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COMSATS University Islamabad,

Sahiwal Campus

Project Proposal


‘Same Stop’


Muddasar Shafique CIIT/FA19-BCS-039/SWL

Muhammad Asadullah CIIT/FA19-BCS-045/SWL

Mr. Tariq Rafiq

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (2019-2023)


Table of Contents
1. Abstract.................................................................................................................................................. 5
2. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 5
3. Problem Statement................................................................................................................................ 6
4. Problem Solution for Proposed System............................................................................................... 6
5. Related System Analysis/Literature Review ....................................................................................... 7
6. Advantages of Proposed System .......................................................................................................... 7
7. Project Scope ......................................................................................................................................... 8
8. Functional Features .............................................................................................................................. 8
8.1 Login................................................................................................................................................... 8
8.2 Driver Trip (Route)........................................................................................................................... 8
8.3 Driver History (View History) ......................................................................................................... 8
8.4 Passengers And Drivers Ratings (Feedback)) ................................................................................ 9
8.5 Passengers Request (View Request) ................................................................................................ 9
8.6 Driver Post (Create Post) ................................................................................................................. 9
8.7 Frequent Trips .................................................................................................................................. 9
9. System Limitations................................................................................................................................ 9
10. Software Process Methodology .......................................................................................................... 10
11. Tools and Technologies................................................................................................................... 11
12. Project Stakeholders and Roles ..................................................................................................... 11
13. Team Members Individual Tasks/Work Division ........................................................................ 12
14. Data Gathering Approach: ............................................................................................................ 12
15. Concepts ........................................................................................................................................... 12
16. Gantt chart ...................................................................................................................................... 13
17. Mockups ........................................................................................................................................... 14
18. Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................... 18

List Of Tables:

Table 1 Related system analysis with proposed project solution.................................................. 7

Table 2 Tools and Technologies ...................................................................................................... 11
Table 3 Project Stakeholders .......................................................................................................... 11
Table 4 Team Members ................................................................................................................... 12

List Of Figures:

Figure 1 RAD Approach................................................................................................................... 10

Figure 2 Gantt Chart ........................................................................................................................ 13
Figure 3 Login Screen ....................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 4 Available Rides Screen ...................................................................................................... 15
Figure 5 Rides Search Screen .......................................................................................................... 16
Figure 6 Rider Profile Screen .......................................................................................................... 17

Project Category: (Select all the major domains of proposed project)

o A-Desktop Application/Information System

o B-Web Application/Web Application based Information System
o C- Problem Solving and Artificial Intelligence
o D-Simulation and Modeling
• E- Smartphone Application
o F- Smartphone Game
o G- Networks
o H- Image Processing
o Other (specify category) ______________________

1. Abstract
Carpooling (also known as car-sharing, ride-sharing, and lift-sharing), is the sharing of car
journeys so that more than one person travels in a car. Carpooling reduces each person’s travel
costs such as fuel costs, tolls, and the stress of driving.. Car pooling, is an application of finding
car in which drivers who are traveling to work alone can ask for fellow passengers through our
application. For those who use public-transport system to go to work daily can use this
application to find drivers who are traveling to the same destination in a short path. This project
enables users to access mobility assets own by others exactly when they need. It shows a
medium for available cars to pick up them on the interest of car owner with time and capacity.
This idea will solve so many problems of individuals who wants travel daily. The proposed
system will be user-friendly; good communication will be maintained between the administrator,
driver and passenger; the administrator can view all the user requests immediately; details of the
driver and car are maintained in the database; high-level security is assigned in the proposed
system. The other features include traffic analysis for the shortest route so that the passengers
take the least time to reach their destination; a unique profile for every user to make
authentication easier; user rating for every car owner so that it is easy for the users in choosing a
safe ride. RAD methodology was used to develop the platform because it ensures faster
transactions. The methodology involved rapid prototyping and application development. RAD
focuses on an iterative development process. In development, the languages used are React
Native, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS as frontend. We’ll use JavaScript or PHP to develop the
application backend.

2. Introduction
With the increase of environmental concerns and the congestion of roads, carpooling has gained
a lot of popularity when it comes to environment-friendly and cheap ways of travelling.
Carpooling is when two or more persons share a ride in one of their personal cars. Carpooling
reduces pollution since we have less cars on the road. It’s also economic since the travel
expenses are shared among the riders. Travelling alone may be stressful, so having other persons
with you on a trip reduces the stress and is also the occasion to socialize and make the trip
By having more people using one vehicle, carpooling reduces each person & travel costs such as:
fuel costs, tolls, and the stress of driving. Carpooling is also a more environmentally friendly and
sustainable way to travel as sharing journeys reduces air pollution, carbon emissions, traffic
congestion on the roads, and the need for parking spaces.

