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Mr Uddin

138 Third Avenue

Manor Park
E12 6DT

13 December 2022

Dear Parent/Carer
Name: Sadia Akter
Registration Group: 10N

Cumberland Community School believes that high attendance is a key factor in the success of our
students. Attendance above 97% correlates with good GCSE outcomes but is also a key employability skill
that will benefit young people later in life.

Every half term, we will be notifying parents of their child’s attendance. Please see the attendance figures
below from 1 September 2022 to 13 December 2022.

Attendance 80.3%

Authorised Absence 0

Unauthorised Absence 26

The information below shows how attendance can affect your child’s future progression.

Above 97%: Less than 6 days absence a year – Less than 30 hours of learning lost
Excellent attendance! These young people will almost certainly get the best levels/grades they can,
leading to better prospects for the future. Students will also get into a habit of attending school
which will help in the future.
95%: 10 days absence a year – 50 hours of learning lost
These pupils are less likely to achieve their target levels/grades and will start to find it difficult to
maintain a habit of attending school regularly. Students who take a 2-week holiday every year can
only achieve 95% attendance.
90%: 19 days absence a year – 95 hours of learning lost
The Government classes Students in this group as ‘persistent absentees’, and it will be almost
impossible to keep up with work and achieve their target levels/grades. Parents of young people
in this group could also face the possibility of legal action being taken by Newham Council,
including the issuing of penalty notices and fines.

Students should attend school every day unless they are seriously ill. If a child is ill, the school will ask for
medical evidence in order to authorise the absence.
It is parents’ legal responsibility to ensure their child meets expected levels of attendance. Failure to do
so may result in penalty notices or legal action. If you have any further questions about your child’s
attendance or you require any support.

Please contact your child’s Head of Learning.

Kind regards,

Amy Brown
Deputy Headteacher

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