863 24°22′42″N
114 9241 Meyna spinosa Roxb. - Rubiaceae Tree 3865 24°22′42″N
115 9320 Connarus paniculatus - Connaraceae Climber 4010 23°81′55″N
Roxb. 92°25′91″E
116 9321 Sauropus androgynus - Phyllanthaceae Shrub 4011 23°81′55″N
(L.) Merr. 92°25′91″E
117 9322 Bridelia assamica Hook. - Euphorbiaceae Shrub 4012 23°81′55″N
118 9323 Tephrosia candida (Roxb.) Sharaphunka Fabaceae Shrub 4013 23°81′55″N
DC. Shweta 92°25′91″E
119 9324 Ruellia tuberosa L - Acanthaceae Herb 4014 23°81′55″N

Journal of Drug Research in Ayurvedic Sciences, Volume 5 Issue 3 (July–September 2020) 155
Medicinal Plants of North District Tripura

S. no. F. B. number Botanical name Sanskrit name Family Habit Accession no. GPS location
120 9325 Commelina paludosa Bl. - Commelinaceae Herb 4015 23°81′55″N
121 9326 Cyathula prostrata (L.) Bl Apamarga Amaranthaceae Herb 4016 23°81′55″N
122 9327 Persicaria chinensis (L.) H. - Polygonaceae Herb 4017 23°81′55″N
Gross 92°25′91″E
123 9328 Cissus javanica DC - Vitaceae Climber 4018 23°81′55″N
124 9329 Illigera khasiana C. B. - Hernandiaceae Shrub 4346 23°81′55″N
Clarke 92°25′91″E
125 9330 Hedychium ellipticum - Zingiberaceae Herb 4019 23°81′55″N
Buch. Ham. ex Smith 92°25′91″E
126 9331 Desmos dumosus (Roxb.) - Annonaceae Shrub 4020 23°81′55″N
Safford 92°25′91″E
127 9332 Coffea Arabica L. Kapi Rubiaceae Shrub 4021 23°81′55″N
128 9333 Schima wallichii (DC.) - Theaceae Tree 4022 23°81′55″N
Korthals 92°25′91″E
129 9334 Hedyotis scandens Roxb. - Rubiaceae Climber 4350 23°81′55″N
130 9336 Cyanotis cristata D.Don - Commelinaceae Herb 4024 23°81′55″N
131 9337 Murdannia nudiflora (L.) - Commelinaceae Herb 4025 23°81′55″N
Brenan 92°25′91″E
132 9338 Lepidagathis incurve F. - Acanthaceae Herb 4026 23°81′55″N
Ham.ex D. Don 92°25′91″E
133 9339 Choerospondias axilla- - Anacardiaceae Tree 4027 23°81′55″N
ris (Roxb.) B.L.Burtt and 92°25′91″E
134 9340 Dalbergia stipulacea Roxb. - Fabaceae Small Tree 4028 23°81′55″N
135 9341 Ixora undulata Roxb. - Rubiaceae Shrub 4029 23°81′55″N
136 9342 Byttneria pilosa Roxb. - Sterculiaceae Climber 4030 23°81′55″N
137 9343 Ipomoea pes-tigridis L. Vyaghranakhi Convolvulaceae Climber 4031 23°81′′55″N
138 9344 Holmskioldia sanguine - Verbenaceae Shrub 4032 23°81′55″N
Retz. 92°25′91″E
139 9345 Sambucus adnata Wall. - Caprifoliaceae Shrub 4033 23°81′55″N
ex DC.  92°25′91″E
140 9347 Argyreia splendens (Hor- - Convolvulaceae Climber 4035 23°81′55″N
nem.) Sweet 92°25′91″E
141 9348 Boehmeria macrophyl- - Urticaceae Herb 4036 23°81′55″N
la Hornem. 92°25′91″E
142 9349 Drymaria cordata (L.) - Portulacaeae Herb 4037 23°81′55″N
Willd.ex Roem. and Schult. 92°25′91″E
143 9350 Jasminum auriculatum Yoothhika Oleaceae Climber 4038 23°81′55″N
Vahl. 92°25′91″E
144 9351 Smilax zeylanica L. Vanamadhus- Smilacaceae Shrub 4343 23°81′55″N
nuhi 92°25′91″E
145 9352 Porana spectabilis Kurz - Convolvulaceae Climber 4356 23°81′55″N
146 9353 Triumfetta pilosa Roth  - Tiliacae Herb 4039 23°81′55″N

