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Local Government is simply and precisely the government at the local level.
It can also be defined as a system of devolution of power to the local authority to
provide services to the people. It is an autonomous or independent body created
by law and charged with the responsibility of administering and dealing with
matters of local importance within the area defined by that law. Today however,
the local government is constitutionally recognized as the third tier of
It has been observed that the way to have good and safe government is not
to trust it all to one, but to divide it among many where everyone is assigned
based on their competence and specialization. This is why local government as
the third tier of government is very important.
In recent times, local governments in Nigeria have been assigned specific
development roles by the constitution. But this should not be taken to suggest
that in the past local governments did not contribute to economic development.
For example, between 1955 and 1965, local governments were responsible for an
average of 12% of total public expenditure in the country.
A local government may be defined as government at the local level
established by law to perform specific function within defined areas. Local
government is vested with substantial powers to take control over local affairs. It
is the integration agent, indeed, the tendon that joins the rural people, their
problems, aspirations and progress, to the central government.

The expediency for the creation of local government anywhere in the world stems
from the need to facilitate development at the grassroots. An importance of local
government is a function of its ability to generate sense of belongingness, safety
and satisfaction among its populace.
All forms of government, regimes or political systems have so far ensured the
attainment of this goal. Such strategy for ensuring national administrative
development and political efficacy is found in the concept and practice of local
government. Whatever is the mode of government, local government has been
essentially regarded as the path to and guarantor of national integration,
administration and development.
In Nigeria's socio-political context, with multiplicity of culture, diversity of
languages and differentiated needs and means, the importance of such an
organization in fostering the needed national consciousness, unity and relative
uniformity as well as preservation of peculiar diversities cannot be over-
emphasized. Central to the creation of local government, however, is its ability to
facilitate an avenue through which government and the people intermix, relate
and more quickly than any other means resolve or dissolve issues that may have
heated the system. Local government has been perceived as a panacea for the
diverse problems of the diverse people with diverse culture.
As important as this tier of government has been, there seems to be some
impediments that have been infringing on its performance and functions in recent
times. These impediments range from political (undue interference of the higher
levels of government i.e. federal and state governments), bribery and corruption
to embezzlement and gross inadequacy of well-trained and qualified personnel to
name a few.

According to Nnoli (1981:36) and Rodney (1972:11), all people have shown a
capacity for independently increasing their ability to live more satisfactory life
than before. This is then a progressive process that has no end.
In addition to the above, the Nigerian Federal Government is one of the
few governments in the world perhaps in addition to Brazil (Erero, 1998) that
have elevated LGs to a third tier of government. By so doing, the State
governments do not exercise absolute controls over local governments.
Therefore, the work seeks to contribute in illuminating the actual status of
Ilaje local government as regard community or rural development which it
purports to be raison d’etre of its existence. The empirical analysis will show
whether creation of local government is really for the sake of ensuring grassroots
development or mere political compensation for the government loyalists.
It is in this light that we chose to study the topic; Specifically, the paper carefully,
critically and objectively examines operational definitions, local government, and
development and opinion of the people expressed
through the print media about the impact of the Ilaje local government council in
their areas.
And of course, germane recommendations which emanate from the study are
provided for the improvement of local government in the development of the

Local government authorities in Nigeria are faced with so many problems that
make them incapable of carrying out their functions effectively. However, there
are problems that will be itemized later, some of which have been addressed by
different administrations. The most prominent among them include the following:
a. Can embezzlement or misappropriation of funds by the official of the rural people
contribute to the development of the local government?
b. Can the inflow of the rural people to the urban centers because of lack of social
amenities bring about economic development in the local government?
c. How to carry the rural dwellers along with the modern trends of the system of
local government?
d. How to ensure full utilization of resources available to the local government?
e. Does the inadequacy of skilled workers affect the ability of the local government
to carry out rural development programs?


In order to achieve meaningful result from this research, the following questions
have been formulated as a guide to the research and shall be examined:
a. Does the performance of Ilaje local government as one of the Local Government
in Nigeria measure up to its legal responsibilities?
b. Does weak financial base, limits the capacity of Ilaje local government area to
meet its goal in development?
c. Does the inadequacy of skilled workers limit the growth of the local government?
d. Does morale among the staff of Ilaje local government area militates against the
realization of its economic development responsibilities?

