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7 The Sanaga River, an Example of Biophysical and Socio-Cultural

Integration in Cameroon, Central Africa

Zébazé Togouet, Serge H.1, Nyamsi Tchatcho, Narcisse2, Tharme, Rebecca E.3, 4,
Piscart, Christophe5

 University of Yaoundé 1, Faculty of Science, Laboratory of Hydrobiology and Environment,
Yaoundé, Cameroon
 University of Douala, Institute of Fisheries Sciences, Laboratory of Ecosystem Management,
Douala, Cameroon
 Riverfutures, Cressbrook, Buxton, Derbyshire, UK
 Le Studium Loire Valley Institute for Advanced Studies, Orléons, France
 University of Rennes 1, Laboratoire Écosystèmes Biodiversité Évolution, CNRS UMR 6553
ECOBIO, Rennes, France


The Sanaga River is the largest in Cameroon and one of the main resources for the economic de-
velopment of the country. A lack of electricity is one of the primary setbacks for the Cameroonian
economy, and the national authorities plan to at least double, from 2,000 MW, the nation's hydro-
power electricity supply by 2035. Representing more than 75% of the estimated total hydro potential
of Cameroon, the Sanaga River has one of the greatest hydropower potentials in Africa. As well as
being a vital asset for the national economy, it possesses exceptional natural features such as water-
falls, biodiversity hotspots with endemic and rare wildlife (e.g., the West African manatee, hippo-
potamus, chimpanzee and forest elephant), and very high cultural diversity, with numerous ethnic
groups represented. There are many human activities along the river (use of water resources for
food security and irrigated agriculture, inland fisheries, intensive aquaculture, sand extraction and
hydropower production) that are increasing, and with visibly detrimental effects. The construction
of dams has forced the local population to move from one livelihood activity to another. The unique
cultural heritage and biodiversity are hence under pressure, due to over-fishing, logging, hunting,
agrochemical pollution and habitat destruction. Unfortunately, the management actions necessary
for remediation of these detrimental impacts are not well captured in basin development plans. It is
therefore considered urgent to implement more sustainable human activities, including the develop-
ment of alternative economic resources, such as ecotourism.

7.1 Introduction ant constraints identified by, among others, the

The Government of Cameroon has adopted private sector. The country is mainly reliant on
ambitious development goals and its vision hydropower for electricity generation, with 73%
for 2035 sees Cameroon becoming a middle-in- of total electricity generation in 2014 comprising
come, industrialized country with poverty lev- hydro (Muh et al. 2018). However, the nation's
els below 10% by 2035 (Nations Unies, NU, renewable energy sources are not considered
Cameroon 2018). In the context of the Govern- to have been properly harnessed, and there are
ment of Cameroon's development plan towards persistent power outages throughout Camer-
becoming an emerging economy by 2035, the oon, particularly in the dry seasons when water
lack of electricity is one of the five most import- levels are low (Muh et al. 2018). A shortage in

This article should be cited as: Zebaze Togouet, S.H.; Nyamsi Tchatcho, N.; Tharme, R.E.; Piscart, C. (2023):
The Sanaga River, an Example of Biophysical and Socio-Cultural Integration in Cameroon, Central Africa.
In: Wantzen, K.M. (ed.): River Culture – Life as a Dance to the Rhythm of the Waters. Pp. 145–164. UNESCO
Publishing, Paris. DOI: 10.54677/GXTY3329
146 Zebaze Togouet, S.H. et al.

Fig. 7.1  Graphical abstract: The Sanaga Basin illustrating the distribution of the main iconic fauna and economic activi-
ties. Graph: Christophe Piscard

the production of electric power has already led tion was not accorded the attention it required
to a decrease in financial benefits and is consid- in the development plan (Hugon 2005). Intend-
ered to be the main reason for the decline in the ed economic growth and benefits have been the
economic sector observed in Cameroon since principal considerations in the conception and
2000 (Republic of Cameroon 2010). To improve proposed execution of new projects, with the
this situation, the Cameroonian authorities pro- assessment of impacts such as flow alteration,
posed a 2035 Strategy Development Plan for the environmental pollution, decrease in wildlife re-
Energy sector (Plan de Développement à long sources, and the long term and transgenerational
terme du Secteur de l'Électricité Horizon 2030, effects of economic activities neglected (Hugon
PDSE) (MINEE 2006). In the plan, the Govern- 2005). The Sanaga River and its basin cover al-
ment stated the goals to reach an electricity pro- most 25% of the total surface area of the country
duction capacity of at least 3,000 MW by 2020 and its biodiversity, especially in the lower part
and 6,000 MW by 2030, and to increase the rate of the basin, is among the most important in Af-
of electricity access from the current level of rica (Darwall et al. 2011). The basin encompass-
around 55% to 75% by 2020; access is far low- es several biodiversity hotspots, including the
er in rural than in urban areas, at around 14% Cross-Sanaga-Bioko Coastal Forests ecoregion,
(Muh et al. 2018). To reach these twin goals, sev- the Douala-Edea Forest Reserve, and the Lake
eral steps have been proposed, one of which is Ossa complex. These areas comprise lowland,
to focus on increasing energy production within coastal forests as well as mangroves, with very
the Sanaga River Basin, where half of the poten- high faunal biodiversity and regional endemism
tial is concentrated and it is proposed to con- (Thieme et al. 2005, Kamdem Toham 2006). For
centrate most of the planned power plants (The example, the basin comprises the ecoregions 518
World Bank 2018). and 519, defined by Abbel et al. (2008) for fresh-
Unfortunately, for the Sanaga River, as in water fishes, which are characterized by a high
other places in the world, environmental protec- diversity and rate of endemism. Regardless of
The Sanaga River, Central Africa 147

