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The truth was written in stone
Copyright © Andy Jardine 2016
This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold, hired
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subsequent publisher.
The moral right of Andy Jardine has been asserted.
ISBN-13: 978-1530327539
ISBN-10: 1530327539
To my beloved parents for showing me the world, my life partner Daniela who is
always there for me, my lovely son Zaine who keeps me going, my brother &
sister and close friends who also always stand by me.
CHAPTER 1 The Clay Tablets
CHAPTER 2 The Grand Ziggurat of UR
CHAPTER 3 The Pyramid of Giza
CHAPTER 4 Darwin Was Wrong
CHAPTER 5 Collectively are we all GOD?
CHAPTER 6 The Moon, NASA, & The Annunaki
CHAPTER 7 The Vito Secheri Story
CHAPTER 8 The Karl Wolfe Story
CHAPTER 9 NASA & The Nazis
CHAPTER 10 Giants & Dinosaurs

A big thank you to my great editor Jessica Coleman. I look forward to working
with you more.

As a young boy I was never happy with the teachings I learnt at school with
regards to explaining where we (Human Beings) come from.
I remember being in my RE (Religious Education) class with the teacher
explaining the story of Adam and Eve, which went as follows: According to the
Bible, Adam and Eve had two sons, Cain and Abel. Cain killed Abel, and that’s
as far as the teacher got before I put my hand up and asked, “So how did the
human population grow after this? Did Cain procreate with his mother? Did
Adam and Eve have a daughter? Did Cain or Adam then procreate with this
As you can imagine, I was asked to leave the class and was not allowed back
to the lesson for the rest of my school years.
This left me asking questions, both to myself and to anyone else who could
offer me a logical answer.
The years went by and I was no further forward than when I was at school.
It was at this point that I started reading about Darwin’s Theory of Evolution,
and I thought to myself, Yes! This must be the correct version of how we came to
be. However, as I read more, I found myself in the same situation as I did with
the story of Adam and Eve; it also had many flaws and it didn’t really make
sense when it came to the evolution of humans.
Again, I asked questions, much as I did with the Adam and Eve story .
The first one was: why didn’t the dinosaurs evolve into an intelligent species?
After all, they had hundreds of millions of years to do this and humans only had
a few hundred thousand. In response to this, I was told that the dinosaurs
evolved into birds. “But how?” I asked. “They were wiped out and became
extinct 65 million years ago; if all the dinosaurs were killed, how could they
evolve into birds?” This left me scratching my head even more than with the
story of Adam and Eve, which by now I thought was just a nice tale to entertain
people around the camp fire.
Darwinists and Creationists would argue with me to the point of fanaticism,
saying, “So what do you believe then?” to which I answered, “I don’t know yet,
but I know it’s not what either of you believe. It’s something more, it has to be
something fantastic, surely someone in the very distant past must have written
down our historical accounts of how we came to be?”
It was shortly after this that I visited the British Museum in London and saw
some statues that looked like they were an Egyptian sphinx. The Egyptians were
my only frame of reference because my father was half Egyptian and my uncle
(his older brother) was an Egyptologist. I had attended the Cairo Museum and
seen Giza (the Great Pyramid) many times and, in fact, my grandfather – who
was a doctor – had been one of the first doctors to treat the 5 th Earl of Carnarvon
when he became sick after Howard Carter’s discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb,
which he was funding.
I started looking into the Sumerian culture and was fascinated to find it was
much older than the Egyptian, and was, in fact, the first civilization in recorded
history. We will go into more detail regarding this in later chapters of this book.
I chuckled to myself when I found out that the Sumerians had, in fact, written
everything in stone on more than one million clay tablets. For now, I ask you to
let go of your doctrines, keep your mind open, and get ready for the discovery of
a lifetime.
In our own life, we have been told all the details of how we came to be, but
we need to let go of what we’ve been told before, because a new era in human
history is upon us, and only those brave enough to venture forward into
unknown territory will be the beholders of the real truth. I will let you, the
reader, decide for yourself, but for now, buckle up for the reading adventure of a
lifetime – told by our ancient ancestors, whom I myself have no problem
I hope some of you will look into this and enjoy these findings as much as I
have; I now feel enlightened and my mind is at rest with the search for the truth.
As I suspected, it was written in stone all along – we just didn’t look for it, and
when we found it, we didn’t believe it. However, even though it was kept hidden
throughout the ages, it is here now for all of us to read. Hopefully, we can learn
from it too. I’ll leave this part up to you.
Pic .1. Pictured above, seated to the far right, is ANU the Annunaki King,
father of ENKI & ENIL. To the left, human slaves are being instructed. As you
can see from the scale of the photo, the Annunaki gods were giants compared to
the humans they created .

The Clay Tablets

In 1842, Frenchman Paul Emile Botta – followed closely by Englishman

Austin Henry Layard – discovered the Biblical cities of Nineveh & Nimrod,
until then thought only to have been Bible myths.
The excavations over the following years were to reveal the libraries of
Ashurbanipal and Sennacherib, as well as our lost histories, written on thousands
of clay tablets.
Everything we know today comes from the Sumerian culture. In fact, we can
find the first 100 things begun here, for example: the first laws, schools,
irrigation, courts, the first priest and kingships, the first agriculture, the first
mathematical system (sexagesimal base 60), and the first alphabetical system –
not with 26 characters as we know today, but 500. You name it, they had it first.
Wow! Why weren’t we taught this at school?
Probably because no one had given it any credence as it was just thrown on
top of the big myth pile, but as time progressed, so did all the researchers, and
then – bang! One after another of the supposed myths were proven as fact.
These people supposedly just popped right up out of the Stone Age, fully
developed and more versed in subjects than we are today.
Pic. 2. I’m holding replica of the Law Tablet.

Pic.3. In holding replica of the Flood Tablet .

So what can we find out about the Sumerians and our origins? Well, as it
turns out, everything. I would like to quote the words of the late and truly
amazing scientist, Mr Carl Sagan:
“I feel that if Sumerian civilization is depicted by the descendants of the
Sumerians themselves to be of non-human origin, the relevant legends should be
examined carefully.” (Carl Sagan)

Pic. 4. Left, Voyager Star chart gold disc. Right, Sumerian Start Chart.

For me personally, I love the fact that an accredited scientist and massive
skeptic like Carl Sagan took the time to look at and investigate the Sumerian
accounts, and he also included a greeting in the ancient Sumerian language
which was embedded on a gold-plated audio-visual disc on his Voyager 1 & 2
deep space probe missions (launched by NASA on August 19 th & September 5 th
, 1977). Now why would a self-proclaimed skeptic like Sagan include a language
that hasn’t been spoken for over 6,000 years? He must have thought that a high
percentage of what the Sumerians said about the Annunaki was correct.
The Sumerian accounts read like a Steven Spielberg sci-fi movie and modern-
day scholars still regard these accounts as a myth, but as the late Mr Zechariah
Sitchin ( ) so aptly put :

“Where does the first civilization get a myth from?”

Where indeed? The more we decipher and read the texts – of which only 20%
have been decoded and translated – the more we find out is actually fact, so what
other discoveries lie in wait on the 80% of the untranslated tablets?
So far, everything the Sumerians have told us has been corroborated by
modern-day science, so who are we not to believe the rest of what they have to
tell us? Surely, we are not that ignorant as a species? Or are we?

“The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it,
but in the end, there it is.” (Winston Churchill)

If we listen carefully to what the Sumerian clay tablets have to say, then we
know exactly where we came from, because in one of the clay tablets called the
‘Enuma Elish’ ( – the Epic of Creation), the
tablets go on to explain that the gods the Sumerians called the Annunaki
(meaning from heaven to earth) came to Earth in search of gold and created a
slave race.
They called their creation the ‘Adamu’ (meaning First Man, ), which is
where the Bible gets the word Adam from – as in Adam and Eve.
Further studies of some other clay tablets have shown the story of the flood as
also reflected in the Bible.
The Babylonian account of the Great Flood, with the account closest to that
reflected in Genesis 6-9, was found in a 700 BCE Babylonian copy of the Epic
of Gilgamesh
In this work, the hero, Gilgamesh, meets the immortal demi-god,
Utnapishtim, and the latter describes how the god Ea (meaning Earth) instructed
him to build a large vessel in preparation for a flood – induced by the gods – that
would destroy the world. This vessel would then save Utnapishtim (also known
as Ziusudra as the languages evolved), his family, friends, and the seeds of the
Pic. 5. Cylinder seal VA234 on display in museum in Berlin, Germany.

Pic. 5 shows all the planets in our solar system and their relative sizes to one
another. It also shows another planet way outside of our solar system, and the
problem I have with this cylinder seal is that it should not exist according to
modern-day scholars. How on earth did the Sumerians know about the sun being
at the center of the solar system, as well as how to depict all the planets
We didn’t discover Uranus until 1781 or Neptune until 1846 (findings by
William and John Hershel), whereas Pluto was our most recent discovery in
1930. Yet the Sumerians accurately described that Neptune and Uranus are blue-
greenish twins – something we only confirmed in 1986-9, when Voyager 2 made
its flyby and sent the images back to Earth.
We read on the clay tablets that the Annunaki gods – named after their king,
ANU – came to Earth with his two sons, ENKI & ENIL, plus a contingent of 60
others, in search of gold to replenish their diminishing atmosphere due to
technological advancements and wars on their home planet they called Nibiru.
Pic. 6. Close-up of our solar system accurately depicted by the Sumerians.

This planet – or its also speculated mini solar system – is on an elliptical orbit
around our sun and comes into our solar system every 3,600 years.
Sometimes the moons or planets would collide with other moons or planets in
our solar system, and this could explain the Biblical accounts of wars in the
heavens: anyone witnessing the collision of two moons would think it was a war
in the heavens, as they would have no other frame of reference.

Pic. 7. The Nibiru (Wormwood) system is only visible with infrared

equipment, except for ecliptic plane crossing events.
Some scientists concur it may be highly likely that our sun is a binary star
system, as so many other stars have been found to also have a companion. The
Nibiru system is rumored to have seven planets orbiting its brown dwarf star,
and one of these planets is the home of the Annunaki.
According to the clay tablets, the Annunaki gods ( ) stood between 8 and 10 feet
tall, and they set up their first base on Earth in the Tigris Euphrates Valley
(modern-day Iraq). They named this place EA-DEN, which directly translated
simply means, ‘Earth base’. Sound familiar? This is also reflected in the Bible as
the Garden of Eden.
The tablets go on to say that when the mining in South Africa began – after
they had depleted the gold supplies from the sea water and pay-dirt soil – it was
arduous work for the Annunaki who were very large beings, and after much
complaining, the Annunaki finally revolted. It was then decided to fashion a
primitive worker into a slave to take up the toil of the Annunaki. This LULU –
translated as Primitive Worker or Mixed Being – would be made using the
upright walking ape found on Earth, mixed with the DNA of the Annunaki.

Pic. 8. Enki tells Ningishzidda:

“Let us create a Lulu, a primitive worker, the hardship to take over, let the
Being the toil of the Annunaki carry on his back.”

The creation of the LULU was no easy feat, and the tablets report many failed
attempts that took place in ENKI’s laboratory some 300,000 years ago, 150,000
years after the Annunaki first set up a colony on planet Earth. First they took the
egg of an Earth ape woman and the sperm of an Annunaki male and inserted the
embryo into the ape woman. When the birth came, the result was not as expected
and the offspring was terminated. They continued with many more experiments
and each time the result was not what they wanted. Finally, they decided to put
the embryo into the womb of an Annunaki female which gave them the slave
they were eagerly seeking to create.

“Ninki, my spouse goddess, will be the one to give birth. Seven goddesses-of-
birth will stand close, to assist her.”