The main objective of this study is to assess the performance of Ilaje local
government council in the area of rural development. However, the specific
objectives of the study are as follows:
a. To know the system of Local Government in Nigeria within the context of Ilaje
Local Government area.
b. To improve the weak financial base which limits the capacity of Ilaje Local
Government Area to meet its goals of development?
c. To see how Ilaje Local Government Area has helped in economic development.
Since it is the conviction of the Federal Government as emphasized in the
guidelines for the Local Government, the objective of this study is also based on
Federal Government Objectives.
The result of such an empirical research would place us in advantageous
position to inquire whether the Local Government has achieved any significant
level in its performance at the grassroots level of development. We will also look
into the problem(s) hindering such goal attainment.


The area to be covered by this research work is limited to Ilaje Local Government
of Ondo State.
The research intends to critically examine the system of the Local
Government in the area of its performance in development in the local area as
well as Ondo State at large.

This study has both theoretical and practical significance. Theoretically, the
study provides a theoretical framework for understanding the role a local
government plays in rural development in Nigeria.
On the practical significance, the study will draw attention of, and enlighten both
the stakeholders and those who implement policies on rural development in
Nigeria who may not really understand the central role of rural development on
the crucial and inescapable role of local government system.
The significance of this research is for its outcome to throw more light on
the system of Local Government and the problems facing Local Government
within the context of Ilaje Local Government Area and also:
a. To ascertain the usefulness of the performance and ascertain the solution to
these problems. We also hope that the result will be of interest to policy makers
on the country.
b. They are also intended to be beneficial to the residents and indigence of Ilaje
Local Government who are the target group of the development activities of the
Local Government, who may be ignorant of the problems facing the Local
c. Finally, a critical and careful study of this research work will further help disclose
the factors responsible for the poor performance in Ilaje Local Government and
possible ways of tackling such problems.

During the conduct of this research work, some factors poised as constraints to
the determined efforts made to carry out the research study in an appropriate
manner that it ought to have been carried out judging from its relevance to
management, such factors include:
a. Management Restriction: managements rarely allow access to information that is
deemed confidential in nature like the detailed information of an organization or
its corporate profile. As a result of these restrictions, the author was only able to
work with privileged information.
b. Time Constraint: Time is also another factor that acts as a hindrance in carrying
out this research study. This is as a result of the fact that other things were still
being attended to in the course of carrying out this research work.
c. Financial Constraint: money also acts as a problem in the conduct of the research
work. Traveling expenses were incurred in getting the materials for the research
work. Also incurred were cost for typing, distribution and other miscellaneous


It is pertinent to clarify the terminologies commonly used in the project work,
some of which are the following:

 Grassroots/Rural development: The term grassroots development as used

in this study refers to the act or process of developing and empowering the
well-being of the vast majority of the rural dwellers through the provision
of basic social and economic infrastructures.
Hence, it is a development from below. According to Todaro (1985),
grassroots development is an advancement that makes life more
meaningful in its entirety whether political, economic, socio-cultural and
 Rural Dwellers: Rural dwellers are the people living in the remote areas of a
country and lack basic infrastructure like good road network, pipe borne
water, electricity, good health facility etc. The term refers to the ordinary
people who are far from political decision making process at the centre.
These groups includes small scale farmers, tenants, etc who seek livelihood
in the rural areas.
 Democracy: The term democracy literally signifies the rule of the people:
the term democracy as it is used in the study synchronizes with Abraham
Lincoln’s definition of democracy. Gauba (1981:421) quoting Lincoln and it
reads: Democracy is the government of the people by the people and for
the people. It implies that ultimate authority of government is vested in the
common people so that the public policy is made to conform to the will of
the people and to serve the interests of the people.
From the foregoing, one can rightly say that democracy is all about
people’s participation in government–and local government. Therefore,
Democracy and local government are inseparable and are synonymous.
 Empirical Research: It is a type of research that is carried out in order to get
information about intending topics one is curious about.
 Cause: It means out the reason behind certain phenomenon or situation.
 Effects: this can be defined as the aftermath or result of a certain action. It
could be a positive effect or negative effect.