Fig. 7.2  Map of the Sanaga River Basin with the location of existing and proposed dams. Existing dams (red stars) are
ranged from the oldest to the newest: 1. Edea Dam; 2. M'Bakaou Dam; 3. Bamendjing; 4. Song-Loulou Dam; 5. Mape
Dam; 6. Lom Pangar Dam; and 7. Nachtigal Dam. Future dam projects (white stars) are ranged according to their pro-
jected year of construction: 8. Song Mbengué (2024); 9. Kikot (2026); 10. Grand Eweng/Ngodi (2028); and 11. Song Dong
(2030). Map: Serge H. Zebaze Togouet

their recognised ecological importance, most of on past, ongoing, and future human impacts on
these areas are under pressure, due to over-fish- the Sanaga River, as well as of joint consideration
ing, logging, hunting and habitat destruction. of ecological and sociocultural issues, such ethical
Changes in the flow regime of the river have det- and aesthetic considerations. However, scientific
rimentally affected the downstream habitats, im- and other stakeholders, including local people,
portant for threatened birds and protected man- government authorities, NGOs, and industry need
atees, both IUCN red list species ,and the overall to build a common initiative for the sustainable
ecological health and processes of the river sys- use of the natural resources of the Sanaga River.
tem. There appear to be relatively few strongly
developed cultural associations between differ-
ent ethnic groups and the Sanaga River, but this 7.2  Geophysical setting
may reflect the limited extent of readily available The Sanaga River is the largest river in Camer-
knowledge on this subject. oon. Its drainage basin covers almost a fourth of
Despite environmental and social issues of ma- the country, at about 140,000 km2 (Republic of
jor concern in the Sanaga River Basin, our review Cameroon 2009) (fig. 7.2, table 7.1). It flows for
of the literature reveals a lack of scientific studies 918 km from its source on the Adamawa Plateau
148 Zebaze Togouet, S.H. et al.

Table 7.1  Main characteristics of the Sanaga River Basin

Sanaga River

Countries in the catchment Cameroon

Catchment size (km ) 2

140, 000

Length (km) 918

Mean (min/max) annual 2,070 (234/6950) at Edéa Dam

discharge (m3 s-1)

Hydrological pattern Hydrology is related to rainfall; perennial flow regime, with a short
wet season (Sep. to Nov.) and a protracted dry season low flow
period, from Dec. to Jun. The three sections of the catchment have
distinctly different types of flow regime according to their climate
conditions and topography.

Degree of naturalness Near-natural in the lower section, but disturbed by dams in the
middle and the upper sections. Agricultural activity is present
throughout but is not intensive. Banks are natural.

Natural landscape types Savanna floodplains in the upper river section, followed by a river
corridor intersected by narrow canyons and waterfalls in the middle
section, and a forested floodplain and braided channel in the lower

Impact types The main impacts are related to the 7 existing dams in the Sanaga
Catchment (with 4 others already planned), the largest of which
is located at Song-Loulou (35 m wall height) (see table 7.2 for dam

Largest cities (inhabitants) Edéa, with around 125,000

Urbanization Very few, only small cities and towns

Protected areas (km ) 2

Less than 5% of the catchment is under some form of protection.
The main areas are the Mbam Djerem (4,200) and Mpem Djim (975)
national parks, and Douala-Edéa Wildlife Reserve (1,600).

Prevailing land use form in the Forestry, food crops, cattle farming, palm oil production (lower
catchment section of the basin)

Famous elements of biodiversity West African manatee, hippopotamus, chimpanzee, dwarf crocodile,
many birds and fishes (table 7.3 gives details)

Famous elements of culture Fishing, hunting of basin wildlife, tremendous ethnic diversity, with
more than 50 ethnic groups

to its mouth at the Atlantic Ocean just south of with its major tributary, the Mbam River, and
Douala. Its mean annual discharge is 2,070 m3 s-1 terminates in a 600 m-wide estuary 67 km down-
(measured at Edéa Dam). stream of the city of Edéa, in the Gulf of Guinea.
The Sanaga River is formed by the confluence While the capital city of Yaoundé is not situated
of the Djérem and Lom rivers. The river origi- within the catchment of the Sanaga, it is located
nates as the Djérem River, near the town of Garba very close to the boundary.
in the administrative department of Mbéré, at an The Sanaga River is divided into three sections
altitude of 1,150 m. From its source, the Sanaga defined by basin topography and climate (Olivry
flows from North-East to South-West Cameroon, 1986), as discussed further in section 7.4 (fig. 7.2).
through six of the 10 provinces of the country, The Upper Sanaga (400 km long) corresponds
namely the Adamawa, North-West, West, East, to the Djérem-Sanaga River and its major trib-
Central and Littoral Provinces. The river has a utary in this part of the basin, the Lom River,
maximum width of 320 m above the confluence in the Adamawa Region. This part of the basin
The Sanaga River, Central Africa 149

Table 7.2  Existing dams on the Sanaga River Basin

Dam Name Year of Construction Function(s) Volume/Capacity

Edea Dam 1954 Hydropower Unknown storage

megawatts (MW)
M'Bakaou Dam 1969 Water regulation (i.e. 2,600 km3
water storage and flood
Bamendjing Dam 1975 Water regulation 1,850 km3
Song-Loulou Dam 1976 Hydropower 5,000 km3/384 MW
Mape Dam 1988 Water regulation 3,300 km3
Lom Pangar Dam 2015 Hydropower and water 6,000 km3/120 MW
Nachtigal Dam 2022 (construction Hydropower 6,100 km3/420 MW
ongoing since 2019)