These discoveries alone have turned Darwin’s theory of human evolution on

its head. This then leaves the creationist theory and the intervention theory, the
latter of which I myself and a growing number of other people stand behind
these days .
So why would this not be announced to the public if it was such a
breakthrough in the discovery of human origins? Well, all the scientists and
scholars who receive funding for research always back up the theory of
To announce this to the public would mean that everything that’s been written
in books and shown in museums regarding our origins would then have to be
It would be far too much work to explain the new theory and tell everyone,
“We’re sorry but we were wrong,” and so it is simply ignored and hidden away
in the basements of the many museums around the world.
Also see the Brookings Report prepared for NASA in 1963: (Also available on my website.)
In this report it makes it quite clear that any new discoveries relating to alien
life, ancient monuments not built by humans, etc., should be kept top secret or
would otherwise have a profound effect on modern society; in essence, a
breakdown of civilization and mass hysteria as a result of any announcement that
we are not alone and another alien race created us .

Family Tree of the Prophets

Pic. 9 .

Pictured above is our family tree starting with Adam, who the Sumerians
called ADAMU (meaning ‘first man’) created by our living gods, the Annunaki,
as a slave race for mining gold. You will see Abraham the Biblical patriarch who
had two sons, Ishmael and Isaac, and who built the Muslim’s holy place of
worship, the Kaaba, 2,000 years before Islam. You can also see the prophet
Muhammed’s long lineage from Abraham via Ishmael, compared to Jesus the
Christian prophet’s relatively short lineage from Abraham via Isaac to King
David and down to Solomon. You will also see John (John the Baptist), Jesus’s
teacher from the same family tree.
Both Jesus and Mohammad were identified as the last living relatives of our
true creator, ENKI, which is what made them so important. It’s simply following
the bloodline as they do with all Royalty, and as we can see from this chart, both
Islam and Christianity stem from the same source, in my view making them the
same religions. If this was taught in schools, mosques, and churches, I don’t
think we would have the problems we have today with the division of religions.
How can you be a Muslim and hate Christians, and how can you be a
Christian and hate Muslims? Anyone doing this is a complete hypocrite as these
religions share the same family tree and all the source information for the Quran
and the Bible comes from ancient Sumer via Abraham, who was not a Jew as the
Bible would have you believe – he was a 100% bona fide Sumerian. As it says in
Genesis, he came from Ur of the Chaldees, so how could he have been a Jew?
Once again we find humans messing around with history in order to suit what
fits them best at the time .

The Grand Ziggurat of UR

Pic. 10. Short video:

Pictured above (Pic.10) is the Great Ziggurat of Ur, home of the Biblical
patriarch Abraham.
As with the discovery of Troy by Sir Heinrich Schliemann, who just simply
picked up a copy of Homer’s Iliad and read where Troy was supposed to have
been buried and started digging, Ur was also mentioned in the Bible and was
thought to have just been a myth, as Troy was.
In the first few days of the occupation of Iraq, US soldiers stormed the
Ziggurat of Ur. Saddam Hussein had converted this into his personal HQ, and it
is rumored that he was excavating lost technologies buried deep inside some of
the chambers in the structure. The Soldiers were part of a specially formed unit
called Task Force 20, and their mission was to secure all the ancient sites in
Sumer (modern-day Iraq). In fact, the first building this task force stormed was
the national museum in Baghdad, and they headed straight for the basement
where all the controversial findings were kept.
British explorer Sir Charles Leonard Woolly discovered and began
excavations of Ur (modern-day Baghdad, Iraq) in the 1930s, and among some
amazing artefacts – including the shrine of Nanna – was a much older discovery:
the tomb of Queen Nin Puabi. Upon excavation, it was noticed that she had a
rather unusual head size, but of course this was kept quiet for years and bundled
away in the basement of a museum because it didn’t fit any of the accepted
explanations regarding human origins. As more and more of these discoveries
come to light, we are finding ourselves in a position where we know that the
ancients did not just write stories about fiction; they were based on real facts and
are actually historical accounts of past events.

Pic. 11.

Pictured above (Pic. 11) is the x-ray cross section of Queen Puabi’s skull (on
the left), next to an anatomically normal proportioned Homo sapiens (modern
human) skull. Estimates taken from the size of her skull would suggest that she
stood between 6.5ft to 7ft tall (don’t listen to what Wikipedia has to say, as they
have her at 5ft in height with a huge head).
Before he passed away, Zacharia Sitchin requested that the remains be DNA
tested, and the last time I heard, this is now underway. As you can see, there is
quite a difference in the shape and size of the two skulls, and anyone facing a
human of this size – especially when she was in a position of power – may well
have thought she was a god.
Pic. 12. Queen Nin Puabi burial site at the royal cemetery of Ur, discovered
by Leonard Woolley between 1922 and 1934 .

Some scholars have shrugged this off, saying it is just a deformity and no
more, whereas others have been brave enough to put their reputation at stake by
looking into this further. With our advances in modern-day medicine and
science, and especially with the discovery of the double helix DNA strand by
Francis Crick & James Watson, scientists around the world can now discover
when humans emerged on this planet fully developed. Was it two million years
ago? Was it four million? Or was it six? Finally, we can now find out by tracing
the mitochondrial DNA from female to female back in time; this is the only type
of DNA that stays intact during the fertilization process, thus allowing us a
glimpse into the past.
When the results came in from many different labs, our DNA was traced back
250,000 years to a woman in South Africa. As we are all related to this woman,
you could call her the Mother Goddess.
The results from the mitochondrial DNA tests left Darwinism demanding
further testing, as they insisted our origins had to go back at least four million
years. So, the tests were done again and the same results came back, time and
time again. Along with the mitochondrial DNA testing, scientists also discovered
the HAR1 gene, which is unique to humans and is responsible for our brain size.
Further genetic testing also discovered the FoxP2 gene, which is also unique
to humans and is responsible for speech. This illustrates that both genes must
have been introduced from somewhere, and if they did not evolve in early
primates, where did they come from?
The man who was leading the field in this research is the late Lloyd Pye ( ), and I would like to quote the
letter that was sent to him by an anonymous geneticist:

Dear Mr. Pye:

I agree with your conclusions [that humans are genetically engineered] and
will give you a few hints, if you wish [speaking] as a “DNA Deep Throat.” First,
look up the huge discontinuities between humans and the various apes for: (1)
Whole mitochondrial DNA; (2) genes for the Rh factor; (3) and human Y
chromosomes, among others.
Regarding #3, I refer you to K.D. Smith’s 1987 study titled “Repeated DNA
sequences of the human Y chromosome.” It says “Most human Y chromosome
sequences thus far examined do not have homologue’s [same relative position or
structure] on the Y chromosomes of other primates.” Human female X
chromosomes do look somewhat apelike, but not the males’ Y.
This means that if humans are a crossbred species, the cross had to be
between a female apelike creature [i.e., “creature of Earth”] and a male being
from elsewhere .

The Pyramid of Giza

Pic.13. The Pyramids & Giza plateau as they looked when new, with the Nile
right next to the site.

For years, Egyptologists and scholars have given us their explanations on

how the great pyramid at Giza was built and for what it was used for. They tell
us that the pyramid was built by hundreds of thousands slaves using nothing
more than ropes, pulleys, and all kinds of other primitive equipment and tools to
cut, dress, and move these monumental sandstone and granite blocks into place –
averaging approximately 2.5 tonnes each and over 2.5 million blocks – over a
period of approximately 20 years, give or take a few years.
The reason the Egyptologists give us for why they were built was to
accommodate the dead Pharaohs, but up until this day not one single Pharaoh or
mummy has been found in any of the 300 pyramids that are scattered across
Modern engineers ( ) are baffled at how these
huge blocks were quarried and transported in ancient times, supposedly without
the use of any technology; they all affirm that to build the pyramids today with
our modern technology would be near to impossible.
This theory about how, why, when, and by whom the pyramids were built has
been indoctrinated into our educational structure, and challenging these
teachings by those brave enough to do so has been an uphill climb until recently.
Enter engineer Christopher Dunn, who in my opinion has been the only person
to actually examine every last bit of the pyramid using his engineering expertise
and tools. Dunn ( ) has
ascertained that what the Egyptologists thought were boat pits around the
structure of the pyramids, were in actual fact giant circular saw pits used to cut
the huge sandstone and granite blocks. Dunn has also shown and demonstrated
the use of other high-speed power tools on all of the statues and obelisks, and in
actual fact, everywhere you look – once you know what you’re looking for – you
can see the evidence of ancient engineering with high-speed power tools all over
these ancient structures, and not only in Egypt, but in South America also, at the
Temple of the Condor.

Pic. 14. Saw marks, Ollantaytambo .

Pic. 15. Vitrified rock surface indicating a high heat source was used to cut the
rock from the mountain .

Pic. 14 a& 15 show power tool marks where these huge rocks were quarried
right out of the side of the mountain; you can see criss-cross saw marks at the
bottom, and the other surfaces are like wiping your hand over glass,
demonstrating that some kind of high-heat source was used to cut the rock,
leaving the surface vitrified.
This is irrefutable evidence of ancient machining and the use of power tools
in our remote past. It is impossible to cut this diorite rock with copper hand tools
as we are always told.
In 1992, German engineer Rudolf Gattenbrink was given permission from the
Egyptian antiquities department to explore the shafts in the queen’s chamber,
using a robot he specially designed to fit up both shafts (which was lovingly
named Upnaught II – Opener of the way). After sending the robot as far as it
could go, in one shaft there was a limestone door with two protruding eroded
copper handles. The tiny robot rover (which was equipped with a camera) sent
back the images but was unable to continue any further due to earlier explorers
jamming rods and other instruments in along the passage.
Pic. 16. Queen’s chamber shaft entrance for robot.

Pic. 17. Robot drill bit at the end of the shaft after reaching stone plug, also
showing two protruding metallic clasps.

In 2002, the National Geographic Society created a robot that would cling to
the walls on either side – different to Gattenbrink’s, which gripped the floor and
the ceiling.
The second pyramid rover (or iRobot as it was called) could now get past the
obstacles in the passageway and explore deeper into the northern shaft, only to
find another limestone door with two protruding eroded copped clasps or
Another robot rover explorer (called Djedi) has bored holes through both of
the doors discovered by Upnaught II and iRobot, and behind these doors, written
in a red ink on the floor, are symbols not associated with any type of Egyptian
writing and are as of now, in fact, the only inscriptions found in the Great
Pyramid. But there is just one problem: they aren’t ancient Egyptian
hieroglyphs, they’re some kind of electrical symbols, which would explain the
erosion due to currents passing through these clasps that they now know are far
too fragile to be handles, but that serve well as electrical terminals.

Pic. 18. On the other side of the drill hole, an eroded metallic clasp and
markings on the floor that are not Egyptian.
Pic. 19. Script and/or symbols unlike anything ancient Egypt has been shown to
have .
If Chris Dunn is correct in his book The Giza Power Plant (and I
wholeheartedly agree that he is – there is no other book on the Great Pyramid
worth reading, in my opinion), then putting his conclusions together with the
writing on the other side of the shaft door which Dunn speculates are electrical
symbols, the fact is that whatever the writing is, it’s not Egyptian, so there is no
way the Great Pyramid of Giza was built by the Egyptians – no matter how
much Mr Zahi Hawass wants it to be so, it simply isn’t. And I think that when
we translate the remaining 80% of untranslated Sumerian clay tablets, we will
find that the pyramid was built by the Annunaki circa 450,000-400,000 BCE,
when they first arrived here on Earth, as one of the first things they would have
needed was a power plant to run all their machines for mining the gold.

