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A Comparison of 3% Hypertonic Saline and Mannitol

for Brain Relaxation During Elective Supratentorial

Brain Tumor Surgery
Ching-Tang Wu, MD,* Liang-Chih Chen, MD,† Chang-Po Kuo, MD,* Da-Tong Ju, MD,‡
Cecil O. Borel, MD,§ Chen-Hwan Cherng, MD, DMSC,* and Chih-Shung Wong, MD, PhD*

BACKGROUND: In this study, we compared the effects of 3% hypertonic saline (HTS) and 20%
mannitol on brain relaxation during supratentorial brain tumor surgery, intensive care unit (ICU)
stays, and hospital days.
METHODS: This prospective, randomized, and double-blind study included patients who were
selected for elective craniotomy for supratentorial brain tumors. Patients received either 160 mL
of 3% HTS (HTS group, n ⫽ 122) or 150 mL of 20% mannitol infusion (M group, n ⫽ 116) for 5
minutes at the start of scalp incision. The PCO2 in arterial blood was maintained within 35 to 40
mm Hg, arterial blood pressure was controlled within baseline values ⫾20%, and positive fluid
balance was maintained intraoperatively at a rate of 2 mL/kg/h. Outcome measures included
fluid input, urine output, arterial blood gases, serum sodium concentration, ICU stays, and
hospital days. Surgeons assessed the condition of the brain as “tight,” “adequate,” or “soft”
immediately after opening the dura.
RESULTS: Brain relaxation conditions in the HTS group (soft/adequate/tight, n ⫽ 58/43/21)
were better than those observed in the M group (soft/adequate/tight, n ⫽ 39/42/35; P ⫽ 0.02).
The levels of serum sodium were higher in the HTS group compared with the M group over time
(P ⬍ 0.001). The average urine output in the M group (707 mL) was higher than it was in the HTS
group (596 mL) (P ⬍ 0.001). There were no significant differences in fluid input, ICU stays, and
hospital days between the 2 groups.
CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that HTS provided better brain relaxation than did mannitol
during elective supratentorial brain tumor surgery, whereas it did not affect ICU stays or hospital
days. (Anesth Analg 2010;110:903–7)

H ypertonic saline (HTS) and mannitol are used to

treat intracranial hypertension.1–5 Several prospec-
tive clinical trials that compared the effects of HTS
and mannitol on intracranial pressure (ICP) suggest that
After obtaining the approval of the IRB of the National
Defense Medical Center (Taipei, Taiwan) and written in-
formed consent from patients, we performed a power
HTS is at least as effective as, if not better than, mannitol in calculation to determine the ideal sample size before initia-
the treatment of increased ICP.6 –12 However, most studies tion of the study. A minimum of 106 patients was required
included various brain pathologies, and the protocols of in each group to detect a decrease in the incidence of
administration of HTS or mannitol and the osmolar load of tight-brain condition from 36% to 18%, with a power of 80%
the compounds varied among these reports. and a confidence interval of 95%. To compensate for
The purpose of our study was to compare the effects of potential dropouts, we enrolled a minimum of 116 patients
the application of an equiosmolar bolus of HTS with those in each group. Two hundred thirty-eight patients who were
scheduled to undergo elective craniotomy for supratento-
of mannitol on intraoperative brain relaxation (as the
rial brain tumors were enrolled in this prospective, ran-
primary outcome) and intensive care unit (ICU) stays and
domized, and double-blind study. The data were collected
hospital days (as the secondary outcomes) in patients
between January 2005 and January 2009. Exclusion criteria
undergoing elective craniotomy for supratentorial brain
were age ⬍18 years, Glasgow Coma Scale score ⬍13, ASA
tumors. physical status IV–V, signs of increased ICP, perioperative
hypo- or hypernatremia (serum sodium ⬍135 or ⬎150
mEq/L, respectively), history of treatment with any
From the *Department of Anesthesiology, Tri-Service General Hospital, hyperosmotic fluids (HTS or mannitol) within the 24
National Defense Medical Center, Taipei; †Division of Anesthesiology,
Kaohsiung Armed Forces General Hospital, Kaohsiung; ‡Department of hours preceding the surgery, and history of congestive
Neurosurgery, Tri-Service General Hospital, National Defense Medical heart failure or severe renal function impairment. All
Center, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China; and §Department of Anesthesi-
ology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina.
patients received 10 mg dexamethasone IV every 6 hours
Accepted for publication November 8, 2009.
for 48 hours before brain tumor resection. After random-
Supported by grants from the Department of Health (DOH95-PA-1053B) of
ization using sealed envelopes, patients were assigned to
Taiwan, Republic of China. receive IV administration of equiosmolar hyperosmotic
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. Ching-Tang Wu, fluids, either 160 mL of 3% HTS (HTS group) or 150 mL
Department of Anesthesiology, Tri-Service General Hospital, National De- of 20% mannitol (M group) for 5 minutes using an
fense Medical Center, # 325, Section 2, Chenggung Rd., Neihu 114, Taipei,
Taiwan. Address e-mail to wuchingtang@msn.com. infusion pump and a central line at the time of scalp
Copyright © 2010 International Anesthesia Research Society incision. The surgeons and anesthesiologists were
DOI: 10.1213/ANE.0b013e3181cb3f8b blinded to the identity of the agents under study.