has a humid tropical climate, with a dry season ton exhibited 'bantoid' traits. The Bantu people
of five months and a rainy season lasting seven started to colonize the Sanaga Basin in around
months. This part of the basin has an average al- 3000 BC, from mountain areas between Nige-
titude of 1150 m asl, with annual rainfall ranging ria and Cameroon, and the mountains around
between 1,500 and 2,000 mm y-1. Yaoundé around 1000 BC. Between 3000 and
The Middle Sanaga (450 km long) extends from 1300 BC, a second colonization event occurred
the city of Goyoum to the city of Edéa, upstream to colonize the northeastern part of the Sana-
of the littoral plain, and the main tributary is the ga Basin, from the Central African Republic.
Mbam River; Annual rainfall in this part of the ba- For the Pygmies, the other old African ethnic
sin ranges between 1,500 and 2,000 mm y-1, which group, their establishment in the southwest-
falls in two distinct rainy seasons, a short wet sea- ern part of Cameroon could be more recent, at
son from March–April and a second, with high- 400 years ago.
er rainfall, from September to October. This river More information is available after 1850, fol-
section varies in altitude from 950 to 400 m asl. lowing the exploration of this area by German
The Lower Sanaga (67 km) extends from colonialists (Alexandre 1965). Consequently, we
downstream of the Edéa Waterfall to the coastal focussed our survey on the literature of the co­
mouth of the estuary (10–15 km long). Rainfall lonization of the Sanaga River Basin since the
within this coastal area is amongst the highest in 18th century by the Pahuin (or Beti) people, the
the world and exceeds 4,000 mm y-1. The average dominant ethnic group in the catchment (fig. 7.3).
basin altitude of this river section is 396 m asl. The Pahuin are divided into three main sub-
The present-day hydrology of the Sanaga Riv- groups: the Beti, the Fang and the Bulu. Each
er Basin is strongly influenced by seven existing group is further divided into smaller groups,
dams, among which three were built for water in total representing around 20 different ethnic
regulation during the dry season (table 7.2). groups. The Pahuin are themselves a member of
the Bantu group, which is widespread in Camer-
oon, Congo, Gabon and Equatorial Guinea (Ya-
7.3  Historical introduction kan 1999). Pahuins started to colonize the Sana-
Prehistoric times are poorly known in this ga River around 1840, to escape attacks by the
part of Africa and the origins of people are not Bamun and Tikar peoples. The dispersal of the
clearly established (see review in Delneuf et al. Pahuin was rapid. This was likely facilitated by
1998). However, archeological investigations the low numbers of local people inhabiting the
testify to a human presence in North Camer- rainforest, except for Pygmies and possibly de-
oon since at least 46,000 BC; the oldest skeleton scendants of the Fan (the Mvumbo and Mäkaa
found in Cameroon is dated at 7700 BC and was ethnic groups) who became established in Ga-
discovered in the western part of Cameroon, bon perhaps as early as the 14th or 15th century
near the city of Bamenda (fig. 7.2). The skele- (Alexandre 1965, Delneuf et al. 1998).
150 Zebaze Togouet, S.H. et al.

Fig. 7.3  Distribution of the main ethnic groups in Cameroon (left) and the Sanaga River Basin (right). Map: Serge H.
Zebaze Togouet, based on Yakan (1999)

The economy of the Pahuins was mainly dom- in part as a result of settlement by foreigners. More
inated by metal work, food agriculture (coffee, than 350 fishers were estimated to be located
cocoa, cassava, corn, and banana) and hunting around and dependent on the fishery created by
(bushmeat). The Pahuins and the other ethnic the Lom Pangar Reservoir (Global Water Part-
groups did not develop a specific relationship nership 2009). Officially, since its im­pound­ment
with the Sanaga River and have mainly lived in 2015, over 6,000 fishermen have been reported
on hilltops, to avoid unhealthy conditions in to be active in the reservoir waters of Lom Pan-
the wet lowlands. However, fishing represents gar Dam, but they have been mostly supplying
one of the most important sources of food for fish distribution networks outside the country.
people. Archeological investigations testify to According to the Minister of Livestock, Fisher-
the use of canoes and the consumption of fish ies, and Animal Industries, industrial fishing in
since at least 1000 BC in this area (Mbida 1998). the reservoirs of the various dams in operation
In Cameroon, freshwater fish is one of the main is planned, to help close the significant gap be-
sources of protein, representing 40% of animal tween the supply and demand for fish in the
protein and 9.5% of the total food needs (Min- country, and thereby, reduce imports (Business
istry of Livestock, Fisheries and Livestock/ in Cameroon 2021).
Animal Industries, MINEPIA 2009). Each eth-
nic group has developed its customary fishing
methods that have led to the development of 7.4  Key elements of biotic diversity
numerous varied fishing techniques, including From source to estuary, the Sanaga River crosses
traditional methods, such as using nets, creels the Soudanian and the Guineo-Congolian do-
(baskets), and dams for fish and crustaceans mains, each characterized by specific environ-
(Dounias 2015). mental factors, such as soil and vegetation type,
Fishing is also associated with the reservoirs of climate and water resources (fig. 7.5). Unfortu-
the dams, with the fishing culture having changed nately, data on the distribution of plants and an-
The Sanaga River, Central Africa 151