156 Journal of Drug Research in Ayurvedic Sciences, Volume 5 Issue 3 (July–September 2020)
Medicinal Plants of North District Tripura

S. no. F. B. number Botanical name Sanskrit name Family Habit Accession no. GPS location
147 9354 Impatiens balsamina L. Tairini Balsaminaceae Herb 4040 23°81′55″N
148 9355 Diospyros lanceifolia Roxb. - Ebenaceae Shrub 4041 23°81′55″N
149 9356 Nycticalos thomsonae - Bignoniaceae Climber 4042 23°81′55″N
Hook.f. 92°25′91″E
150 9357 Clerodendrum wallichii - Verbenaceae Climber 4043 23°81′55″N
Merr. 92°25′91″E
151 9358 Floscopa scandens Lour. - Commelinaceae Herb 4044 23°81′55″N
152 9359 Cucumis melo L. var. cullus - Cucurbitaceae Climber 4045 23°81′55″N
Kurtz 92°25′91″E
153 9361 Luffa cylindrica auct. Dhaammargava Cucurbitaceae Climber 4047 23°81′55″N
154 9362 Codariocalyx moto- - Fabaceae Herb 4048 23°81′55″N
rius (Houtt.) H.Ohashi 92°25′91″E
155 9363 Desmodium triquertum Srustaparni Fabaceae Herb 4049 23°81′55″N
(L.) DC. 92°25′91″E
156 9364 Asystasia gangetica (L.) T. Lavana Valli Acanthaceae Herb 4050 23°81′55″N
Anderson 92°25′91″E
157 9365 Diospyrus stricta Roxb. - Ebenaceae Tree 4051 24°05′81″N
158 9366 Trichosanthes cucume- Vanapatol Cucurbitaceae Climber 4052 24°05′81″N
rina L. 92°27′76″E
159 9367 Aralia armata (G. Don) - Araliaceae Small tree 4053 24°05′81″N
Seem. 92°27′76″E
160 9368 Citrus medica L. Beejapura Rutaceae Shrub 4054 24°05′81″N
161 9369 Tetrastigma dubium (M. - Vitaceae Climber 4055 24°05′81″N
Lawson) Planchon DC. 92°27′76″E
162 9371 Phlogocanthus thyrsiflorus - Acanthaceae Herb 4057 24°05′81″N
Nees 92°27′76″E
163 9372 Maesa indica (Roxb.) A. - Ebenaceae Shrub 4058 24°05′81″N
DC. 92°27′76″E
164 9373 Solanum kurzii Brace ex - Solanaceae Shrub 4059 24°05′81″N
Prain 92°27′76″E
165 9375 Psophocarpus tetragonolo- - Fabaceae Climber 4061 24°05′81″N
bus (L.) D.C. 92°27′76″E
166 9376 Begonia roxburghii A. Dc. - Begoniaceae Herb 4062 24°05′81″N
167 9377 Pueraria tuberose (Roxb. Vidaari Fabaceae Climber 4063 24°05′81″N
ex. Willd.) DC. 92°27′76″E
168 9378 Artocarpus heterophyllus Panasa Moraceae Tree 4064 24°05′81″N
Lamk. 92°27′76″E
169 9379 Commelina benghalensis L. Kanchata Commelinaceae Herb 4065 24°05′81″N
170 9381 Drimycarpus racemosus - Anacardiaceae Tree 4067 24°05′81″N
(Roxb.) Hook.f. 92°27′76″E
171 9382 Pueraria mon- - Fabaceae Climber 4068 24°05′81″N
tana var. chinensis (Ohwi) 92°27′76″E
Sanjappa and Pradeep
172 9383 Maoutia puya (Hook.) - Urticaceae Tree 4069 24°05′81″N
Wedd. 92°27′76″E
173 9384 Albizia lebbeck (L.) Benth. Shireesha Mimosaceae Tree 4070 24°05′81″N
Hook. 92°27′76″E

