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NAME ______________________________________ DATE _______________ CLASS _________

Vocabulary Activity netw rks

World War I and the Russian Revolution

Content Vocabulary
Directions: Answer each of the following questions. Include in your answer the vocabulary
word(s) in parentheses.

1. Why did the czar order full mobilization of the Russian Army on July 29, 1914? What
did the czar know about Germany’s reaction to full mobilization? (mobilization)

2. What is propaganda? What was the effect of government propaganda on nearly every
nation at war in 1914? (propaganda)

3. What did Article 231 of the Treaty of Versailles demand regarding German reparations
after World War I? Why were the Germans so upset by this part of the treaty?

Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission is granted to reproduce for classroom use.

4. In post–World War I Russia, who were the soviets? What did the soviets represent?
What was the relationship of the soviets to the provisional Russian government?

Directions: Match the words on the left with the Latin word parts they are derived from on
the right. (conscription, abdicate, armistice, mandate)

_____ 5. conscription a. manus (“hand”) and dare (“to give”)

_____ 6. abdicate b. arma (“arms”) and stitium (“stoppage”)

_____ 7. armistice c. con- (“with; together”) and scribere (“to write”)

_____ 8. mandate d. ab- (“from; away from”) and dicare (“to declare”)
NAME ______________________________________ DATE _______________ CLASS _________

Vocabulary Activity Cont. netw rks

World War I and the Russian Revolution

Directions: Match the terms on the left with the correct definition on the right. (trench
warfare, total war, war of attrition, war communism, planned economies)

a. war based on wearing down the other side by

_____ 9. trench warfare
constant attacks and heavy losses
b. Russian government control of business and
_____ 10. total war centralization of state administration under
Communist control
_____ 11. war of attrition c. fighting from ditches protected by barbed wire
d. economic system directed by government
_____ 12. war communism
e. war involving the complete mobilization of
_____ 13. planned
resources and people, affecting the lives of all

Academic Vocabulary

Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission is granted to reproduce for classroom use.
Directions: Include in your answers to the questions below the vocabulary words in

_____ 14. Starting even before 1914, what means could a European country use to build
up a strong military? (military)

_____ 15. Why did plans for the mobilization of European armies in 1914 have to be so
vast and complex? (complex)

_____ 16. What were the favorite ground targets of aircraft in World War I? How did
pilots shoot at targets in the air? (targets)
NAME ______________________________________ DATE _______________ CLASS _________

Vocabulary Activity Cont. netw rks

World War I and the Russian Revolution

_____ 17. What kind of revolution did Lenin and the Bolsheviks believe was necessary to
destroy the capitalist system? (revolution)

_____ 18. Why was the entry of the United States into World War I a psychological boost
to the Allied troops? (psychological)

_____ 19. At the end of World War I, what did U.S. President Woodrow Wilson suggest as
a way to foster cooperation among nations, prevent future wars, and promote
democracy and self-determination? (cooperation)

Directions: From the list below, choose the best word to answer each question. Write each
word in the blank provided. (unrestrained, aid, complex, revolution, psychological,

Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission is granted to reproduce for classroom use.
unrestricted aid revolution psychological cooperation

20. Which word has all the possible meanings of “a movement or rotation around an
object,” “a sudden fundamental change,” and “a government overthrow”?

21. Which word suggests that no boundaries or restrictions are being placed on an action?

22. Which word describes people working together with a common purpose?

23. Which word could describe a person’s emotional concerns and issues?

24. Which word means nearly the same as help, assist, and support?

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