imals in Cameroon are limited and most of the dae (Hemichromis elongatus, Oreochromis niloticus,
available information is restricted to national Tilapia camerounensis and T. guinnensis) have
parks and wildlife reserves (Global Water Part- been reported (The World Bank 2011). There are
nership 2009, Darwall et al. 2011). also seven native species of Clariidae from the
The upper section of the Sanaga River (i.e., Sanaga Basin that are widely used in fish farm-
the Djérem-Sanaga River) is characterized by ing (including Clarias camerunensis, C. gariepinus,
Savanna vegetation growing on ferralitic brown C. jaensis and C. pachynema).
and red soils, mixed with hydromorphic soils In the middle and lower sections of the Sana-
with an intermediate ability to store water (Ol- ga River, moist seasonal tropical forests occur
ivry 1986). This section of the Sanaga River Ba- whereas, along the lower reaches of the Sanaga
sin is characterized by alternating dry and wet River, the rainforest is dominated by Lophira
seasons throughout the year, which allow the alata and Saccoglottis gabonensis (Fomete and
development of plant characteristics of the Sou- Tchanou 1998). Among dominant plant species
danian domain and more precisely the Soudano are certain Oleaceae (Coula edulis), Ebenaceae
Guinean part (Yonkeu 1993). The plant com- (Diospyros spp.), Cesalpinaceae and Guttiferae
munity is dominated by Triplochiton scleroxylon, (Garcinia spp.), and in the wetlands, members
Terminalia superba, many Sterculiaceae, Daniella of the Euphorbiaceae (Protomegabaria stapfiana,
oliveri, Lophira lanceolata, Annona senengalensis, Dichostemma glaucescens, and Anthonotha aubry-
Khaya spp., and Xylopia oethiopica (Stohlgren et anum). We also found the rare endemic aquatic
al. 1999). The downstream-most local catchment plant, Ledermanniella sanagaensis, for which the
of the upper river is an ecotone between the only one known locality, the Nachtigall Falls, is
tropical forest and the savannah. This area pres- threatened by the ongoing construction of the
ents a great diversity of habitats and harbors Nachtigall Dam. Several other types of vegeta-
fauna and flora characteristic of both evergreen tion according to drainage, elevation and type of
forest and savanna. At least 60 species of mam- soils were also identified (Newbery and Gartlan
mals belonging to 10 orders and 26 families are 1996). This part of the basin harbors many spe-
recorded (Nchanji and Bechem 2001, Wilkie et cies, including threatened terrestrial species such
al. 2006). The great mammals are well represent- as the African forest elephant (Loxodonta africana
ed by elephant (Loxodonta africana africana), buf- cyclotis), bushpig (Potamochoerus larvatus), and
falo (Syncerus cafer nanus), and the river-dwell- many primates and antelopes, and the aquatic
ing hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibious) West African manatee (Trichechus senegalensis).
(Nchanji and Bechem 2001). Other iconic wa- Thirty-five bird species and 22 families with two
ter-associated species include the giant otter protected species: the Hartlaub's duck (Pteronet-
shrew (Potamogale velox) and water chevrotain ta hartlaubii) and the Grey Parrot (Psittacus eritha-
(Hyemoschus aquaticus) (Nchanji and Bechem cus) (Van der Waarde 2007) were reported. The
2001). The basin's rich avifauna of 362 birds fish community is dominated by catfishes (Arius
within 53 families (Bobo et al. 2006) is charac- sp.), African brown snapper (Lutjanus endecan-
terized by 18 of the 45 bird species of the Souda- thus), and Scomberromorus spp. The Lom Pangar
no-Guinean savannas and 112 of the 215 species Dam social and environmental impact study
of the Guineo Congolian forest in Cameroon. As suggested the introduction of a fish community
for mammals, the bird community is composed comprising mainly native species into the reser-
of species representing both forest and savan- voir (Watershed Task Group 2008). The herpe-
nah. Two rare and threatened bird species are tofauna includes the Nile crocodile (Crocodylus
present: the Bamenda apalis (Apalis bamendae) niloticus), dwarf crocodile (Tetraspis ostelamus),
and white-collared starling (Grafisia torquata) monitor lizards (Varanus spp.), snakes, fresh-
(Bobo et al. 2006). Preliminary investigations water turtles and tortoises (Cameroon Wildlife
also revealed 65 species of reptiles with 14 fami- Conservation Society 2001).
lies. Amphibians remain poorly known. The fish There are few data on the conservation status
community of between 200 and 260 species in- of biodiversity in this part of Cameroon. Howev-
cludes 24 species endemic to the Sanaga River, er, recent surveys between 2014 and 2016 in the
some of which are critically endangered on the eastern part of the country highlighted that 70%
IUCN red list (Dajet and Despierre 1980, Bitja of elephants have disappeared during the last 15
Nyom et al. 2016). These species are 12 species years (N'Goran Kouame et al. 2017). Although
of Aplocheilidae and 13 species of Cyprinidae, of the study did not include the Sanaga River Ba-
which three are endemic to the Sanaga River sin, some populations of elephants and apes are
(Aphyosemion bamilekorum, Aphyosemion franzw- present in the Sanaga and suffering the same
erneri and Barbus bourdariei); 10 species of Cichli- threats as in the adjacent areas.
152 Zebaze Togouet, S.H. et al.

The freshwater manatee populations seem to 7.5  Key elements of cultural diversity
have been stable over the last decade, but the Surprisingly, the Sanaga Basin lacks big riparian
species remains threatened, mainly by fishing human settlements. Except for Edéa (125,000 in-
practices and habitat degradation due to high habitants), there is no large city within the
water pollution levels. catchment. The other important places for eth-
nic groups within the basin (e.g., Bafoussam,
7.4.1 Conservation efforts for the African Ngaoundéré, and Foumban) (fig. 7.2), are located
manatee along tributaries of the Sanaga River. However
The most successful example of wildlife conser- and as for Edéa's inhabitants, people of living in
vation in the basin is that of the West African these cities did not develop strong cultural rela-
manatee, Trichechus senegalensis. The West Afri- tionships with the rivers. More generally in Cam-
can manatee is protected in Cameroon (Section eroon, only a few water-related ethnic groups
69, Class A of the Regulation of Forestry, Wildlife have developed a cultural relationship with wa-
and Fisheries). It is not permitted to be hunted, ter (e.g., the Douala ethnic group who celebrate
and its exploitation is subject to obtaining a cap- the Wouri River every year) but they are located
ture permit, issued by the Department of Forest, along the Atlantic Coast far from the Sanaga Riv-
Wildlife and Fisheries. However, in areas near er. The relationships between different groups of
the country borders (Korup and Mamfe regions, people and the Sanaga River mainly involve the
and Nigeria, the Ntem River in Kribi region, exploitation of natural resources provided by the
and Equatorial Guinea) the exploitation of man- river (fig. 7.5), as discussed further below.
atees by Nigerians fishing in Cameroon is still
common (Grigione 1996). Being a large animal, 7.5.1 Crop agriculture, fisheries and water
a manatee catch is invariably highly prized by resources
local fishermen. The meat is widely considered The water resources of the river are used for irri-
delicious, whilst many other parts of the animal gation by agro-industries in the Sanaga River Ba-
are consumed and used for traditional medicine, sin, such as sugar cane, tobacco, rice, vegetables
including the oil, skin and bones. Across most and cattle rearing, as well as by local farmers to
of its regional distribution, the West African improve crop yields. There has been a progres-
Manatee though to have therapeutic properties sive increase in the use of pesticides over time
for various ethnic groups. In Cameroon, this is in the upper Sanaga Catchment. Irrigation ag-
not the case in the Sanaga River Basin, howev- riculture has been widely developed, in the up-
er, where local people do not like the smell and per and middle parts of the basin, and is used
taste of manatee meat (Grigione 1996). Further- for rice production, for example, in the Ndop
more, the medicinal use of manatee body parts is Valley (Bime et al. 2015). The Bamendjing Dam
almost unknown of in the study area (Mayaka et (table 7.1) was not constructed with irrigation
al. 2013). In terms of their diversity and sophisti- in mind, however, and the rice fields upstream
cation, none of the assortment of hunting meth- make the reservoir poorly sized as a source of
ods and tools used locally is strong enough to ac- irrigation water.
cidentally catch manatees, in contrast with lakes The water levels in the other reservoirs are
where commercial fishing is concentrated and also managed for hydropower needs without
where the accidental catches are threefold great- clear integrated uses (e.g., for crop irrigation)
er than in rivers (Mayaka et al. 2013). Addition- and probably leave room for increased water
ally, the low density of inhabitants in the lower use efficiency. As the reservoirs have evolved for
part of the Sanaga River contributes to the con- multiple purposes since their construction, they
servation of manatees. Indeed, the low number have increasingly become important sources for
of people means there is a low amount of waste commercial uses and cultural objects. An inte-
dumping in water bodies, in comparison with grated approach allowing all usages (water sup-
other reaches of the Sanaga River. However, in- ply, hydropower, fisheries, crops, biodiversity
dustrial and subsistence farms surround water and tourism) would improve the management
bodies, often extending right into the shorelines. of the water resources (see 7.7).
This situation poses a major risk of pollution The Cameroon water utility company diverts
from agricultural fertilizers and pesticides. In water from the Sanaga River, treats it, and then
particular, discarded waste may cause digestive supplies it to the population of Yaoundé; the riv-
blockage due to the ingestion of foreign objects, er thus represents a major water source for the
whilst a variety of pathogens and contaminants city (located outside the basin).
can cause several illnesses to manatees (Bonde The consumption of fish is very important
et al. 2004). for people, even for people living far from the
The Sanaga River, Central Africa 153