Journal of Drug Research in Ayurvedic Sciences, Volume 5 Issue 3 (July–September 2020) 157
Medicinal Plants of North District Tripura

S. no. F. B. number Botanical name Sanskrit name Family Habit Accession no. GPS location
174 9386 Mussaendra macrophylla - Rubiaceae Herb 4072 24°05′81″N
Wallich f. grandisepala 92°27′76″E
175 9390 Cardiospermum hali- Karnaspota Sapindaceae Climber 4076 23°96′24″N
cacabum L. 92°23′99″E
176 9391 Ocimum basilicum L. Barbari Lamiaceae Herb 4077 23°96′24″N
177 9392 Callicarpa rubella Lindl. - Verbenaceae Tree 4078 23°96′24″N
178 9393 Pentapetes phoenicea L. Bandhuka Sterculiaceae Herb 4079 23°96′24″N
179 9394 Hibiscus schizopetalus - Malvaceae Shrub 4080 23°96′24″N
IMasters) Hook.f. 92°23′99″E
180 9396 Abelmoschus esculentus Bhinda Malvaceae Herb 4082 23°96′24″N
(L.) Moench 92°23′99″E
181 9398 Cymbidium aloifolium (L.) - Orchidaceae Herb 4084 23°96′24″N
Sw. 92°23′99″E
182 9401 Lindernia anagallis - Scrophulari- Herb 4087 23°96′24″N
(Burm.f.) Pennnell aceae 92°23′99″E
183 9402 Hyptis suaveolens Poit. Bhustruna Lamiaceae Herb 4088 23°96′24″N
184 9404 Nymphoides indicum (L.) Tagara Menyanthaceae Herb 4090 23°96′24″N
O. Kuntze. 92°23′99″E
185 9405 Senna sophera (L.) Roxb. Kaasamarda Caesalpiniaceae Herb 4091 23°96′24″N
186 9406 Xanthium strumarium L. Arishta Asteraceae Herb 4092 23°96′24″N
187 9407 Plumbago zeylanica L. Chitraka Plumbagi- Herb 4093 23°96′24″N
naceae 92°23′99″E
188 9408 Achyranthes aspera L. Apamaarga Amaranthaceae Herb 4094 23°96′24″N
189 9409 Malachra capitata (L.) L.  - Malvaceae Herb 4095 23°96′24″N
190 9410 Clerodendrum indicum (L.) Bhaarangi Verbenaceae Herb 4096 23°96′24″N
O. Kuntze 92°23′99″E
191 9411 Datura metel L. Dhatthoora Solanaceae Herb 4097 23°99′73″N
192 9412 Mirabilis jalapa L. Sandyaraga Nyctaginaceae Herb 4098 23°99′73″N
193 9413 Plumaria rubra L. var. Ksheera Cham- Apocynaceae Tree 4099 23°99′73″N
acutifolia (Poir) Baily pak 92°21′45″E
194 9414 Gossypium hirsutum L. Kaarpaasa Malvaceae Tree 4100 23°99′73″N
195 9415 Senna timoriensis (DC.) - Caesalpiniaceae Tree 4101 23°99′73″N
H.S.Irwin and Barneby 92°21′45″E
196 9416 Rungia pectinata (L.) Nees Parpata prati Acanthaceae Herb 4102 23°99′73″N
197 9417 Dioscorea hamiltonii Varaahee Dioscoriaceae Climber 4103 23°99′73″N
Hook.f. 92°21′45″E
198 9418 Desmodium laxiflorum DC. Prasniparni Fabaceae Herb 4104 23°99′73″N
199 9419 Parkia javanica (Lamk.) - Mimosaceae Tree 4105 23°99′73″N
Merr. 92°21′45″E
200 9420 Mallotus tetracoccus - Euphorbiaceae Tree 4106 23°99′73″N
(Roxb.) Kurz. 92°21′45″E

158 Journal of Drug Research in Ayurvedic Sciences, Volume 5 Issue 3 (July–September 2020)
Medicinal Plants of North District Tripura

