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Guía para segundo parcial

1. Use these words to complete the text below:

warehouses transport
vehicles solutions
footprint developing
highways construction
street Technology

In the future, cities may see flying _____________, mega bridges, super-connected street experiences, and underground
spaces. Those futuristic cities will be powered by big data, the Internet of Things, and artificial intelligence – so they may
live, breathe, and even think with us. But other aspects of the futuristic city include sustainable, inclusive, and mixed-use.
_______________ will also be used to create a new quality of life in well-planned developments that don’t lose the human
touch. We check out some future-ready projects happening in cities around the world.

Space is of the essence, but also low energy and building costs. Underground structures cover it all. How? They eliminate
the need for foundations, which cuts ________________ costs. Plus, the temperature remains stable, reducing heating
and cooling bills by up to 80%. Subterranean construction may also prove more resilient in locations where natural
disasters prevail.

Who’s already building down? Singapore provides an inspiring example. From data centers and utility plants to
______________ and bus terminals, this city-state has figured out how to make the most of going below ___________

Helsinki aims to keep its carbon _____________ down and its skyline low. The Finnish capital has been developing a
subterranean city with shopping centers, metro stations, swimming pools, as well as one of the world’s greenest data

Let’s not forget tunnels of the future. In Kuala Lumpur, the Stormwater Management and Road Tunnel blends
underground ____________ with flood control. When the monsoon season arrives, the bottom deck of the highway is
converted into a drainage channel to divert water away from the city in the event of flooding.

What’s even more exciting? Transportation through tunnels will boom. Boring technology is much faster and cheaper
today so the city of the future will see more ___________, such as plans in London for a subterranean network of tunnels
that could ship 600 million packages a year.

The above-ground tunnel travel system “hyperloop” may come to a city near you in the next four to five years, with
projects being proposed in India, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Las Vegas, and Switzerland. Swisspod is _______________ a hyperloop
system that could ___________ passengers and cargo from Geneva to Zurich in 17 minutes.
2. Review this example:
Guía para segundo parcial

Complete the next exersises:

1 ‘How are you going to get home?’ ‘I think ___________ take a taxi.’
2 ‘It’s cold in this room.’ ‘Is it? ___________on the heating then.’
3 ‘Are you free next Friday?’ ‘Let me see. ___________my diary.’
4 ‘Shall I do the washing-up?’ ‘No, it’s all right. ___________it later.’
5 ‘I don’t know how to use this phone.’ ‘OK,___________ you.’
6 ‘Would you like tea or coffee?’ ‘___________ coffee, please.’
7 ‘Are you coming with us?’ ‘No, I think ___________here.’
8 ‘Can you finish this report today?’ ‘Well, ___________, but I can’t promise.’

3. Draw a line for each label of the parts of the body

Guía para segundo parcial
4. Put he correct word which named the internal organs

5. Match the columns with the correct time clause:

a) I’ll help you ___________________ ( )after she finishes the report

b) ________________, I will buy a Ferrari ( )Jane will call her mother

c) She will call you, ____________________ ( )when I have time

d) ____________________, I came back home ( )after he finishes reading the book

e) _____________________ while dinner is cooking ( )I will pay some bills

Alex will write a review, _______________________. ( )The nurse will wait

f) ______________________ until the ambulance ( )when he leaves the office

( )When I am older
g) Tom will turn off the lights
( )I will tidy the living-room
( )After I saw the movie
h) ___________________ before I go to bed

i) __________________as soon as she arrives at the

Guía para segundo parcial
6. Use comparatives an superlatives (more, er, est) to complete the next sentences:

01- Sally is (old) _________ than Ellen.

02- Tom is the (old) _____________.

03- Sally is

(fat)___________ than Ellen.

04- Tom is the (fat)______________.

05- Sally is (happy) ________________ than Tom.

06- Ellen is the (happy) _____________.

07- Tom is (good)___________ than Sally.

08- Ellen is the (good)______________.

09- Ellen is (intelligent)________________ than Tom.

10- Sally is the (intelligent) ____________.

7. Use equitative as _________ as / as not __________________ as to do the next examples

Guía para segundo parcial
8. Find the next words in the Word search:


9. Reading:
Guía para segundo parcial

10. Writing: Write about "Helping enviroment" (<150 words) use Superlatives, equitatives and
comparatives. Use this table as a rubric:

<150 8

140 7

130 6

120 5

110 4

100 3

100> 0

Good luck!!!

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