Darwin Was Wrong

Darwin couldn’t possibly have known what we know today, but while I
believe he was wrong, he did give people an alternative to the religious beliefs of
the time. The word ‘Evolution’ (not actually used by Darwin) is pretty vague at
best, and in my opinion, it should be replaced with the word ‘Adaptation’. The
Theory of Adaptation is far more fitting for one major reason: for something to
evolve, it needs to adapt first, and this has to happen in its own lifetime in order
for the DNA to be re-sequenced. Then, this re-sequenced DNA is passed down
to its offspring, which I believe is why we will never find any transitional stages
in the fossil records.
For example, let’s take two human women, genetically matched in terms of
physique, and both weighing 80kg. If we put one into a professional swimming
program and the other into a professional marathon-runner program, after a few
years we would find that both physically identical humans are now rather
different from one another. The swimmer, for instance, would have put on
another layer of subcutaneous fat and lost most of her body hair, making her
much more efficient in the water – more adept, if you like. On the other hand,
the marathon runner would have lost about 20-30kg, her body fat percentage
would have dropped to under 10%, and she would be lean.
If, at this time, both of these women conceived a child, they would pass down
in their DNA what they’d reprogrammed their body to do, giving it to their
offspring. Now, if this offspring decides not to follow in their parents’ footsteps
and instead decides to become a heavy eater and drinker, becoming obese, any
child they will have while in this condition will likely be similar-looking
(depending on the other parent’s physical condition also).
So, this obese person has given birth to one child and then decides to follow
in his parents’ footsteps, losing weight and becoming a champion swimmer or
marathon runner. In this condition, if she decides to have another baby, this child
will be noticeably and significantly different from the first.
This means that we can reprogram our DNA, and that the environment we put
ourselves in dictates the changes. It was always thought that our DNA is set in
stone – that what we’ve been given is what we’re stuck with – but the
mechanism of adaptation has to allow this DNA to be reprogrammed and then
passed down. In these terms, our DNA can be looked at in a similar way to a
computer program being either updated or neglected.
We are told that different mechanisms of evolution are in play: one which
takes millions and millions of years, with slow, gradual changes being passed
down from generation to generation, and the other which is called punctuated
equilibrium, another theory in evolutionary biology which proposes that most
species will exhibit little net evolutionary change for most of their geological
history, remaining in an extended state called stasis. So, not evolution, then? It
would seem the Darwinists are as confused as the creationists, and – dare I say
it? – both share the same fanatical views.
Instead, I feel we have to go by the facts that we’ve discovered today, and this
always reminds me of the great saying by the fictional character Sherlock
Holmes, created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle:

“Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how

improbable, must be the truth.”

So, let’s look at what we’ve discovered. Darwinists will adamantly suggest
that way back in the past, billions of years ago, life began in the primordial soup
– a pool of water – but this is incorrect; we now know that shortly after the solar
system formed, two very different types of prokaryotic bacteria suddenly
appeared on Earth at the same time. This was approximately four billion years
ago, and we know this because they are still functioning to this day – they
arrived whole and intact.
They didn’t evolve on Earth, but we are told that these bacteria slowly
evolved into creatures, which then evolved into other creatures and other
species, which eventually gave rise to humankind. However, according to
Francis Crick and James Watson (the co-discoverers of the double DNA helix),
it would have been impossible to assemble one kind of prokaryotic bacteria, yet
alone two different types by chance, and in a very short space of time in the
cosmic scheme of things.
Francis Crick gave the following analogy:

“You would be more likely to assemble a fully functioning and flying jumbo
jet by passing a hurricane through a junk yard than you would be to assemble
the DNA molecule by chance in any kind of primeval sea of soup in 5-600
million years. It is just not possible.”

As I’ve already mentioned, geneticists working on human DNA have

discovered that our mitochondrial DNA – which is only passed down from
female to female and which stays intact – can be traced back to around 250,000
years ago to a woman in South Africa. Coincidentally, this is exactly the same
time that Sumerians say humans were created by the Annunaki. Is this simply a
coincidence? It is highly unlikely.
They have also discovered that our nuclear DNA – which we inherit from our
mother and father and which mixes together generation after generation – is in
fact billions of years old, and it is not the fact (as suggested by Darwinists) that
our ancestry can only be traced back 4,000,000 years, to the early
In Darwin’s own words, “If we can’t find the intermediary species from one to
another, then I must be wrong.” This is what Darwin wrote himself, and to this
day, we have not found any transitional species. When it comes to humans, we
are told that we evolved from primates, even though man is very different, with
46 chromosomes compared to the 48 chromosomes of the primate family. If we
evolved from apes, how could we lose two chromosomes according to Darwin’s
evolution theory? If this was the case, shouldn’t we have 50 to 58 chromosomes
It is worth noting that we also have a completely different musculoskeletal
structure to primates, and that geneticists have also recently discovered that we
have what’s called the HAR1 gene, which is responsible for our brain size and is
not found in any apes – it just suddenly appears in humans. Geneticists have also
discovered the FoxP2 gene, which also suddenly appears in humans, and just
these two things alone turn the evolution of mankind on its head. How can these
two genes suddenly just appear out of nowhere in humans, when there is no trace
of any evolution of these two genes seen in any of the primate family?
Below in quotes, I have rewritten what Dr Bruce Lipton had to say about

“Today in science, we have monumental scientists who we think about as

being in the pantheon of some of the greatest minds in the world; people like
Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, and so on. These are all brilliant scientists, and a
lot of people would include Charles Darwin here, too. Well, Charles Darwin is
worthy of certain praise, and worthy of certain critical awareness as well.”

While he isn’t exactly a god, he did make the most profound contribution by
writing up the concept of evolution in such a way that the average person could
understand it. They could read it and say, “Well, let me see, that sounds like a far
better idea of how humans on the planet got into their situation, than the old
version of Genesis.”
Charles Darwin offered a scientific understanding that was available to the
people, written at their level, and in doing so, he helped us evolve from a church-
run world into a world based more on a scientific understanding of the universe.
As well as this, he also put a bias into the situation that has really slanted the
way we look at the world and how we fit into it.
Initially, the theory of evolution was put forward by Jean-Baptiste Lamarck
from France, who wrote it fifty years before Darwin. This is the first and most
valid understanding of evolution as a process that was scientifically published.
Therefore, when Darwin got in there, he didn’t introduce the concept of
evolution but was instead trying to introduce a mechanism of how evolution
occurred – one that differed from the notion put forward by Lamarck. Darwin’s
contribution was actually the theory of competition and the struggle for survival
– the idea that evolution is an ongoing struggle for fitness. This was how Darwin
said evolution was driven.

Pic. 20. Charles Darwin

Pic. 21. Jean-Baptiste Lamarc k

However, while the theory of evolution was provided by Lamarck, a more

Natural understanding of the processes of evolution was introduced by a man
called Alfred Russell Wallace. He wrote a paper on natural selection and then
sent this manuscript to Charles Darwin, who had been working on a similar idea.
He included a note saying, “If you think this is worthy of publication, would you
please submit it for publication to Charles Lyell at the Royal Society?”

Pic. 22. Alfred Russell Wallace

When Darwin received this, he had an emotional breakdown; he thought he
was going to be the provider of this theory of evolution for the whole world to
see, but it seemed that he would not be. Darwin, however, was a friend of
Charles Lyell so he took him Wallace’s manuscript and asked him what he
thought he should do. This was in Victorian England, where there was a strict
class system, and while Darwin came from the upper class, Wallace came from
the lower class, meaning that his major scientific theory was not received well
by Victorian aristocrats.
Due to this, Darwin and Lyle entered into their ‘delicate arrangement’,
presenting the theory of evolution at the Linnean Society, using Wallace’s work
but with their own hastily written abstract discussing Darwin’s work.
So why is this important? For one thing, it gave Darwin priority, with his
theory being the selected viewpoint for the masses, over Wallace’s work. Here
we need to think about that old saying: is the glass half full or is it half empty?
The same glass, but two different perspectives. We can also look at it in the
sense of there being two worlds. In world one (Darwin’s world), it is a constant
struggle to survive, and only the fittest will live. It’s a rat race and everyone is
out for themselves. In world two (Wallace’s world), the only thing you have to
do is strive not to be the weakest, as the weakest of the species will die, while
the others go on living. Which world would you rather live in? The one where
you have to struggle every day to be on top of the pile? Or the one where all you
have to do is make sure that you’re not at the bottom?
Well, it seems we live in the Darwinian world, with class systems, violent
struggles, and seemingly endless wars. If we take the Darwinian Theory, make it
into a scientific principle, and then put it into political action, what you get isn’t
too far away from Nazi Germany. Is this what we really want?

Collectively are we all GOD?

The first use of the word God (Allah) was by the Sumerians, and this was
originally DIN GIR, meaning ‘the righteous ones of the sky chamber’. As
translations and language changed over time, we ended up with the word Allah
(God), but some of the Bible writers must have known or had an inclination that
the word Allah meant God (see pic. 23).
So when someone says, for example, “Praise be to Allah,” they are actually
saying praise be to the righteous ones of the sky chamber, and the same goes for
if someone says, “God bless you,” – they are actually saying that the righteous
ones of the sky chamber bless you. If you read the Bible or Quran and insert ‘the
righteous ones of the sky chamber’ instead of God or Allah, the books take on an
entirely different meaning. Now, I know this may upset a lot of strictly religious
people, but this is not my intent – I am merely stating factual evidence that
cannot be ignored. Just like we abbreviate words like ‘laugh out loud’ to ‘lol’
(which almost everyone in the world knows by now), perhaps in time ‘lol’ will
just be translated into the word ‘funny’ or ‘laughter’. We can see this from some
of our other modern-day examples, such as the word ‘cellular’ being abbreviated
to ‘cell’ and ‘telephone’ being abbreviated to ‘phone’. This is only natural as the
language evolves and people try and find a way of saying things more quickly.
So where does this leave God? I think we need to look at new ways of how
we perceive what God is. The majority of people seem to have an image of an
old man with a beard up in the heavens, looking down on us and answering
thousands upon thousands of individual prayers, but logistically this would be
impossible for any omnipotent entity to do. Of course, this is nonsense, and just
a nice way of giving the kids some understanding without getting technical with
them – it keeps things simple.
Pic. 23 .

So how do we explain God to all the adults who still have the child’s
explanation in their head, and who only have this frame of reference to work
with? The churches don’t offer any better explanation of God than the
explanation we got as a child, but what if I could offer you a theory of what God
is that makes perfect sense and can and will be scientifically proven one day?
We have all asked ourselves at one time or another about who or what God is,
and we may have even asked the local parish priest or our friends and family,
and usually we have just been given the same old answer: “DO NOT
For me this was never enough, and believing in an omnipotent being was also
a hard thing for me to swallow.
I remember way back when I was at school and in the RE lesson, and the
topic of God and Lucifer came up. I put my hand up and asked the teacher,
“Why would the bad guy be punishing the bad? Surely the good punish the
bad?” I thought this was a logical question, but I was asked to leave the class
once again.
However, this didn’t deter me as I knew I was right. But was there a God in
the first place or are the atheists correct? Personally, I think anything written by
atheists could be put into one sentence: “We don’t believe in anything – the
end.” So why do they bother and try to explain why they don’t believe in
anything? I think any explanation from this faction of people is pointless and
does not push the boundaries of discovery forward.
The same would also apply to the general skeptic; it’s good to have a little
skepticism, but not so much that your brains fall out.
When you look into our universe – or even as is suggested by scientists, a
multi-verse – I find it hard to believe that there is no grand architect. Even one of
the most prolific scientists of our time once quoted: “Anyone who becomes
involved in the pursuit of science, becomes convinced that there is a
spirit manifest in the laws of the universe, a spirit vastly superior to
that of mankind.” (Albert Einstein )

Along my journey to find the answers, I came across a guy called Edgar
Casey (March 18, 1877 – January 3, 1945).