March 2010 • Volume 110 • Number 3 www.anesthesia-analgesia.org 903

Hypertonic Saline and Brain Relaxation

Anesthetic Management
General anesthesia was induced with 2% lidocaine (1.5 Table 1. Patient Characteristics
mg/kg), fentanyl (2 ␮g/kg), propofol (2 mg/kg), and Group HTS Group M
(n ⴝ 122) (n ⴝ 116) P
rocuronium (0.6 mg/kg) using a peripheral IV line. In
Age (y) 56 (18–80) 54 (18–80) 0.23
addition to standard monitoring, we placed a radial arterial Male/female 56/66 56/60 0.82
line, a central venous pressure (CVP) catheter, and a Height (cm) 162 (144–182) 162 (145–185) 0.67
train-of-four stimulator. Anesthetic maintenance included Weight (kg) 57.9 (43–78) 58.7 (42–76) 0.80
1% sevoflurane in oxygen combined with IV infusion of ASA physical status 26/96 28/88 0.54
propofol (dose range, 3– 4 mg/kg/h) and an IV bolus of II/III
fentanyl or cisatracurium, if necessary, which were admin- Data are presented as median and range.
istered at the attending anesthesiologist’s discretion. ETco2 HTS ⫽ hypertonic saline; M ⫽ mannitol.

monitors were calibrated preoperatively and deviation

values between Pco2 in arterial blood (Paco2) and ETco2 variance was used for the comparison of changes in serum
were recorded. We adjusted Paco2 between 35 and 40 mm sodium over time between the groups. P ⬍ 0.05 was
Hg according to the values of ETco2. Heart rate and arterial considered significant.
blood pressure (ABP) values were kept within baseline
values ⫾20% using fentanyl and labetalol and by adjusting RESULTS
the dosage of propofol. Although a CVP catheter was There were no significant differences between the 2 groups
placed in each patient, we managed the fluid input accord- regarding age, sex, severity of illness, anesthetic time, and
ing mainly to urine output (i.e., 100 mL urine output using operation time (Tables 1 and 2). The hemodynamics, Paco2,
100 mL of 0.9% saline or Ringer solution supplement). A ETco2, and CVP levels were not significantly different
positive fluid balance was maintained at a rate of 2 between the groups (data not shown). The number of brain
mL/kg/h, in addition to replacement of urine output conditions classified as soft, adequate, and tight in the HTS
with 0.9% saline or Ringer solution, in turn, throughout group was 58, 43, and 21, respectively, whereas it was 39,
the procedure. Blood loss was compensated using 10% 42, and 35, respectively, in the M group. Brain relaxation
pentastarch at the ratio of 1:1. The criteria for the was significantly better in the HTS group compared with
performance of blood transfusion were hemoglobin ⬍10 the M group (P ⫽ 0.02). Twenty-one patients in the HTS
mg/dL or the presence of other clinical indications. group and 35 patients in the M group required the admin-
istration of additional fluids for brain relaxation (P ⫽ 0.02)
Estimation of Dural Tension and (Table 2). There was no significant difference of additional
Cerebral Swelling hyperventilation (Paco2 maintained within 30 –35 mm Hg)
Surgeons blinded to the anesthetic techniques assessed the between the 2 groups (8 vs 15; P ⫽ 0.13) (Table 2).
degree of brain relaxation using a 3-point scale of “tight” Compared with mannitol, HTS caused an increase in serum
(1), “adequate” (2), and “soft” (3) immediately after open- sodium concentration over time (P ⬍ 0.001, Fig. 1). Urine
ing the dura. In cases in which surgeons were not satisfied output was higher in the M group (707 mL; range, 560 –1100
with the degree of brain relaxation after surgical appraisal, mL) compared with the HTS group (596 mL; range,
another bolus of the study fluid was administered, unless 350 –980 mL; P ⬍ 0.001). There were no significant differ-
contraindicated, and, if necessary, hyperventilation was ences in fluid input before opening of the dura, total fluid
initiated to maintain Paco2 values between 30 and 35 mm input, ICU stays, and hospital days between the 2 groups
Hg. All patients were tracheally extubated when fully (Table 2).
awake and were then transferred to the neurologic ICU.
The time to transfer to a general ward and discharge were DISCUSSION
decided by the attending neurologist, who was also blinded In our randomized study, we demonstrated that (1) 3%
to the study. HTS provided a more satisfactory brain relaxation than did
The variables measured included (1) amount of study mannitol; (2) 3% HTS was associated with a significantly
agent administered, (2) perioperative fluid input and urine higher level of serum sodium compared with mannitol; (3)
output, (3) hourly recording of laboratory data, including compared with 3% HTS, mannitol had a more prominent
blood gases and serum sodium concentration, and (4) ICU diuretic effect; and (4) ICU stays and hospital days were
stays and hospital days. similar between the 2 groups after elective supratentorial
brain tumor surgery.
Statistical Analyses The physical effects of HTS and mannitol on the brain of
Data are presented as the mean ⫾ sd or as the median with patients with normal ICP have been investigated.11,13
ranges. One-way analysis of variance with repeated mea- Gemma et al.11 and De Vivo et al.13 reported that HTS and
sures and paired Student t test were used for the analysis of mannitol both provided satisfactory brain relaxation in
data within each group (fluid input, urine output, blood patients undergoing elective craniotomy. These 2 study
loss, and hospital days). Differences between the HTS and populations with normal ICP were similar to ours; how-
M groups were analyzed using a ␹2 test (demographic ever, different neurosurgical procedures were involved and
variables), a Mann-Whitney U test (brain relaxation scores), nonequiosmolar HTS or mannitol was delivered.
and an unpaired Student t test with Bonferroni correction Administration of HTS or mannitol increases serum
for multiple measurements (fluid input, urine output, sodium concentration or osmolality and decreases ICP and
blood loss, and hospital days). A multivariate analysis of brain water content in noninjured brain areas, as shown in

