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3: Producing Robust programs

Key Word Definition

1 Comments To help other programmers understand the code.

2 validation

3 Authentication Where a program confirms the identity of a user before

giving them access to the full program’

4 Terminal Testing

5 Logic Errors The program runs but not as expected.

6 Indentation makes the program easy to see the flow of the program.

7 Iterative Testing A program is tested and then changes are made as it goes
through the development cycle again.
8 Maintainability Code that has been well maintained is easy to edit without
causing errors.

9 Syntax Errors Something which doesn’t fit the rules.

1 sanitisation removes any unwanted characters that have been entered

0 into a program.

1 Test Data

Answer the questions below:

1. Define the term input Validation?

Checks if the data meets certain criteria before passing it through the program.


2. Define the term input Sanitation?

Removes any unwanted character that have been entered into a program.


3. Explain why you should use comments in code

To help other programs to understand the code.


4. Why should you use indentation in code?

makes the program easy to see the flow of the program.

5. What is the difference between Syntax error and Logic error?

A syntax error occurs when we make a mistake in our coding, such as forgetting a semicolon
to indicate the end of a statement. A logic error is harder to find. This occurs when we have
all the correct syntax but we coded a portion of the program with an error, such as maybe,
divide by zero.


6.What is the difference between terminal testing and iterative testing?

The process repeats (iterates) until the module works as intended. Final (terminal) testing is
carried out when all modules are complete and the program is tested as a whole to ensure
that it functions as it should.


7. Identify one disadvantage of using authentication in a program?


8. What is the purpose of testing?

There are two fundamental purposes of testing: verifying procurement specifications and
managing risk.


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