 Inadequate: It is a situation where there is an insufficient or inappropriate
amount of something in relation to another.
 Financial Capacity: It is the level of finance or amount of money available
for an organization, individual or government.
 Economic Development: this is an increase in the creativity as well as
productivity of an organization, state, or a country. Economic development
brings about the wealth of an area, state, or a country.
It can be defined as the full utilization of all the available resources in every
sector of a particular area, state, or country in such a way that will increase
the standard of living and economic growth of that area, state, or a

The local government is the closest tier of government to the people in Nigeria,
yet the resident population in it is often denied the benefits of its existence. The
failure of the local governments in the area of service delivery has made the
citizens to lose trust in government as an institution. In some areas, council
officials are better known for the harassment of citizens than service delivery.
Many Nigerians crave for change in the local government system as presently
constituted in order to not only bring it in conformity with present day realities
but also to make it live up to the expectations of the people who have been
yearning for grassroots development. But this will however require a lot of
processes like constitutional amendments and inputs from the civil society.
Local Government is one of man's oldest institutions. The earliest form of
Local governments existed in the form of clan and village meetings. In fact,
democracy itself originated and developed along the lines of local governance
initiatives in the ancient Greek city states.


The term 'Local Government' is seen variously from perspectives and schools of
thought. Local Government is a system of devolution of power to the local
authority to provide services of a 1961 nature.

Local Government is an autonomous or independent body created by law
and charged with the responsibility of administering and dealing with matters of
local importance within the area defined by the law. Obiukwu K. (1992:4).
Today however, the local government is constitutionally recognized as the
third tier of government. Crook, R. C. and J. Manor (1998).
Ene Awa, sees Local Government as a political authority set up by a nation
as a subordinate authority for the purpose of decentralizing political power.
Obiukwu K. (1992:4) sees Local Government as a subordinate political
authority or tier of government, which exercise jurisdiction on specific matters
and functions within a definite locality.
Odenigwe (1997:115-120) in his paper titled “Mobilizing The Citizens For
Commercial Development Under The New System Of Local Government” says that
Local Government system in Nigeria is the ultimate agency for mobilizing citizens
and material resources for rural economic development. He opined that with the
new system, Local Government is now in a better position to mobilize, direct, and
co-ordinate the effort of the people for the community development. He stated
that adequacy in quality of staff and enough financial resources should enhance
Local Government effectiveness in economic development. Odenigwe then
concluded with suggested schemes of assistance or encouragement to achieve
effective mobilization.
Uba (1984: 64-75) writing on “Local Government as a third tier of
Government”, contends that Local Government as a third tier of government has
performed below expectation in economic development in spite of the great
optimism that ushered in the new Local Government system in 1976. He
attributes the poor performance of Local Government in Nigeria to the country’s

development strategy which has been urban oriented. He laments that the
colonial image of Local Government as an instrument of exploitation has
continued to persist in Nigeria and this is manifested by the inability of Local
Government to improve the standard of living of the people in rural areas.


The local government system in Nigeria has experienced several reforms since the
early 1950s. During that period, the system was modernized and constituted on a
representative basis. Colonial local administration revolved around traditional
rulers, with the unit of local administration referred to as the native authority.
However, some success of this type of administration was noticeable in the
centralized emirates of the former Northern Nigeria.
The evolution of local government administration in the country must be seen in
the context of regionalism. The old regions of the East, West and North, as a
result of different levels of development traversed different paths to strengthen
their systems of local administration.
The 1976 reform represented a fundamental change in the development of
local government in Nigeria. For the first time, the country was given a common,
single-tier structure of local government in place of the different structures of
various states.
The 1979 constitution empowered the National Assembly to determine
what proportion of the federation account and a state’s revenue should be
allocated to local governments. In 1981, the National Assembly fixed these
proportions at 10% of the federation account and 10% of the total revenue of the
state. In 1985, the States’ proportion was reduced to 10% of internal revenue.
Local government’s allocation from the federation account was later amended to
20%. At present, statutory allocation to local governments stands at 25% of the
federation account, reflecting the larger development role local governments are
expected to play.
These changes were due to the 1976 local government reforms, which also
stated that the internal revenue sources of local governments would include:
 Rates; which include property rates, education rates and street lighting
 Taxes such as community, flat rate and poll tax
 Fines and fees; which include court fines and fees, motor park fees, forest
fees, public advertisement fees, market fees, regulated premises fees,
registration of births and deaths and licensing fees e.t.c.
 Miscellaneous resources such as rents on council estates, royalties,
interests on investments and proceeds from commercial activities.
The clear definition of revenue sources was to avoid the usual violation
on local government sources of revenue by the state.


The following are some of reasons for the creation of local government:
1. Grassroots Democracy: modern governments are based on the principles of
Democracy, which is simply defines as ‘Government of the people and for the
people’. For the operation of this principle to be real, the people must be
adequately represented and involved in the Government; this is made possible
through local government.
2. Economic Development: local Government is created because they help in the
realization of economic development by catering for local interests.

