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Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Duration


The learners demonstrate an understanding The learners *Discuss the nature, goals and
of: 1. acknowledge human cultural variation, perspectives in/of anthropology,
social differences, social change, and sociology and political science
1. human cultural variation, social differences, political identities
social change, and political identities 2. adopt an open and critical attitude toward
2. the significance of studying culture, different social, political, and cultural Week 1
society, and politics phenomena through observation and
3. the rationale for studying anthropology, reflection
political science, and sociology 3. appreciates the value of disciplines of
anthropology, Sociology, and Political
Science as social sciences
1. culture and society as anthropological and *Analyze the concept, aspects and Week 2
sociological concepts 1. appreciate the nature of culture and society changes in/of culture and society
from the perspectives of anthropology and
2. perspectives in/approaches to the study of sociology
culture and society (i.e., comparative, 2. demonstrate a holistic understanding of
historical, structural-functional, culture and society
interpretive, critical) 3. values cultural heritage and express pride
of place without being ethnocentric
3. the human origins and the capacity for
culture the role of culture in human Analyze key features of interrelationships of *Explain the importance of cultural
adaptation processes of cultural and biological, cultural and sociopolitical processes relativism in attaining cultural Week 3
sociopolitical evolution in human evolution that can still be used and understanding
developed *Analyze the significance of cultural, Week 4
social, political and economic symbols
and practices
1. how individuals learn culture and become identify norms and values to be observed in * Explain the context, content, Week 5
competent members of society how interacting with others in society, and the processes, and consequences of
individuals learn culture and become consequences of ignoring socialization
competent members of society these rules

2. how individuals should behave as part of

a political community assess the rules of social interaction to *Analyze the forms and functions of Week 6
maintain stability of everyday life and the role of social organizations
innovation in response to problems and

*Explain the forms and functions of state Week 7

1. cultural, social, and political institutions as 1. analyze aspects of social and non-state institutions
sets of norms and patterns of behavior organization *Examine the functions and importance Week 8
that relate to major social interests of education in the society
2. identify one’s role in social *Examine the concept, characteristics Week 9
2. social stratification as the ranking of groups and institutions and forms of stratification systems using
individuals according to wealth, power,
sociological perspectives
and prestige recognize other forms of economic transaction
such as sharing, gift exchange, and
3. social and political inequalities as features *Explain government programs and Week 10
redistribution in his/her own society initiatives in addressing social
of societies and the global community
inequalities e.g. local, national, global

*Suggest ways to address social Week 11

(local, national and global)

the agents/ institutions, processes, and 1. evaluates factors causing social, political, * Examine human responses to Week 12
outcomes of cultural, and cultural change emerging challenges in contemporary
political, and social societies
change 2. advocate how human societies should adapt
to such changes
Applied Economics
The learner demonstrates analyze and propose solution/s to *Differentiate economics as social science and applied science in
Week 1
an the economic problems using terms of nature and scope
understanding of… the principles of applied *Examine the utility and application of applied economics to solve
economics Week 2
economic issues and problems
economics as an
*Analyze market demand, market supply and market equilibrium Week 3
applied science and
its utility in *Determine the impications of market pricing on economic
Week 4
addressing the economic decision-making
problems *Differentiate various market structures in terms of: a.
of the country number of sellers
b. types of products
the law of supply and
demand, and factors conduct a survey of current
c. entry/exit to market Week 5
affecting the economic situations within the d. pricing power
economic situation vicinity e. others
*Analyze the effects of contemporary economic issues affecting the
Filipino entrepreneur Week 6
industry analysis, its apply tools and techniques for
principles, tools, and business opportunities like the *Analyze different principles, tools, and techniques in creating a
techniques leading to the SWOT/TOWS analysis business Week 7
identification of
business opportunities conduct a survey of macro and
micro environments affecting
business in a locality
*Apply business principles, tools, and techniques in participating in Weeks 8-
conduct a socioeconomic impact various types of industries in the locality 9
various socioeconomic
impacts of business on the study on consumers (new product
following sectors: consumer, and services); suppliers; investors
supplier and investors, (capital, income) government (tax *Explain the effects of the various socio-economic factors affecting
Week 10
government, households, revenues, poverty alleviation, basic business and industry
and international trade services); households
(standard of living,
employment) and international
trade (exports and imports of goods * Evaluate the viability and impacts of business on the community Weeks
and services) leading to options in 11-12
venturing into a business
Business Finance
Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning competencies Duration
The learner…
The learners demonstrate an The learners are able to…
understanding of…