S. no. F. B. number Botanical name Sanskrit name Family Habit Accession no. GPS location
201 9421 Paederia foetida L. Prasaarinee Climber 4107 23°99′73″N
202 9422 Sauropus stipitatus Comm. - Phyllanthaceae Shrub 4108 24°08′80″N
ex Juss. 92°14′98″E
203 9423 Basella alba L. Upodica Basellaceae Climber 4109 24°08′80″N
204 9424 Rauvolfia serpentina Sarpagandha Apocynaceae Shrub 4110 24°08′80″N
(L.) Benth. ex Kurz 92°14′98″E
205 9427 Spathodea campanulata - Bignoniaceae Tree 4113 24°08′80″N
Beauv. 92°14′98″E
206 9428 Vitex pinnata L. - Verbenaceae Tree 4114 24°08′80″N
207 9429 Dalbergia thomsonii - Fabaceae Tree 4115 24°08′80″N
Benth. 92°14′98″E
208 9430 Uraria crinata (L.) Desr. Prashniparni Fabaceae Herb 4116 24°08′80″N
Bheda 92°14′98″E
209 9431 Desmodium caudatum - Fabaceae Herb 4117 24°08′80″N
(Thumb.) DC. 92°14′98″E
210 9432 Mimusops elengi L. Bakula Sapotaceae Tree 4118 24°12′54″N
211 9433 Bauhinia purpurea L. Kovidar Caesalpiniaceae Tree 4119 24°12′54″N
212 9434 Ocimum americanum L. Vanatulasi Lamiaceae Herb 4120 24°12′54″N
213 9435 Cynanchum corymbosum - Asclepiadaceae Climber 4121 24°12′54″N
Wight. 92°19′36″E
214 9436 Combretum roxburghii - Combretaceae Climber 4122 24°12′54″N
Spreng. 92°19′36″E
215 9437 Combretum indicum (L.) - Combretaceae Shrub 4123 24°12′54″N
DeFilipps 92°19′36″E
216 9438 Schefflera venulosa (Wight. - Araliaceae Tree 4124 24°12′54″N
and Arn.) Harms. 92°19′36″E
217 9439 Desmodium heterophyllum - Fabaceae Creeper 4125 24°12′54″N
(Willd.) DC. 92°19′36″E
218 9440 Micromelum integerri- - Rutaceae Shrub 4352 24°12′54″N
mum (Buch.-Ham. ex DC.) 92°19′36″E
Wight and Arn. ex M.
219 9444 Macaranga denticulata - Euphorbiaceae Tree 4129 24°12′54″N
(Bl.) Muell.-Arg. 92°19′36″E
220 9445 Vitex altissima L.f. Kankola Verbenaceae Shrub 4130 24°12′54″N
221 9447 Clerodendrum thomsoniae - Verbenaceae Climber 4132 24°12′54″N
Balf. 92°19′36″E
222 9449 Gastrochilus inconspic- - Orchidaceae Herb 4134 24°12′54″N
uus (Hook.f.) Kuntze 92°19′36″E
223 9450 Cyclea barbata Mies - Menisper- Climber 4135 24°12′54″N
maceae 92°19′36″E

Most of the seasonal medicinal plants are consumed as a diet particular and society at large. All these strengthen the socio
which helps to control malnutrition and also precautionary measure economic conditions of both tribes and non tribes of North district
to overcome seasonal diseases by boosting immune system. Some of Tripura.
of them are used as fodder to their domesticated animals. Few of
the medicinal shrubs and trees are used for construction of huts
as timber. Left out parts of the plants are dried and used as a fuel. S u mma ry a n d ​ C o n c lu s i o n​
Artisanal wood craft is making a buzz now in the study area Ethno-medico-botanical survey team identified 98 medicinal plants
attracting tourists and increasing economy of the individual in mentioned in Ayurveda of collected 223 plants for the use in Indian

Journal of Drug Research in Ayurvedic Sciences, Volume 5 Issue 3 (July–September 2020) 159
Medicinal Plants of North District Tripura