Matters of local importance which would have been otherwise ignored by the
central Government are now taken care of through local government.
3. Political Participation: through local government the local people are involved
in the making of policies which affect them, and the people participate in the
economic, social development of their area.
4. Political education and training: local government not only facilitates the
exercise of democratic self-government but also encourages initiatives and
leadership; the electorates are educated on the principles and working of
Democracy. The people so elected also gradually learn to initiate policies for the
welfare of the people. In this way local government serve as training ground for
future national leaders.
5. Rural Development: this was stressed by Adebeji (1997:89), in this inaugural
lecture at Almadu Bello University, Zaria when he stated inter-alia, of the three
tier of government, federal, state and local government provides the greatest
scope for grassroots development… “Because it touches the lives of the most
In summary, the following are the purpose for the creation of Local
Governments: To bring governance closer to the people Participation by the
citizens in governance is one of the underlying precepts of democracy and
modern day notion of government. Local Governments served as avenues
through which the people participate in governance. This is done through
participation in the electoral processes and decision making in the local
communities. The Local Governments also serve as political incubators for
budding politicians. It affords future leaders the opportunity to undergo political

The functions of local government authority may vary according to the powers
conferred on it by the law creating it.
The main functions of local government council in Nigeria as outline in the
fourth schedule of the 1979 constitution include the following:
1. The consideration and making of recommendation to a state commission or any
similar body on the economic development of the state, especially those affecting
the local government in particular and the state in general.
2. Collection of rate, radio and T.V licenses
3. Establishment and maintenance of cemeteries, burial grounds and homes for the
destitute or infirm.
4. Licensing of bicycles, trucks, canoes, wheel barrows and cart.
5. Establishment, maintenance and regulation of markets, motor parks and public
conveniences of recreational centers.


1. Financial problem: An inadequate fund is one of the major problems facing local
government authorities. Grants from both the Federal and State governments
tend to be inadequate compared to the numerous functions they are meant to
perform. The most unfortunate aspect of this problem is that many of these
councils are not in a position to generate enough revenue internally.
2. Embezzlement: the financials of local governments are exacerbated by high rate
of embezzlement and misappropriation of funds. The corrupt officials of these
councils divert money meant for projects to their personal purses.

3. Shortage of Well Trained Personnel: shortage of well trained administrative,
technical and professional personnel renders local governments ineffective and
inefficient in the performance of their constitutional functions.
4. Political Interference: frequent and unnecessary political interference from state
government is one of the constant problems facing Local Government authority.


The Ilajes are a distinguished, distinct linguistic group of the Yoruba stalk made up
of four geo-political entities namely Ugbo, Mahin, Etikan and Aheri.
They were said to have left ILE-IFE their original ancestral home/settlement
in the 10th century. They mainly occupy the Atlantic coastline of Ondo State of
Nigeria while a large population of them settles on land in the hinterland. The
area they occupy today remains the Ondo State of Nigeria only outlet to the sea.
The natural environment of Ilajeland is particularly suitable for the
development of large scale Rice plantation and Salt industry.
The occupational activities of the Ilajes include fishing, canoe making,
lumbering net making, mat making, Launch building, farming and trading.
Igbokoda, the Ilaje local government headquarters is fast becoming an
international trade center as it popular market attracts traders not only from
other part of Nigeria, but, also from other African countries.

The following explains the system of Local Government within the context
of Ilaje Local Government, and apart from the basic functions of a Local
Government, Ilaje Local Government Area has played the following roles through
its performance in development activities of its area as well as in Nigeria:
1. Formulation of economic planning and development schemes for the local
government Area.
2. Collection of radio and television licenses.
3. Establishment and maintenance of cemeteries or burial grounds and homes for
the destitute or infirm.
4. Establishment, maintenance and regulation of slaughter houses, slaughter slabs,
markets and motor parks.
5. Construction and maintenance of roads, streets, street lighting, drains, parks,
gardens, open spaces, or such public facilities as may be prescribed from time to
time by Ondo State House of Assembly.
6. Naming of roads, streets and numbering of houses.
7. Provision and maintenance of public conveniences, sewage and refuse disposal
8. Registration of all births, deaths and marriages.
9. Assessment of privately owned houses or tenements for the purpose of levying
such rates as may be prescribed by Ondo State House of Assembly.
10. Control and regulation of outdoor advertising, hoarding, shops and kiosks.
11. Participation in the provision and maintenance of primary, adult and vocational
education; and the development of agriculture and natural resources aside the
exploitation of minerals.
12. Provision and maintenance of health services.


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