Pic. 24. Edgar Casey

v=zRZAr2Rs9So (start at 12:54m)

Casey was a simple farm hand with not much education. As a young man he
had trouble with his speech, until one day he lost his speech completely and was
mute. This was until he was hypnotized and he began to speak again.
After this, he found out that he could put himself into a state of hypnotism,
and when asked questions he would give some remarkable answers, all of which
have been recorded in writing by his assistant who accompanied his readings (of
which he could not remember once awake).
One example of his reading, that I find very interesting myself, was about a
young boy who was very ill, and his parents went to see Mr Casey.
The reading gave the name and address of a doctor situated in Germany who
was working on the cure for this very rare disease that this young boy had. After
the reading, the parents got in contact with this doctor, and in time, the boy was
cured .
This is just one of many examples that proves the accuracy of Mr Casey’s
readings, and I should also mention that he never took any money for his
readings; he was a true humanitarian and helped more than he should, in the end
at the expense of his own health.
As I read more and more about this kind and fascinating man, it opened my
mind up to more possibilities of how we not only communicate by speech and
writing, but how we must also be communicating on a subconscious quantum
When Mr Casey was asked, “How do you know all these things?” he replied:
“Everyone has the ability to be capable of what I can do,” and he went on to
explain that he got all his information from the Akashic records – Akasha is a
Sanskrit word meaning ethereal compendium of all knowledge and history.
This would be like a mainframe computer with all the other computers linked
to it, and our brains are actually biological computers, possibly connected to a
mainframe computer of all knowledge.
Is this possible? I asked myself. I had my reservations, but looking more and
more into historical figures like the great Leonardo Da Vinci, who had designs
and drawings of helicopters, planes, submarines, and other technologies way
ahead of his time, I began to think maybe there was something in this. You see,
Mr Casey also explained that in this Akashic field, time has no distinction: this
means that the past, present, and future are all happening at once.
Did Mr Da Vinci tap into this field? Did Nostradamus? Did Archimedes?
Maybe even all of these great figures subconsciously tapped into this field of
knowledge far into the future – people like Einstein, von Braun, Oppenheimer
and Tesler. Did they also have this ability? If we take what Casey says – that we
all have this ability and that in fact, collectively, we are all God – then why not?
It makes far more sense logistically that all minds are in communication with
one another, rather than one omnipotent being trying to communicate and
answer everyone’s prayers.
So how does this work? I needed to know; being a man of logic, I won’t settle
for an explanation that has holes in it and that cannot be pieced together like any
good puzzle .
Firstly, let’s look at how we communicate on a quantum level, as many
scientists have recently discovered and put forth. A group of German scientists
decided to take the living cells from a volunteer, put them in a petri dish, and
place them 100 miles away in another laboratory. They then recorded the
reaction of the cells in the petri dish as they did tests on the subject and
discovered that even though the cells were removed from the subject and placed
100 miles away, they reacted along with the cells of the test subject.
Are we all connected? The evidence of this experiment points to this being so,
and it also points to the possibilities of communicating with the dead, as Mr
Casey said in the Akashic field.
Time has no distinction, and this would mean that you are actually not
communicating with the dead but with that person alive in his own time, whether
it be past, present, or future.
Now, this discovery tells us that our cells communicate with one another, so
is it then also possible that they communicate with other people’s cells?
I remember as a child knowing things that no one had told me. I didn’t watch
any TV then – I was always outdoors playing sports – but I knew things. Is the
adolescent mind tuned in to the Akashic field better than the adult mind with all
its distractions? And as we grow older, do we lose this connection? After all,
how does a child like Mozart know how to compose and play the piano so well
at the age of five? Did his subconscious tap into another mind, which gave him
these abilities?
Is this how psychics communicate?
We know that the KGB and the CIA had people in programs like MK Ultra,
designed for mind control and to train remote viewers to give a detailed
description of distant places when asked to do so.
When one of them was asked how they do this, he replied that he connected
to a mind of a person in that area and was able to see through his eyes – sounds
like sci-fi, doesn’t it!
But this is a fact: the KGB and the CIA does/did have these people. Anyone
can be trained to do this as one of them also explained in an interview:
The police and FBI have been known to use psychics to find out about
crimes, and when one psychic was asked how he was able to find the body of a
murder victim, he explained that he contacted the mind of the murderer in order
to find the location of the body.
Sounds similar to Edgar Casey’s explanation of how he got his readings by
connecting to other minds to find the information he was seeking – in fact, it’s
exactly the same as Casey explained.
So, we have different sources doing different jobs in different places, but
using the same method to achieve their results.
Is God the collective consciousness of all living beings?
In 1927 at the 5 th Solvay Conference in Brussels, Belgium, a new proposal of
mind of matter was admitted to try and resolve the inexplicable behavior of
quantum mechanics. With the greatest minds in physics attending such as Curie,
Heisenberg, Bohr, Lindman, and Plank to name but a few, the subject of
consciousness and the atomic world was at hand.
Heisenberg and Bohr approached Einstein with a new theory: that the minds
of the researchers were affecting the results of the experiments. Einstein could
not accept this at first, but years later he admitted that this was happening.

“All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force, we must assume
behind this force is the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind, this mind is
the matrix of all matter.” (Max Plank, Father of Quantum Physics) Current science
cannot handle or explain consciousness, so whenever there is a human observer present at an experiment, he
causes a collapse of the wave function. A wave function is a mathematical construct that accurately predicts
the probabilities of the outcome of an experiment, but whenever there is a human present, he causes a
collapse of the wave function, therefore rendering the experiment useless.
So they now isolate any human presence from the experiment so as to not
affect the outcome. Basically, our minds are more powerful than we are led to
believe, and they operate constantly on a subconscious level.
Double slit experiment:

The Moon, NASA, & The Annunaki

Pic. 25. Schmitt’s rejected patch, it would seem based on a previous Apollo
mission when they discovered a Stonehenge-like structure (see pic. 26).

This is possibly my favorite chapter out of all the chapters in this book. Why?
Well, it’s just fascinating unveiling all the secrets NASA has tried so hard to
hide, and time and again they lapse in their screening and airbrushing process
and another nice piece of pictorial information pops up .
Man landed on the moon in July 1969, with Neil Armstrong’s famous saying,
“It’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”
Now, we’ve heard the stories that the moon landings were faked and that man
never landed on the moon yet alone set foot on it. Well, I can assure you – man
did land on the moon many times, but I can also tell you that the moon landing
film and imagery were faked. But why?
The USA was in a race with Russia, and to make sure they’d win they
recorded the moon landings in a studio, much to the annoyance of the Apollo
crew (Andrew Collins, Neil Armstrong and Edwin Buzz Aldrin), who needed
quite a bit of convincing in taking part. It had to be perfect with all the money,
effort, and the reputation of the USA on the line; no matter what the outcome of
the mission(s) would be, these fake moon landing recordings would be broadcast
as they really couldn’t be sure how the astronauts would react, arriving on the
moon and discovering all the secrets that NASA knew about already. NASA was
well aware of the remains of ancient structures, track marks, and mining all over
the moon and they just could not risk filming the astronauts with a moon
structure or any other anomaly in the background.
In a short video clip, Buzz Aldrin lets us know that the human race is part of
something much bigger than previously thought when he said, “We Aliens, we
certainly are part of a magnificent race.”:
As predicted by NASA specialists, Apollo 11 LEM (Luna Excursion Module)
overshot its designated landing zone were NASA knew there would not be any
structures, but landed further away, where there were structures. When Neil and
Buzz got out to walk on the moon, one of them said, “Wow, what is that there?”
They could not believe what they were seeing, and went to explore against the
instructions from Mission Control, who told them, and I quote, “Yes, we know
about that, go back the other way, back the other way.’”
Pic. 26. Above, a still from motion reel, followed by a fake moon picture – notice
the multiple light sources .

On the medical channel, Neil was also recorded as saying, “They are on the
opposite side of the crater from us and they are watching us.” Buzz had also
reported that the LEM had been followed by what we can only call a UFO.
On return to Earth, all three of the Apollo 11 crew resigned immediately.
Why? I personally feel that as explorers, they were not allowed to explore, or to
tell anyone about what they found as they were all sworn to secrecy. In this
video clip, in what would be Neil Armstrong’s last speech, he cryptically tells us
about his sorrow and hopes that NASA will change its policy one day and drop
the veil of secrecy in regards to its fellow NASA members and the public alike.
Pic. 27. NASA Apollo 15 Photo AS20-1020 NASA archives

Pic. 28. AS20 from frame 9625, Rev 15

NASA Apollo 15 mission showing high-resolution image of alien craft on the

Pic. 27. is a photo taken by Apollo 15 from the far side of the moon, the part
that always faces away from Earth. An analysis of the photo shows there to be a
type of fuselage of an ancient spaceship.
Pic. 28 . This is estimated to be several miles in length, and judging by the
meteor impacts on its surface, it has been lying in a dormant state in this crater
for quite some time.
Pic. 29.

Subject: Future Apollo Missions Regarding the discussions of the BLANK

subcommittee on the January 27, BLANK and July 17 BLANK On the subject of
future Apollo missions viability, it was determined that missions 18,19 and 20
would be canceled due to evolving budgetary constraints in the BLANK and
BLANK sectors
Those in attendance and voting included: BLANK On November 14, BLANK
following the directive of BLANK, BLANK the mission status of has been altered.
The revised status shifts from cancellation to postponement.
Potential dates of mission reinstatement include: BLANK and if orders to
redeploy are received By BLANK, we can confidently expect to launch BLANK
on or before BLANK.
Please refer to the memorandum enclosed herewith outlining the reservations
of General BLANK And Colonel BLANK support materials on the subject of
security including photographic reconnaissance files requested are forthcoming,
expected by BLANK.
Further inspections with aerial photography of the fuselage were carried out
by Apollo missions 16 and 17 to establish that it was actually a fuselage. Once
this was confirmed, the Apollo program went black ops and the public were
informed that Apollo 17 was NASA’s last mission to the moon, but as we can
see from the document (Pic. 29.) , some of this is blacked out. Apollo missions
18, 19, and 20 were all paid for and these three missions did go to the moon,
landing to inspect and bring back artefacts from inside the craft and city nearby.

Pic. 30. In 1962, Carl Sagan addressed the American rocket association in Los
Angeles and stated, “We better be ready to meet someone else on the moon.”
This is possibly why all the Apollo astronauts were armed.

According to the theory, Apollo 20 arrived on the moon on August 16 th ,

1976, about four years after the last official Apollo mission. The destination was
Delporte, a lunar impact crater on the moon’s dark side.
Crew members were William Rutledge (US), Leona Snyder (US), and Alexei
Leonov (USSR), and their mission was to explore an alien spaceship detected by
the Apollo 15 crew (David Scott, Alfred Worden, and James Irwin) in 1971.
It can at least be confirmed that Alexei Leonov was a real astronaut: he was
even the first person to walk in space on March 18, 1965, and he commanded the
Soviet side of the Apollo-Soyuz mission, Soyuz 19, the first joint space mission
between the Soviets and the USA.
Pic. 31. Inside shot of Apollo 20 showing joint US-Russian mission .

If we can believe William Rutledge’s account of the Apollo 20 mission, the

astronauts visited both an ancient city on the moon’s surface as well as an alien
spaceship ( Pic. 32. ).

Pic. 32 .

They were able to collect some alien gadgets from the ship, as well as
bringing one of the two dead alien pilots back to their Lunar Module. The pilot
was a female ( Pic. 33. ), covered in a type of wax and in an excellent state of
Pic. 33.
Female pilot from AS20 Spacecraft, possibly ANNUNAKI .

The Vito Secheri Story

Pic. 34.