3. Problem Statement
There is an acute problem of traffic on roads these days and the increasing fuel prices add to the
misery of daily users of personal vehicles. The Carpool system would enable its users with a safe
and secure way to share cars. This could include both short daily journeys such as going to work
and long-distance trips. The expenses, both environmental and fiscal, of single-occupancy
vehicles could be reduced by utilizing the empty seats in personal transportation vehicles.
There are fewer other problems in today’s life.
• Increasing the traffic everyday
• More number of Cars on the Road
• Limited Resources of Traveling
• Increasing Traveling cost
• More Stress of Driving

4. Problem Solution for Proposed System

As, there is no such features in any app now working in Pakistan, like carpooling so it will make
an obvious image in the market. The cost per ride for the customer will also be significantly
lower relative to ride hailing services such as careem, Uber and bykea as the passenger and driver
are sharing the journey and the cost. So, it will increase the value in the market as the customers
will b attracted towards it. The competition is going to drive down prices.

• Reducing overall traffic congestion on the roads.

• Reducing single occupancy car trips by implementing car pooling system.
• Promoting alternative modes of transport.
• Save money by sharing the cost of driving one car.
• Reduce number of cars in the road.
• Provide social connections in the society

5. Related System Analysis/Literature Review:
• Related System Analysis with proposed project

Table 1 : Related system analysis with proposed project solution

Application Name Weakness Proposed Project Solution

Users are not notified about Proposed System will be send

BlaBla Car their requests for ride status. notification to passengers on ride
approval or rejection of
Trip requests.

This system does not send Proposed System will be send

HITCH CARPOOLING notifications to its passengers notification to passengers on ride
concerning the approval or approval or rejection of
rejection of their trip requests. Trip requests.

You must return a car to a

designated parking area. Every Our proposed system will be
Zip Car Zipcar has a home location, access live location of user
such as a surface lot or parking
garage that cannot be changed
by users.

6. Advantages of Proposed System

The competitive advantages for this project are, it provides a closed secure environment to the
people to use of this carpooling system without any hesitations such as being scammed, cheated by
the driver, overprice fare and also others. Besides, it also helps people to pay less then usual
CAREEM or UBER because it is a sharing basis. Car Owners can earn living cost by use this
system. Other advantages are that, anyone can able to post their trip destination on the mobile phone
by using the carpooling app few hours before they begin to start driving and get to know which
passenger they are fetching and the location is fixed by the driver. The main advantage of this app is
reducing traveling cost and time on passenger perspective and on other hand helping car owners to
earn extra income while staying on their routes.

7. Project Scope
The proposed system will try to cover and implement the following areas:
➢ Create and manage user accounts for both ride providers and ride seekers
➢ Use Global Positioning System (GPS) to find nearby carpoolers
➢ Find optimum paths and allow carpoolers to choose one from it
➢ Integrating Google maps so that the ride provider can give detailed routes and then the
potential passengers can view and decide their boarding and deboarding point.
➢ User profile which will have car details like registration number, color, and model of the
car apart from the profile photo of the user fetched from his google account.
➢ Option to choose the carpoolers to give women the option to travel with women only.
➢ Profile rating to ensure the quality of ride.

8. Functional Features:

8.1 Login:
Since all the operations that can be done using the application requires both the driver and
passenger to be logged in, they can use the login forms of either Google Plus or Facebook. For
this matter, the user is prompted to connect the app to his account and then proceed for sign
in/up. After the user authorizes the application to access his social media account, the server
retrieves his info. If he has never logged to the application before, a new account is created for
8.2 Driver Trip (Route):
The Driver Trip is the module that used by the driver after the has accepted a request or already
made a post. This module will show the map to navigate the driver to the pickup location then
navigate to the destination. When the driver arrives the pickup location, a notification will send
to the passenger. After the driver picked up the passengers, the driver can press the proceed
button to navigate to the destination.

8.3 Driver History (View History):

The Driver History module is the module for the driver to new their recent trip records. This module
will show a list of records of the trip that driver made and the driver can search the record by
passenger name, location and date. The drier can view the detail of the record by clicking on it. For
example, the passenger details, date and time of the trip, origin location and destination location.
This module also can show the summary of the driver earnings within a timeline.

