4 - Outline - Testosterone Boosting Foods

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Foods that boost testosterone

Title (H1):
21 Foods That Boost Testosterone | The Ultimate Guide

Meta Title/Description:
21 Foods That Boost Testosterone [Update • 2022] Ultimate Guide

Curious what foods boost testosterone levels? Inside this detailed guide, we’ll break down 21
foods you MUST eat in your quest for high-T.

Word Count:

Main Keyword:
Foods that boost testosterone

Other Keywords:
Use 1-3X per article, no need to force or stuff. Must be natural, many will be in H2 headlines…

Testosterone boosting foods

Foods that increase testosterone
What foods increase testosterone
What foods boost testosterone
Testosterone and food
Testosterone food



2-3 short paragraphs, 80-120 words.

First sentences…

“Are there foods that boost testosterone?

Absolutely! Which is why we put this guide together. To give you all the information you
need to eat your way to high-T.”

H2: What is Testosterone?

2-3 paragraphs, 200 words.

Breakdown what testosterone is and why it matters. Bullet points on benefits of normal
to high T.

Lots of research studies.

H2: Why Testosterone Levels Matter?

2-3 paragraphs, 200 words.

Why it matters. Bullet points on benefits of normal to high T.

Lots of research studies.

H2: 21 Testosterone Boosting Foods | Ultimate Guide

1,000 words. Main section.

Quick intro then…

40-60 words on each of the best testosterone boosting foods.

Lots of studies.

H2: Free Testosterone Levels vs. Total Testosterone

300-400 words.

Briefly compare free and total t. Breakdown the normal free testosterone levels with
bullet points.

Use studies.

(we will write a full article on this, so brief here.)

H2: How to Increase Testosterone Levels Naturally

3-4 paragraphs, 250 words. Short.

Detail other natural ways to increase testosterone: losing weight, exercising, lifting
weights, having sex.

One natural test booster product.

H2: How to Increase Testosterone Levels with TRT

3-4 paragraphs, 200 words.

Detail what is testosterone replacement therapy, who may consider testosterone

replacement therapy, etc.

Beginners guide to TRT essentially.

H2: The BEST Online TRT Clinic

3-4 paragraphs, 300 words.

Detail what an online TRT is, how an online TRT clinic works, and use bullet points
about the benefits of online TRT clinics.
[Insert info about our recommend online TRT clinic]

H2: Testosterone and Food | Overall

2-3 paragraphs, 100-150 words.

Conclusion. Overview of the whole article, claim that foods play a huge role in
testosterone levels. Especially for overweight individuals.

H2: References

20-30+ medical references per article sourced and structured like this:

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