Let’s take a look at the harrowing story of petroleum engineer Vito Secheri.
In 1976, Vito was a project engineer for a privately owned company doing
business with the Venezuelan oil industry. His counterpart Lester Howes, who
was also an engineer, had come to Houston, Texas – Vito’s home town – on
business This was the first time Les and Vito had met after spending years
communicating by phone and telex. After a few days of getting to know each
other in person, Les confided in Vito that he had an ulterior motive for coming to
Houston. After asking Vito to keep an open mind, Les confided that he was an
amateur astronomer and ufologist and that he wanted Vito’s help in obtaining
access to some of the many secret moon photos held somewhere in Houston in
one of the NASA buildings.
To say the least, Vito was speechless. Somewhat bewildered, he laughed it off
at first, as anyone would. Then he realized that Les was being very serious
Vito noticed the concern in Les’s face and realized he’d taken a big chance in
asking for his help. Les then handed Vito a book called Somebody Else is on the
Moon , written by a former NASA scientist called George H. Leonard. Leonard
had once worked in the photo intelligence department of NASA, where he was
responsible for interpreting the large volume of images taken by unmanned
spacecraft in the early 1960s.
Les lent Vito the book to read; Vito was quickly riveted and read the entire
book overnight. In the book, Leonard described how he had come across many
photographs which he felt confirmed the existence of an ancient and possibly
also current civilization, and he also felt there was evidence for outposts of one
or more civilizations on the moon. Leonard explained how President Kennedy
had announced that the USA would reach the moon within a decade because
they were concerned about activity occurring there. The primary intelligence for
this came from a multitude of scientific observatories from around the world;
they had expressed concerns about moon craters disappearing from successive
In respect of the obvious ramifications of these concerns, the powers that be
decided that the USA had to reach the moon as soon as possible. Leonard had
futilely argued with NASA about releasing the photos, so in the end he decided
to publish them himself.
He felt that the people of the planet had a right to know what NASA had
discovered, and pointed out after a nine-year effort of space exploration and
mobilization that had cost the US taxpayer billions of dollars, NASA had shut
down the missions to the moon after only a few landings. Leonard’s contention
was that we had confirmed the existence of past and present civilizations on the
moon and that we were trespassing on someone else’s territory. Thus the
decision was taken to withdraw the space program from the moon.
The images in the book were small and of a poor resolution, so they showed
very little detail. In light of this, Leonard had also provided hand-drawn sketches
accompanying each photo, as well as the identification numbers of each frame.
After finishing the book in one sitting, Vito immediately called Les; the book
had caught his attention and curiosity.
They made their first trip to NASA that day and spent their time taking the
self-guided tours available to the general public.
On the second day they made their move and entered the Public Orientation
building. There, they told the receptionist that they would like access to view
some moon pictures.
After speaking with several staff, including a supervisor, they discovered that
no one knew where the moon photos were kept and no photo record department
showed up on any listings. Finally, after being passed from person to person,
someone told them that NASA did indeed have a building housing all the photos
taken from every mission to the moon, but that they were classified and not for
public viewing. That was when Les shouted out that NASA was a civilian
agency funded by the taxpayer, so they should be publicly accessed. The NASA
employees were plainly quite confused by this. Vito said, “Well, we are two
taxpayers and we are here to look at our pictures, who’s got them?”
They produced the book by Leonard, which had the record numbers and
references associated with each picture, and asked if they could see the high-
resolution pictures that were in the book. They also expressed confusion about
how pictures that have already been published could be classified.
This was when the lady they were speaking to called in reinforcements and
Vito and Les found themselves having the same conversation with a succession
of NASA employees until the big boys of NASA finally stepped in. No one at
NASA had seen Leonard’s book before, but one man did take the time to check
that Leonard was definitely a former NASA employee at the jet propulsion lab.
From the reaction of the NASA staff, Vito and Les gathered that the employees
were curious about the book and pictures. After all, all the information therein
had come from a former NASA employee.
Vito and Les settled for a truce with the NASA supervisor: they would return
the next day, but before leaving they reiterated that these two taxpayers were
willing to go the distance with whomever was or would be holding back on the
Over the next several days, Vito and Les spent hours upon hours filling in
form after form. As Vito himself said, “It was enough to give a woodpecker a
After a few days of filling in forms, Vito’s office advised him that NASA had
called to check on his employment history. NASA had also called the hotel Les
was staying in, and they could only assume that the wheels were now in motion.
Finally, someone from NASA called saying they could now come and see the
pictures. They returned to NASA thinking they had finally succeeded, but this
was a premature assumption. They were directed to building 30, which had not
been on the self-guided tour and turned out not to even exist.
Building 30a was empty, so they walked to building 30b and found
themselves in a high-security area where a current mission was being monitored.
Realizing they might look out of place, they tried their best to blend in and
observe, but this soon came to an end when security saw them and threw them
out of the building. They let them leave, but not before asking them what this
moon photo, taxpayer, and book stuff was all about. They also demanded to
know how they’d got past the civilian section of NASA and had ended up in a
high-security area. They then took them off the premises entirely.
The next day, NASA officials called them and apologized for the mix up.
Vito and Les told them they would make one thousand copies of the book and
send them to every employee of NASA. They were counting on this bluff to pay
off – after all, they were fellow engineers.
Finally, some serious discussions occurred. They were told that the photo
library had been relocated off-site to the Lunar Landing Observatory, directly
adjacent to the east NASA property on NASA road 1, and that the staff there
would be expecting them in two days at 8 a.m.
Two days later, Vito and Les drove to the Lunar Landing Observatory, and
when driving past the main entrance of the facility, they found a chain link fence
that marked the eastern limit of the property line, where they were expecting to
see a building or sign. To their surprise there was nothing but a heavily wooded
Driving up and down the road, Les and Vito were trying to decide whether or
not they’d been fooled by NASA again when they noticed a narrow dirt road
running back into the woods, directly along the NASA fence line. Hung on a
chain between two small posts was a sign that read “No Trespassing” so they
drove down this road thinking they had exhausted all other possibilities, and that
this would be their final attempt to find the place.
They drove three quarters of a mile down the road, which then u-turned back
toward the highway, coming out directly behind the trees and camouflaged by
the woods. There they found a building with no number or designation, only a
very small plaque near the door that read “Lunar Landing Observatory.”
Somehow, this cloak and dagger obscurity did not surprise Vito and Les. Upon
entering the building, they found themselves in a small alcove off a large main
room, full of people busily running around; this was off to the right, with what at
first sight appeared to be a small broom closet on the opposite wall.
When they approached the receptionist and asked to be directed to the library,
she pointed toward the broom closet, which turned out to be an opening onto a
winding stairway, leading down into a very dimly lit underground tunnel. At the
end of the tunnel was a very large room where they found themselves standing in
front of a counter with the NASA librarian behind it. The librarian explained to
them that there were over two million photographs kept in that collection –
copies of everything NASA had ever photographed since their first mission.
The librarian explained that no one could see random photos as it would take
too much time – which they did not have – so they could only produce photos
that they had the frame numbers to.
The librarian was pleasantly surprised that they had all the numbers – after
all, they had Leonard’s book as a frame of reference. This surprised the librarian
even more. They handed the librarian the list of numbers for the pictures,
thinking they had just passed the last hurdle and would soon be seeing the
photos. The librarian went on to explain that NASA had split the country into
five regions, each with a duplicate set of records, but with a different code
system for security purposes. Apparently, the numbers they handed over were
meaningless in Houston. They asked where the master records where kept and
the librarian said they were kept at Langley, Virginia – for any readers that don’t
know, this is the headquarters of the CIA.
Vito and Les took a few minutes to discuss if this was another disinformation
effort by NASA to put them off the trail, but they’d gone too far and were not
willing to give up, so they informed the librarian that they wanted to go ahead
and see what they could.
The librarian told them he needed to get the proper forms to fill in first, but
that he didn’t know who to ask as they were the first civilians to ever ask to see
the photos.
A few days later, the librarian – whose name was Roger – called them saying
they could now come back as they had the proper forms. After filling these in,
they had to wait two more days until they got the call saying that the photos were
ready for them to view, but there were some strict rules that they had to agree to
adhere to first. They were told they would not be allowed to bring pens, pencils,
paper, calculators, cameras, or any recording devices of any kind; neither would
they be left alone with the photos. They were only allowed to bring Leonard’s
book and a magnifying glass. They would also have to be escorted in and out for
any bathroom breaks or lunch. If they agreed to all of this, then they could come
in the next day at 9 a.m. and it would all be ready for inspection.
The next day, Vito and Les arrived at 8 a.m. and were escorted into the
building by two men wearing suits, who took them right up to five conference
tables, set out in a u-shape. They had expected only to find the pictures they
asked for in Leonard’s book, but to their amazement there were thousands of
pictures strewn over the tables, all in sets of numerical order. Leonard had
mentioned that the photos were numbered sequentially by the cameras; he had
also mentioned that each time the on-board computer analyzing a photo picked
up an anomaly, it triggered a sequence of additional photos of the same object
that zoomed in closer and closer with each frame it took. Upon inspection, the
photos were huge: approximately 32 by 24 inches with a dull grey – almost dull
black – look. On the back of each photo was the technical information, such as
the height of the probe from the moon’s surface, the angle of approach and
trajectory, and the location of the sun in respect to the spacecraft or probe.
Simple trigonometry and algebra were all that was needed, as they had all the
technical data for triangulation and would thus be able to determine the size and
distance of anything anomalous that stood out, but without pencil, paper and a
calculator, they were limited to what could be computed in the mind. For the
most part, they had to rely on Leonard’s numbers, and they slowly started to
verify one photo at a time.
In these photographs, Vito and Les saw boulders that seemed to have rolled
uphill out of craters (Pic. 35), clearly leaving track marks in the lunar surface

Pic. 35 .
There were also obvious signs of the surface having been machined near three
dilapidated bridges, and of machinery left behind, clearly showing bolted
sections and pipe fittings with the ends turned up or down. These structures were
hanging over the edge of some craters and near a chasm that reminded them of
the Grand Canyon. One photograph showed what clearly looked like the
pyramid structures of Giza in Egypt (Pic. 36), and again more pipe lines criss-
crossing the surface, running to and from craters.

Pic. 36.

Another photo showed a UFO rising out of a crater (Pic. 37) on the surface of
the moon. The most memorable image for Vito and Les, however, was the
unmissable rectangular structure placed right in the middle of one of the largest
craters. To them, the structure either looked very old or under renovation; from
what they could calculate in their heads, this crater had to be miles in width, and
the camera angle of the photo gave a perfect three-dimensional view.
Pic. 37.

The clarity and resolution of the photos was staggering, and they knew that
what they were looking at was nothing like they had ever seen before. They
could only imagine what the latest photos would reveal! This was concrete proof
of an ancient outpost on the moon, that had either been reactivated by its original
builders or discovered by another group of space-faring explorers. What was
clear was that it wasn’t anything built by human hands.
Not much discussion went on whilst they were inspecting the photos; Les was
euphoric, realizing he had accomplished what he set out to do.
On their last day, Vito was escorted back into the room after having gone
outside to stretch his legs when he noticed a false panel in the wall that was
slightly ajar. Intrigued, he had a look behind it.
The room was stacked with shelves housing white, three-ringed binder
folders. Vito asked Roger the librarian what they were, and Roger told him that
these were the records of all the experiments and communications transcripts
from every mission NASA had ever done. Since Roger had got to know Vito and
Les very well over the past three days, and as he was also intrigued by what the
photos and the book revealed, he gave Vito a wink and a nod as if to say, ‘Go in
and have a look.’
Vito entered the room unescorted, and with only about fifteen minutes left
until they had to leave, he casually flicked through several binders. What caught
his eye wasn’t the scientific data – which he’d thought would be interesting – but
some of the transcripts that he couldn’t remember hearing at the time of the
televised landings, the ones that millions of viewers from all over the world
tuned into live.
Some of the transcripts read:
“Houston, we’ve got a bogey at two o clock.”
“Roger that, Apollo switching to alpha, roll eight degrees and begin
“Roger, mission control confirming alpha.”

Instinctively, Vito knew what he was reading and what it meant. He couldn’t
believe his eyes, and rapidly looked through other transcripts, finding similar
sets of dialogue:
“Mission control, we’ve got Santa Claus coming over the hill.”
“Roger, Apollo hold your fix, switching bravo, do you copy?”
“Roger Houston bravo link.”