the definition of finance, the activities of 1. define Finance explain the major role of financial Week 1 to 2
the financial manager, and financial 2. describe who are responsible management and the different individuals
institutions and markets for financial management involved
within an organization distinguish a financial institution from
3. describe the primary activities of the financial instrument and financial market
financial manager explain the flow of funds within an
4. describe how the financial manager helps organization – through and from the
in achieving the goal of the organization enterprise—and the role of the financial
5. describe the role of financial institutions manager
and markets
the financial planning process, including 1. illustrate the financial planning process identify the steps in the financial planning Week 3 to 4
budget preparation, cash management, 2. prepare budgets such as projected process
and working capital management collection, sales budget, production illustrate the formula and format for the
budget, income projected statement of preparation of budgets and projected
comprehensive income, projected of financial statement
financial position, and projected cash flow explain tools in managing cash,
statement receivables, and inventory
3. describe concepts and tools in working
capital management
the sources and uses of shortterm and 1. distinguish debt and equity financing compare and contrast the loan Week 5
long-term funds, and the requirements , 2. identify the bank and nonbank institutions in requirements of the different banks and
procedure , obligation to creditor, and the vicinity that are possible sources of nonbank institutions and cite these
reportorial necessities funds, and enumerate their requirements institutions in the locality
and process for loan application
basic concepts of risk and 1. distinguish simple and compound interest calculate future value and present value of Week 6 to 8
return, and the time value of money 2. solve exercises and problems in money
computing for time value of money with compute loan amortization using
the aid of present and future value tables mathematical concepts and the present
3. prepare loan amortization tables value tables
4. compute for the net present value of a apply mathematical concepts and tools in
project with a conventional cash-flow computing for finance and investment
pattern problems
5. describe the risk-return tradeoff explain the risk-return trade-off
the definition, purpose, kinds, advantages, 1. identify the types of investments compare and contrast the different types of Week 1 to 2
and disadvantages and the risks of particularly bank deposits, insurance, real investments
investment estate, hard assets, mutual funds, and measure and list ways to minimize or
stocks and bonds reduce investment risks in simple case
2. indicate the advantages and problems
disadvantages of each type of investment
3. explain the risks inherent in each type of
the philosophy and practices in personal 1. identify money management philosophy enumerate money management Week 3 to 4
finance 2. apply basic personal finance principles philosophies
and practices in earning, spending, illustrate the money management cycle and
saving, and investing money gives examples of sound practices in
earning, spending, saving, and
investing money
Fundamentals of Accountancy, Business and Management 1
Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning competencies Duration
The learners demonstrate an understanding of… The learners are able to… The learner…
the definition, nature, function, and history of cite specific examples in which accounting is used define accounting Week 1
accounting in making business decisions describe the nature of accounting
narrate the history/origin of accounting
the external and internal users of financial 1. solve exercises and problems on the define external users and gives
information identification of users of information, type of examples
decisions to be made, and type of information define internal users and give examples
needed by the users
2. cite users of financial information and identify
whether they are external or internal users
accounting concepts and principles identify generally accepted accounting principles explain the varied accounting concepts Week 2 to 3
and principles
solve exercises on accounting principles
as applied in various cases
the accounting equation solve problems applying the accounting equation illustrate the accounting equation
perform operations involving simple
cases with the use of accounting
the five major accounts, namely, define, identify, and classify accounts according discuss the five major accounts Week 4
1. assets to the five major types prepare a Chart of Accounts
2. liabilities
3. capital
4. income
5. expenses
the two major types of books of accounts, differentiate a journal from a ledger and identify illustrate the format of a general and Week 5
namely, journal and ledger the types of journals and ledgers special journals
illustrate the format of a general and
subsidiary ledger
the business transactions and their analysis to identify business and nonbusiness transactions, analyze common business transactions Week 6
include definition and nature of enumerate the types of business documents, recite using the rules of debit and credit
business transactions, types of source or the rules of debit and credit, and apply these to solve simple problems and exercises in
business documents, and the rules of debits and simple cases the analyses of business transaction

