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13 months course :


Introduction to Programming
1 to 2 Months

1 to 2 Months*
There are two types of Beginner batches. "Introduction to Programming" module is 1
month long for Beginner Refresher and 2 months long for Beginner Complete

 Introduction to Programming
o Python OR Java
o Data Types and Operators
o Loops and Conditional Statements
o Functions
o 1D & 2D Arrays
o Strings


Programming Constructs
2 Months

2 Months

 Programming Constructs
o Introduction to Time Complexity Analysis
o Introduction to Arrays
o Introduction to Number System, Bit Manipulation
o Introduction to Maths for Programming
o Introduction to Sorting and Hashing
o Introduction to Recursion
o Introduction to Data Structures Fundamentals (Stacks, Linked Lists, Trees)

Advanced DSA and CS Fundamentals

4 Months

4 Months

 Problem Solving Techniques

o Time Complexity Analysis
o Arrays
o Bit Manipulation
o Maths
o Recursion & Sorting
o Binary Search & 2 Pointers
o Hashing
o Pattern Matching Algorithms

 Data Structures
o Linked Lists
o Stacks & Queues
o Trees
o Tries & Heaps

 Advanced Problem Solving Techniques

o Greedy Algorithms
o Backtracking
o Dynamic Programming
o Graphs

 Programming Language Internals**

(To be conducted in inverted classroom model)

o Data Types and Syntax

o Programming Paradigms for the Language
o Collections framework/ standard library
o Concurrency
o Advanced Concepts and Common Pitfalls

 Database Management Systems


 Operating Systems
o Concurrency and Synchronization
 Computer Networks
o Socket Programming


Software and System Design

3 Months

 Object Oriented Design (LLD)

o Design Principles - SOLID
o Design Patterns
o UML Diagrams & Schema Design
o Best Programming Practices (API Design and Project Structure)
o Concurrency and Multithreading
o Case Studies and Machine Coding (How to build real systems)

 System Design (HLD)

o Consistent Hashing
o Caching
o CAP Theorem
o Distributed Systems & Databases
o SQL and NoSQL
o Scalability
o Zookeeper + Kafka
o Location Based Services (S3, Quad Trees)
o Microservices & Containerisation (Docker)
o Case Studies

Module Projects
2 Months

FullStack Specialisation (Backend and Fullstack)




 SpringBoot (or Django)

 Views
 Building a server

 Web architecture

 HTML, CSS, Javascript in depth, Node.js

 Backend architecture, MongoDB, React / Redux

 Github, Version Control

 Capstone project

Advanced Electives
1 Month

DSA for Competitive Programming

 Combinatorics and Probability

 Matrix exponentiation

 Advanced Trees: Segment Tree, k-D Tree

 Disjoint Set Union

 Advanced Dynamic Programming

 Advanced Graphs: Bridges, Articulation point, Network Flow

Product Management for Engineers

 Introduction to Product Management

 Product Thinking & Product Discovery

 Product Roadmap & Prioritization

 Mental Models for Product Managers

 Product Analytics

 Hands-on case study & Mixpanel session

 Delivery & Project Management

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