904 www.anesthesia-analgesia.org ANESTHESIA & ANALGESIA

Table 2. Surgical and Anesthetic Data
Group HTS (n ⴝ 122) Group M (n ⴝ 116) P
Brain condition (soft/adequate/tight) 58/43/21 39/42/35 0.02
Anesthetic time (min) 299 (168–696) 286 (196–554) 0.19
Operation time (min) 268 (150–656) 257 (149–520) 0.29
Fluid input before opening of the dural (mL) 395 ⫾ 48 384 ⫾ 49 0.1
0.9% Saline 235 ⫾ 48 234 ⫾ 49 0.97
10% Pentastarch 0 0 1
PRBC 0 0 1
3% Saline 160 0
Mannitol 0 150
Total fluids input (mL) 1294 ⫾ 189 1314 ⫾ 166 0.4
0.9% Saline 438 ⫾ 70 442 ⫾ 79 0.66
Ringer’s solution 361 ⫾ 85 362 ⫾ 91 0.88
10% Pentastarch 293 ⫾ 100 300 ⫾ 85 0.55
PRBC 0 (0–150) 0 (0–150) 0.88
3% Saline 160 (160–320) 0
Mannitol 0 150 (150–300)
Total urine output (mL) 596 (350–980) 707 (560–1100) ⬍0.001
Number of patients required additional doses of 3% 21 35 0.02
saline or mannitol (n)
Number of patients required additional 8 15 0.13
hyperventilation (n)
ICU stays (d) 1 (1–3) 1 (1–3) 0.71
Hospital days (d) 6 (5–8) 6 (5–8) 0.86
Data are presented as number, median (range), or mean (SD). Brain condition was subjectively evaluated by the neurosurgeon.
HTS ⫽ hypertonic saline; M ⫽ mannitol; PRBC ⫽ packed red blood cell; ICU ⫽ intensive care unit.