the accounting cycle of a service business identify business and nonbusiness describes the nature of transactions in a Week 7 to 9
transactions, enumerate the types of business service business
documents, recite the rules of debit and credit, records transactions of a service
and apply these in simple cases business in the general journal
posts transactions in the ledger
prepares a trial balance
the accounting cycle of a service business identify business and nonbusiness prepares adjusting entries Week 1 to 2
transactions, enumerate the types of business
documents, recite the rules of debit and credit, complete the accounting cycle
and apply these in simple cases
the accounting cycle of a prepare journal entries, post to the ledger, describes the nature of transactions in a Week 3 to 9
merchandising business to include the prepare the trial balance, worksheet, adjusting merchandising business
following: entries and complete the accounting cycle of a records transactions of a merchandising
merchandising business. business in the general and special
1. Journalizing of transactions using the general
and special journals, namely: sales journal, journals
purchase journal, cash receipts journal and posts transactions in the general and
subsidiary ledgers
cash payments journal
prepares a trial balance
2. Posting to the ledger, namely: general and prepares adjusting entries
subsidiary ledgers completes the accounting cycle of a
3. Preparation of trial balance merchandising business
4. Adjusting entries to include pre payments, prepares the Statement of Cost of
accrual and deferral Goods Sold and Gross Profit

5. Worksheet preparation, and

Completing the accounting cycle of a
merchandising business
Organization and Management
Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration

The learners have an The learners shall be able to…

understanding of… *Explain the meaning, functions, types and theories of Week 1
basic concepts and apply management theories & concepts management
theories of in solving business cases
management Week 2
Explain the functions, roles and skills of a manager
the role of business in analyze the various environmental *Analyze various forces/elements influencing local and
the environment, and how forces affecting the firm and summarize international business environment using PEST and
Week 3
the these using Political Economic Social SWOT strategies
environment and Technological Analysis PEST) and *Analyze the forms and economic roles of business
affects the firm Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities organizations Week 4
and Threats (SWOT) Analysis
*Differentiate the phases of economic development and
frameworks Week 4
its impact to business environment
the importance of planning formulate effective plans for a *Discuss the nature and levels of planning and types of Week 5
concepts in specific business endeavor plans
business success *Apply appropriate planning techniques and tools in Week 6
business decision-making
*Analyze the nature of organizations and types of
organization structures Week 7

the significance of organization design an appropriate organization *Apply organization theories for effective business
structures for effective business structure for a specific business management Week 8

the process of recruiting, conduct and prepare job * Discuss the concept and nature of staffing Week 9
selecting, and analysis
training employees *Analyze the process of recruiting, selecting and training
employess Week 10