Table 7.3  Key elements of biodiversity in the Sanaga River Basin

Key element Link to the natural Ecosystem services Human use

flow regime and threats

Savanna Plant growing during the wet Habitat for many species Cattle farming, crop
season and fertilization of soil production, hunting
during flood events

Mangroves Growing on river bank and in Nursery for many species, Fishing, purification
wetlands and are dependent biodiversity of water, food and
on flood events to convey wood production
freshwater, sediments and

Tropical rainforest Flooding events eradicate Habitat for a high Carbon seques­
pests, fertilize soils and biodiversity, purification of tration, wood
disperse seeds (hydrochory) air production, hunting

Ledermanniella Endemic plant of the Habitat and food Tourism

sanagaensis Nachtigall Falls

Primates (Pan Wetlands are a habitat for Biodiversity Tourism, food

troglodytes, these species and a protection
Cercopitecus spp.) against hunting (for bushmeat).

Forest Elephant Wetlands are a habitat for Biodiversity, 'ecosystem Tourism, hunting
(Loxodonta cyclotis) these species and a protection engineers'
against poaching.

Hippopotamus Amphibious and dependent Biodiversity Tourism

(Hippopotamus on aquatic habitats e.g., deep
amphibius) pools, and grazing in riparian

West African Lives in aquatic environment Biodiversity, 'ecosystem Tourism, traditional

Manatee and reliant on habitat cleaner', important species rites
(Trichechus connectivity between the helping drive wider
senegalensis) Sanaga River and adjacent lake conservation efforts
systems, and of these areas

Hartlaub's Lives in aquatic environment Biodiversity Tourism

duck (Pteronetta

Elephant fish Endemic living in aquatic Biodiversity Fishing for food

(Marcusenius environment

Bamileke killifish Lives in aquatic environment Biodiversity Aquarium trade


Barbus bourdariei Lives in aquatic environment Biodiversity Fishing,

(fish) aquaculture

Nile crocodile Lives in aquatic environment Top predator, regulating the Tourism, food
(Crocodylus population of other predators

Dwarf crocodile Lives in aquatic environment Top predator Tourism, food

(Tetraspis ostelamus) and reproduces in riparian
154 Zebaze Togouet, S.H. et al.


Annual fish production (tons)







1984 1987 1990 1993 1996 1999 2002 2005 2008 2011 2014 2017
Fig. 7.4  Annual fish aquaculture production (in tons) in Cameroon. Graph: Christophe Piscart, based on data by FAO Fish-
Stat (2019)

sea. A lot of people prefer fish to meat and they 7.5.2  Fish farming
catch freshwater fish from rivers and streams In 1948, freshwater fish farming (low intensity
using varied fishing techniques (nets, creels, aquaculture) was introduced in Cameroon, in a
etc.). Many villages also organize collective fish- small reservoir near Yaoundé (Tangou 2009). Af-
ing events, by creating small temporal dams on ter several failures from uncontrolled individual
small streams with a mix of branches, mud and initiatives, the government established hatcheries
clay. Women and children use small nets to catch in 1978 to develop fish farming for three native
all of the fishes trapped in these small reservoirs. species (viz. Clarias gariepinus (North African cat-
This collective fishing happens one or two times fish), Heterotis niloticus (African bonytongue) and
a year and the fish catches are shared among Cyprinus carpio (common carp)) and two species
participants; the dams are destroyed immedi- introduced from the Nile River in the 1950s (Oreo-
ately after the fishing event. Several reservoirs chromis niloticus, Nile tilapia, and Heterobranchus
(Lom Pangar, Bamendjing, Song Loulou, and longifilis). The development of the national aqua-
Mapé, table 7.1) are also important fishing places culture strategy in 1978, which was revised in 2003
for the local population. Moreover, they are also and in 2009 included an action plan, has led to a
often used by fishermen originating from other significant increase in fish production (fig. 7.4);
parts of the country and the neighboring coun- as a result, between 15,000 and 30,000 direct jobs
tries of Ghana and Nigeria (pers. obs.). have been created. In 2005, the total production of
Large areas of Cameroon, including the en- inland fisheries and aquaculture was estimated at
tire Sanaga Basin, experience drought during around 68,750 tons (Pouomogne and Pemsl 2008).
the dry season, and as a result of the increasing However, production remains weak in compari-
impact of climate change (Dzana et al. 2011). son with the national need, which is estimated at
Furthermore, the situation is liable to worsen in around 250,000 tons (Mkong et al. 2018).
the future (Grijsen and Patel 2014). In the head-
waters of the Sanaga Basin, local authorities al- 7.5.3  Sand extraction
ready buy water and trucks distribute water to The riverbed in the middle Sanaga River con-
drought-affected villages. Water shortages are tains a large amount of fine sand, which is wide-
made worse by poor land management and un- ly used for the construction of buildings both
suitable farming methods, notably poor irriga- locally and throughout Cameroon. River sand
tion practices, tree felling and burning of forests extraction is done manually, by thousands of
for cropland. The potential for increased (agro) local adults and children, or foreigners (mainly
industrial development (e.g., palm oil and cot- Malians and Nigerians). Sand extraction is a le-
ton production) exists and river management gal but uncontrolled activity, and the most finan-
will need to take into account their effects in the cially lucrative activity in the Sanaga Basin. Most
future. of the people who extract sand can be seen daily
The Sanaga River, Central Africa 155