Fig. 2: Medicinal plants of Dharamanagar and Kanchanapura forest subdivisions of North District, Tripura

system of medicine. The population of the area is unaware about have to lead the tribal in bridging the gap between the industry and
this fact. It is the duty of scientific community to train the people of people to get their pie to improve the socioeconomic conditions of
North Tripura in harvesting and value addition of parts and plants the people living the forest foot hills and forest dwellers of the North
used in the herbal industry. Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) Tripura district. Apart from this, pharmaceutical industries to move

160 Journal of Drug Research in Ayurvedic Sciences, Volume 5 Issue 3 (July–September 2020)
Medicinal Plants of North District Tripura

Fig. 3: Medicinal plants of Dharamanagar and Kanchanapura forest subdivisions of North District, Tripura

a step forward to facilitate the poor people in improving of lifestyle A c k n o w l e d g m e n ts

by providing the jobs by setting industries in their area. This will The authors are thankful to the Central Council for Research
help in the production of quality things at low cost and helping of in Ayurvedic Sciences, New Delhi for financial support and
economic growth of community, society, state, and nation. encouragement. We are thankful to the staff of forest department,

Journal of Drug Research in Ayurvedic Sciences, Volume 5 Issue 3 (July–September 2020) 161
Medicinal Plants of North District Tripura

Fig. 4: Medicinal plants of Dharamanagar and Kanchanapura forest subdivisions of North District, Tripura

162 Journal of Drug Research in Ayurvedic Sciences, Volume 5 Issue 3 (July–September 2020)
Medicinal Plants of North District Tripura

Fig. 5: Medicinal plants of Dharamanagar and Kanchanapura forest subdivisions of North District, Tripura

Journal of Drug Research in Ayurvedic Sciences, Volume 5 Issue 3 (July–September 2020) 163
Medicinal Plants of North District Tripura

Fig. 6: Medicinal plants of Dharamanagar and Kanchanapura forest subdivisions of North District, Tripura

164 Journal of Drug Research in Ayurvedic Sciences, Volume 5 Issue 3 (July–September 2020)
Medicinal Plants of North District Tripura

Fig. 7: Medicinal plants of Dharamanagar and Kanchanapura forest subdivisions of North District, Tripura

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Medicinal Plants of North District Tripura

Fig. 8: Medicinal plants of Dharamanagar and Kanchanapura forest subdivisions of North District, Tripura

166 Journal of Drug Research in Ayurvedic Sciences, Volume 5 Issue 3 (July–September 2020)
Medicinal Plants of North District Tripura

Fig. 9: Medicinal plants of Dharamanagar and Kanchanapura forest subdivisions of North District, Tripura

Journal of Drug Research in Ayurvedic Sciences, Volume 5 Issue 3 (July–September 2020) 167
Medicinal Plants of North District Tripura

Fig. 10: Medicinal plants of Dharamanagar and Kanchanapura forest subdivisions of North District, Tripura

168 Journal of Drug Research in Ayurvedic Sciences, Volume 5 Issue 3 (July–September 2020)
Medicinal Plants of North District Tripura

Fig. 11: Medicinal plants of Dharamanagar and Kanchanapura forest subdivisions of North District, Tripura

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Medicinal Plants of North District Tripura

Fig. 12: Medicinal plants of Dharamanagar and Kanchanapura forest subdivisions of North District, Tripura

170 Journal of Drug Research in Ayurvedic Sciences, Volume 5 Issue 3 (July–September 2020)
Medicinal Plants of North District Tripura

Fig. 13: Medicinal plants of Dharamanagar and Kanchanapura forest subdivisions of North District, Tripura

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Medicinal Plants of North District Tripura

Fig. 14: Medicinal plants of Dharamanagar and Kanchanapura forest subdivisions of North District, Tripura

172 Journal of Drug Research in Ayurvedic Sciences, Volume 5 Issue 3 (July–September 2020)
Medicinal Plants of North District Tripura

Fig. 15: Medicinal plants of Dharamanagar and Kanchanapura forest subdivisions of North District, Tripura

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Medicinal Plants of North District Tripura

Fig. 16: Medicinal plants of Dharamanagar and Kanchanapura forest subdivisions of North District, Tripura

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