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Introduction to Philosophy

Final Test

Dr. Lee Basham

1) A conspiracy is defined as two or more people working together with the purpose to

deceive others. Deception can result from failing to disclose information or the form of

failing to disclose information or of lying on purpose. Similar to this, a conspiracy theory

is any explanation that cites a conspiracy as a possible explanation for an occurrence, like

one of its causes. It can be used to anticipate past, present, and future occurrences with a

purpose. Moving on from Brian Keely, the red nose offers numerous arguments against

conspiracies. He had government schemes to discredit popular faith. This confirms the

second point: if the government is complicit in a big, ambitious plot, the mainstream

media will almost certainly expose it. Furthermore, the second reason is uncontrollability

since in order to keep it a secret, too many individuals would need to be involved.

However, someone will most likely expose the scheme to the mainstream media in a

democracy. They fail because the environment is so toxic; most people won't understand

what they're doing or why leading to phony justifications for horrific actions. If a

conspiracy is likely to be exposed, it must have a societal impact because if it does and it

gets mainstream media attention, it will disclose to devastate the economy, and the

nation, and spark a revolution. Since mainstream media is a corporation, it generates

revenue and requires consistency to maintain employment. If someone divulges a secret

that encourages economic connection, there will be widespread unrest and violence.

Executives will lose their jobs if the economy collapses, which is unethical and improper.

The political party wants people to trust the government as some do with God for the

reasons that they see fit.

2) It seems that many individuals believe 9/11 was a staged explosion. The two commercial

aircraft striking the towers and igniting raging fires, according to the conspiracy theory,

do not adequately account for the collapse of the twin towers. Instead, the buildings were

brought down by controlled demolition, it is said. That is related to the assertion that

malevolent internal powers fired a weapon at the Pentagon. According to Ace Baker's

notion, three real-time pictures of planes are ideal for real-time compositing hacks. The

creative components were made because three times all six of the lives needed for the

false video were clearly legitimate live pictures. Considering the alleged governmental

advantages of staging an attack, the likelihood that the live shots were staged is

substantially higher. The explanation that makes what we see more likely and excludes

the presence of planes should be accepted. The Luma key and the probability that work,

along with language, grammar, capitalization, and acronyms, are the six qualities

required and adequate for living composition. The Denver International Airport (DIA) is

said to have underground tunnels, and many people think that the world's elite has

shelters underneath. Some think it was designed for a world war, plague, famine, and

death catastrophe.

3) Pejoratives are words that have negative connotations and are typically used as

accusations or as slurs to convey displeasure, unhappiness, or criticism. For instance, my

sister participated in a talent show costumed as the evil witch of the west. Being seen in

public wearing as a character in a book made her feel uncomfortable. A teenager came up

to her and called her a wicked bitch. Regarding the Sandy Hook Conspiracy hypothesis,

in my view, there were no fatalities, no gunshots, and no effect. Six people were killed as

a result of a gun control initiative. My evaluation of ideas and perceptions based on logic

and evidence leads me to see it as a moral righteousness and to see it as a sin to depend

on much less rational thinking, a propensity referred to as moral commitment reasoning.

4) Democracies are firstly prone to suffer because they frequently gravitate toward sinister

conspiracy theories rather than the plain truth. They have developed the opportunity to

rapidly recognize patterns and comprehend how occurrences in our world might be

connected logically. They are more likely to make conceptual mistakes like finding links

among occurrences when there are none because of their propensity to identify patterns

and interpret the world. As far as dictatorships are concerned, maintaining power for as

long as possible is their top aim. A dictatorship has the same objectives as any oppressive

government. Maintaining the ruling class in power while they work to formulate laws that

represent the changes, they wish to see in civilization is its top goal. Last but not least,

my perspective on conspiracy theories has recently had risky real consequences. Though

conspiracy theories are adaptable to almost any political situation, their relationship with

nature is civil instability, division, and a tradition of governmental opacity. But in my

opinion, knowledge plays a more important role in the conspiracy than legislation does.

It's certainly not difficult to comprehend how, in the lack of truthful information,

conspiracy theories may flourish under the control of the communication system.

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