*Examine the functions and importance of compensation,

wages and performance evaluation, appraisal, reward Weeks 11-12
system, employee relations and movement
how motivation, leadership, and demonstrate knowledge in motivation, *Analyze motivation, leadership, and communication work
communication work leadership, and communication by in an organization
Week 13
in an organization solving business cases

different controlling methods and apply appropriate control measures for *Apply the concept and nature of different control
techniques a specific methods and techniques in accounting and marketing
Week 14
business situation

the different functional select one’s area of interest for future Explain the nature and role in the firm of the
areas of career path following functional areas of management:
management a. Human Resource Management
b. Marketing Management
c. Operations Management
d. Financial Management Week 15
e. Material and Procurement Management
f. Office Management
g. Information & Communication Technology

the basic concepts of initiate an appropriate small- family *Explain the steps and importance of starting a
small-family business business family business
Week 16
Fundamentals of Accountancy, Business and Management 2
Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration

The learners demonstrate an The learners are able to… Week 1

understanding of… The learner…
account titles under the solve exercises and problems that require identify the elements of the SFP and
assets, liabilities, and capital accounts of the preparation of an SFP for a single describe each of them
Statement of Financial Position, namely, proprietorship with proper classification of prepare an SFP using the report form and
cash, receivables, inventories, prepaid accounts as current and noncurrent using the the account form with proper classification of
expenses, property, plant and equipment, report form and the account form items as current and noncurrent
payables, accrued expenses, unearned
income, long-term liabilities and capital that
will equip him/her in the preparation
of the SFP using the report form and
account form
the service income and operating expenses solve exercises and problems that require identify the elements of the SCI and describe Week 2 to 3
of a service business as well as sales, preparation of SCI for a service business each of these items for a service business
contra sales, purchases, contra purchase and a merchandising business and a merchandising business
accounts, cost of goods sold and general prepare an SCI for a service business using
administrative and selling expenses of a the single-step approach
merchandising business that will equip
him/her in the preparation of the SCI for prepare an SCI for a merchandising business
both service and merchandising businesses using the multistep approach
the forms of business organization, namely, solve exercises and problems that require prepare an SCE for a single proprietorship Week 4
single proprietorship, partnership, and preparation of an SCE for a single
corporation, and the structure of a SCE of a proprietorship
single proprietorship that will equip him/her
in the preparation of the said financial
the components and the structure of a CFS solve exercises and problems that require discuss the components and structures of a Week 5
that will equip him/her in the preparation of preparation of a CFS CFS
the said financial report prepare a CFS
the methods or tools of analysis of * Solve exercises and problems that require define the measurement levels, namely, Week 6 to 7
financial statements to include horizontal computation and interpretation using liquidity, solvency, stability, and profitability
analysis, vertical analysis, and financial horizontal analysis, vertical analysis, and perform vertical and horizontal analyses of
ratios to test the level of liquidity, various financial ratios financial statements of a single
solvency, profitability, and stability of the * Using the downloaded sample financial proprietorship
business statements, he/she performs horizontal and
compute and interpret financial ratios such
vertical analysis, computes various financial
as current ratio, working capital, gross profit
ratios and interprets the level of liquidity,
ratio, net profit ratio, receivable turnover,
solvency, stability, and profitability of the
inventory turnover, debt-to-equity ratio, and
the like
the types of bank accounts, basic share samples of bank account forms identify the types of bank accounts normally Week 8 to 9
transactions, and documents related to and documents in class and discuss their maintained by a business
bank deposits and withdrawals uses and importance prepare bank deposit and withdrawal slips
identify and prepare checks
identify and understand the contents of a
bank statement
The learners demonstrate an understanding solve exercises and problems involving: describe the nature of a bank Week 1 to 2
of… 1. Identification of the proper treatment of reconciliation statement
reconciling items in the bank analyze the effects of the identified
a bank reconciliation statement, its nature reconciliation statement reconciling items
and structure, and reconciling items and 2. preparation of a bank prepare a bank reconciliation statement
methods of preparation reconciliation statement
the sound principles of taxation, its purpose, accomplish the BIR (Bureau of Internal define income and business taxation and its Week 3 to 5
and preparation of forms and payment of Revenue) forms principles and processes
taxes explain the procedure in the computation of
gross taxable income and tax due
explain the principles and purposes of

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