0 means an ideally permeable solute. HTS may present a

theoretical advantage over mannitol because sodium has a
higher osmotic RC than does mannitol (1.0 vs 0.9). A lower
solute leakage may evoke a greater increase in serum
osmolality, and a higher transendothelial osmotic gradient
in the vascular compartment may lead to increased brain
water extraction into the intravascular space. In addition, a
lower RC contributes to lower incidence of rebound cere-
bral edema. In this regard, our data revealed a more
effective brain-bulk reduction associated with HTS versus
mannitol, which is consistent with the classic theory of
hyperosmotic therapy.
Our study showed that 3% HTS was associated with
significantly higher levels of serum sodium and a de-
creased diuretic effect compared with mannitol, which is
compatible with the results of Rozet et al.12 The increase in
serum sodium stimulates the release of antidiuretic hor-
Figure 1. Sodium (Na) concentration in arterial blood. Hypertonic mones, leading to the absorption of free water from the
saline (HTS) administration caused an increase in serum Na concen- kidney,18 which may explain the lower diuretic effect of
tration at points 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 compared with the baseline HTS compared with mannitol. In addition, Rozet et al.12
(point ⫺1) and mannitol (#P ⬍ 0.001). In the presence of mannitol,
reported that mannitol had a more prominent diuretic
Na concentration decreased at points 0, 1, and 2 compared with
point ⫺1 (*P ⬍ 0.001). Point ⫺1 indicates the onset of hyperos- effect and a less positive or even negative fluid balance,
motic solution infusion; point 0 indicates the time of dural opening; which was associated with an increase in blood lactate over
point 1 indicates 1 hour after the end of the infusion; points 2, 3, time, whereas no changes in blood lactate were observed
and 4 indicate 2, 3, and 4 hours after the end of the infusion; and after HTS administration. The negative fluid balance in-
point 5 indicates the end of surgery. M ⫽ mannitol.
duced by mannitol suggests that the increase in lactate
concentration may be secondary to effective hypovolemia.
human and animal studies.1– 4,14 –17 The principal mecha- Because hypovolemia is considered detrimental after brain
nism underlying these effects is the induction of a water injury, HTS solutions have gained renewed interest and,
shift from brain tissues to the intravascular space by the recently, are administered more frequently in neurocriti-
hyperosmolarity of HTS and mannitol because the blood- cally ill patients.19 –25
brain barrier (BBB) is impermeable to sodium and manni- Together with the hyperosmotic mechanism, the im-
tol. The effectiveness of the hyperosmolar solute depends proved blood rheology with shrinkage of erythrocytes, the
on its “reflection coefficient” (RC), which determines the decreased cerebrospinal fluid production, and the antiin-
relative impermeability of an intact BBB to the solute. An flammatory and other lesser properties associated with
RC of 1 means an absolutely impermeable solute and an RC of both HTS and mannitol are believed to play a role in their

March 2010 • Volume 110 • Number 3 www.anesthesia-analgesia.org 905

Hypertonic Saline and Brain Relaxation

therapeutic action on healthy and injured brains.23,26 How- HTS solutions have evolved as an alternative to manni-
ever, it has become popular to view HTS as having some tol or may be used to manage otherwise refractory intra-
advantages over mannitol. Oddo et al.27 examined the cranial hypertension. Caution is advised for high osmolar
effects of mannitol (25%, 0.75 g/kg) and HTS (7.5%, 250 fluid loads because they are associated with an increased
mL) on brain tissue oxygen tension in 12 patients with risk of the potentially deleterious consequences of hyper-
refractory intracranial hypertension. They showed that if natremia or may induce osmotic BBB opening, with pos-
these patients exhibited a poor response to previous man- sible harmful extravasation of the hypertonic solution into
nitol treatment, the administration of 7.5% HTS as the the brain tissue.32 However, if administered via an appro-
second-tier therapy was associated with a significant in- priate route and at an appropriate dose, it is no more
crease in brain oxygenation and improved cerebral and dangerous than other similar drugs, including mannitol.
systemic hemodynamics. Heimann et al.28 showed HTS Therefore, randomized outcome trials comparing mannitol
improved cerebral blood flow and reduced the area of with HTS in various subpopulations of patients with neu-
infarction by using a laser Doppler approach in a rat rologic injury would provide valuable information and a
cerebral ischemia model. Moreover, Taylor et al.29 used a basis for the establishment of the most adequate clinical
near-infrared spectrophotometer to show that cerebral ox- applications.
ygenation was restored more rapidly in the HTS-treated To the best of our knowledge, this is the largest prospec-
group in a pediatric animal model of head injury and tive, double-blind, randomized human study performed to
hemorrhagic shock. The comparison of HTS and mannitol date that demonstrates the differential effects of HTS and
revealed that the former seems to favor ICP reduction, mannitol on intraoperative brain relaxation. This study is
brain circulation, cerebral oxygenation, and hemodynamic also unique for using a design that correlates drug admin-
istration with ICU stays and hospital days. We think that
stability. In addition, HTS was associated with more pro-
this study design provides an opportunity to test the effect
nounced increase in osmolarity30 and decrease in ICP,30,31
of equiosmolar 3% HTS and 20% mannitol on brain relax-
which improve brain swelling and cerebral perfusion and
ation under a uniform type of intracranial surgery. Within
attenuate the progression of secondary brain injury. There-
the limitations of this study, these data allowed us to
fore, it was reasonable to presume that the HTS group
conclude that equiosmolar 3% HTS provided more satis-
would exhibit improved outcomes. However, we did not
factory brain relaxation (compared with 20% mannitol)
detect any significant differences in ICU stays and hospital
during elective supratentorial brain tumor surgery.
days between the 2 groups.
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