Table 7.4  Key elements of cultural diversity in the Sanaga River Basin

Key element Link to the natural Ecosystem services Threats and recovery
flow regime

Water resources Runoff management is used These people need the Flow regime alteration
to store the higher volumes of river and its associated due to dams; over
water generated in the upper wetlands for domestic abstraction of water to
catchment. water use, for fish, supply urban centers
Creation of diversion channels and as a source of outside the catchment
connected to retention dams fertilization for their
to regulate the flow rate in the lands during floods.
Sanaga River and for irrigation
Farming In the upper section of the Men and women have a Most of the younger
Sanaga River Basin, the division of labor in terms generation do not want
population is mostly rural and of some of the activities to live like their parents
uses water mainly for irrigated supported by the river, and are moving towards
farming. In this section, rural e.g. fishing and sand modernity and urban
smallholder agriculture linked to extraction are done by areas. Consequently, most
the river flow regime (e.g., flood men and the fetching of the local population are
pulse) is an existing practice of domestic water by elderly The lower river
and provides many benefits to women. Other activities, section harbors forest
people. such as crop farming, are villages with hunting
done by both genders. populations.
Fisheries and The consumption of fish is very One of the main sources Fishing is mainly done
aquaculture important for people. People of food and protein for by people from other
generally fish for their own nutrition; local income countries (e.g., Ghana,
consumption and collective sources Nigeria).
fishing events are also organized Hydropower/other
by communities, 1–2 times a year. dams in the lower basin
Only a few groups practice have encouraged the
fishing in the river and on its establishment of a local
floodplain, in wetlands, and in community of reservoir
mangrove and estuary areas. fishers
90% of the fish ponds (which Most aquaculture sites
are mainly located on the are small structures, but
floodplain) used for fish pro­ large foreign companies
duction are connected to a river may replace the small
or stream by a bypass channel. production units.
There is no aquaculture in
reservoirs or irrigation canals.
Sand extraction Sand is produced the upper Sand extraction provides This economic activity,
part of the river and stored in lucrative informal presently artisanal and
the intermediate section where work for mainly young with wholesalers only for
it is extracted manually by men, and attracts transportation, could be
local people. The sand is used migrant laborers from replaced by large private
for construction everywhere in neighboring countries. companies.

diving at locations all along the river, driving ca- cult and dangerous during the rainy season, due
noes laden with sand, or loading lorries. Many to the increased river levels, water velocities,
hundreds of lorries are loaded daily on the riv- and depths. Therefore, far more sand is extract-
er's banks to be used locally or in other regions ed during the low flows characteristic of the dry
such as Yaoundé. Both adults and children take season. An association of sand extractors exists
part in this activity. Sand extraction is more diffi- that helps to better organize this activity, as well
156 Zebaze Togouet, S.H. et al.

as to keep the price of sand as cheap as possi- practices (e.g., irrigation and slash-and-burn cul-
ble for wholesalers. However, there are far more tivation) to fed new inhabitants. There is also in-
extractors than members in this association, and creasing pressure from the cotton industry in the
the actual number of extractors and the quantity northern catchment. This northern part of the
of sand extracted remain unknown. catchment represents 40% of the national live-
stock numbers but, over time, the area available
7.5.4  Risk avoidance strategies for flood and for pasture has diminished (a consequence of the
drought expansion of agricultural activities and of the
Since there is no government plan to prevent overlap of protected areas with suitable range-
flooding, the local populations have developed lands). As a result, the basin experiences con-
several individual strategies in response to flicts over the use of space for different uses and
flood events. In most cases, during the flood in overgrazing is on the rise. The observed trans-
the rainy season, people temporarily leave their humance of cattle from the North of the country
homes. However, several control methods have and neighboring countries into the Sanaga Basin,
been developed to counter floods, even if these during the rainy season from April to Novem-
additional costs are restricted to the richest peo- ber, has led to an increasing overexploitation of
ple. Some houses built in flooded areas are now resources (water, fish and wood). Population in-
equipped with hard foundations and trenches crease has also led to an increase in the genera-
are dug around houses. In cities, people build tion and indiscriminate disposal of waste, with
dikes and barriers, generally using bags stuffed detrimental consequences for river health and
with earth, walls of trees, ramparts of stones instream biota.
aligned along the banks, or walls of old sheets. In
bigger cities, some sections of river channels are 7.6.2 Estimations about losses in cultural and
widened and woody debris is removed to avoid biological diversities
log jams. Finally, some wetlands are dried out A roughly estimated 60% of cultural diversi-
using Eucalyptus plantations, to reduce flood ty has disappeared since the beginning of the
risk (and also mosquitoes as vectors of many 20th century. As a result of the construction of
diseases). There is little adaptation to drought, the hydropower dams in the Sanaga River Ba-
except in areas where reservoirs support crop sin (Edéa, Song Loulou, Mbakaou, Bamendjing,
irrigation. In areas affected by drought, farmers Mapé, and Lom-Pangar), in particular, there has
typically cultivate plants adapted to such condi- been a high influx of people to these areas for
tions, while crops with high water demands are jobs from neighboring countries, such as Nige-
cultivated near wetlands. ria, Central African Republic, and Chad, as well
as from other towns and villages in Cameroon
(Oreade-Breche 2011). This has generated con-
7.6  Current trends flicts between economic activities and between
7.6.1  Cultural dynamics people. For example, fishers from Nigeria tend
The lack of strong historical and spiritual-cul- to use larger boats with engines and larger nets,
tural links between local people and the Sana- and hence catch more fish than the local people
ga River, beyond the use of natural resources, is who rely on small canoes and angling or trap
likely one of the most significant obstacles to the methods; as a consequence, inter-ethnic conflicts
river protection. Basin economic development have increased. Networks also exist between for-
is considered by most stakeholders to be far eigners that promote the installation of newcom-
more important than environmental protection. ers at the expense of local ethnic groups.
Importantly, this is amplified by the mixing of The percentage of cultural diversity lost since
people of different ethnicities that is occurring, 1970 is estimated to be about 20%. This is due to
especially in the northern part of the catchment. the movement of many people from rural areas
The main ethnic groups of this region used to be to cities and abroad to look for greener pastures
the Képéré, Gbaya and Bobilis (Oreade-Breche over the years. Between 1976 and 2010, the pro-
2011). However, the total number, and the diver- portion of Cameroonian people living in cities
sity of ethnicities, of people living in the north- grew from 28.5 to 52.0% (Rapport National Hab-
ern Sanaga Basin has strongly increased over the itat III, 2015). Most of the local ethnic people it
last decades, from 360,000 inhabitants in 1976 hat were involved in the kinds of artisanal and
to around one million inhabitants in 2010 (MI- subsistence activities mentioned are nowadays
NEE 2006). At the same time, the local agricul- too elderly to be part of the labor force or are
ture practices have changed from subsistence deceased. Another reason for the loss of cultural
agriculture to uncontrolled and more extensive diversity from the basin was the limnic eruption
The Sanaga River, Central Africa 157

