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Grace Milene Nicolas Saldaña (Cd. U20237268)


Luz Angelica Lora Sánchez


Ingles II


Chiclayo, December 18th ,2020

His name is Franco and his last name is Ocaña, he was born on May 16, 2003 at 2:47 pm. He was
born at the Almazor Hospital in Chiclayo. The weather in Chiclayo is sunny because it is in the
north of the country but when it is between the months of August and September it is cold. In the
hospital, the doctor was very patient. His mom was tired but very happy. In his first hour, he was
very sleepy. His dad was there, he was excited and his first visitors were his uncles, they were very

In 2006, Franco went to the kindergarten, he was very nervous but happy because he was going
to meet new friends. His favorite teacher was called Zoila, she was pretty and kind to everyone.
Every day he went to school to draw, paint and learn, he always listened to songs. In that place,
he learned the numbers, write his name and make sentences.
In 2008, Franco's kindergarten graduation was a lot of fun, he danced and took many photos with
his friends, parents and teachers.

When Franco was in elementary school, he wanted to learn to swim, his parents decided that he
should take swimming lessons. Franco learned to swim at his school during the holidays, after 5
months, he participated in swimming competitions because he was very fast. In his first competition,
Franco was in fifth place, after that competition, he continued to practice. In his second competition,
Franco won his silver medal, his family was very happy and glad.

In 2015, Franco went to high school, he was nervous because he

was a new student, but in that place, Franco discovered a new
hobby, he liked to draw and paint pictures, structures, etc. A year
later, the high school organized a drawing competition, Franco
won first place in this contest. He continued to participate in high
school drawing competition each year, representing his
In January 2019, Franco traveled with his family to the beach "LOS ORGANOS" in Piura, his
parents were very happy and excited but his sister was more excited because she would take many
photos. The weather in this city is sunny. He usually wore a T-shirt, shorts, and sandals. They had
sunscreen, sunglasses, a hat, flip-flops and an umbrella, they were very happy.

I met Franco in ADEU high school, he´s very funny, but when you first meet him, he seems serious.
He taught me not to judge people by their appearance, I shared my moments in high school with
him, we met many friends, we practiced for any performance that high school gave. Last year, we
graduated, the ceremony was very good, all our friends and teachers were there. That day I cried,
but Franco didn’t cry. We will always remember this event as something special.

Franco lives with his family in Chiclayo. In the morning, he wakes up and takes a shower. Then he
helps his mom make breakfast. For breakfast, eat bread with eggs and drink milk. After that, he
goes to his virtual classes. Study Architecture at UTP University. At 1pm. or 2pm., he goes to have
lunch, he does not have a fixed schedule, because his classes have different schedules. After
lunch, he does his chores because they take too long. He usually has dinner at 8 or 9 p.m. and
then goes back to his classes or does his homework. On the weekends he is busy, but sometimes
he visits his grandmother.

Franco has a goal. He would like to finish his architecture studies because he wants to be a great
professional, but he is going to continue studying, have a master's degree and a doctorate, because
he wants to help his parents. In the future, Franco plans to create an architecture studio, he is going
to build safe structures and protect the environment and be part of important constructions for the
country, learning more and more about structures and their history.

When Franco gets a job, he is going to travel to Tokyo because he wants to see that city is very
modern and very organized. He is going to stay in a
hotel in the city center, and he is going to visit all the
sites that have a complex and modern structure, for
example: “The Tokyu Plaza Ginza shopping center”,
“The Yamaha Ginza building”, “The Jun Mitsui &
Associates Architects building”, etc. Later, when he
finishes seeing the most important buildings, he is
going to visit tourist and traditional centers. He likes Japanese food, so he´s going to eat a lot of
delicious sushi and more.

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