It was clear the Apollo crews were reporting UFO activity, but Vito couldn’t
recall hearing any of this over the live TV broadcast of the lunar missions in
1969 and 1970.
Vito was dumbfounded, and after seeing photos which revealed ancient and
new structures on the moon, these communications confirmed their suspicions.
He was too scared to tell Roger and Les as they had no clearance to look in this
room, or at these folders.
A heavy feeling of dread enveloped Vito as he recalled the reporter who had
interviewed Jack Ruby, the killer of Lee Harvey Oswald (who had assassinated
John F Kennedy), and who had called her editor saying she had a story that
would blow the whole case wide open. The next morning she was dead.
Vito feared he may have put himself and Les in a similar situation. After all,
the records were in a secret room, which you entered from a secret corridor, in a
building that was not listed anywhere, in the middle of the woods and at the end
of a narrow dirt road, which was also not listed on any map, beyond a sign
saying “No trespassing. ”
Fearfully, he kept quiet while Les asked Roger if there was any way they
could buy some of those images. Roger gave them several more forms to fill out
and told them it may take several weeks for the photos to arrive.
By the time the pictures arrived, Les was back in Venezuela, and as Vito
expected, the pictures were nothing like the ones they had seen. These ones had
almost no resolution, even though they were the same size as the ones they had
seen at NASA. They were lousy; no one would be interested in them. He felt like
they’d wasted the two thousand dollars it had cost to buy them. It wasn’t until a
few years later that Vito mentioned what he had read in the transcripts, and then
only to a few close friends, one of whom told Vito about a special lady he should
meet. Since Vito did not have permission to use her name, we shall call her Jane.
Jane was a college student at the time, transcribing audio tapes for NASA.
He asked her how the astronauts could talk about UFOs during live
broadcasts being transmitted all over the world without anyone hearing the
She explained that the space program had engineered many new technologies
not privy to the public at the time, which had not been declassified for adaptation
for commercial use. One of the new technologies completely unknown to the
general public was instant replay video, which would become widely available
in later years.
But in 1969 and 1970, only a handful of people had access to or were aware
of this technology. This meant that NASA could switch the mission control
picture to a live broadcast of a news reporter standing next to a full-scale mock-
up, and while the viewers’ attention was redirected, the actual events were taking
place in private.
This is what I meant in an earlier chapter when I talked about some of the
NASA crew having to take part in mocked up scenes created on Earth that were
later used as live broadcast material, as and when required.
When Vito met moon researcher Marvin Czarnik in 1995, Marvin explained
to him that he had helped develop some of the technical systems used by NASA
and went on to say that code words like “ Alpha” and “Bravo” meant switching
stations away from NASA and redirecting to the CIA headquarters in Langley,
West Virginia. This was how Vito knew for certain who was holding the master
list of photographs.
In 1980, a friend of Vito’s had shown him a special congressional
subcommittee report on the feasibility of colonizing the moon, which neatly
slotted another missing piece of the puzzle into place. The document was dated
around 1972 and speculated about using giant domes on the moon as habitats. It
also mentioned having to bring air from the earth to the moon, but both
suggestions where somewhat unrealistic.
The report concluded that enough oxygen was available on the moon to
support a colony, though it was currently trapped in the rocks themselves. The
solution was to extract the oxygen from the rocks and keep it stored underground
somewhere; the spent materials would be used to fill in craters, and over time,
the craters would not be visible from Earth anymore. This would mean that
astronomers would begin to notice craters disappearing; ironically, this was the
process that began twentieth-century astronomers’ interest in the moon way
before any moon landings, as far back as the 1950s.
In fact, it was also what prompted Leonard to investigate the moon images.
To conclude, the ancient structures on the moon could have been built by the
Annunaki. The clay tablets mention in detail that they did indeed have a base of
operations on the moon, along with a way station on Mars.
Vito is a one hundred percent credible witness and his story has been
confirmed several times by different individuals. If you listen to his radio
interview on Dark Matters radio – hosted by Don Ecker – you will hear the
sincerity in his voice. This interview can be found on my website: under Articles & Vids, then just scroll down a bit on
the page.

Pic. 38. Moon Buildings discovered by Ken Pheifer on Google Moon.


The Karl Wolfe Story

Pic. 39. Karl Wolfe

Karl Wolfe worked at the Headquarters of Tactical Air Command, and he was
attached to the technical group assigned to the Director of Intelligence, stationed
at Langley Field, Virginia. The Lunar Orbiter Project was center stage for
Langley Field, and for the exchange of information from satellite receivers all
around the world. Information from these receivers, once gathered, would be
passed directly on to Langley, which is where this information would be
transformed into photographic images and other top secret data.
The photographic imaging lab was run by the NSA at a secret military
Karl Wolfe was one of only two technicians at Langley with a top secret
crypto military clearance that allowed only him and his colleague to repair and
maintain all the equipment used to process the information from U2 spy planes
and other military intelligence hardware, like the Clementine Project lunar
orbiters and other clandestine instruments.
Wolfe explained that he was in the color lab one day when he was approached
by his commanding officer.
This man asked him for his expertise and instructed him to make his way to
the other building, where the first lunar orbiter information was being processed,
as they were having problems with some of the equipment. The orbiters’
missions were to find a suitable landing site for the Apollo 11 crew’s first
landing on the moon.
The building was the NSA facility, which Karl at first thought was NASA,
but then found out NSA actually stood for National Security Agency. Karl had
never heard of this division, but he was familiar with their computerized contact
printing equipment, which was pretty much the same type of stuff that they had
in their own laboratory.
On this day, the NSA’s equipment failed miserably and Karl was the only one
onsite with the technical skills to fix the problem.
Consequently, his security clearance was raised so he could enter the
building. He remembers being quite nervous about entering the hitherto
forbidden building, which was flooded with people from all nations. It was
frantic in there, with people racing about busily and the sound of several
different languages being spoken. Karl thought that judging by all these
foreigners present, it had to be a special occasion or something along those lines.
He felt a bit of panic set in as he heard his name called and was told that the
problem in question was in a nearby dark room, to which he was then escorted.
As he entered the room, the red glow of the safety light caught his eye and he
could make out the figure of a man standing near the machinery. Karl inspected
the equipment and knew right away it would have to be removed to be fixed.
The complexity of diagnostics of this type of equipment would take some time
to get ready. As Karl was waiting for transport to take the equipment to another
secure location for him to repair, he asked the man in the room why NASA
imaging was being done by the NSA at Langley, Virginia, and not by NASA at
Houston in Texas.
It was at this point that the man said all the NASA imaging was sent to the
NSA at Langley first, then it would be enhanced and made into finished
photographic frames and passed along to different branches of the military
industrial complex.
The man in the dark room that Karl was talking to then suddenly volunteered
the following information: they had crystal clear images of structures on the dark
side of the moon. The man explained that these were not naturally created by
meteor impacts, and that they just so happened to resemble a building.

Pic. 40.

He was quite adamant that it was clear these structures were created by
intelligent beings and said they were sure that one of the structures was some
kind of base – whether they were still operational or abandoned he didn’t know,
but this would explain the military involvement.
Karl was obviously feeling a little bit shocked at what he’d just been told, but
when he was shown a picture that clearly confirmed what the man in the dark
room was telling him, he also felt an overwhelming sense of fear set in. He knew
they should not be discussing this and that both men could get into serious
trouble; obviously the man in the dark room had kept it in for too long and felt a
sense of comradery with Karl enough to trust him with this information. Karl
was shaking with anxiety.
In the photo, Karl could clearly see what looked like radio antennas similar to
those we have here on Earth, geometric shapes, pipelines, and buildings.
Then, suddenly, it clicked in Karl’s mind what all these different scientists
from around the world were doing here in one place: they were here to
investigate what he had lying right before his eyes.
Karl left the building in a hurry, leaving his new comrade in the dark room,
probably with the same thoughts racing through his head: who were the
architects of these structures? How old were they? Had we already been to the
moon and no one had told anyone? These thoughts rushed through Karl’s mind,
and once he’d calmed down and had had the chance to think rationally, he
suddenly realized it was not the Russians or Americans who built all this on the
moon. It had to be extra-terrestrial intelligence. The scale of all these structures
surpassed anything we had built on Earth.
For fear of being reprimanded or arrested (or worse), Karl kept this secret to
himself and finished the job that he was assigned to do. Over time, Karl could
not stop thinking about what he’d seen and felt a need to tell someone, but his
security oath prohibited him from doing so.
From 1965, when he first saw the images and talked to the man in the dark
room, it would be thirty years before he told anyone his incredible story, which
he has now done under oath to Steven Greer’s disclosure project.
Both Vito and Karl’s stories are only two examples of many accounts by
many different people who have also stepped forward to testify. They are all
remarkably similar in what they described in seeing, and all stand to the
testimony of the truth that has been hidden from us for decades.
One more thing that corroborates the stories of both of these gentlemen, and
all the others, is also written in the ancient Sumerian clay tablets. They tell us
that not only did the Annunaki colonize Earth, but they set up a way station on
Mars and bases on the moon.
They even tell us that the moon was very inhospitable compared to Mars and
the Earth .

NASA & The Nazis

Pic. 41.

I would like to say that the space program – and then, ultimately, NASA –
had humble beginnings, but nothing could be further from the truth: up until
1957, the space program was run by the military, and it would go on to round up
some of the most evil men in history .
Before NASA, on one side of the Atlantic, Jack Parsons was the most prolific
rocket scientist in the USA. He wasn’t, however, your ordinary genius. In fact,
he had quite a dark side to his personality and was once quoted as saying that he
was the antichrist. He was also an avid follower and friend of Aleister Crowley,
who I would put amongst the top 100 evil men of all time.
One of his other friends was L. Ron Hubbard – the founder of Scientology
(another cult) – and Hubbard would eventually go on to steal Parsons’ girlfriend,
Sara. Worse than that, Hubbard and Sara then both defrauded Parsons of his life
savings. In between trying to conjure up demons and angels, Jack Parsons was
quite the rocketeer, being one of the co-founders of the JPL (Jet Propulsion
Laboratory) along with fellow scientists Qian Xuesen, Frank Malina, Ed
Forman, and the leader of the group, Theodore Von Kármán. Kármán was born
in Hungary, studied in Germany, and would later go on to be an instrumental
part of bringing some of the Nazi scientists he knew from training in Germany
over to the USA after WW2.

Pic. 42. Left to right: Rudolph Schott, Amo Smith, Frank Malina, Ed Forman,
and Jack Parsons .

The first rocket launch by these men was in Arroyo Seco on the 31 st of
October 1936, with another launch occurring on November 28 th 1936. This was
the beginning of the American space program.
Over time, all of these men would be investigated by the FBI for one reason
or another, the first being Jack Parsons for his involvement in the Aleister
Crowley cult. During these investigations, his house mysteriously blew up with
him in it, killing the 37-year-old man instantly.
Qian Xuesen was the man who debriefed Wernher von Braun on his arrival to
the USA. He was also being investigated by the FBI at the time, and after
experiencing what he felt to be constant harassment, he defected back to China
where he would go on to launch the Chinese space program.
Pic. 43. Left: Dornberger, right: von Braun .

Meanwhile, on the other side of the Atlantic, Hitler’s rise to power was well
on its way, something that would ultimately unleash thousands more evil
geniuses in the years to come.
As Hitler went to war with the world, necessity became the mother of
invention, and Germany would go on to see the rise of thousands of rocket
scientists all competing for Hitler’s approval, such was the power of the man
they called the Führer.
The Nazi rocket program began in 1933 in Peenemünde on the Baltic Sea
island of Usedom, in the VorpommernGreifswald district in
MecklenburgVorpommern, Germany, with it later relocating to the Mittelbau
site in Nordhausen, Thuringia, Germany.
The program was headed by SS Major General Walter Dornberger and his
second in command SS Major Wernher von Braun, both of whom were members
of the Nazi Party. They began work on the V2 Rocket in 1944.
The first V2 rockets were launched against London and Antwerp in Belgium,
where an estimated 3,000 rockets were used. Over 7,000 people were killed by
direct contact in the attacks, with over 12,000 more dying during the
construction of the weapon – workers were taken from slave labor camps such as
Buchenwald and others alike.
We won’t go into too much detail about the FZG-76 – better known as the
V1, created in 1941 by WW1 flying ace Gerhard Fieseler – because it was more
of a cruise missile than a rocket, but we should not forget the carnage it caused
to the inhabitants of London. It had a blast radius of more than 500 meters in
each direction, and it was named the Doodlebug by Londoners because of its
specific sound. The missile killed over 6,000 people and severely injured over
17,000, leaving tens of thousands of others with lesser injuries and the grief of
losing their homes and possessions.
We should never forget the grief and suffering endured by the Londoners
during this time, yet we ourselves are inflicting the same pain and suffering on
the civilian populations of Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria with bombs one
thousand times more powerful than the V1.
The Nuremberg Trials were held between the 20 th of November and the 1 st of
October 1945. Standing in front of the IMT (International Military Tribunal)
were a token 24 Nazi war criminals, of which three were acquitted, one was
medically unfit for trial, and the rest were sentenced to prison or death for crimes
against humanity and race.

