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Wildlife conservation

Gowri krishna Sudheendran

12 A
Roll no. 5


Of project report

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Due date :

● Certificate
● Report
● Conclusion
● Bibliography
● objectives
● Reflection

Wildlife conservation
Wildlife conservation refers to the practice of protecting wild
species and their habitats in order to maintain healthy wildlife
species or populations and to restore, protect or enhance natural
ecosystems. Major threats to wildlife include habitat destruction,
degradation, fragmentation, overexploitation, poaching,
pollution and climate change.

the practice of protecting plant and animal species and their

habitats. As part of the world’s ecosystems, wildlife provides
balance and stability to nature’s processes. The goal of wildlife
conservation is to ensure the survival of these species, and to
educate people on living sustainably with other species.

The human population has grown exponentially over the past

200 years, to more than seven billion people today, and it
continues to rapidly grow. This means natural resources are
being consumed faster than ever by the billions of people on the
planet. This growth and development also endangers the habitats
and existence of various types of wildlife around the world,
particularly animals and plants that may be displaced for land

development, or used for food or other human purposes. Other
threats to wildlife include the introduction of invasive species
from other parts of the world, climate change, pollution, hunting,
fishing, and poaching.

Habitat destruction

Human-caused habitat loss and fragmentation are primary

drivers of species declines and extinctions. Key examples of
human-induced habitat loss include deforestation, agricultural
expansion, and urbanization. Habitat destruction and
fragmentation can increase the vulnerability of wildlife
populations by reducing the space and resources available to
them and by increasing the likelihood of conflict with humans.
Moreover, destruction and fragmentation create smaller

Importance of Wildlife Conservation
Maintain Balance in the Ecosystem

On Earth, all living beings are interconnected to each other.

Whether a lion or a human, every organism plays a significant
role in the ecosystem. Wildlife conservation aims to maintain
this interconnected ecosystem between different species.

Maintains Natural Habitat

Along with protecting animals, the maintenance of natural

habitat is the secondary goal of wildlife conservation. The laws
under this do not allow the cutting of trees so that the natural
habitat of animals does not get disturbed.

Maintains the Food Chain

In the food chain, all living organisms are interrelated. If any

single organism is removed from the food chain, it will disrupt
the food chain. For instance, if all the lions are killed, then the
count of herbivores will increase. This will lead to disbalance in
the ecosystem.

Steps for Promoting Wildlife Conservation

● The governments of different countries form different laws

for restricting the hunting of animals

● They also ensure immediate actions if anyone attempts such

an act

● Many natural sanctuaries are built to preserve natural

habitats for future generations

● To promote the survival of endangered species, many natural

parks and sanctuaries provide habitats to endangered animals

to breed

● Wildlife Conservation also ensures the protection of natural

habitats from pollution and other human activities

● Pollution may ruin the natural environment of animals

● So, the governments of many countries prohibited Industrial

work near the forest

● Reduced meat-eating is increasingly being promoted by

various organisations, both for the protection of animals and

for good health

● Governments of many countries have restricted or even

banned hunting

Wildlife conservation is essential to maintain the balance of the
ecosystem. It is necessary to protect the rare and extinct species
of animals. In India and around the world, there are different
wildlife sanctuaries to protect and preserve some distinctively
rare animals like Kaziranga National Park, Jim Corbett National
Park, Sepilok Orangutan Sanctuary etc. The governments of
many countries have implemented strict norms to promote

wildlife conservation. The life of human beings without wildlife
is impossible on Earth and therefore, wildlife conservation is
very significant.

● documentary on wildlife conservation
● Causes,effects of wildlife conservation


documentary films

1. Protection of natural habitats of organisms through controlled
2. Maintenance of rare species in protected areas such as
national parks, sanctuaries etc.,

3. Establishment of specific biosphere reserves for endangered

plants and animals.

4. Protection of wild life through legislation such as banning

hunting etc.,

5. Imposing specific restrictions on export of endangered plants

and animals or their products.

6. Educating the public about the need to protect and preserve

the environ­ment as a long range goal for the welfare of future

Maintaining the world’s wildlife is crucial for all life
on earth, and understanding the threats to wildlife as
well as the actions needed for conservation, require
us to be more critical in order to achieve visible
results.Conservation efforts at local scale may
protect individual species from anthropogenic
stressors and protect biodiversity. The present
study is based on a community conservation
programme in north India to protect river

ecosystem and its surrounding faunal species

Thank you


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