of Lake Monoun, which lies in the Oku Volca- in phytoplankton, replacement of diatoms with
nic Field in the northwest, on the 15th of August cyanobacteria, large-scale macrophytes blooms
1984. It resulted in the release of a large amount and water column deoxygenation) pose risks for
of carbon dioxide gas that led to the death of the survival of fish and other aquatic life. There
37 people (Global Water Partnership 2009). This is also a risk of cyanobacterial blooms, especial-
caused panic and many people fled from this ly in the warm waters (naturally typically above
part of the basin to other areas for safety, and 26°C), which may produce secondary metabo-
most of them did not return. In 2003, a venting lites that are toxic to humans and animals (Zeba-
pipe was inserted into Lake Monoun to degas it, ze Togouet 2011).
in an effort to prevent the disaster from recur- Another concern is the introduction of
ring (Olivry 1986). non-native species for aquaculture and reser-
voir fisheries, with potential negative impacts
7.6.3  Water resources on the indigenous fish fauna, as already report-
Access to safe potable water for domestic use has ed throughout most of inter-tropical Africa (Ca-
become a major challenge for African societies, nonico et al. 2005). There are two introduced
especially in the context of a growing global pop- fish species introduced some 70 years ago. Until
ulation. In Cameroon, less than 50% of the pop- now, however, there has been no documented
ulation has access to potable water (Nola et al. case of an invasion in the natural environment
1998). Consequently, many people use ground- (although this does not mean that exotics are ab-
water for their needs, but without taking into sent from the river).
account its quality (Nola et al. 1998). Therefore,
many people depend on various water sources 7.6.5  Sand extraction
of poor quality. Unsafe water is often contami- The high and growing demand for sand in
nated with fecal material, domestic and indus- Yaoundé has resulted in the intensification of
trial wastes. Bad quality drinking water is com- sand extraction at sites along the Sanaga River.
mon in Cameroon, even in the capital Yaoundé, Hydropower dams have already been reported
where the water is usually unsafe for human to affect the sediment flux in the lower Sanaga
consumption regardless of the source (private River (Ngoupayou et al. 2016). Rising sand ex-
standpipes, public taps, wells, or springs) (Ngu- traction may amplify such geomorphological
endo Yongsi 2010). To respond to rising urban change by increasing riverbed incision, as al-
water demands for Yaoundé, a major project ready observed in the Niger River (Ferry et al.
plan (Project PAEPYS) has been proposed to 2012). Consequences may include the deforesta-
provide 400,000 m3 d-1 from the Sanaga River by tion of riparian areas, reductions in species pop-
2020 (and which is 81% completed to date). ulations, and possibly the local disappearance of
Irrigation agriculture is still sparsely devel- animal and plant species, even if such cases have
oped and water consumption in this sector is not as yet been reported. Bank soil erosion and
highly likely to increase (Ministry of Water Re- water pollution are noticeable detrimental im-
sources and Energy 2006). Large areas of the ba- pacts associated with the engine waste oil (Eken-
sin experience natural drought during the dry goue et al. 2018).
season, likely amplified by climate change. Wa-
ter shortages are made worse by poor land man- 7.6.6  Hydropower production
agement and farming methods like irrigation. To increase the production of energy in Camer-
There are few industries located in the Sanaga oon, several hydropower dams have been con-
River, except the sugar industry. However, there structed on the Sanaga River (table 7.2). The first
exists the potential for increased agro-industrial one was built in the middle section of the river
development and river management of the Sana- near Edéa in 1954, with a generation capacity of
ga should take into account its implications for 264 megawatts (MW). The second and the big-
the future. gest was built at Song Loulou in 1988, 50 km up-
stream and generates 335 MW. The most recent
7.6.4  Fish farming dam was built at Lom Pangar in 2016, on the up-
Although 90% of the ponds used for aquaculture per river, generating 30 MW. At the same time,
are not connected directly to the river floodplain, large reservoirs were built at Mbakaou (1969),
they pose the risk of high volume nutrient in- Bamendjing (1974) and Mape (1981) for flow reg-
puts into the river system, significantly increas- ulation, water storage and flood control.
ing the potential for eutrophication (Nzieleu The negative impacts of such constructions
Tchapgnouo et al. 2012, Nhu et al. 2016). The were numerous. For instance, the Lom Pangar
consequences of eutrophication (e.g., increases Dam necessitated the clearing of 210 ha of for-
158 Zebaze Togouet, S.H. et al.

