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Chapter 1


I. Introduction

Health is the key issue that many people in today’s world are dealing with.

We want a new product that is both profitable and beneficial to our health. We

came up with a way to improve the jelly flan while also making it healthier and

more intriguing. We check the ingredients to make sure they are safe to use. We

chose roses as the primary ingredient to our product because, as far as we are

aware, their petals can improve the health of our skin and lower our risk of

developing diabetes, heart disease, and other conditions. Roses also help to

balance the flavor by reducing the sweetness. In addition to being used in

cuisine, rose petals have a variety of additional purposes. All varieties of roses

are edible, according to our studies on the subject. Furthermore, it lessens cell


Rose is scientifically known as rosa. The Northern Hemisphere’s

warmer zones are where roses are native. Many roses are grown for their

lovely flowers, which range in color from white through different shades of

yellow and pink to dark crimson and maroon. The majority of these flowers

have a delightful fragrance, which varies depending on the variety and the

climate. Fiorella (2020) delineate that even among plants, roses have a unique

place in human culture. A monarch and his fearsome guards can be compared to

a rose bloom surrounded by thorns. On the other hand, Blume (2022) described

that roses are edible and a fantastic source of vitamin C among other nutrients

and it is the beneficial truth about them. Chinese and Indo-Mughlai cuisines both

use rosewater to make a healthy and delectable rose syrup. Studies have

demonstrated the uplifting and stress-relieving effects of roses. Inhaling the tea’s

rose vapor has long been a remedy for a grumpy mood. Today, drinking the

aromatic blossom will help you experience the energizing effects of roses.

Natural aromas induce relaxation, ease stress and tension, and aid in sound

sleep. Additionally, roses are a rich source of minerals that help to maintain a

healthy immune system, have antimicrobial characteristics, and reduce stress

and anxiety with their delicately sweet aroma. According to Lotus Blooming

Herbs (2012), in the Ayurvedic tradition, rose is prescribed for a variety of

illnesses, and more and more scientific evidence is supporting these claims.

Meanwhile, the Jelly Flan is a milk, sugar, egg, and gelatin-based

confection. Leche flan is similar to this, but this is much less expensive and

easier to make. It has a similar appearance and flavor to the real thing. To

produce jelly flan, the mixture is heated through, poured into caramel-coated

molds, and then cooled. Graham is also added in the ingredients. BGC (2022)

stated that the Graham Cracker was invented in 1829 by a Presbyterian minister

named Sylvester Graham. Graham believed that a healthy diet was vital to a

healthy life, and he was especially concerned with people’s diets in the 1800s

when lifestyles were becoming increasingly sedentary. Graham’s beliefs led him

to create a type of cracker that was made from Graham flour (a type of whole

wheat flour), which was then baked into a crispy cookie. Graham named his

creation the Graham Cracker in honor of himself, and soon enough, his invention

began to catch on. Graham Crackers became popular as both a snack food and

as an ingredient in other recipes.

Jelly flan is a distinctive product that we, as researchers, hope to develop.

Cupcakes is known in Spanish as a pastelitos. Graham crackers, jelly flan, and

roses are combined to make Rosas de Leche Pastelitos. Our focus is divided

between the flavors of graham and jelly flan as well as the aroma and health

advantages of rose. This would give consumers access to their favorite,

wholesome sweets, whose nutrient contents are crucial for good body

development. Another trend of possibilities for product innovation is the research

into the creation of Graham Jelly Flan with Dried Roses.

II. Objectives of the Study

General Objectives:

The objective of this study is to make our product more marketable and


Specific Objectives:

Specifically, this study aims:


1. To study the level of satisfaction of the consumers to our product.

2. To reach and grow an audience through marketing.

3. To inspect the development and growth of our product.

4. To increase our productivity.

5. To stay ahead of the competition.

6. To have higher returns on invested capital.

III. Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study was undertaken at Calamba Bayside Integrated School during

the academic year 2022-2023. The study has been done to develop and provide

all CBIS students a new flavor of inexpensive, healthy dessert. We sent survey

forms to 3 students in every section of Senior High to help us in our study.

Only a few grade 12 students were evaluated by the researchers. The

study’s findings would only be applicable to the respondents and not the full

Calamba Bayside Integrated School population.

IV. Significance of the Study

The researchers believe that this study will not only yield data that will be

helpful to them, more so to the following groups of people:


Students. The results of this study will serve as a guide or reference for

those students who are conducting similar research.

Teacher. This study will give them awareness regarding this research’s

outcome. This may enable them to provide insights for their future students.

Future Researchers. For researchers who intend to conduct any related

research, this study will be a great resource.

V. Locale of the Study

The study was conducted at Calamba Bayside Integrated School, located

at Calamba City, Philippines. It was established in 1989 as the Lingga Rural High

School. The researchers believe that the location is appropriate for the

mentioned study. The school also recommended doing the study there for the

safety of the researchers.

VI. Respondents of the Study

The primary respondents of this study are grade 12 Senior High students

of Calamba Bayside Integrated School for academic year 2022-2023. The

respondents are composed of 24 students that is randomly selected in the

premises of CBIS.

Participants Frequency Percentage Population

Students 24 100% 24

Table 1. Participants of the Study

VII. Population and Sampling

There are eight sections in grade 12 senior high in Calamba Bayside

Integrated School. Three students in every section are surveyed, a total of 24


VIII. Sources and Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers conducted extensive research on the subject and

identified the target participants. The researchers prepared a letter requesting

permission to conduct the study at Calamba Bayside Integrated School. To avoid

biases and increase the study’s credibility and validity, the researchers used

simple random sampling. The researchers believe that this method is best suited

for this study. The participants in the study are given a constructed questionnaire

that has been validated by the teachers. In each section of grade 12 Senior High,

3 students are chosen at random with a total of 24 participants. The researchers

used surveys to determine the level of satisfaction with the mentioned product.

The researchers then explain to the respondents the significance of their

response to the study.


The sample questions that were included in the survey are the following:

1. Hello po ma’am

2. Wala pala kaming tanong

IX. Definition of Terms

Capital – the sum of financial assets that are required to produce goods or


Competition – the effort of two or more parties acting independently to secure

the business of a third party by offering the most favorable terms contractors in

competition for the contract to build the new school.

Crucial – decisive or critical, especially in the success or failure of something.

Delectable – highly pleasing

Delineate – to describe, portray, or set forth with accuracy or in detail.

Distinctive – having or giving an uncommon and appealing quality.

Extensive – covering or affecting a large area.

Innovation – the introduction of something new.

Marketing – the process or technique of promoting, selling, and distributing a

product or services.

Simple Random Sampling – a type of probability sampling in which the

researcher randomly selects a subset of participants from a population.


Reference – provide (a book or article) with citations of sources of information.

Sedentary – tending to spend much time seated; somewhat inactive.

Yield – give way to arguments, demands, or pressure.

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