Pic. 44. Top left: Herman Goering The irony of this trial was that the chief
prosecutor was an American, and at the time the USA had its own race problem
as they didn’t allow blacks to have the same rights as whites. This was even true
among the military ranks, as blacks were seen as second-class citizens. Yet here
was a white American condemning other white Europeans for similar crimes
that they themselves were also perpetrating.
An interesting conversation took place between American psychologist Capt.
Gustave Gilbert and Hermann Goering in the prison one day: Capt. Gustave
Gilbert: “A rat catcher catching rats, is that the kind of thinking it
takes to carry out state-sanctioned mass murder? Not just blind
obedience, but also belief that your victims are not human.”
Hermann Goering: “Let me ask you this: what was Hiroshima? Was it not
your medical experiment? Would Americans have dropped bombs as easily on
Germany as they did upon Japan, killing as many civilians as possible? I think
not, to an American sensibility a Caucasian child is considerably more human
than a Japanese child.”
Capt. Gustave Gilbert: “America was at war with Japan, a country that had
attacked without provocation. You murdered millions of your own citizens.”
Hermann Goering: “And what about the American citizens of the Japanese
race who were put into protective custody in your own concentration camps?”
Capt. Gustave Gilbert: “That was wrong.”
Hermann Goering: “And why was this not done to American citizens of Italian
and German descent?”
Capt. Gustave Gilbert: “I said it was wrong.”
Hermann Goering: “And what about the Negro officers in your own army –
are they allowed to command troops in combat? Can they sit on the same buses
as the whites? The segregation laws in your country and anti-Semitic laws in
mine, are they not just a difference of degree? Let me tell you, from the
beginning of the century, through the first war until the rise of Hitler, the free
masonry of the Jewish merchants consistently undermined the German economy
and the nationhood of the fatherland. That is why we made anti-Semitic laws and
why you, my friend, can never understand anti-Semitism – because you are a

I can’t help but see the irony in this trial, as the prosecution – headed by an
American – were also guilty of similar crimes against humanity. Perhaps this is
why the Nazis brought in from Operation Paperclip fitted in so nicely.
After WW2, Operation Paperclip was the code name for bringing as many
Nazi scientists over to the USA as possible. In fact, over 2,000 of them ended up
in Fort Bliss in Texas, against the wishes of Harry S. Truman, whom the
Pentagon ignored.
Once these Nazis had been granted US citizenship and inducted into the
Military Industrial Complex, they helped some of their fellow Nazis who’d fled
to South America come to the USA too. Paperclip also brought trucks full of
paperwork, unused V2 rockets, and the lost knowledge of the ancients.
The Nazis were digging for this all over the world, and where they weren’t
digging, they were looting. In this way, they probably ended up with 90% of the
world’s lost knowledge.
Dornberger was at first convicted as a war criminal, but was then later
secretly brought over to the USA at the request of von Braun. He went to work
for Bell Aircraft (Bell Textron), where he was employed in the space program as
director of R&D (Research & Development). He would also go on to become a
special CIA consultant.
By 1960, after the formation of NASA – which was supposed to be a civilian
space agency – it had over 1,000 ex-German Military Nazi scientists working
among their ranks, and the first Nazi Director of the Kennedy Space Center was
Kurt Debus.
Debus was a member of the SS and SA, as well as two other Nazi
organizations, and he would hand over his friends and colleagues to the Gestapo
for making disloyal remarks.
Theodor Zobel, who performed experiments on the prisoners of the
concentration camps, was also given a position in NASA.
Hubertus Strughold, who became head of the Army’s aviation medicine
operation at Randolph Air Force Base in Texas, used to torture prisoners and
experiment on others to see how long they could survive in freezing water.
Hans Giesecke became a rocket engineer at NASA. He was in the SS, and his
family – who lived in the USA – had spied for the Nazis.
Emil Salmon was given a position as a jet engineer at Wright-Patterson Air
Force Base in Ohio; he was known to have set fire to a synagogue and was a
member of the SA.
Georg Rickhey, who murdered prisoners for fun, had his past hidden by
American intelligence and was also given a position in the US Military.
It has been declassified that whilst working for the US Military, von Braun
was sending top secret information to his colleagues in East Germany – this
could easily have been handed to the Russians, and probably was.
It is speculated that all of the Nazis who were inducted into the US Military
space program were, in fact, sabotaging it, and this became apparent when
Russia launched Sputnik 1 on the 4 th of October 1957. How could Russia – with
a handful of Nazi scientists compared to America’s thousands of Nazis – beat
the USA into space? They couldn’t, not unless the space program was purposely
being hindered. After this, they were all told to get to work or get out.
All of the Nazi scientists were well aware of the forced slave labor from the
concentration camps. In fact, von Braun was given a tour of one of the camps
and was involved in talks to choose which slave labor would be used for which
It would seem he chose to ignore all these atrocities, as did many of the other
Nazi scientists, except for the ones who were directly involved, which was quite
a considerable number.
While the Nazi movement was inherently evil, it certainly wasn’t stupid, as
most of the scientists gained their knowledge of rocketry from ancient Sumerian
and Vedic Hindu texts. They were well aware of the presence of the Annunaki
here on our world, and they made an active effort to find the lost knowledge of
this master race .

Pic. 45. The dead from forced labor lined up at Dachau Concentration Camp.
Pic. 46. Forced laborers working on the V2 rockets.

Giants & Dinosaurs

It’s only been several hundred years since we have confirmed the existence of
dinosaurs on our planet – before then (as the word ‘dinosaur’ hadn’t been coined
yet) they were known as dragons to most of the world and renegaded to myth
only. It was a nice tale.
But as we all now know, they were very real monstrous creatures which
roamed the earth for over 165 million years. Scientists tell us that they went
extinct about 65 million years ago, from the impact of a comet that left a crater
180km wide in Chicxulub on the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. However, please
remember that this is still only a theory and not fact.
It is highly likely that quite a few survived and continued to live on, being
present when the Annunaki arrived 450,000 years ago. This we can see from this
Sumerian cylinder seal (Pic. 47.) that clearly shows five Sauropods.

Pic. 47 .

The Norse legend of Beowulf is very interesting, as the description of the

creature ‘Grendel’ could be that of a baby Tyrannosaurus Rex. Lured by the
scent of burning meat and the sound of people singing, it would have been an
easy feast for such a creature, but we assume Grendel to be a giant humanoid, as
the description of a baby T-Rex (Pic. 48.) could easily be misinterpreted as such.
But how could Beowulf have ripped off one of its arms in battle so easily unless
it was the feeble arm of the baby T-Rex, which according to the description, also
had claws? It took a lot of men to kill the creature in the end and many died
during this quest.

Pic. 48.

After Grendel had been killed, its mother – the dragon or grown-up T-Rex –
came looking for its offspring and rampaged the village. She was then followed
back to the cave and Beowulf was given a huge magical sword from the elders to
slay the beast, but of course there are no magical swords, so why would it be
called this? The best swords were made from iron ore meteors, and something
that fell from the sky would have been revered as having been sent from the
gods. Also, when fashioned by a talented blacksmith, the sword would have had
swirly patterns from the hardening process, which could have been thought of as
magical by the ordinary villager.
In the account, it says that Beowulf slashed the neck of the dragon (the T-
Rex), which makes sense as this is the weakest part of such a creature –
especially on the correct side – and death would have been quite instant.
Then we also have all the legends of knights dueling with dragons, like St.
George, who could have killed something like Varanus priscus , a type of giant
monitor lizard. Clearly these creatures existed at one time, but the problem we
have with these legends is that there wasn’t supposed to be any of these creatures
alive at the time. However, we need to remember that all legends have a basis in
fact, and the reason we find it so hard to believe is that we have been
brainwashed from our early years to think there was no overlap with hominids
and dinosaurs.
One example of a fossil that was thought to be extinct is the Coelacanth (Pic.
49.) . Supposedly having been extinct for over 400 million years, one turned up
alive in the net of a fisherman in 1974 off the coast of the Comoro Islands, and
since then quite a few more have been caught, putting an end to the myth of its
extinction. Yes, science was wrong on this one and I should imagine it is wrong
on quite a few others also.

Pic. 49 .

But we find giant human-like footprints alongside dinosaur tracks, like the
ones in the Paluxy dried riverbed in Glen Rose Texas (Pic. 50) ; these tracks
have been confirmed as real, but of course have been debunked by mainstream
science – which behaves more like religion these days.
We also find fossilized and petrified remains of dinosaurs, indicating great
antiquity, along with ordinary skeletal remains of the same species, showing that
they lived on after they were thought to be extinct.
So how do we date a fossil? Radio carbon dating would not work as the half-
life of carbon is 5,700 years, and we can only date back as far as 60,000 years
using the C14 radio carbon isotope. This just leaves geological dating, which
although heavily flawed, is a method that the entire basis of historical events is
based upon.
Pic. 50.

Let me explain: the most common method of geological dating is the

uranium-lead decay method, where you measure the amount of uranium
compared to the amount of lead that has radioactively decayed, giving you a date
– for example, one billion years. However, what they don’t tell you is that this
method also gives off a by-product called radioactive helium, and if you measure
this, it only gives a date of 5,000 years compared to one billion. I would say that
both are highly inaccurate, yet we have built our society on one or either of these
dates (the scientists teach the latter date and the creationists teach the former date
in schools). The fact is, there is no real way of knowing when any fossil or
impact crater dates from, and we should look to what the ancients tell us rather
than relying on these unreliable scientific methods.
Going back to the dragons, anyone visiting our planet would have had to
build a fortress or underground base to protect themselves from these gigantic
creatures, and we are not short of megalithic constructions; in fact, they lie
scattered all around the world and we have no idea who built them – only
It makes sense to defend yourself from giant creatures and not to build your
base with regular-sized bricks or small stone blocks. The only reason I can see
for using unmanageable-sized blocks (weighing an average of 20-50 tonnes
each, like we find all over South America, for example the ruins of
Ollantaytambo (Pic. 51.) and Sacsayhuaman (Pic. 52.) is that giant creatures
could easily knock down a wall built from small bricks.
So, by using huge interlocking cut stone blocks with no mortar to join them
together, with each block probably weighing more than one of these creatures, it
would ensure the safety of the inhabitants within.
Gigantic remains of human-like skeletons have been found all over the world,
beginning in the mid-west of the USA. With the gold rush at its peak, these
giants were being uncovered almost daily, but as the gold fever set in, these giant
remains were discarded and left by the wayside, while others were rushed off
quickly to the basements of museums. All we have left are some newspaper
clippings (Pic. 53.) from some of the reporters who deemed it important enough
to tell people of their discovery.
In the Bible it also reads:

“There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, and when
the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to
them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown” (Genesis
6:4 King James Version).

Pic. 51.
Pic. 52.

Pic. 53.
Pic. 53.

And of course, we now know that the Bible is a copy of earlier writings of
much more detail made by the Sumerians, so we can only assume that they are
talking about the Annunaki taking the human slaves as wives (this was still in
the pre-flood era).
In a different translation of the Bible it reads:

“The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the
sons of God came in to the daughters of man and they bore children to them.
These were the mighty men who were of old, the men of renown.” (English Bible
Standard Version)

So here the Annunaki are referred to as the Nephilim – this is just a change of
language, still meaning Sons of the Gods or Giants – and this passage also
mentions that they were still around after the flood, although I would assume not
in such great numbers as before.