West African manatee. Photo: Eland Giant, with permis-

sion Fisherman. Photo: Narcisse Nyamsi Tchatcho

Hippopotamus. Photo: Christophe Piscart Sand fisherman. Photo: Christophe Piscart

Dwarf crocodile. Photo: Eland Giant, with permission Flooded savanna. Photo: Christophe Piscart

Fig. 7.5  Left column: iconic examples of biological diversity, right column: iconic examples of cultural diversity
The Sanaga River, Central Africa 159

Nachtigal Dam. Photo: World Bank, with permission

Cultural meet with pygmies. Photo: Christophe Piscart

Palm plantation near Edéa. Photo: Christophe Piscart

Lobe's Waterfalls near Kribi. Photo: Christophe Piscart

Wells for irrigation and drinking water near Edéa. Photo:

Water pollution. Photo: Christophe Piscart Christophe Piscart

Fig. 7.5 (continued)  Left column: iconic examples of threats, right column: iconic examples of sustainable management
160 Zebaze Togouet, S.H. et al.

est land (Banque Africaine de Développement change ecosystem functioning, with likely major
2011) and the embankment induced modifica- detrimental impacts on biodiversity, especially
tion of soil structure and increased erosion, that in the lower section of the river.
in turn increased the turbidity of the river wa- The hydropower reservoirs have also changed
ter downstream (Massabé 2016). The impacts human activities. A study conducted on the
of the dams on the aquatic ecosystems could be Lom-Pangar Reservoir highlighted an import-
attributed to changes in connectivity locally and ant change in the fish community with a strong
at the catchment scale (Ward and Stanford 1995). increase in biomass of some species within the
In areas of Africa where water temperatures are reservoir (Oreochromis sp., Tilapia, Labeo, Brycinus
naturally high, such as Cameroon, for instance, macrolepidotus, Hepsetus odeo, Lates niloticus, Hy-
the water temperature increases in reservoirs drocynus sp. and Heterobranchus longifilis) (Magnet
and promotes eutrophication (Zebaze Togou- and Pouomogne 2005). This increase in fisheries
et 2011) with reduced oxygen content down- productivity resulted in the development of more
stream (Nyamsi Tchatcho 2018). The alteration intensive fishing activity within the reservoir, but
to the pattern and timing of flows, the reduction a decrease in fish biomass downstream, associat-
in current velocity and the homogenization of ed with lowered instream nutrient levels. Con-
habitat are also likely to have had strong detri- sequently, the local population living along the
mental impacts on biodiversity (Dudgeon et al. downstream river reaches had to move upstream
2006), many as yet appearing undocumented in to fish or to change their cultural activities (pers.
the case of the Sanaga River. comm. with local authorities).
Large dams also generally induce forced re- Prior to 1970, the local population living near
settlement and its subsequent socio-economic the Sanaga River used mainly terrestrial resourc-
impacts. The displacement of the population es, with fishing dedicated to subsistence use and
always results in material losses, under-com- non-commercial/local income generation. How-
pensation and social disruption of local com- ever, the more recent intensive exploitation of
munities. For example, the construction of the aquatic resources (fish, water and sand) has led to
Bamendjin Dam in the Sanaga Basin immediate- immigration, strongly modifying the ethnic com-
ly affected over 307,757 people, forcefully dis- position of riparian inhabitants. This ethno-de-
placing about 8,582 inhabitants as 3,178 houses mographic mixing has resulted in deep cultural
were submerged. The adversely affected pop- change locally as the proportion of new ethnic
ulation increased over the years, despite the groups of different cultures increases. While in-
development of rice production and other agri- creasing the economic development of this poor
cultural activities, such as the growing of corn and isolated part of the country, it has tended to
and groundnuts. The majority of the population increase conflicts (as previously mentioned).
still lack clean drinking water, electricity and ag-
ricultural land (Mbih et al. 2014). Moreover, in
sub-Saharan Africa, dams contribute significant- 7.7  Management suggestions
ly to malaria risk, particularly in areas of unsta- As illustrated in the previous sections, the Sana-
ble transmission (Kibret et al. 2015), a concern ga River Basin is threatened by many human ac-
in the context of the water infrastructure of the tivities and suffers from the lack of an integrated
Sanaga Basin. river basin management plan. However, regard-
The continued increase in energy demand in less of this limitation and the high economic
Cameroon, where only 47% of people have ac- pressure on the basin, there remain interesting
cess to electricity, creates significant and mount- opportunities to mitigate anthropogenic impacts
ing pressure on its aquatic ecosystems. Camer- on its aquatic ecosystems.
oon has the third-highest hydropower potential The catchment still possesses very high biodi-
in sub-Saharan Africa after the Democratic Re- versity, with many emblematic species, as well
public of Congo and Ethiopia (International Hy- as exceptional natural scenery, such as water-
dropower Association 2019). In order to satisfy falls (fig. 7.5), all of which are part of the overall
70% of the power need of the country, the Cam- attraction of the basin. The presence of several
eroonian authorities have planned for the con- umbrella species, such as forest elephants, mon-
struction of seven new large dams on the Sanaga keys, hippopotamus and manatee in the national
River (including the ongoing Nachtigal project, parks of the Sanaga River Basin has resulted in
and the Grand Eweng project that has just start- the presence of many conservation NGOs and
ed). The construction of these dams will signifi- strong attention to wildlife conservation deci-
cantly change the flow regime and morpholog- sion-making. There is hence a high potential for
ical dynamics of the Sanaga River and deeply coming generations to generate revenue through
The Sanaga River, Central Africa 161

tourism, and even occasional wildlife sightings important in Cameroon where environmental
might encourage visitors to spend time in partic- water is critical to support basic human needs
ular areas. While the basin's dams have had clear and the multifaceted dependence of Indigenous
negative impacts on the aquatic environment, peoples on aquatic ecosystems, as well to main-
they have promotes an increase in infrastruc- tain biodiversity. A positive feature of the new
ture and the development of local towns with generation approaches to environmental water
electricity supply and roads. This has improved is the emergence of holistic frameworks (e.g.,
tourist access to isolated areas. The potential for decision support systems) that more directly
tourism is still underexploited (Massabé 2016) incorporate ecosystem services and the cultural
though, and supporting data are scarce. values important for local communities (Poff et
However, the growing water demands, com- al. 2017).
bined with droughts and changes in climatic pat-
terns, have produced increasingly widespread
water scarcity in many world regions (Kennen Acknowledgements
et al. 2018) and especially in Africa (Mahé et al. During manuscript preparation, R.E. Tharme was
2013). These problems are exacerbated by climate a LE STUDIUM fellow funded from the Europe-
change and the human drive to achieve water se- an Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation
curity under increasingly modified environmen- program under Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant
tal conditions and social-economic constraints agreement No. 665790.
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