8.4 Passengers and Drivers Ratings (Feedback):
This module allows the driver and passenger to make a review on each other. They may write
bad comments about the passenger if any bad attitude is conducted by the passenger during the
ride, or good comments about the passenger. This review is optional for the driver as the driver
might not be giving any review upon the passenger. The driver and passenger both can rate every
time the trip is ended with the range from 1 to 5 stars.

8.5 Passengers Request (View Requests):

The Passenger Request is a module for the driver to view and accept the request that made by
passengers. The driver can view a list or the request that available for the driver to accept. There is
only some brief information (example only show name, origin location and destination location)
show on the main list but the driver can select a certain request to view the detail of the request (full
information, full location address). The Driver can choose to accept the request if he is interested
and the notification will be sent to the passenger who made the request.

8.6 Driver Post (Create Post):

The Driver Post is a module that allow the drivers to make a post about the carpooling which then
will allow others passengers to read or view it. When the driver creates a post, he can select route set
depart date and time, location of depart or destination and the number of available seats. The
passenger who is interested to have carpooling can make Car Pooling System reservation and the
driver can view the passenger information that had made reservation.

8.7 Frequent Trips:

The driver can create a frequent trip where they show the origin and destination, departure and
return times in addition to the frequency (daily and weekly).

9 Limitation:
o Less privacy- Some people prefer privacy while travelling. Those individuals will have
to compromise with their privacy.
o Different time requirements- Individuals who carpool together may finish works at
different times or may need to reach their destination differently. It becomes a problem
when carpooling.

10 Software Process Methodology
✓ Rapid Application Model:
The methodology of choice was RAD (Rapid Application Development). RAD is a software
development methodology that uses minimal planning in favor of rapid prototyping. A prototype
is a working model that is functionally equivalent to a component of the product. In the RAD
model, the functional modules are developed in parallel as prototypes and are integrated to make
the complete product for faster product delivery. Since there is no detailed preplanning, it makes
it easier to incorporate the changes within the development process. RAD projects follow the
iterative and incremental model and have small teams comprising of developers, domain experts,
customer representatives and other IT resources working progressively on their component or
prototype. The most important aspect of this model to be successful is to make sure that the
prototypes developed are reusable.

Figure 1 : RAD Approach

11 Tools and Technologies
Table 2: Tools and Technologies
Tools Version Rationale
Visual Studio Code 2022 IDE
MS SQL Server 2019 DBMS
Tools Adobe Photoshop CC 2021 Design Work
And Adobe XD 2020 Design Work
Technologies XAAMP 2018 Presentation
Flutter 3.3.7 Mockups Creation
Technology Version Rationale
JavaScript 2020 Programming language
SQL 2019 Query Language
Html, CSS 5 Web Development
Dart 2018 Programming Language

12 Project Stakeholders and Roles

Write down the project stakeholders and their roles.

Table 3 : Project Stakeholders

Sponsor COMSATS University Islamabad Sahiwal Campus

Stakeholder Drivers

13 Team Members Individual Tasks/Work Division:
Table 4: Team Members
Student Name Student Registration Number Responsibility/ Modules

Mudassar Shafique FA19-BCS-039

Module 1,3.5.7

Asadullah FA19-BCS-045 Module 2.4.6

14 Data Gathering Approach

Surveys and questionnaires are instruments used for collecting data in survey research. They usually
include a set of standardized questions that explore a specific topic and collect information about
opinions, attitudes or behaviors revolving around the subject of interest. Google Forms can also be
used to carry out online surveys. These data collecting tools allow you to create customized surveys
that you can then send to a selected audience or open broadly to all viewers who happen to see it.

15 Concepts
Here are following concepts we’ll learn during this project.
• Front-end Development like react native or flutter
• Back-end Development like Node.js or Firebase
• Database integration

16 Gantt Chart

Figure 2 : Gantt Chart

17 Mockups

Figure 3 Login Screen

Figure 4 Available Rides Screen

Figure 5 Rides Search Screen

Figure 6 Rider Profile Screen

18 Conclusion
This carpooling application is an application that complies to the enterprise class application
principles. It is designed to be performing, scalable, extensible, and highly available. It also ensures
the privacy of the users’ data and secures its access. Given that it may be improved in many ways,
the application is also easily maintainable. The result achieved in this project is a working Android
application and server that perform the requirements stated in this document. It is still not ready to
be deployed on the Play Store for the public. The main reason is that the server should be deployed
on stronger hardware with a good Internet connection.

19 References

20 Plagiarism Report
Attach the Plagiarism report of your project scope document from library staff of turnitin tool


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