Small Summative 3 Variant B

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Small Summative-3

(variant B)
Grade 6 Name/surname: Class:

1. Choose the correct variant 5p

Simon was scared because he saw a big dog. He started to scream and ………….
A) rented a car.
B) looked happy.
C) broke a leg.
D) called for help.

2. Choose the correct variant 5p

Tom saw a wonderful place for visiting.
A) What did Tom see?
B) Who saw a wonderful place for visiting?
C) Who did see a wonderful place for visiting?
D) What saw a wonderful place for visiting?

3. Choose the correct variant 5p

…. did you learn yesterday morning?
A) who B) what C) how many D) when

4. Choose the correct variant 5p

A) When you did go to the cinema?
B) Where did you went yesterday?
C) Why was you sad?
D) What did you buy yesterday?
5. Complete sentences with right linkers. (first, suddenly, after that, then, after) 10p
Last summer was wonderful. We enjoyed spend time together. ____________we went to
countryside. We met there our relatives. ___________ we decided to go to the forest. I took my
camera for taking interesting photos. ____________ we saw a bear far away from us. We were
scared and decided to go back to our hotel. ___________ we had dinner in the beautiful
restaurant. _________ we went back to Baku.
6. Write the question form of the sentences: 10p
My sister called me yesterday morning. ________________________________________
The windows were open two hours ago. ________________________________________
7. Match the halves 10p
fall into a. sad
rent b. loudly
bark c. a friend
look d. a boat
call e. the river
8. Write verbs in the past from: 10p
come- bring- go-
enjoy- find- feel-
Read the passage and answer to the questions:
Sophia is eleven years old and she lives in Brighton, England. She usually gets up at a quarter to
eight, she has a shower, gets dressed and then she brushes her teeth. After that, she goes downstairs
and has breakfast. For breakfast, she usually has milk, toast and orange juice. Then she brushes her
teeth again because she likes them white and healthy!
Then she grabs her school bag and goes to the bus stop to catch the school bus. Classes start at half
past eight and finish at half past four. She usually has lunch at the school canteen with her
schoolmates at about twelve o’clock. Her best friends are Amy and Sophie always sit next to her at
After school, she returns home and does her homework. She is very hard-working pupil and she never
misses a school task! After homework, she usually listens to music and watches television a bit.
At half past seven, it is time for dinner. Then she usually reads a book or chats with her parents for a
Finally, she goes to bed at about ten o’clock, but before that, she brushes her teeth. Sophie is a happy
little girl!
9. Write the sentences in the interrogative and negative forms. 10p
Sophie brushed her teeth three times a day.
Neg ___________________________________________________________________
Int ____________________________________________________________________
She went to school by bus.
Neg ___________________________________________________________________
Int ____________________________________________________________________
10. Answer the questions about her text. 10p
What time does Sophie get up? ___________________________________________
Does she usually have a shower? ___________________________________________
What does she eat for breakfast? ___________________________________________
Where does Sophie usually have lunch? ___________________________________________
11. Write the antonym of hard-working 20p


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