Esquema Exam 4rt Eso (Unit 1) 2022 23

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1) TENSES: Complete the texts. Use Present Simple & Continuous,

Future Forms, Past Simple &Continuous, Present Perfect
–ing, To infinitive.

She is Vanessa and she ...........………….. (live) in London. At the moment she ………………........… (study) at BB College.
When she was a little girl she …………………………….. (want) to study education …………………… (teach) children but after
……………………… (have) a work experience in a school last summer she now.................. (think) that it is a very difficult
job and maybe she …………………….. (probably/study) journalism. Vanessa is interested in …………………. (learn) new
things on environmental issues. She…………………… (write) some articles for a magazine two weeks ago and this time
next Sunday they ………………….................... (publish) her report on plastic pollution. She ........................ (dream) of
being a TV reporter since she .....................(see) a documentary about rubbish in the oceans few years ago. Her sister
Tina .......................(study) biology and she enjoys ......................... (play) with animals. Last Saturday she ..................
(convince) her friends ........................ (go) to Biopark, while they........................... (look at) the elephants something
funny ...................... (take) place, a gorilla ......................... (throw) a banana and the elephant ................... (fall). 
Their parents used to ………………………… (work) in an office but they ............................. (leave) their job last year and
since then they............................(run) an aquarium in Málaga. Tomorrow they …………………….. (meet) at 6 because
they ……………………….. (help) Vanessa with her new report: “Endangered Whales”. They ………………………………. (travel)
to Canarian Islands next Friday. This time next week Vanessa ………..............………..… (interview) people about
pollution in the oceans. I’m sure this …………………........(be) an amazing experience.

Choose the correct answer.

1 They went home / didn’t go home / were going home when the accident happened.
2 Will your parents be angry / Your parents will be angry / Your parents won’t be angry
about your bad marks?
3 Where they are going to go / are they going to go / did they go next June?
4 Did you read / Will you read / Have you read this book before?
5 What is John writing / has John written / was John writing at the moment?
6 How long do she teach / has she taught / she teaches English?
7 Rebecca is studying / were studying / studies English on Mondays.
8 Don’t come to my house this afternoon, I’ll be sleeping / I’ll sleep / I sleeping then
9 This is a good exercise practising / to practise / for to practise for the exam
10 My dad stopped smoked / smoking / to smoke. He finally gave up that bad habit.

a) Write a synonym for these words.
garbage ……………………………….. prohibit ……………………………

b) Complete the sentences with the words below. There are more words than you need.
(write the numbers in the gaps)

1-threat  2-endangered 3-reduce  4-source  5-drought

The sun is our planet’s main …………………………………. of energy.
The wolf is an …………………………….……… animal in Spain.

c) Write a word for each definition. d) Choose the correct the answer.

Animals in their natural habitat …………………. Petrol is a fossil fuel / source / development
Stop doing something/abandon ....................
3) FUNCTIONS: write a sentence expressing:

- A past habit …………………………… - A promise .......................................................................

- A purpose ....................…………… - A recent action………………………………...…………................

4) Write the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1 she / studying / at 9.00 / was / last night / .

2 ever / Tom / visited / has / London / ?
3 has / Tina / activists / how long / known / environmental / the ?
4 last / to France / flew / I / Monday .
5 English class / doing / now / what / in / you / are / ?
6 tomorrow / we / on / be / beach / the / sitting / time / will / this

4) TRANSLATION. Translate into English.

1. Després d’estudiar medicina el germà de Tina va deixar el seu poble per a viatjar a l’Índia.
Li encanta ajudar a la gent.

2. Ja heu arreplegat els diners per al centre de reciclatge?

3. La setmana que ve anem a prendre acció per a ajudar al medi ambient. Fa dos anys que lluitem
per a preservar els nostres boscos.

4. Des de que vam trobar un abocador prop de la ciutat el mes passat, parlem amb la gent per a
que reciclen més.

5. Acabem de rebre el premi. L’any passat no vam guanyar el concurs però no ens vam rendir i no
vam parar d’investigar sobre la contaminació.


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