Pic. 54 .

In fact, 22 individual giants are mentioned by name in the Bible after the
flood: Adonizedec – King of Jerusalem, Agag – King of the Amalakites,
Ahiman, Amalek, Arba, Beelesath, Gog and Magog, Gogmagog, Goliath,
Hoham – King of Hebron, Horam – King of Gezer, Jabin – King of Hazor, Jobab
– King of Madon, Lahmi, Nimrod, Og of Bashan, Ogias – Og’s father,
Perizzites, Sheshai, Sihon – King of the Amorites, Sippai, and Talmai.

“And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which come of the giants: and
we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight.”
(English Bible Standard Version)

In another passage from the Bible above, the Annunaki name has been
abbreviated to the sons of Anak, and it clearly states that the humans looked like
grasshoppers compared to the sons of the Annunaki. We can’t disregard this
observation as so many things mentioned in the Bible have been proven as fact;
if we did ignore this passage as a fable, then we may as well not believe
anything anyone has written down in the past. This is a historical account of
giants walking among humans way back in a time that we don’t know much
Most recently, these giant human skeletons have been found in the Bucegi
Mountains (Pic. 55.) of Romania, and also before that in 1940 at Argedava in
Romania, where a team of archaeologists were digging within the ruins of what
was once the citadel of the Dacian leader Burebista.
The archaeologists used the locals as help, who did most of the digging and
welcomed some extra pay. Among them was a guy called Ionita Florea who was
the first one of the diggers to dig up a huge skull, one which was two to three
times the size of a regular human skull.
When the archaeologists saw what he had dug up, they quickly took over the
dig and sent the local workers home immediately. By the end of the dig they had
unearthed around 80 skeletons, the majority of which were complete and lying
among items such as pots and other utensils.
Pic. 55.

The giant remains were then whisked away from the site in a hurry, and to
this day no one knows where they were taken.
This wasn’t the only place they found giants’ remains either: in Scaieni
(which is also in Romania), while planting an apple orchard, villagers found
complete giant skeletons along with fragments of pottery, strange metal statues
about 2-3 feet tall, and some jewelry.
Archaeologists were called in to the dig site, where they proceeded to dig
everything up before making a hasty departure.
There was no publicity and the locals refused to discuss what had happened
with anyone who asked.
According to Romanian legends, the mountains in Scaieni were once
inhabited by giants, and in some places, huge thrones were found sculpted into
the side of some of the mountains. The legends also tell of huge underground
vaults containing the ancient treasures left behind by these giants.
The power of word of mouth outlasts the ages, as the accounts in the
Sumerian tablets were then passed on to the Bible. Legends do indeed have a
basis in fact, passed down from person to person, and it would seem that there
isn’t a country in the world that doesn’t whisper of the legends of the giants.
In 2009, a local Romanian news channel decided to do a piece on the giants
that inhabited the Bucegi Mountains, but just as the report was supposed to be
aired, they received a phone call from an anonymous caller. He refused to
identify himself, but he made threats to the reporters of the channel, who didn’t
take him lightly. The broadcast didn’t go ahead and the journalists involved
refused to discuss the subject.
It would seem that there is a very deliberate cover-up taking place; the powers
that be just don’t want this information to get out. The only reason I can think
why this would be is that if we could definitively prove these giants once
existed, then they must have been the Annunaki. This would mean that
everything written on the clay tablets is true, which would put an end to all the
world’s religious institutions, and may also cause mass hysteria. People would
slowly find out they’ve been living a lie under religion, and that we are the
creation of ENKI as slaves for mining gold. They would discover that there is
nothing majestic about the human race, that we were simply created as a means
to an end and nothing more.

“No one is more hated than he who speaks the truth.” (Plato) .

So, this is the end of the book, but by no means is it the end of the story.
What I’ve given you is simply a tiny glimpse into the lives of the Annunaki and
the theories that have been used to cover up the existence of this race of beings –
there is so much more to it, more than you could ever imagine, not to mention
the other conspiracies that have been touched on here. It would take me an entire
lifetime to compile all of the available information into one book, so instead I
wanted to give you a taster of the subjects and theories that are out there – the
ones that are close to my own heart and that fascinate me the most. I hope that
my enthusiasm for these topics has come through in my words, and I hope that at
least some of this enthusiasm rubs off on you. These fields of study are
incredibly interesting to me, and I hope you had the same reaction when reading
about them yourself.
My other hope is that readers of this book will use it as a starting point for
their own research, delving into the many mysteries of this world and coming to
their own conclusions – not just the ones modern-day scientists have thrust upon
us and expect us to believe in fully and without doubt. You must remember that
some things most people take as fact – for example, Darwin’s Theory of
Evolution – are just that: theories. It is not fact, just as the idea of a divine being
creating the world in seven days is not fact.
There is a whole lot more to this world than most scientists or researchers
would have us believe, and I hope I’ve opened your eyes to at least some of
these things in the pages of this book. After all, hundreds of years ago, humans
believed certain things about the world that turned out to be false – for instance,
that it was flat .
Who’s to say that some of the things most people believe today won’t reach
the same conclusion – that in hundreds of years, mainstream beliefs may be
proved to be wrong? It’s happened before, and it can happen again. In fact, it is
likely to happen again – as a species, we know surprisingly little about who we
are and where we came from (in terms of mainstream theories). The human race
is on a learning curve, and mistakes are bound to be made.
As a roundup of some of the issues discussed in this book, I’d just like to
leave you with a few more points, things that I think are extremely interesting
and that are worth following up on, no matter what your previous beliefs were or
what you thought you knew about some of these topics.
For instance, all modern Royal families can trace their descendants back to
the Sumerian kingships (see the family tree image in this book). Furthermore,
the Sumerian word ‘GRA-AL’ means ‘Royal Blood’, and it is highly likely that
the word ‘Grail’ has its origins here. Ancient Sumerian culture is something I
think we should all be aware of, as it is the starting point to so many things in
our modern-day lives. Therefore, if you’re at all interested in the origins of the
human race, researching the culture of the Ancient Sumerians is an absolute
Once you start researching this area, you’ll soon discover that there are many
people who have had their say on this – and other similar issues – including
many well-known scientists. For example, German rocket scientist Hermann
Oberth was once quoted as saying: “We cannot take the credit for our record
advancement in certain scientific fields alone; we have been helped.” This is an
actual rocket scientist saying that other beings have helped us in our scientific
discoveries, which really makes you think about races such as the Annunaki –
either the Annunaki are still present (and have been since they came to Earth), or
another alien race (or races, even) is at play here.
We are not alone, and it’s getting to the point where saying we are alone in
the universe is considered by many to be more unbelievable than the idea of
alien presences in our world. Just consider the vast size of the universe – is it
really that likely that the Earth is the only planet able to sustain life? That our
tiny planet holds the only race of beings in the entire galaxy, let alone all the
other galaxies out there? Just think about this for a minute.
Whatever your beliefs, believe that we can be sure of a few key things in
regard to alien races: that the Annunaki have played a pivotal role in human
affairs over the years, and that they are either still here – living amongst us
without us knowing – or that they may return one day to check on their creation.
Whether this event will be covered up like they have in the past remains to be
seen. I suppose it depends on how many people will have opened their mind to
this possibility by the time they arrive here again.
Another point I’d like to make here is that of human nature and our
propensity for violence. This can be explained by our origins: our creators were
a warring race, and this seems to have been handed down to us in our DNA. This
would explain the violence some humans encounter on a daily basis, and the
sheer number of wars the human race have raged over the years.
It’s inherent in us, thanks to the Annunaki. Sustaining peace just isn’t in our
Sometimes, the things we think we know everything about (such as the moon
landing, Apollo missions, the Space Race, the Theory of Evolution, the secrets
of ancient Egypt and the pyramids, NASA’s knowledge and the Nazis) might
actually be the things we don’t know the truth about – at least, not the whole
truth. And isn’t that a fascinating idea in itself? So, why not start your own
journey of discovery today?
There is a wealth of information on the internet regarding the subjects raised
in this book, as well as many books and discussion forums if you really want to
get involved. People in the past may not have been able to know everything
about their origins or other alternatives to Darwin’s theory or Creationism, but
today, we’re lucky. We have instant access to millions of sources online, and we
can order whichever books we want from all over the world. Compared to
humans in the past, we’re in the age of instant digital enlightenment, so make
sure you make the most of it. Be grateful that other people have carried out
research so you can read it from the comfort of your own homes, and make sure
you give their theories and reports a chance.
If you’re not sure where to start, why not start reading about the ancient
Sumerian culture? Or find something in the book that you’re interested in and
start there – the moon landing, the large skeletons found in Romania, the Royal
family tree, or NASA’s photographs .
Once you start looking at one of these subjects, you’ll be led onto others, and
soon you’ll find yourself with a wealth of fascinating information to absorb and
You can also use the links in this book as a way of starting your research, and
make sure you check out the ‘Sources’ page for more information on the images
and websites mentioned in Annunaki Genesis.
If you’re anything like me (if you questioned your Religious Education
teacher to the point of being thrown out of class, for instance) then you’re
constantly questioning what you’re being told, and it is only through constant
questioning that we will discover the truth.
So, if you have any questions for me, please email me (my address is at the
end of this section), and promise me something: that no matter what your beliefs
or what your opinions are regarding the subjects in this book, keep asking
Don’t settle for the mainstream explanations – even if it’s told to you by
someone famous or a credible scientific source – and decide for yourself what
you believe in. Challenge your brain, challenge what you thought you knew, and
start looking at things from a different perspective; you might be surprised at
what you learn.
I love discussing the subjects in this book with like-minded people, so if
you’re interested in the Annunaki (or any of the theories or subjects raised here),
please don’t hesitate to get in touch – you can email me at
Thank you for reading this book, and I hope it’s the start of an exciting and
fascinating journey for you.
Keep on learning, and keep on questioning as the great man himself once

“The important thing is to not stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason
for existence. One cannot help but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries
of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure of reality. It is enough if one tries
merely to comprehend a little of this mystery each day.” – Albert Einstein .
1. Lloyd Pye – Everything you know is wrong Presentation
2. Peter Levenda – Secret space program Presentation
3. Chris Dunn – The Giza Power Plant
4. Jim Mars – Rise of the fourth Reich Presentation
5. Jim Marrs – Our Occulted History Presentation
6. Zachariah Sitchin – The Twelfth Planet
7. Ancient Traces – Michael Baigent
8. Robert Dean – Cosmic top secret Presentation
9. Richard Doolan – Secret Space Program Presentation
10. Don Ecker – Dark Matters radio show
11. Bruce Lipton – Debunking Darwin
12. Forbidden Archeology – Michael Cremo

(Front Cover) Expert_Infantry:_Ziggurat_of_Ur (Front
Cover) Alien-like-skulls-found-in-Mexico.jpg - http:// (Front
Cover) Army Helicopter_Jpeg_http://
Gold Disc_Jpeg_ izobrazhenij-kotorye-otobralo-
nasa-chtoby-pokazat-inoplanetyanamili-chelovechestvu-v-budushchem Jpeg SumerianStarChart .
Jpeg Tablet VA243
maxresdefault3.jpg EniltellsNinkiJpeg_
prophets posted by Ali Shah on November 8, 2010 (Modified)
ttp:// 38_great_pyramid.jpg
w=767 2014/01/449px-Alfred-
rejects-astronautjack-schmitts.html & http://
content/uploads/2015/10/Moon-Photos-ThatCannot-Be-Explained.jpg & http:// g
content/uploads/2010/12/ IMG_0824.jpg 65/6065/9780679506065.jpg &
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2014/33/53cd810ee72785bfc34878292e414f7902aae6b1.jpg Jpeg –
Arroyo Seco_Jpeg_
Nuremberg%20trials,%20Germany,%201945.jpg & http://thomas- UrukSeal.jpg
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_DSC01709.JPG?uselang=en-gb l
ticket/sacsayhuaman-17-06-2011-205/ 1454708200_tmp_Giant_Axes.jpg .

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